Days of Our Lives - Friday, July 12, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 12, 2013

A rather slow episode for a Friday, it seemed. Kristen spent 3/4 of the time talking to Father Eric in circles, beating around the bush, hinting at something quite different, but finally getting around to asking for a ticket to the dedication, since she never got one, despite all her "work" and family donations. Eric is hesitant, she does her "poor me, no one loves me" routine, and then Ciara comes with her friend Jamie, who will be attending the new school. Father Eric talks very kindly to the boy, then offers to take the kids on a tour of the new school. He leaves, telling Kristen to wait a few minutes, he will have Sister Margaret get her a ticket. When he is gone, Kristen rants at pictures of Jesus, about how she knows Eric is a good man, but since "you" made me the way I am, I have no choice. I have to get revenge. She paces, rants, finally picking up her purse, (which contains the video) throws it at the picture on the wall. It falls, the tablet falls part way out.

Today, Adrienne is stalking her son, claiming to be the loving mom, only concerned for her son, but happy he was out last night with Brent at the rave. Sonny explains that Will was sleeping, and had told him to go have fun. Brent arrives, Adrienne is very obvious as she greets him, asks about his life, what he is doing, and whether he will be staying in Salem. When he leaves, she hopes to see him again. Sonny has gotten angry. He is happy in his life, he loves Will. She babbles about him being tied down. He isn't, he is living the life he wants. She just keeps at it, and finally he tells her in no uncertain terms that either she accepts them as a family, as how they want to live, or she can just forget about them altogether.

Earlier, Will is putting Arianna to sleep when there is a knock at the door. It is Brent, returning Sonny's watch. Small chit chat, as then Lucas arrives, intros. Lucas peeks at the baby, hears about Sonny going out last night with Brent, says bye to Brent, then questions Will. However, Will is fine with it, told Sonny to go. Lucas is rather surprised, but admits that Will is very grown up, very mature, also admitting that he wasn't when he was young and a father, and then says that his mother has 4 children and still acts like a 12 yr. old. (LOLOL) Lucas leaves, Sonny returns, small talk about the watch. Sonny meant to tell him he was going out, but Will was sleeping. Will laughs, glad Sonny did not wake him up. Sonny suggests that next time Will should go out, but he says not his thing. Sonny then says that Gabi can stay home, and the two of them can go out on a nice date. Will likes that. Smiles, kiss.

Lucas runs into Adrienne in the square, more chit chat. She tries to show him the video of Will & Arianna, but her battery is dead. She begins her negativity campaign again. Says she really likes Will, great guy, but tell me how you would feel if Sonny was the father of the baby, Will was the 3rd person in the family, and then "I, me, Adrienne" was the one who went and shot a cop and killed him in the hospital. How would you feel then. Lucas doesn't say anything, Adrienne just nods....uh, huh? Makes a difference, huh?

Abby spots Chad in the Pub, goes in to join him, hearing him on the phone to Cameron to meet him at the Pub. You can guess that of course she thinks it is all about her, Chad grins at the idea, that isn't it. Cameron arrives, and Chad tells them both of being asked to move into DiMansion by EJ, and Kristen as well. He talks of them supporting him, so he wants to do the same. His friends remind him that when Stefano asked him just a short time ago, he refused. They don't think Stefano would be too pleased if he now decided to move in. Chad thanks them for the advice, has to think on it some more. Cameron asks him if he has had his head checked, he took a bad fall, he should do so. Chad is confident he is fine, has a hard head.

At the hospital, Abe is talking to Kayla, how difficult things are at the P.D., morale down, one of their own shot, etc. He mentions it would help if they knew Rafe was getting better. Kayla can't say yet, Kate comes out, followed by Cameron. Kate hems and haws around, but finally tells Kayla how Rafe asked why Sami tried to kill him. Kayla gets upset that Kate did not tell them right away, scolds her. A nurse comes out, Rafe is coming round again. Kayla, Abe & Kate all troop to the room. Kayla asks Rafe is he knows who she is. He nods. Kate asks the same, he nods. Kayla asks if he knows where he is, he nods again. She says this is a good sign, he recognizes people and knows where he is. (Sorry, Dr. Kayla, but he did not say a word, he could think you were Jennifer for all you know.) Now he struggles to speak, manages the word "why". Kayla thinks he wants to know why he is there, tells him to just rest and get better. But Rafe is intent on his question, and once again, struggles to get the words out. His monitors start beeping, Kayla calls for some meds, as he finally, once again, manages to ask why Sami tried to kill him.
I just saw the clip of the Will/Lucas talk and I hereby profess my love for Bryan Datillo (Lucas). Considering how Lucas once felt about Will and Sonny's relationship it was heart-warming to hear him acknowledge Sonny being a parent to baby Arianna. And the bear hug he gave Will, I love it.
The Will/Lucas scenes were the very best today. I am soooo sick of Kristen and her talking in circles, and her revenge plots. But I really also liked Sonny telling his mother more or less to shut up and butt out, or he is out of her life. Of course it did not stop her. I never ever thought Adrienne would become such a shrew. And whatever happens with that video, I have a feeling Adrienne is going to lose in the long run.
I seem to recall a snippet of the scene with Sami chasing after Bernardi. Wasn't he a good-sized guy? Yet Rafe didn't see him standing over the hospital bed with a small weapon raised high. No, he somehow managed to see little Sami out of the corner of his eye aiming a gun at the big invisible guy. (Granted I didn't see the episode, but that's the how I imagined it from the summary description.) Anyway, whether this misunderstanding gets dragged out for minutes or weeks, it seems pointless to let Rafe think Sami tried to kill him. I seriously doubt even Kate (for spite against Sami) would continue to allow him to believe that.
That is what I am thinking. He has had this dream of Sami running into him in the square, asking how he is doing, carressing his face.....and I am guessing that is what he was dreaming when Sami shot the guy.

And no, Rafe's eyes were closed and he was deep in the medically induced coma when this all happened.
I know I have heard how people are to talk to those in a coma, or play music, the kind the person likes or something. Because subconsiciously they can hear this.
Thank you for the summary. I wonder if Adrienne is trying to compete with Sami for being the most annoying character on the show! She's almost reaching that point for me. For all of Sonny's resolve about her staying out of it, I'm afraid he will in reality be the way Lucas always was with Kate. He would warn her over and over again but she'd never let up and he wouldn't actually do anything about it.

Kirsten is right up there close to being most annoying too. I'm really not crazy about watching irritating people.
Thanks for the summary. I actually enjoyed today's write-up, because the "stars of Days" (Daniel, Sami, Jennifer and EJ) were not in it! Instead, we got to see Kayla, Abe and Lucas! And of course, Rafe! But I am sick of Kristen and her talk of schemes!

deleted spoiler info in a non-spoiler forum...JS
I was very disappointed in the show today…Why bring Rafe back to talk about his ex-wife and go in and out of consciousness and why was Kate in the room Gabi should have been there, Kate and Rafe are only boinking partners nothing more are less they got drunk one night that screams romance. Kristen is just another junior in woman’s clothes scheming to get even with? But this too will backfire in her face. If Will had any doubts about Sonny Lucas was adding fuel to the fire putting ideas into Will’s head. Adrienne needs to get a job and remove her nose from Sonny’s and Will’s butt! That’s Sami’s job!

Rafe got the idea that Sami shot him from his dream when Sami yelled at him walking away from her “I lost you once I’m not going to lose you again and pulls out a gun and at that moment she must have shot Bernardi!
I seem to recall a snippet of the scene with Sami chasing after Bernardi. Wasn't he a good-sized guy? Yet Rafe didn't see him standing over the hospital bed with a small weapon raised high. No, he somehow managed to see little Sami out of the corner of his eye aiming a gun at the big invisible guy. It seems pointless to let Rafe think Sami tried to kill him. I seriously doubt even Kate (for spite against Sami) would continue to allow him to believe that.
When people are in medically induced comas, their brain "hears" all kinds of things around them and then filters "this and that" and "bits and pieces" and swirls it all into crazy, twisted "memories" that are not real, even though the person is 100% positive they are real.

I had a family member go through this and what they're having Rafe experience is absolutely correct (surprisingly).
@JS - coming out of the bakery/shop with Gabi's muffin and a cup of coffee may be the last thing he remembers before being beaten; he may be interspersing that with a recent memory of hearing a shot and Sami's voice while in a coma and as you said filtering and twisting them together.
When Kristen witnessed how Eric interacted with the children, you could see that she was clearly affected, but then she started having her pity party and the meltdown. I keep hoping she will change her mind about revenge, but that probably won't happen. I know we are all on Team Eric and "pray" he isn't humiliated in public.
The best line on the show was the one Lucas said about Sami.
It was great seeing him on the show today.

How many more times will it take before Adrienne sees the
Sami jumps on Bernardi video?

Kristen talking to the pictures was interesting. Then she
got mad and through her purse with the lap top. Wouldn't
it be great if the lap top broke and her video is gone

We can only hope that it is and Eric will be saved
Thrilled to see Lucas, but I am so over Brent and the forced drama he brings. And Adrienne was actively encouraging her son to cheat on his live-in partner? Who is she, Marlena?

Rafe and his false memories...:zzz:...what did Galen Gering (Rafe) do to the Idiots in Charge that deserved being sidelined for over a month?!?!? (But I will grant the false memory thing is surprisingly accurate considering Kayla's flub and the numerous suspensions of disbelief we must endure daily in Salem.)

Were Ciara and Jamie (thought that was Joey when I caught a few minutes of the show at work) just wandering about town unsupervised???

Kayla asks Rafe is he knows who she is. He nods. Kate asks the same, he nods. Kayla asks if he knows where he is, he nods again. She says this is a good sign, he recognizes people and knows where he is. (Sorry, Dr. Kayla, but he did not say a word, he could think you were Jennifer for all you know.

My thoughts exactly! If she were my student running an orientation test of that nature, I would have failed her rump!!

Kristen talking to the religious portraits...I would love to laugh but I'm dead inside when it comes to this character!!! This is boring! At least when her schemes went on forever in the old days, there were new iterations and characters to enhance them. Not so with today's budgets.

I never ever thought Adrienne would become such a shrew
Nor did I!! Is it too much to hope Adrienne is in prison, having been switched by Stefano with Bonnie Lockhart?!?! While I am thrilled to have an intergenerational canvas on Days, it is distressing how poor the writing is for Adrienne, Marlena, Hope....

I watched today because there was no Daniel, EJ, Sami, or Jennifer as well!!! :)