Days of Our Lives - Friday, July 5, 2019

OK I'll step out there and say the writers have hit a new low with the "champagne shower" line. Pretty disgusting for daytime television. Sure there is a lot of sex going on there but that is crass. Several years ago I wrote a letter to Soap Opera Digest about the woman named "Carolyn" something who writes an editorial called In My Opinion (or something like that). She had concluded her article with (excuse me in advance) "But it's just my [blanking] opinion". Yes it was coded like that but you would have to live under a rock not to understand it. It was a take off her sign off of It's just my opinion. I had a subscription to Digest since it started. I told them I was ready to cancel it.

That was tacky and out of line. No response, no oops we didn't catch that, na-da. I did cancel my subscription. Powers that be don't care about the actions of those in their employ. They let one thing go by and pretty soon it is graphic. I felt that way when the derogatory name for a woman began being used on Days and other daytime shows. It just isn't necessary.

I can hear these words and not faint. I am not a total prude but feel the writers really crossed a line with that one. Having Kate call him a pig means they knew the exact double entendre they were putting forth. Way to go once again, Days writers. University and College journalism classes again prove they have very low standards.
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Moira, I understand your frustration and I feel the same way about so much of entertainment but I think a lot of people who tune into any kind of entertainment these days either like it or at the very least, are not offended by it. It seems we are left with the choice of not watching (or canceling subscriptions, as in your case) or trying to filter out what we don't like. I know I'm grateful for the option of recording and then fast forwarding what I don't want to see, which makes me even more appreciative of the summaries that are written here.

Jason, I'd be so happy if Xander is setting up Kristen for a very hard fall--one that will take her off my screen.
Moira has to be referring to Carolyn Hinsey...
Also no longer subscribe to SOD.....and I hate that Days now doesn't even blink at the profanity they allow. I keep thinking that there are moms with small children watching live, and the kids get to thinking it is o.k.
But......there was no usage of "those" words in our home, kids growing up never did, knew better, and then they get old enough, go off to college, move away, come to visit, and think nothing of usage. Just a word, mom.
On TV there used to be some sort of standard, and they had to abide by, cannot remember the name of the censor group. but, long gone for sure. Unfortunately, we have already heard whatever b efore one can even touch the remote. :)
Guess they feel it is "hip" or something. LOL
This all reminds me of an old joke from Bob Hope. "We have to pass the censors, so I want you to know on the way here, we flew over Hoover Darn in a heck-o-copter".

Or I think it was George Carlin with the 7 words you can't use on television.
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Of the 7 words in George Carlin's bit, only 5 aren't allowed on regular TV now. I've heard the other 2 on shows later at night. Sadly, if we give it a while, I bet the other 5 will end up being "acceptable" language eventually. :rolleyes:
OK I give up! I am done trying to figure out Days and Sarah and Eric and Kristen and all that is stupid about this show anymore.
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I know that there are plenty of viewers who don't watch as often, but keep up with the show. I do admit it is a struggle trying to figure out where writers are going with a storyline. Yes, I find fault with Corday, only because he does not keep a close eye. If he was reading scripts when written, as he should be doing (and his parents did) he would perhaps change or put thumbs down on some things going on. Unfortunately, every headwriter that comes on board at Days develops favs, caters to them, or when Days hires an actor that worked under the headwriter before, and is well liked by that writer.....
Days filming so far ahead doesn't help matters. Just think, Days has already filmed Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, while viewers just celebrated Canada Day & Independence Day. Viewers are going to the beach, fishing, Disney Land, the mountains, & Days actors have to pretend it is mid-winter, (tho one would never know it, since in Salem in never snows, lol) . Admit I nearly quit watching during Marlena's possession story. Hated it, was disgusted by it, lots of fans loved it, as did Deidre Hall (Marlena). She says it is her fav storyline. I absolutely abhored it. But....... I did not stop watching, and here I am. LOL.
I think we all want different things, we all don't like the same things, and certainly, at times, perhaps think the writers are not "in a Salem frame of mind". How many times have we said and so would never do that, say that, date that awful person, etc. etc.
Such is our soap. But, tis fun to complain, praise, make jokes, write our own stories, or guess the eventual endings to whatever......(including having some characters leave town, whether on their own, or in a body bag. :)
Getting on this board is definitely the most fun thing about the show! I think there's a good chance a lot of us, myself included, might quit watching if it weren't for this board.

I second this statement OC...... I know I'd have walked away but this board allows me to stay connected. Thank you Poirot, JasonD, for the summaries that help keep me connected.....
Squirrel, that was about the time I started watching regularly. I almost gave up, rather than endure that mess. I had watched at my mother's house, off and on, before that.
LOL, that is why we refused to say it's name, did not want to tout it, even as being as horrible as it was.
I'm sure if I had a real life and hadn't watched since day one, I would not be watching now. I hated all the sci-fi stuff and Dr Rolf stuff still makes me groan, but there are a few I can still tolerate, so here I am!