Days of Our Lives - Friday, July 28, 2023


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Jada opens her door to Rafe, it's usually her day off and he was wondering if she was free. She's free, Talia is doing community service and she just planned to stay in and relax. Rafe asks if she wants to go to a wedding? His sister is getting married and he could use a plus one.

Gabi is in bed, Stefan wakes her up with breakfast in bed.

Dimitri is in bed texting Leo.

In her hotel room, Gwen's putting on makeup while Leo's phone is beeping with a message. She calls to him that his phone is blowing up and he tells her to put it on vibrate and he will be out in a second. Gwen moves towards the bed to do so and of course reads the sext messages from his new lover. So apparently she doesn't realize they are from her soon to be husband.

Sloan is lying on the couch when Eric arrives. He seems upset. She asks what's wrong? He spoke to Nicole, she and EJ got the results back from genetic testing. The baby is perfectly healthy but the results show it isn't EJ's baby. Sloan asks how that is possible? Eric says the thing is Nicole has only been with him and EJ which makes the baby his, but she already knew that didn't she?

Sloan swabbed Eric's cheek herself. She could be the only one who screwed with the test. Sloan says please don't be mad at me, I was terrified you'd leave me for Nicole. He starts to leave. She asks what about our baby? I never want anything to do with you, he says. She says but our baby? Eric says our baby was a terrible mistake. And then Sloan pops up in bed and Eric asks if she's alright.

EJ comes into the room where Nicole is sitting down. She was just reading an article about Abe, and Lani rescuing him. It's unbelievable. EJ has news for her. The doctor called and the genetic results are in. Nicole is surprised to have them so quickly. Is everything okay with the baby, she asks?

Leo says "I can explain" and Gwen tells him he doesn't owe her an explanation. She's curious about who his mystery man is? They talk about role play. His initials, according to her contacts are MP. He makes a joke that it's Matthew Perry. Gwen says from Friends? He says no. Gwen wonders why he hasn't mentioned the guy to her? Leo tells her the only person he is focused on today is her.

Stefan is feeding Gabi. He's talking about her drooling in her sleep and how she makes a cute snorting sound. Gabi tells him she's more in love with him than ever. He was surprised to find her in his bed. He thought she was spending the night at Rafe's. Gabi says what could happen to them that hasn't already? He can't wait for her to be his wife again. He promises this time the "death do us part" part is for real.

Jada asks if Gabi's marriage is a sudden decision? Rafe says no, he's known about it for weeks. Now that they've taken his badge, they don't have to hide. Jada asks if he's sure about that? Abe can reinstate him, is this really the time to go public? Rafe doesn't think Abe will be back on the job anytime soon. Rafe thinks being let go has been liberating. It's made him think about things. His job isn't necessarily the most important thing in his life. If he had to choose the job or her, he'd choose her. She brings up his recent divorce. He says she's not a rebound. This feels different. Feels right. She agrees. They kiss.

Stefan and Gabi are kissing. He hands her an envelope and tells her to open it. He wrote Happy Anniversary five times in the card. She asks why 5 times? He replies they were robbed of their first 4 years so he's catching up. He's gotten her all the traditional gifts, paper, cotton, leather, fruit/flowers and wood.

Leo's going to text MP to tell him he can't see him today. Meanwhile Leo really texts Dimitri to say that Gwen saw his texts, but thank goodness he's in his contacts as MP. Dimitri texts back why MP? Leo replies. (You don't want to know what MP stands for; avoid the trauma) As Dimitri is texting back, Kristen sneaks up behind him and tells him it's bad form to text his boyfriend on the day of his wedding to the woman of his dreams.

Dimitri asks if she's heard of knocking? He says Leo isn't his boyfriend. She continues talking to him about Leo. Dimitri says he needs to keep Leo fooled so he doesn't lose his inheritance. Kristen reminds him that the little twerp is his fiancee Gwen's best friend. Has it occurred to him that the two of them are thick as thieves? Dimitri says Leo won't tell her anything. Kristen says why not? She's his most trusted confidante. One day he will spill the beans and when he does, Dimitri will be screwed.

Nicole says the doctor doesn't have any privileges at University. EJ says no, so they'll have to pick up the results themselves. There is no reason to believe something is wrong. EJ says why don't we go pick up the results now?

Sloan lies and tells Eric it's the baby. He says what do you mean? She makes up a story about having a terrible nightmare. He hopes she's not anxious about testing. She says no, she loves this baby so much already. Eric comforts her and tells her to relax. He repeats to her that everything is going to be fine. He goes to take a shower. Sloan rubs her belly and says "It's not our test results I'm worried about, it's EJ and Nicole's. What will we do if they show her baby is Eric's? I can't let that happen." She gets up out of bed.

Jada and Rafe are in her bed. She asks when the wedding is. It's at 11:00. Jada says we better get going. She wants to be with him every chance she can. Where is the wedding and what is the dress code? He says it's at the DiMera mansion and she can wear whatever she wants. His sister won't care. Jada jokes how many DiMeras are living at the mansion now. She asks if EJ and Nicole will be there. He says he bets and asks if that will bother her? She says no, she's worried it will bother him. Jada said she might feel a little resentment if Eric was the father of Nicole's baby, but he's not.

Nicole doesn't know why she's so nervous. EJ tells her she shouldn't be, it's not like they have genetic disorders in their family history. Stefan walks in and asks where they are going. EJ says to the hospital to pick up some test results. Stefan says aren't you forgetting something,then hums the wedding march? EJ says they'll be back for it. Stefan asks EJ to be his best man. Nicole tells EJ to stay and help Stefan. She'll go to the hospital herself. And she'll be back in time to get ready for the wedding.

Sloan is getting dressed. She tells her baby that she's calming down for it. With any luck, EJ will be the father of that baby, why don't they find out? Eric pops out and asks if she's talking to herself. She says to the baby actually. Eric thinks he's ready to tell Kate and his dad about the baby. Does she want to join them? Sloan says she would love to, but she can't. She promised her brother she'd spend some time with him before he starts serving his time.

Gabi is in her room, dressed in her wedding dress and putting on lipstick when there's a knock at the door. It's Kristen. Gabi tells her to come in. She brought Gabi something, it's a family heirloom. It's old and twinkles blue. She makes a joke about someone swiping it off the Titanic. Kristen wondered if she'd want to wear it today. Gabi asks why. Kristen says because they will be family and Gabi has gone out of her way to be nice to her.

Kristen also figured she didn't' have a maid of honor so she wanted her to know she's available. Gabi says she's looking at her face trying to figure out if she has an ulterior motive. Kristen says her only motive is to forge a friendship with Gabi. Kristen supposes since she's getting shared custody of Rachel she's feeling charitable. Gabi is happy to hear about Rachel. Kristen offers to put the necklace on Gabi.
Dimitri walks into the room with Stefan and EJ. EJ says "Oh look who's dressed to the nines for no apparent reason." Stefan follows up with "Either you are auditioning for the next Bachelor, in which case, good luck, or you didn't get the memo." EJ is chuckling. Stefan says you're not invited to the wedding. Dimitri asks "What wedding?" Stefan says "Mine. I'm getting married this morning." Dimitri laughs and says "What a coincidence, so am I." I assume you are having the wedding right here, he says. Stefan says that's right. Dimitri says another coincidence then, because so am I!

Gwen says she better get into her dress if she doesn't want to be late to her own wedding. Leo can't believe she's moving out. Leo teases her about how awful living in the DiMera mansion will be. She thinks her stay there this time will be more enjoyable. She says she won't have her best friend there though. Leo says they'll see each other all the time. He's not sure how he'll afford the place without her, she'll need to give him a raise. She says or he'll need to cut back and budget.

Jada comes into the pub in a formal dress. Rafe is wowed. He jokes she's not supposed to upstage the bride. Jada asks if they need to get a gift. Rafe teases not to worry he's just going to rewrap the waffle iron he got his sister for her last almost wedding. She says perfect. Eric comes into the pub and says hello. He starts to ask if the two of them were seeing each other then says never mind. Rafe says they are. Jada says it looks like you have some news of your own to share, floor is open. Eric is holding some baby booties. He says he was stopping by to see his dad and tell him that Sloan and he are expecting.

Kristen tells Gabi she's glowing. Gabi says she hasn't been this happy since Ari was born. She can't believe she's going to marry her soul mate. She says maybe the magic between Kristen and Brady will come back now that they are sharing custody.

Leo's trying to help Gwen get her dress zipped up. He keeps telling her to suck it in. He doesn't understand why it is so hard when she's a negative size 2. Gwen says it was time sensitive. Gwen tells him she knows he thinks she's crazy for rushing into this. She says she's never connected with anyone the way she does Dimitri. It was like love at first sight, like what he had with Craig. Leo says I was scamming Craig. Gwen says Dimitri isn't scamming her. Leo stays silent.

EJ tells Dimitri he doesn't know what is behind his whirlwind courtship or his ridiculously hasty decision to marry Gwen which he's sure is going to end up in some courtroom, but in any case Stefan has already reserved the family home for his wedding, so he'll have to find another venue. Dimitri says he understands his concerns and it obviously isn't ideal but he can't do that to Gwen. She'll expect to get married right there in the mansion. EJ says he doesn't care and Dimitri can't blindside them with ridiculous demands.

Stefan pulls him away and tells Dimitri he's going to talk to him a moment. Stefan tells EJ to take it down a notch. EJ asks why he's so calm. Stefan tells him to remember what Kristen said that they have to find a way to get along with Dimitri. Stefan says the problem can be easily remedied. EJ asks how? Stefan says there are haikus longer than the guest list. Those two don't have any friends. They'll set out a few extra chairs and have a double wedding.

Jada tells Eric that is wonderful that he's getting the child he always wanted. Rafe says congratulations. They depart as they have a wedding to attend.

Sloan is at the hospital to pick up some lab results the nurse asks her name and she says Nicole Walker. The nurse asks for ID. She plays like she's looking for it, then says oh I must have left it at home, but I can tell you the date of service and doctor's name. The nurse insists on ID. Sloan says if you really need proof that I am who I say I am, just call my husband EJ DiMera. The nurse says that won't be necessary, she's got them right here. She hands them over to Sloan who thanks her.

Nicole is at the hospital and her phone rings. It's EJ asking if everything is alright? There was a traffic jam, she might be late to the wedding. EJ tells her about the double wedding, just as Gabi comes down and is shocked. She's not happy. Stefan tells her he's sorry but they didn't have time to come up with an alternative. The important thing is they'll be married.

Gwen walks in and wants to know what is going on? Gabi says apparently we are having a double wedding. Gwen says God no, the last double wedding I was involved in was a category five disaster. Leo says maybe it's a sign you should call the whole thing off? Dimitri enters the room and shakes his head at Leo. Gwen doesn't want to call of her wedding. Gwen asks if they can go to the courthouse? They can go tomorrow. What is 24 hours?

Dimitri says everyone is here. Kristen tells her she's a vision and everything is ready to go. Gabi and Stefan have agreed to share their day with them. Leo says he's down? Gabi is ready to get this thing started. Gwen agrees. Rafe and Jada have arrived and he kisses Gabi on the cheek. Lots of awkward faces. Jada asks EJ where Nicole is, he says she's been delayed but she said to start without her. Jada says oh what a shame.

Nicole walks up to the nurses' station and says she's there to pick up her results. The nurse (different from before) asks her name. She says Nicole Walker and the nurse says they have already been picked up. Nicole is confused.

Sloan is in an exam room, reading the results. EJ DiMera is not a genetic match. Sloan realizes the baby is Eric's.

The wedding begins. The officiant gets to the part about anyone objecting. Gabi says "Who left that part in?" Then silence. Then Leo pipes in with "I have something to say."
Thanks so much, Kris. Admittedly I skipped over a lot, so you filled in a lot for me. However, evidently I also skipped over something about the meaning of MP.........thus don't know what Leo might have said. LOL

A double wedding that the couples really did not want, but somehow, are having. Glad I don't live in that Salem.
Thanks Kris.

Today was Jada's turn to open a door in a towel. Then of course she and Rafe hit the sheets. I hope Jada stripped the bed and washed the sheets since it appears she and Talia still share not only a room but a bed.

MP stands for Magic, well you know, male part.

Everything that was supposed to be "EVENTFUL" things today we already figured out so yippee. The writers are as dull as two day old donuts in a box.
Great job, Kris!

I wonder if Matthew Perry watches the show, ha ha. Or maybe his agent or manager will hear about their client's name being used like that. It was kinda funny, but as Robin said, it means something quite different. Scandalous!

We could see the guilt on Leo's face when Gwen gave him that hug and spoke so highly of him. He missed yet another chance to fess up. Will he do that at the wedding? I don't think so.

Jada looked beautiful in that dress and glad that she and Rafe were civil to Eric when he broke the baby news.

Gabi looked stunning.

Wasn't crazy about Gwen's dress, but she still wore it well.

That nurse needs to be severely reprimanded, if not fired, for giving out the test results on Sloan's word that she is EJ's wife.

By the time Nicole got there, it was too late, Sloan knows all. Here we go again with baby switches, as so many already predicted. Before all this baby stuff, I was willing to give Sloan a chance at redemption, but that won't be happening.

Will Nicole somehow figure out who got the test results?

DiMansion looked lovely for the weddings. Will they BOTH happen?
gotta say, worse than a guy opening a door in only a towel, is a woman doing so. Cannot imagine what Jada was thinking when she did that. A cop knows better. Gotta say, a shortage of robes in Salem, for sure.
Thanks for writing this one up. Again, a predictable episode and loads of filler. But nothing awful. Seems this whole week was full of predictable storyline "twists and turns" and filler material, but nothing super bad. I actually liked the Rafe & Jada and Eric scenes in the pub. Rafe and Jada in general are nice to see. I do hope Abe recovers and returns to work soon; maybe he'll decide to let Rafe have his job back even if he is dating Jada.

Not happy at all about the storyline concerning Sloan but also not surprised.
Never ever have opened a door in a towel.

I knew the Sloan thing was all a dream. I was hoping Nicole would walk up when Sloan was saying she was Nicole Walker. Well crap now we know for sure Nicole's baby is Eric's. The way he has treated her he does not deserve her baby. So will Sloan be pregnant too? Why can't they let Nicole ever be happy? She could be with EJ. So how will Jada react when she finds out Nicole is having Eric's baby?

Brady is not Kristen's soul mate. She only slept with him to get to John. I hope they don't go back to Brady & Kristen. Bring Theresa back.

Leo's phone saying MP made me laugh.

Couldn't they have just done the 2 weddings at different times?

Is Leo going to spill it?
Jada joins the towel club? Does she really think that she’s the female equivalent of Xander or Alex?

EJ is the best man. Should “EJ” ever be in the same sentence as “best?”

If Gwen is going to miss her “Matty” so much, why not ask Dimitri about him moving into the DiMansion? What could go wrong?

The officiant can’t be well informed about Salem marriages. If he was, he’d never say it was a “sacred institution.”

The only positive thing about the drearily predictable Sloan-DNA results nonsense is that if she gets caught, she’d be disbarred.
Thanks, Kris.

It's a new day in Salem and the news about Abe being rescued was in the news.

How long will it take for the nurse realize she gave the test results to the wrong person? It
was interesting the name DiMera still puts fear in people or they want to be helpful.

Will Gabi and Stefan's marriage work out since they saw each before the wedding? It's Salem,
even if they didn't see each other the marriage might not work out :)