Days of Our Lives - Mon., April 13, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 13, 2020

Good show, tho lots of tears by various characters, plus, it seemed as tho there were scenes missing, (edited out?). If not, the putting together of the scenes from different days of filming was not done well, at least to me. Missed the first 10-15 minutes, update press conference, so.........Kristen is still holding onto the baby she was cuddling, Marlena & John come in, nurse tells Marlena, who will talk to Kristen, who looks at her, saying the baby is sleeping, she doesn't want anyone to wake her. Marlena assures her she won't let anyone wake the baby, Kristen hands the baby to Marlena, who gives it to the nurse, goes out with her. John sits with Kristen for a few minutes, Marlena returns, is sorry, but Kristen is removed from the program. Kristen understands fully, she overstepped, who wants a crazy lady holding the babies. She is tearful, talks about Rachel, knows she has to put her to rest. John & Marlena offer to take her home, no she has something to do first.

Nicole & Eric are with Brady, evidently have told him that Mackenzie is not his niece, but his daughter. Brady is disbelieving, Eric assures him it is true. That child is Rachel, belongs to him & Kristen. His daughter with Sarah died. Brady cannot understand, is angry, going to sue the hospital, Nicole explains it was Xander, Eric explaining how Nicole dug into the facts, checked, etc. Babies switched on purpose. Brady furious, gonna kill Xander, Eric come with him, Eric calming him down, Brady is so sorry, hugging Eric (tears here as well). Eric tells him he has to go inform Kristen, this is not yet time to mourn Mackenzie.

Steve evidently remembered Kayla, as she told him of some things in their past. Hugs, tears, what happened, why didn't I remember. We don't see the various things Kayla tells him, but the upshot is, she explains how Rolf put a microchip with Stefano's essence into Steve's brain, (gone now, she says) took over Steve's body. Steve wants to know just what Stefano was after.......Marlena of course. He gets that Stefano's goons grabbed him on his way back home, he talks about what ”he did” but she assures him that everyone knows it wasn't him. She tells about what Rolf did to Marlena, who is fine now, she & John are together. Steve remarks how that is as it should be, always has been, like us, as he squeezes her hand. He asks how long he had been “Stefano”, she says 2 years. She has explained nearly everything (off camera) and talks of the divorce papers she sent, hoping it would push him to return, but instead the paper came back signed, not a word. He says so tear them up, they mean nothing, we'll remarry....she sadly tells him that she figured he did not want her any more, and thus...she moved on. Is with someone else now.

Kristen has gone to the cemetery, put flowers on Rachel's grave. She is in tears again as she says she has to find a way to get over this, move on. Hand on her shoulder, it is Brady. She lays her head on his shoulder, his arms are around her, as he looks down at the grave marker.

Xander is glad to see Sarah, thought she had changed her mind. She does act a bit odd, as he talks of loving her, being a family, etc. Justin wonders if they can get on with this, she takes off her coat, grabs a small bouquet of flowers, o.k. Let's go. Let's get married. Justin does the “if anyone objects....noting no one is there except Mackenzie...Xander says he & Sarah wrote their own vows.....goes first. Talks of having done bad things, lying, keeping things from her, but no longer. He wants nothing but honesty, loves her and Mackenzie so much. Lots more. She is staring (she never smiles at all). Now her turn, she talks of when she first met him, knew about him, things people told her, but slowly she came to feel that he was good to her, he did everything for her & Mackenzie, he delivered her, held her before she did. She did not care what others thought, he was good to her, and to her daughter. Eventually, Justin is doing the final part......Xander puts the ring on Sarah's finger, With this ring I thee wed. He says his “I do”. Now Justin asks Sarah. She stares up at Xander, just stares. Finally Xander says it is her turn, she has to say I do. She takes a step back, Why would I say that? How could I ever say that, after what you did?
Today was very good. I loved Steve and Kayla. Him finishing the vows he said at their original wedding. Loved it! I always like Steve and Kayla. I can't imagine her picking Justin. Steve didn't do any of the horrible things she thought he did. And wow almost 2 years. Thank god there was a time jump and we didn't have to suffer for almost 2 years.

Dangit, Kristen didn't actually go off the rails with not giving the baby back. Good lord, are John and Marlena really that supportive of Kristen now?! Hopefully getting the news that Mackenzie is Rachel will send her over edge. Though I am still hoping she's not really Rachel. Brady was very sweet when Eric told him. More worried about Eric grieving now.

Wouldn't there need to be witnesses to Xander and Sarah's wedding? She did look hopeful that he was really going to tell her. But really, would he pick their wedding to say oh by the way Mackenzie isn't really your daughter?
Today was a really good show that reminded me why I like soaps. Patch and Kayla were great, and there was so much payoff for the drama. Whether she stays with Justin or not, I hope the Steveano thing is really over.

I was really hoping Xander would confess. I feel like this is mostly Victor's doing, and if he told the truth, that would have been a saving grace. It also would leave everyone way more up in the air on how to deal with his part in all this.

I'm looking forward to Brady hearing about Victor's role as the mastermind. His grandfather's willingness to see him suffer has to be the ultimate unforgivable dealbreaker, right? They're already not speaking.

Who decided letting a woman with Kristen's mental history and medical history into a neonatal cuddling program was a good idea to start with? Fresh off of having a baby die? That was awful. It will test how much kinder the writers are making her character when she has to face Xander and Victor. Old Kristen would NOT let this go unavenged. Never in a million years.

The actress who plays Sarah did an amazing job with these scenes. I'm hoping the character doesn't go back to being completely intolerable after ending things with Xander. That relationship did as much to humanize her and make her likable as it did for Xander's character.

And Maggie...she's about to find out that she killed her granddaughter. As guilty as she was feeling about Adrienne, this is going to be so much worse.
I don't think John is all that supportive of Kristen. He hangs around to protect Marlena, "just in case". But Marlena is the one who is giving Kristen the support, Kristen admits how very kind they have both been to her. Personally, I think that is how they are, but really not trusting least John is very wary.
Wouldn't there need to be witnesses to Xander and Sarah's wedding? She did look hopeful that he was really going to tell her.
I checked on this and learned that a large number of states don't require witnesses including Illinois where Salem is usually assumed to be. As for the rest of the episode, here are a few comments.

Steve: His flashbacks with Kayla were very good. They were a reminder when Days really had romance instead of a steady diet of gloom, doom, crime, bizarre sci-fi-like events, and a string of failed wedding ceremonies. It was also a positive development that Steve did not fall victim to Princess Gina Syndrome, which is the overpowering need to feel guilty for involuntary acts committed by one's body while it was under the control of DiMeras.

Sarah; Couldn't she have scrubbed the wedding at the outset instead of forcing the viewers to listen to a rehash of her up-and-down relationship with Xander.

Justin: Yes, the Xander-Sarah wedding collapsed in flames, but sometime he could entertain readers of the Salem Bar Association Journal by writing a short article entitled "The Wedding I Almost Performed."

Kristen: just as she should never have been allowed to join the baby care program, she shouldn't be allowed in Salem Cemetery. Those who are there to visit the grave of a loved one don't need to have their day spoiled by the sight of the infamous Salem witch.
I am just really unhappy that the writers (or head writer) wants to make us root for Kristen and totally has her on a redemption tour. Now she has Marlena being kind and sympathetic and we are supposed to feel bad for her for losing her baby. I don't. She clearly has no business with a baby and I feel so sorry for the smothering she is going to do to Rachel. I did like the wedding today but I wish there had been more people there. Sarah sure was shooting daggers at Xander. I wonder who is going to tell Maggie that she (well, she thinks it was her) actually did kill her grandchild.

Kayla and Steve were good, but I think there were many more flashbacks we could have seen. It seemed rushed and suddenly he is Steve again with no real build up after being gone for two years.
I am just really unhappy that the writers (or head writer) wants to make us root for Kristen and totally has her on a redemption tour. Now she has Marlena being kind and sympathetic and we are supposed to feel bad for her for losing her baby. I don't. She clearly has no business with a baby and I feel so sorry for the smothering she is going to do to Rachel. I did like the wedding today but I wish there had been more people there. Sarah sure was shooting daggers at Xander. I wonder who is going to tell Maggie that she (well, she thinks it was her) actually did kill her grandchild.

Kayla and Steve were good, but I think there were many more flashbacks we could have seen. It seemed rushed and suddenly he is Steve again with no real build up after being gone for two years.
Thank god, It wasn't dragged our for a month like everything usually is.
Thanks, Poirot.

What a show. It was like riding a roller coaster, going up and down, then up and down again.

It was a tissue day too with Steve remembering his vows and saying Sweetness.
Then she had to tell him what happened during the two years and she was with
someone else.

When Xander was talking to Sarah about lying, I was hoping he was going to tell her
about Mickey. He had a chance and didn't take it.

I enjoyed Sarah being series than the other day when she was acting all giddy with

Nice scenes with Eric and Brady. Brady must not have been thinking straight about who
would switch babies. Didn't Nicole do that? Then Brady wanted to kill Xander, but later
said they (him and Eric) could both do it.
Loved the Kayla/Steve scenes -- especially when he called her "sweetness"!!
The Eric/Brady scene was also very good. Nice to see that brotherly connection.
That baby Kristen was holding at the hospital was a noisy sleeper. She claimed that it was sleeping soundly and she didn't want to disturb it. It had been fussy and she finally got it to settle down and sleep. BUT it was making a lot of fussy sounding noises and did NOT seem to be asleep at all. Did the sound effects folks not read the script?
I got married by a Justice of the Peace in Pennsylvania in 1975 with no witnesses.

While watching Kayla explain to Steve about Rolf putting a chip into his brain, and that it had the essence of Stefano, I kept wondering how these actors are able to keep a straight face and deliver some of the ridiculous lines they are given.
A great episode today.

The only things I didn't like were the Kristen stuff but I hate the character so that is a given, and Sarah's melodramatic performance. I agree with DrBakerFan, there was no need for Sarah to be so vindictive by stringing Xander along until the bitter end. Xander might be the "bad one" but Sarah is needlessly cruel.