Days of Our Lives - Friday, Dec. 12h, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, December 12, 2008

Episode #10,979 Taped 11/12 Director – Noel Maxam

The Christmas Elves have been busy all over Salem, as decorations are up, trees are in place, wreaths and garlands everywhere. Nicole calls Brady, telling him to meet her at the Cheatin Heart in 20 minutes. She found the answer to her prayers on the internet. EJ walks in, she hangs up, he wants to know who she was talking to, she talks of buying Christmas gifts for loved ones, and Christmas secrets. EJ is satisfied, hauls out a wrapped box he bought for their baby. Nicole is touched, tells him she doesn’t deserve him, is about to unwrap, when in comes Tony. She decides to give them some privacy and takes off, going to the Cheatin Heart, meeting Brady. She shows him paper with a baby pic at the top, she found this on the internet, will all work out, she & EJ will be very happy. Brady can’t believe she is going to attempt this, but she is determined, tells him she doesn’t need anything more from him except to be quiet, and takes off for the infamous docks. Brady follows, promises to just listen in as the prospective mom to be shows up. Her name is Kelly, (Nicole is posing as Cindy) and she gives Nicole a huge sob story about being in college, losing her job when the company went out of business, unable to pay rent, (she had to rent a room with dorms being closed now -which is a surprise since Stephanie still is going to classes, lol) She is trying to eat healthy for the baby, but it is hard, yada, yada. She shows Nikki a pic, I think it might be a sonogram, not sure, but talks of how handsome, intelligent, etc. the baby is. Nicole pulls a bundle of cash out of her giant purse, tells the girl not to worry about money, to take care of that baby. Kelly says she has an appt. at the clinic, and leaves. Brady is very suspicious, but Nicole is in 7th heaven. He follows the girl, straight to the Cheatin Heart. She is seated at the bar as Brady comes up, saying something about smoking and drinking for two. He tells her she is not only a 2 bit con, but a really stuipid 2 bit con. Nicole has followed Brady and watches in shocked disbelief.

Stefano gives instructions to one of his thug minions on the docks, telling him to do exactly what Stefano said, and not to think for himself. LOL. The guy leaves, Tony arrives, wanting to talk to Stefano. Seems he heard about the deal with the Argentinians, wants to know why he was left out. Stefano lets him know he chose to leave the family, and it goes on without him. EJ is taking his place, has skills Tony doesn’t possess. Tony goes to see EJ, trying to warn him about Stefano, telling him how Stefano has pulled Lexie back into his web, that she came to him for help, and now the mayor is dead. EJ denies Stefano had anything to do with it, but Tony says Stefano has something to hold over Lexie’s head. EJ says it won’t happen to him, but Tony tells him maybe not yet, but it will, and then you and everyone you love will be held hostage.

Rafe comes in, with Sami rushing over to him, big hug, so glad he is back, and complaining he left her all alone. No he didn’t, as Hilda comes out of the bathroom. Sami has a favor, doesn’t want Nicole to gain an advantage while Sami is gone, and needs Rafe to do some Christmas shopping. (why not Hilda???). Rafe refuses, he is an FBI agent, not a concierge, but Sami turns on the fake crying as she knows Rafe hates it when she cries. Hilda watches in amazement. Rafe is not buying it, but Sami goes on and on, until he caves, agreeing to go shopping. She wants a laughing penguin, the twins will love it, blah, blah. He leaves, Hilda chuckles that Sami did not tell him the laughing penguin was sold out weeks ago, riots ensue when a store gets any in. Sami laughs, saying the FBI always gets their penguin. (Sami, it is the Canadian Mounties who always get their man). Lol Later we see Hilda gobbling up some cookies Sami made (quite the little homemaker now, huh), with Sami saying she learned how at camp. Suddenly, Hilda stops, a panic look on her face, as she heads off to the bathroom. Sami laughs saying Becky was right when she said they took out 11 counselers with those cookies. She quickly calls Sister Theresa at the convent, just to say she wants to talk to her, and will be coming over to see her soon. Hilda comes out of the bathroom, looking rather pale, telling Sami not to go in there. She thinks perhaps she ate too many of the cookies, Sami apologizes, saying she threw the rest away now.

Stefano goes to see Lexie at the hospital, but she is cold and abrupt. No, she does not want to have lunch with him, or even coffee. Stefano is being sneakily nice, talking of her maybe wanting to talk about the guilt she has to be feeling, and how if the news ever got out that she came to him and then the mayor died, how it might look to the public. Lexie asks if he is threatening her, Stefano smiles, denying it. She leaves.

Replay of Phil & Steph about to kiss in the vault, and Melanie coming in with her Ahem, saying she thought they might use some fresh air. All leave, Philip tells Stephanie to take the day off now, and wants to talk to Melanie. Stephanie is about to shut the door behind her, but listens in, only to hear Phil tell Melanie he wants the notes typed now. Melanie claims already done, and on his desk. Stephanie comes back in, saying it is impossible. Nope, they are on Phil’s desk…….so he now give Mel the rest of the day off. Stephanie stays behind, she & Phil dance around what almost happened between them in the vault.

Bo comes home, exhausted from his meeting, to find Hope in middle of arrangements for another meeting which will be at their house this evening. The food drive, and Bo scheduled it, the tree is not decorated and they have to have people in the mood. Bo takes his jacket & tie off, wearing climbs the stairs, complaining about decking the halls and boughing the holly. She yells up warning him to be careful about the box of ornaments – too late, as we hear a crash. However, later, the tree is all done, perfectly, Bo teasing about having their annual Christmas fight over with, they are playfully kissing and hugging, she reminds him the star is not up, he wants to let Ciara do it when she returns from the birthday party. Hope says she will do it herself, Bo sighs, saying he will go get the ladder. Later, we see him on the ladder, trying to put this big star on top, but it is too heavy for the little branch, which keels over sideways. Hope is telling him to be careful, the ladder seems wobbly, Bo is fine, reaches over to straighten the star, and crash, down he goes as the ladder topples over.

Lexie tiptoes into the mansion to drop off some gifts under the tree, is spotted by EJ. He mentions Tony stopping by to warn him about Father, using Lexie as an example, since she went to Father for help. Lexie says she never meant for anyone to be hurt, but EJ tells her she went to Stefano DiMera for help with someone threatening his family. What did she expect would happen.

The killer gets a call from someone, who has spotted Rafe. He tells the guy to keep him in his sight til he gets there. Rafe will lead him to Sami, and that will be the end of her.

A frustrated Rafe walks thru the park, spots a woman complaining to her boy because she bought him a laughing penguin, and all he wants to do is read his book. Rafe asks her where she got it, she says she knows a friend who works for the manufactuer. Rafe makes a call to someone, and behind him, we see the killer watching. Later, we see Rafe walking along the docks with someone, Christmas shopping bag in hand, thanking the guy for the favor. The guy leaves, Rafe sets the shopping bag down, reaching into his back pocket (I think for his phone) when the killer comes out of hiding, stabbing Rafe in the stomach. Down he goes, holding his stomach, looking at his hand full of blood, as the killer holds a knife to his neck.

Oh, jeez, I almost forgot.....Melanie runs over to tell Max all about Stephanie putting the moves on Philip, even claims she thinks Stephanie locked them both in the vault herself. Max will not be drawn in, figures Melanie wants to stake her own territory in re: Philip, which she denies.......then later claims she WILL go after him. Max tells her Nick wrote him, about something financial in re: Melanie, who immediately flashes back to Nick wanting to share the profits from his invention with her. Max gives her a letter Nick wrote to her, Mel says she is going to go visit him.
I liked when Rafe left to get the gifts for Sami. Hilda says you did not tell him that they are sold out and that there was a roit the last time some came into the store. She replies the FBI always gets their penguin.
Sami vs Melanie

Barb, thank you very much for the writeup. :)

People think Melanie is bad, but to me Sami is even worse. She is a no-good, dirty, rotten skunk. She thinks of no one but herself. And she caused Rafe to get stabbed. Then she deliberately gave Hilda, who has been very nice to her, the runs, and now I guess she's going to sneak out to go to the convent. It'll serve her right if the killer gets her. :mad:

Don't get me wrong: I don't want her to get killed, but I hope she at least get shot at and has the living daylights scared out of her.

BTW, right now I am conducting a final exam for my Computer Science class. That gave me time to check out Barb's excellent writeup. :smile:
Thanks for the summary, Barb. I'm going home soon. Looking forward to watching this and the other episodes of the week. I'm wondering whether Tony was serious in asking why he was left out in the deal with the Argentines or if he was being sarcastic or what. And how did he hear about it anyhow? Then he goes to warn EJ. His behavior seems inconsistent. I don't quite get why he and EJ and Lexie all were so adamant about dumping Stefano, and now it seems they all want back in, to one degree or another, even when they deny it.
@ol Charlie (love when you call yourself that, lol)........I just could not believe Sami went to the lengths she did just to call Sister Theresa and say.....basically nothing! Hilda brought her a tree, made the ornaments for it herself, brought pics of her kids, and she purposely makes her sick.......besides sending Rafe on what she thought would be a wild goose chase.

@Old Cowgirl, (another name that tickles me) I was really at a loss about Tony confronting both Stefano.......and then EJ. Stefano said he made sure Tony would hear about it, and that he would also hear that EJ was included.

actually, Stefano is playing his games with his children, and Tony is wise to all of them. But he is right, Stefano is playing them all like a fiddle.
And now EJ has learned how Lexie went to Stefano about the mayor.......and so he is making Lexie aware how she was not thinking straight.....and Stefano has something on her.

This is why I do not like Stefano. Besides all the stuff the Bradys have had to endure, he claims family is everything.......and yet Benji was murdered by the maniac that Stefano himself let loose on Salem, and he could care less. Benji's children are his heirs, too, as was Benji himself.
LOLOL, now THAT would be something, wouldn't it???
I know that's a popular story but it's been run into the ground for so many years, I can't stand it. I hope they don't waste air time that way.
Ooops, should have added ....."she said, tongue planted firmly in cheek". LOLOL
Thanks for the summary!

1. Where is Nicole getting the money to pay for the baby/support the mother?
2. Why on earth would Hilda eat anything Sami makes after Sami has drugged her in the past?
3. How stupid was it for Stephanie to say no to Philip's offer to go out when things settle down. She said "I cant. (pause) There's something I need to do first." Duh. Well, assuming the date is not right then and there, she's got plenty of time to do whatever it is she wants to do first. What's she gonna do? Sail around the world? Buy a new wardrobe with even lower cut necklines?
4. Loved the interaction between Bo and Hope. Their fights are so civilized.
I am confused to why Sami has access to pharmaceuticals to make her guards sick. First she was not allowed to have pics of her kids then she is. Rafe goes snooping and shopping in places that would compromise Sami's whereabouts. Now she is drugging poor Hilda yet again. This is stupid. They are making rules up as they go along.

Lexie is a doctor for heavens sake. She is supposed to be smart. Why wouldn't she know if she complained to Stefano that he would do something.

Mel is such a little instigator.

Poor Rafe. :(

Nicole got conned...She must not be on her game.

I never did picture Bo as a Mr Fixit type.

Thanks for the write up Barb