Days of our Lives - Friday March 15, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
37 minutes. A new day? Lots of short scenes filled with conversation, the Pawn story told by Konstantin and Steve moves between them as they are in different locations

Shot of a police station, sirens going off. Inside, Jada is working as Harris comes in. Harris wants to work as he can’t stay home watching TV and sleeping. Jada explains the prison break.

In the all-purpose interrogation room Theresa is yelling at Tate for leaving the halfway house and going to see Holly. Tate tries to explain he was just trying to clean up this mess. Theresa is upset that her phone was stolen. Brady explains that Tate could go back to jail for breaking rules.

Holly is sulking in her bedroom, it’s late morning, as her mom and EJ walk into her room. EJ is less than pleased that Tate broke into the house. EJ did this for the safety of the family. Holly finds that reason ludicrous and call out EJ on it.

Exterior shot of John and Marlena’s condo/townhouse/penthouse/amazing number of bedrooms needed for duh plot/ living space. Marlena brings hot coffee or tea to Steve He struggles to tell her what she needs to hear. Steve doesn’t want to alarm her. He needs to tell her about John’s past as the pawn.

John and Konstantin are in the Black Patch offices having yet another less than fruitful discussion their history. Konstantin explains that many years ago John tore his life apart. Konstantin shows a picture of Catharina to John but John doesn’t recognize the picture. Konstantin finds that hard to believe because you killed her! John looks off into the distance wondering just how much longer we have to deal with this story. Or he just looks off puzzled to hear he’s killed a pretty young girl.

Harris asks after Goldman. She’s cleaned out her bank account of around $50 grand. Salem PD must pay really well. Jada and Harris discuss Goldman and Weston. Harris feels that Weston will stay local. Harris leaves. Jada tells him to get some rest. Harris replies I don’t think so.

EJ is being all up in the righteousness lane as Nicole tries to talk him down. But EJ won’t back down, Nicole tells him that this is nothing compared to what she did when she was Holly’s age (that’s an understatement). EJ tells her that their childhoods have no bearing on this. Holly tells EJ that he’s acting as if Tate is Loki or someone. EJ doesn’t know who Loki is. (Loki is the God of Mischief a key figure in the Marvel Universe) But EJ doesn’t know Tate at all. EJ says that Tate was kicked out of school for doing damages. Holly pleads with EJ to not send Tate to jail.

Townhouse: Marlena asks what do I not know about my husband about his past? Steve hesitates to tell. He was one of the first people to know the Pawn, now known as John, under Victor’s care. Steve was his handler. He admits to carrying a lot of shame for the man he was back in those days, doing the things Victor asked of him, the unethical things Victor wanted done. One day Victor had a mission for Steve and the Pawn.

Black Patch offices: Konstantin tells John a story about “me" (Konstantin) Victor Kiriakis, Steve Patch Johnson and my beautiful innocent daughter, Catharina (this is how closed captioning had it spelled), and finally you the Pawn.

Back to the police interrogation room, Tate is still trying to plead his case. Holly is the only person who can clear him. Tate explains his case, Theresa upsets him even more.

Holly is upset that EJ is being EJ. Holly explains it's her house too and Tate isn’t the evil person that EJ is making him out to be. She admits to Nicole that they were having fun that night. Holly does remembers that. Nicole asks Holly if she remembers more than she’s admitting?

Harris is at the DiMansion looking for Stefan. Apparently, Stefan has disappeared, Clyde has broken out of prison and Harris finds that odd.

Townhouse: Steve admits this is part of his past is painful. Victor sent Steve and John to deliver a message. It was John's first assignment as the Pawn. The message was to a man who was challenging Victor’s territory.

Black Patch offices: John is holding a picture of Catherina as Konstantin tells John that Victor and he were always fighting over territory in the Greek crime business, Victor sent his pawn over to deliver a message.

Townhouse: Steve tells Marlena the message was loud and clear. They were to make sure this man knows that his interference will no longer be tolerated. John and Steve flew by private jet to Nafplion and then rode east into Aria, a small village. They were there to find the man that they know today as Konstantin Meleounis. Marlena is shocked.

Holly holds to the lie she doesn’t remember anything. But Tate didn’t do anything wrong. Nicole says she will talk to EJ. It segways to what do you want for lunch, grilled cheese sandwich? Then teachers sent over some homework to work on then maybe we can look at some colleges online. Yeah, it was a lot, in less than a minute. Holly grabs her shoes and a jacket and leaves.

Tate admits to being a screw-up and he lists his faults. Brady tries to explain that this is all confusing, this is a waste of time conversation.

EJ tells Harris he didn’t know you could develop brain damage from being shot in the chest. Harris responds so you know nothing about Weston’s escape? EJ gets back up on his high horse and reminds Harris that he, EJ, is the district attorney. (Because in Salem those folks are above reproach, just look at Melinda Trask, the most recent pillar of truth, justice and the American way!) EJ claims to have zero knowledge of anything regarding Clyde Weston nor does EJ have any idea where Stefan his. EJ throws out Harris. Harris’ parting shot is that I know that Stefan is working with Weston, because he’s the one who shot me. Cue shocked expression on EJ.

Townhouse: Marlena asks Steve, Konstantin? The man who is staying at Maggie’s house? Marlena says isn’t he a long-time friend of Victor's? No, he was a rival, that’s why John and I are trying to get him to leave. Now the story jumps back to the past, Steve was instructed to wait outside and watch for guards while John/Pawn went inside.

Black Patch offices: Konstantin tells John he was sitting at his work bench carving a little figurine for my Catharina (because all young women over the age of 15 love hand carved wooden figurines) when all of the sudden the door burst open and John came in. Konstantin knew Victor would send someone, Konstantin never saw the man's face just his eyes, but you beat me and beat me, we struggled you got the best of me. You beat me till I lost consciousness.

Townhouse: Steve tells Marlena then I heard a gunshot, I knew the Pawn wasn’t supposed to kill Konstantin, so Steve rushed inside, it was hard to see at first, then Steve saw John off to the side in a trance holding a gun, Konstantin was face down on the floor breathing and a young girl lying next to Konstantin with blood pooling next to him.

Black Patch offices: When Konstantin woke up his home was a wreck he saw his daughter, his only child on the floor, shot by you. John looks at the picture again.

Nicole returns to Holly’s room with a grilled cheese and chips, but Holly’s gone.

EJ tells Harris that’s a good one, we’ve charged Xander Cook with your shooting. The evidence is stacked against him. (Still curious as to what that evidence might be??) Harris replies that’s a good one, we know that Clyde and your brother framed him. Nicole walks in and stops this conversation, Holly is missing. EJ offers to help Nicole look for Holly. EJ tells Harris he will let him know when he finds his brother. Harris says he’s not finished here.

Holly appears at the police station. She needs to speak with Tate Black. Jada won’t let Holly see Tate.
Townhouse: Marlena asks if Steve’s telling her that John killed that girl? Steve admits that he didn’t see it but it’s not that difficult to believe he did. John was the Pawn, he wasn’t considered human, he was more like a tool a weapon, Marlena adds an assassin. She tells Steve she knows that John went to Winterbourne Academy and John trained there. Which made him very attractive to any evil bad guy (they used another word) who wanted to recruit him. Marlena asks, but do you think John meant to kill that girl? Steve admits it could have been an accident. John’s brain had been scrambled, at that moment Steve knew that the mission was complete. Steve grabbed John and headed to Salem.

Black Patch offices: Konstantin held his daughter’s lifeless body in his hands. He told his daughter memories of her childhood. The memories they made together. The girl was the only thing in the world that mattered to him. His only reason for living. After her funeral he changed his plans, he plotted and planned to undermine Victor. And if he ever found the man who killed his daughter, he would make him pay and now after all these years, I have finally found YOU!

Townhouse: Steve thought this whole thing was behind him. But he and John confronted Konstantin about his intentions with Maggie and he turns out to be the same man from Aria. Marlena says but John’s face was covered at that time how could he know? Steve tells her it was John’s eyes. Marlena tells of being John’s doctor trying to help find out who John was. Steve admits he just couldn’t tell Marlena his part of the Pawn’s life. Kayla doesn’t know either. Steve has kept this story buried. Steve tells of the times the DiMeras had wiped his memories too. Steve feels guilty for not being able to protect his friend.

Black Patch offices: Konstantin gets in John’s face but John doesn’t have any memory of the event. Konstantin leaves after saying make no mistake I will make you pay.

EJ and Harris continue this stupid argument. Harris tells EJ the eyewitness at the scene saw Stefan shoot me, EJ scoffs, the witness was ME Harris tells EJ, I saw your brother shoot me.

Holly has a minor hissy fit with Jada, she wants to talk with Tate. Brady opens the blinds in the all-purpose interrogation room. Holly sees Tate, Nicole is in the room too. Holly hasn’t been medically cleared to leave the house. Nicole thanks Jada for the heads-up call. Holly and Nicole leave. Nicole will have someone pick up Holly’s car later.

EJ and Harris continue this stupid argument. EJ continues with the Xander is guilty story.

Jada enters the all-purpose interrogation room, to tell them that EJ has decided not to press charges. Tate can return to the halfway house with an ankle monitor, and a restraining order against the DiMansion and Holly. He can’t go near either one of them.

Konstantin drinking at the Kiriakis house fondling a picture on his phone of his daughter.

A dejected John with the same picture appears at the doors of his penthouse remembering the shouting of Konstantin. He opens the door to the townhouse, and over hears Steve and Marlena talking about how the truth will destroy John. John accuses Steve of keeping the truth from him but instead he tells his wife.
Thank you @robinsnest for the summary!!

Ooohhhhh Steve is in trouble and John has every right to be mad.

EJ is on my nerves. So is Holly. Ugh!

Nicole is the only sane person in that house. And that's saying something the way this show has treated my girl!

Konstantin is a psychopath. He is really creeping me out. BUT, I know how much the actor is loving this role, so I'm trying really hard not to hate it. Haha. Same feeling I had with the Marlena is possessed mess. I try not to hate it so much because she (Deidre Hall) enjoys playing the part so much. But ugh. Can it all be over soon?

On that note, I bet it is fun to play those parts. I just hate watching it. Kind of like golf. Fun to play, painstakingly boring to watch. (in my opinion anyway).
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I like all the outside shots.

Holly - ya gotta fess up. Say "the drugs were mine! I thought they were just ADHD meds!"

Tired of the Tate stuff. Was glad no charges, but I was hoping Jada was going to say it's all been dropped.

Could Konstantin be lying and his daughter is really still alive? Don't want John to be a murderer. I assume no one else was there or Steve would have seen them.
It perturbs me that they made the Pawn and Victor in same story. As far as I can remember, there was never anything between them, just Stefano.

All the lives they have written for John he'd have to be over 100!

All this nonsense with Tate, just because EJ is dolt makes me mad.
since John can't remember, and Steve wasn't there til afterwards.......there could have been another person there. Let's say both John & Konstantin were knocked out or gassed or something. 3rd person comes in, is going to shoot Konstatin. His daughter comes in, shouts out no, no, tries to protect her dad, so gets shot accidentally, 3rd person takes off. And this leaves the unconscious Konstantin, and the dead daughter & John coming to, but still under the spell of the gas or fumes or whatever.........and in comes Steve. ??????
I think Konstantin was about to shoot John and his daughter jumped in the way because she loved John and got shot. He fainted from the shock of killing his daughter and John was traumatized too.
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Thanks, robin.

The new day started Wed. Nicole was bringing Holly lunch today.

Thank goodness, EJ isn't putting Tate in jail.

Did Stefan tell EJ he shot Harris? Too many odd things going on in the storylines. How is EJ going to
prove Harris is lying to protect Stefan?

Can the DA put himself in jail? :)

Poor John. He's having a terrible day.
We heard Harris was a Navy seal. Did he look like this?

Certain people need some basic facts spelled out for them. If Holly admitted the Tot to her room there’s no breaking and entering no matter how much idiot EJ squawks about it. And all those who have their shorts in a knot over poor John’s misadventures as the
Pawn need to learn the difference between a willful actor from a mindless tool. The latter is unable to form an intent and is not culpable for his/her actions. As for EJ himself, he’s a total joke with his rush to judgment regarding Tate and Xander. He’s making bumbling former D.A. Charles Wood look smarter all the time.

Finally, the wailing, howling Konstantin show is getting really tiresome. If he wants to blame anyone for his daughter’s death, he ought to be raging at Stefano or Victor, not their puppet. Of course considering what a fool Konstantin is, it’s not entirely impossible that he managed to accidentally shoot his daughter himself.
EJ has known for a while that Xander is innocent, he just doesn't care because it meant he could get his paws on the DiMera shares again.

I have zero doubts that it will turn out that John did not do the deed, so I have no investment in this

Finally, has anybody counted how many Salem days have passed on screen since Valentine's Day? Like how long were Wendy and Tripp in the beer tank (it felt like an eternity if you watched their scenes). In reality only a few days should have passed or they would have died but Roman was already decorating for St Patrick's Day so it has been a month. Do their days SORAS as well as their youth?