Days of Our Lives -Friday, May 9, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, May 9, 2014

Bubble, Bubble, toil and trouble. The volcano in Salem that has been bubbling, getting hotter and hotter reaches the top, and spews forth. Kate sits with Lucas, who has just returned from Houston. Evidently he saw Sheryl, is not happy at all with his mother, who blythly brushes it all aside. She is smiling as she says Jordan is leaving town, noting she had a conversation with Jordan about her identities. Lucas wonders if Kate mentioned breaking into her apt. and that it is illegal. Kate isn't worried, Lucas further notes that Rafe won't thank her, and neither will he come crawling back to her. Now she lets him know about Nick, Gabi, the custody agreement and there is a court hearing next week. She leaves as Allie comes up, asking what they are talking about. Lucas says nothing, a bad man that has been around. Jordan joins them, gives Allie her new Iphone to check out. Lucas has sent a text to Nick asking where he is. Nick answers...the park. Lucas asks Jordan to watch Allie, he will be back in half hour, has some business to tend to.

Will & Sonny talk of the gun Sonny has, and intended to use on Nick if he had to. Will thinks there is something else they can do, convinces Sonny to get rid of the gun. He has shot someone, and knows it is something you never forget. Sonny puts the gun back in the bag, and up on a high shelf in the closet, promising to return it tomorrow. Sonny tells Will that he would have done it if he had to. He will not allow Nick to take Arianna away from them.

Sami is a nervous wreck, hollaring at an employee over the phone. EJ calms her down, She cannot stand the waiting, starting talking of finding a different way to deal. EJ reminds her of all Nick did, and how he would put Sami, Kate, Gabi in prison, etc. She want to go out, he says no, they have to stay there, the cars are there, servants know they are home. She will go play with the kids. No, they will easily pick up that something is bothering her. He finally decides they should go for a walk, which they do, and of course, walk over to Horton Square, and I am betting she still is wearing those ridiculous very high heels. They sit at a table, (wonder if the chair feels cold, since Sami's dress barely covers her derriere. .

Abby talks to Ben for a bit, says her troubles are her own making. Ben warns her that she should stay away from Nick, he is trouble. Ben may not know him, but he can see and hear, and many feel the same way. She leaves, meets up with Will, as Sonny meets up with Kate, who cannot wait to tell Sonny about the court date next week. Sonny cannot believe they were not notified (and neither can I) and quickly calls Will.
Meanwhile, Will talks with Abby, realizes rather quickly that Nick has something on her, asks what she has to do for him. She only says it is terrible, it cannot get out. Will gets the call from Sonny, meets him, and is told about the court date. Gabi comes up, joins them. When they ask about the court date next week, she says she is sorry, but not to worry, it will be o.k.

Jordan comes into the club, having promised Allie this great sundae that the guy here makes, only to find Ben is not there. The gal behind the bar says he left in a hurry, and seemed very upset.

And over to the park, where the hitman has pointed his gun (with silencer) at Nick, is about to fire, when Julie appears, calling out to Nick. The hitman steps behind the shrubs, Julie comes out.....and these scenes are really fabulous. She is worried about him, after hearing him arguing with Abby. Nick brushes it off, he had a bad day, but Julie persists. Something is not right, but Nick recounts how nearly everyone he talked to gave him a hard time, and he was in a bad mood. This leads into his "poor me" conversation, saying only Julie & Aunt Maggie seem to care about him. Julie tries to reason with him, but he says if he apologized to everyone who claims he did something to them, or thinks he did, it would not do any good, they would still hate him. Even Gabi? asks Julie. And now she gently tells him that he is blaming everyone for what he himself has done. She knows how that is, has done it, and is here to tell him that she is proof you can turn your life right. She suggests a counselor, he has done that. She suggests Marlena, he laughs as tho Marlena would be the one to help him. No, but she can suggest someone, you can get the help you need, because you still have your demons. Nick gets angry, does Julie think he is crazy. No, no, but you do have your own demons inside you, we all do. And you need help with that, so you can feel safe. Nick says it has been so long since he felt safe. She embraces him, his head is on her shoulder. He is crying. He doesn't want to be like this any more. She knows that. Now she wants to buy him dinner, but he wants to stay there alone for a bit. Julie leaves...goes to Horton Square, noting it sure has filled up, as she looks around.

Nick sits on the bench, alone. The hitman has seen Julie going to the square, so head back. Nick flashes back to all the conversations with various people, where they were being nice with him, positive. Rafe shaking his hand, Sami talking of him helping Allie with homework, Gabi believing in him, and more. He is sniffing, wiping his tears as he calls Marlena, and tells her that Julie suggested he call, that she could perhaps recommend someone he could talk to. He needs help, he doesn't like the way he is right now. He is standing, and suddenly he stiffens, as we hear what amounts to barely a pop, two of them. His body shakes a couple of times, he puts his hand to his chest, it comes up bloody, he drops, and lays sprawled on the ground, with what looks like two bullet holes in his chest.

Over in the square, Ben is walking, as is Abby, each spot each other, but she keeps going. Kate arrives, sees Will, Sonny & Gabi, and goes over to talk with them. Lucas has returned, is looking for Allie and Jordan. Rafe comes along, sees the foursome, smiles. And then here comes Jordan with Allie, both eating ice cream, laughing, when suddenly Allie drops hers and screams, then screams again, pointing her finger.
All eyes turn, and there is Nick, stumbling along, way more bloody than before. Julie shouts "he's been shot", and goes to him, as Nick falls to the pavement. She is holding him, as he looks at everyone staring at him.
I've been dreading this episode because I'm a huge fan of Blake Berris (Nick), have been ever since he game to Salem in 2006 with his glasses and geek speak. A DAYS character death hasn't affected me this much since Zack followed by baby Grace. I will dearly miss both the character and the actor.

I think the voicemail that Nick was leaving Marlena will somehow be played for all those who wanted Nick dead to hear and it will lead to them feeling a bit remorseful for actually wanting him dead.

If Sami doesn't shoot EJ for playing her like a fiddle....He's still trying to convince her that killing Nick is what's best for her, Kate, Gabi when in actuality killing Nick is what's best for him.
Hmm, that is a thought about two shooters. The thing is, if Nick came to, enough to stagger into the square, then why not call 911 from where he was? Yes, yes, I know. All those he had badgered, blackmailed, told off had to be there.
When Sonny put the bag in the closet up on the shelf, and left the apt. with Will, the camera goes into the closet, staying on the bag for a few seconds.
And except for EJ & Sami, who are sitting all the while in the Square, plus Jordan & Allie, any one of those there could have slipped out, seen Nick, shot him, and returned.
Boy, Sami is a braver woman then I am, taking a walk in that dress, shoes, and don’t forget to take your purse. First they have to stay home because the servants saw them, she can’t play with the kids, hey lets go to the HTS for all to see how guilty we look!

I heard 3 shots, but only saw 2 blood stains, and Nick is one strong man walking to the HTS after being shot and then looks everyone in the eye! Amazing….

It’s really to bad they have ruined Rafe/Jordan, Rafe knew Sami’s whole life story in less time then this, and I’m sure Sami had a lot more to say then Jordan will have. They are making Rafe look like an idiot, like all he cares about is having Jordan around to have sex with, and why is Sami judging Jordan for being with Allie, but it’s OK for Allie to hang around rapist EJ.

Poor Kate doesn’t get it, everybody and their brother has told her that Rafe will never come back to her, even Rafe, but lets continue to dream that you are the only one for him.
It's a very bad day for Tricky Nicky, but it will be all downhill from here for the Salem P.D and those who wished he'd vanish. As with the murder of the Stefano double, there's a small army of Salemites with a motive, and probably the opportunity. Roman's cops will be frantically running around in circles trying to sort things out, while all those who wanted the Trickster dead will worry about being falsely accused. If the police arbitrarily decide to go after EJ, as they did with the Stefano "murder," he's carelessly left them an evidence trail. He foolishly met with the hired killer face to face and called him on his own phone (Stefano never would have made such mistakes), but this being Salem, it probably won't make any difference.
I will have to go back and look at the tape again, I thought he was actually talking to Marlena, not leaving a voice mail , but it was hard to tell .. so if he was talking to her, she would hear the shots, or it could be on her tape.....
Also I thought I saw him shot in the back, turn around and be shot twice more in the chest.. .. making 3 times.
So 3 possible shooters ???
Also he looked like he possible saw the person who shot at him or did the shooting..
Now today when he was laying there looking at the group and pointing... he could have wanted to say "I love you and I am sorry" to Gabi
Or could be telling Julie who shot him..
Oh Also I thought he dropped his phone when turned around, then he fell in the park, so totally get he wandered into the square for help..
I also thought he was talking directly to that would have been a very long message for voicemail. He was shot in the back, and if the bullets went thru his body, it would leave holes in the front.
He had to turn so we could see the holes and blood as against the white shirt, (dramatic effect) as we would not see that with the dark jacket. Don't have tape, so cannot check the number of shots, but when he turned around, he did shudder twice. Or rather his body jerked.
I heard three shots, too. One in the back and then two when he turned around.

The only one I felt sorry for was Allie, who had to watch her favorite cousin stagger into HTS, all bloody. She'll need some sessions with Marlena after seeing that!
You can advance to the last 5 minutes, and not watch it all if you want. Also, for those who are Sami/EJ fans, they are talking as they walk of wedding plans, ice sculptures, music, and he asks her what their first dance should be......and she says it has to be a tango of course. (and this refers to the dance at that pier party they did back years ago.
You can advance to the last 5 minutes, and not watch it all if you want. Also, for those who are Sami/EJ fans, they are talking as they walk of wedding plans, ice sculptures, music, and he asks her what their first dance should be......and she says it has to be a tango of course. (and this refers to the dance at that pier party they did back years ago.

You mean the dance she did with him when she was engaged to another man. Cute.