Days of Our Lives - Friday, Aug. 30, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, Aug. 30, 2013

Kristen is quite taken aback by Brady's proposal, but after a small bit of hesitation, she says yes. The happy couple decide to tell everyone right away, not hide it. Brady will go tell Eric right now.
At the rectory, Nicole is knocking on Eric's door, calling to him. He has just woken with a start, having had his "dream" again. (Frankly, I am tired of seeing that footage, they sure have gotten a lot of mileage from it.) He won't open the door, is fine, will see her downstairs. He comes down, dressed, all business, looking thru files and papers, etc. In comes Brady with his news about Kristen.. Nicole guesses what it is, is yelling, no, no, no, you will not. Eric is clueless, until Brady finally announces that he has asked Kristen to marry him.

Victor & Marlena meet again, more conversation about getting Kristen's claws out of Brady's back. Marlena has told Vic about overhearing Kristen talk of having had an affair, Brady not knowing. They figure she must have been talking to Jennifer. Marlena gets an idea, will fill Vic in later, takes off. She meets up with Roman, asking him to get her Kristen's phone records for the past two weeks. He refuses, just cannot break the law, even for her. She shrugs, was worth a try. Tis o.k. He leaves, she soon follows.

Will & Sonny talk about giving Nick a 2nd chance. That they cannot forget what he has done, don't like him holding Arianna, but if the guy is trying to turn his life around, it is hard when no one will give him a chance. Sonny agrees, promises to do try. Gabi & Nick are in the square, he is helping her with homework, she has to leave for Arianna. Nick says something, then realizes Will did not like that he was holding the baby.
Later on, Sonny is making amends with Gabi, they even talk and laugh a bit about him delivering her baby. And over at the club, Will is talking with Nick, telling him very nicely, that he understands Nick is trying to change, get better, that what happened in prison was horrible for him. But that he cannot forget what Nick did to him, and how mad he was at himself, for allowing Nick to blackmail him. He mentions how they all nearly got killed, Will, Sonny, Gabi, Nick, and especially Arianna. Nick doesn't really say too much, as Will admits that while he believes Nick should have a chance, that he just cannot bring himself to do so, and that he does not like seeing Nick holding his baby.
Back at the apt. Gabi & Sonny are getting along great, all is well, they are laughing and joking. Arianna has fallen asleep. Gabi takes her to her room, asking about her blue bunny. Sonny has not seen it, isn't in her bed. She says they'd better find it, because if Arianna doesn't see it when she wakes up, she will be upset. She goes off to the baby's room, Sonny is looking behind cushion on the sofa, under the seats, and finally under the sofa itself. He finds something, staring at it. A condom wrapper. Gabi comes out, both are just looking at each other.

And now over to the jail, where Samanther is trying to explain to EJ about the deal, how she is to give them Stefano. He reminds her she has nothing, she says he has to give her something. EJ is very angry, she is pleading, begging. He actually turns his back on her at one point. She says she would have to give them something then on EJ himself, he explodes, rants about prison time for him. She pleads about being in prison herself, begs for something, anything, small, Ej can wiggle out of it, give them something on his father, and his father will be in prison, and out of their lives. Ej is really very cruel to her, she is pleading with him, talking of her children, of loving him, reaching her hand out to him thru the bars, and he ignores her. (Did not like these scenes at all. Sami is groveling, EJ is standing away, letting her, with nothing, nothing at all. He asks her what the deal was, she explains about the 5 years, explains how the lst deal was a lousy one. Etc. Etc. He is cold, distant, scolding her. asking how many years she thinks he would be in prison, insisting that his name is DiMera, they want him behind bars. He slyly notes that Sami cannot even give them EJ as she has nothing to give them. She says she knows all his business stuff, mentioning places, Belize, Cyprus, China. But he has excuses for all and everything is legal.
In comes Ms. Trask, with her paperwork. She wants EJ to leave, but he is "consulting" with his client. Now she tells Sami that the clock is ticking, make up her mind, and Sami tells her to shove it. Ms. Trask informs her that those pics of her children will soon be all she has left and walks out.

Sami gets an idea, talks of Bernardi being dirty, they know he was. EJ says they have no proof that Stefano hired the guy. She mentions "manufacturing" something, since they know he was dirty. EJ flashes back to how Acct. Stoller told him about how the FBI possibly, with their resources, be able to tell the deposits were made after Bernardi's death. Aloud, EJ nixes Sami's idea, saying if it came out somehow, she would definitely be considered guilty. Her face falls, lousy idea, glad we work together, and talk things out. (still living in her fantasy world).
EJ assures her he will do everything possibly within his power to free her.

Kristen is at home, mumbling about Harold never answering the door, as she goes to open it. There stands Marlena. EJ is not here, says Kristen. Marlena walks past her, into the study. That's good, as I am here to see you.
Brady takes a cue from Beyonce... He puts a "Ring On It"!

Brady's entire storyline hinges on him being a complete and total idiot!

Sami's screaming/squalling again and my ears are bleeding..Make it STOP!

EJ tells Sami she got no proof of crimes against him. She says he kidnapped Sydney! Ej should remind her of the "Video Confession" of the attempted murder on his life!

Best scene of Today Episode is the last one: Kristen mutters/annoys that she has to answer the door herself, “Harold, you should just retire!
Sami once again groveling to EJ :rolleyes:. She tells him she can't spend the rest of her life in prison and he says "and I can?" - well yeah! Let's be honest board members, Sami wouldn't have even considered a deal if it were Lucas or Rafe she had to turn on. EJ would be a complete jerk to not have doubts about Sami's loyalty to him after this. She was minutes from sending him up the river in all his british glory. It's days like this that I can actually tolerate this couple because we get to see how contrived this relationship is. Sami actually mentioned turning him in for Sydney's kidnapping. I can't say I blame her though for doubting EJ's ability. Afterall he somehow managed to never serve a day behind bars for all he's done, but she's been a guest of the Salem PD for a month now, waiting on him to save her.

edited to replace word....JS
EJ exploding with anger, scolding Sami, acting cold and distant, thinking only of himself, and reminding her that she has absolutely nothing on him. EJ changed? -- good grief -- if anything, he's worse than ever. In fact, he makes barracuda Melinda Trask look like a cuddly little pussycat. As for Marlena and Victor getting Kristen's claws out of Brady's back, if only it were so simple. Poor clueless Brady has more than claws in his back -- he's taken the bait and has a big nasty barbed DiMera hook lodged firmly in his mouth.
@lil0.........Because of the closed trial, Sami was concerned that EJ would not be able to be there with her. Justin named him he gets to sit there.

Sami should not want him any where near her. Just a reminder to the jury how she cohabits with dogs, so probably has fleas.
Oh, goodness, a condom wrapper! That's right, Sonny, Gabi is not a virgin.
Seriously, though, why the look? Why do Sonny and Will get to judge Gabi's sex life, even if it is with Nick?

Can someone remind me, does Will understand that his mother is going to prison in order to protect him for shooting EJ? Actually, I am not even sure if that is correct. That was the shooting that Lucas took the blame for, right? (And so they can't divulge that Stefano hired Bernardi to steal the police file that would incriminate Will.)
In a round about way: this all started because Nick was blackmailing Will over shooting EJ (and Lucas taking the blame), Sami and Will cozying up to Stefano to have the files stolen from the evidence room, Sami trying to get the files from Bernardi.

But in the meantime, Kate slept with Rafe, then Rafe was attacked, Kate blurted out to Stefano that she was having a secret relationship with Rafe, Stefano got jealous, told Bernardi to castrate Rafe, Sami shoots Bernardi, later finds out it was Bernardi, the cop she played horsey-back-ride in the park with to try and get Will's stolen files, Chad taped it, thinking it was funny, and then Adrienne turning over the video to DA Trask.
Thanks for the summary. Looking forward to seeing the show when I get home (been at hospital with a friend off & on since Tuesday so catch the show when home each night.) Sounds like an active Friday show. :clap:

@lovin_safe I entertained that possibility too until yesterday's show. If setting Sami up, there would have been no need for EJ to be down on himself & regretful at TBD with Chad, or with his accountant at the DiMansion.
This is the best episode of the week, it's alright, thanks Poirot. EJ hasn't changed a bit, still selfish as ever. Rafe and Lucas would've (and Lucas kinda did) go to jail for her/the kids. Of course, EJ is as selfish as Sami and Sami wouldn't have turned in Lucas or Rafe because they're good people that she actually loves. Can't stand EJ's selfishness. On another note, I loved the scenes revolving around Kristen. Marlena and Victor are precious together.
Sami and EJ are both selfish people, and that is one reason why they are a couple that has generated intense interest from the first meetings where she was blackmailing Lexie to falsify Carries medical records, and EJ was trying to find out what she was doing so he could put her in a corner.

Why is anyone surprised that neither one really wants to give that ultimate sacrifice for the other, but that they also understand each other well enough to accept that about the other. This was great acting and emotional revealing from both characters. Bravo.
What exactly do Ej/Sami understand about each other!! Sami is oblivious to all of Ej lies and schemes unless he dissolves his plans to her!!
Ej/Sami understanding of each other consists of yelling, screaming, raging, ranting, exploding and angry sex!
There is absolutely no truth/honesty between them!

Case in point : Ej is lying, scheming,conning and framing Bernadi yet failed to mention any of it to his precious Samanther
Sami agrees to throw Ej under a big bus but didnt bother to tell him before hand