Days of Our Lives - Mon., April 19, 2021


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We do find out the person who killed Charlie today

Replay of Tripp and Allie in the pub picking up the pacifier that the 8-month-old Henry tossed to the ground, which is amazing given how tightly he is swaddled.

Jan’s hospital room chatting with Claire, Jan shows Claire the legal paperwork. Jan thinks Claire should celebrate life. Claire tells Jan she isn’t her friend. Jan claims she’s moved on, she’s changed. Claire walks out.

Rafe asking Belle about the button. Belle states she’s never been in Charlie’s apartment. The button was found after Charlie Dale was shot DEAD. Belle keeps saying this makes no sense, even if the button looks like it could be mine, but Belle’s never been to Charlie’s apartment.

John going back to Charlie’s apartment, he heard a voice, he heard the shot, saw Charlie fall then he backed out of the room, Marlena backs him out of the session. Marlena asks who shot him? John says it was our daughter, it was Belle. He didn’t see the face but the red hooded coat that Shawn gave Belle on Valentine’s Day. John and Marlena discuss the night Claire tried to get Charlie to confess into her phone. They remember that Belle was wearing the red coat. Shawn was trying to calm Belle down, remove her coat. John doesn’t remember anything else. John thinks he was in shock and shut down. Marlena is concerned. John uses colorful language describing Charlie. John says My God our little girl blew that punk away. Marlena doesn’t believe Belle did this, she knows her little girl wouldn’t do that.

Jan walks in wanting to know what they are talking about. Jan came to Marlena’s office to share the great news. John tells her about the deal. Jan goads them, John tells Jan that they are in the middle of something. Jan considers Claire a great friend, and she feels guilty for trying to hook them up (Claire and Charlie). Jan tells them that whoever took out Charlie did the world a great favor. Jan goes on and on and on about Charlie. John shuts her off and she calls him rude. Jan is upset they aren’t grateful for all she’s done for them. Marlena locks her desk before leaving. Jan sneaks in after they’ve gone. Because, of course. She starts opening desk drawers, uses a letter opener to break into the locked door, takes the tape recorder so she can hear what John and Marlena are talking about.

Rafe and Belle continue to stand in the police station talking when Trask walks in wants Belle arrested. Trask gets to be pushing, she wants Belle arrested. Trask brings up the restraining order Belle got. While Rafe and Shawn tell her she doesn’t have anything, Trask wants her arrested. Rafe refused to arrest Belle. Belle tries to provide an alibi, people came in and out. Trask insists on an arrest, they have a button so make this arrest. The slowest Miranda Rights ever read by Rafe.

Tripp comes home with chowder and apple pie; Tripp discusses Allie feeling better now that they are off the hook for the murder. Tripp tells them that Allie is lost, she has no direction. Steve asks what does Allie want to do, Tripp says she has no idea. Steve points out that Tripp is smitten with Allie. Tripp is starting rounds at the hospital tomorrow. (Bets on when he will be a doctor?? End of the month? Summer) Tripp says smitten?? Steve says yes, that’s a little old fashioned, I’ll try to update it, are you hung up? Tripp says yes, that’s more current.

Kayla gives Tripp his first white coat, a gift from Dr. Snyder? Tripp looks at is as if he has never seen a white coat before. He tries it on. He struggles with it. It also has his official Salem Hospital badge which Tripp looks at and says I can’t wear this. They ask why can’t he wear the badge? Tripp says well somethings changed; tomorrow is a new beginning. They reminisce over Tripp’s past. Great adoptive mom, alcoholic abusive dad, looking for biological parents. Tripp can’t believe how accepting they are. Tripp says I’m no longer Tripp Dalton. Tripp hired Justin to do something for him. From now on Tripp’s legal name is Tripp Johnson. Steve and Kayla tear up. Tripp tells Kayla she’s a great person, he truly appreciates her. Group hug.

Claire leaves an urgent message for her mom. Claire, Allie and Henry chat. Claire is upset about Jan. Claire tells about the legal agreement signed by Jan and Belle. The one that keeps John out of prison. Allie is going to go look for a job and Allie needs a babysitter, can Claire help out right now? Allie gushes all about Tripp, Claire asks so when did this happen, when did you get so into Tripp??? Allie says she’s not gushing over Tripp. Claire doesn’t by this. Henry starts making noise, then quiets down. Claire asks point blank, then John and Marlena walk in on Allie and Claire. They admire the darling Henry. Claire tells Grandpa that no matter how distasteful the deal with Jan Spears is, Claire is happy Grandpa isn’t going to jail. No one can reach Belle. Shawn tells Marlena that Belle’s been arrested for Charlie’s murder.

Jan listens to the tape where John admits he saw Charlie shot. But only saw the coat. Flashback to Charlie being shot, falling to the ground. Camera pans to the face of the shooter, it’s Jan. Sorry Charlie. End
Guess I have to give them points for making Jan the killer instead of Cousin Angelo or another Vitali family member as revenge for what Charlie did to Ava.

So, how long will it drag out until the Salemites find out Jan is Charlie's killer?
So how long has Jan really been out of her coma??
What cracks me up is how they come out of comas, all fresh as a daisy, walking and talking with no issues. (well, except Rafe, who needed a physical therapist, which is how we got Jordan)

I had a family member in a medically induced coma for a month. After coming out of it, they couldn't even sit up without assistance, could barely speak, had severe memory issues from it, could barely hold a pen or write their name, had to "re-learn" bladder control, etc. Took months upon months for them to get back to somewhat normal.
The money tree has magical powers........or maybe it's the Salem waters. By the way, up here, name changes are published in the paper, tiny print, but it is a court case, so any "objections" can be filed. That said, guess that is not done in Salem, or else, Steve & Kayla don't bother reading the paper. Then again, they all seem to "read" news on their tablets, don't they? :sarcasm:
All legal name changes must be published. But like you said, it's usually in tiny print in the classified section. I'd venture to guess 99% of people don't read the classified sections or things like name changes, deed transfers, estates, marriage license applications, etc. in the newspapers.

Years and years ago, I worked for security for a large department store. We had 2 people who kept getting arrested for shoplifting. We knew they were working together, but could never get proof (they swore they didn't know each other). I always read the classified sections and one day was reading the marriage license applications and lo and behold, Mister Shoplifter and Miss Shoplifter had applied for a marriage license. And back then, it even listed their addresses, which oh so coincidentally matched the addresses on their arrest records. I brought the paper into my boss the next morning and he was so happy to finally have something to prove they were working together.
Am seems Tripp is going to be "making rounds", has to wear that white coat, etc. So, has he been finishing up his schooling without anyone commenting about it, or had he already done so, and is now "intern"? (No, have not seen the show, talking heads are still at it, and not on line yet)
Seems like that's been a gray area not overly addressed. Just that he had been doing the classes in California, came to Salem, was about to start going through their medical school program, then everything hit the fan with Allie and he wasn't able to follow through until now. But I'm sure he'll be a full fledged doctor and specialized surgeon by the end of summer with a couple of saved lives and delivered babies under his belt. :rolleyes:
What cracks me up is how they come out of comas, all fresh as a daisy, walking and talking with no issues.
That bothers me too, along with the perfect makeup and hair. I spent five days in the hospital recently and, when I got home, I was almost too weak to walk. Maybe the Salemites have little fairies that visit patients every day and do their makeup, hair and nails and exercise their limbs.
Jan Spears shot Charlie? Why? Up to now, there's been no indication that Jan even knew that poor Charlie existed. If the writers wanted to please the viewers, they'd now have homicidal Jan face the wrath of Ava and the other Vitalis, or even the righteous anger of Xander who's been angry over the cruel murder of his favorite Titan intern.

So Little Trippy got his white coat. Hopefully, he realizes that this is just the beginning. If he wants to be a worthy successor to Love Doctor Jonas or Dr. Dingo, he'll now have to master Daniel's list of tips for seducing attractive staff members and hottie patients, and his best-selling Your Guide to Tabletop Surgery in Rustic Cabins.
Guess I have to give them points for making Jan the killer instead of Cousin Angelo or another Vitali family member as revenge for what Charlie did to Ava.
I said the same thing on twitter, only I also subtracted points since her motive is clearly to frame Belle and win Shawn-D.

Why can Kristen change (although she's changed back) and EJ can change (ahem), but Jan has to be crazy all the time? Ugh, this show.
Up to now, there's been no indication that Jan even knew that poor Charlie existed
Yeah, she did. She encouraged Claire to pursue him and helped clear up their misunderstanding. She knew him.

This was referenced in Friday's episode but I left it out of the summary. I am sorry.

Frankly I liked the name Dalton better than Johnson. I'm pretty sure the next time Mr Dalton is mentioned, he'll make Stefano in his heyday look like Dr Tom Horton.
Soooo, this means she has been faking the coma all this while, unless she has been in cahoots with Dr. Snyder.

She encouraged Claire to be with Charlie, guess she now figures she "corrected" her mistake, protected her "friend". And how did she get Belle's coat? (of course she "borrowed" it, unless she managed to get an identical one???
If I’m reading the summary correctly, it says Jan tried to set Claire and Charlie up. She is just mentally unstable enough to think that Claire would be forever grateful and think of her like a surrogate mother when Belle gets accused of murder since Jan wore a coat just like Belle’s. I’m guessing that she purposely dropped the button.
unless she has been in cahoots with Dr. Snyder.
Anywhere but Salem, she would have to have been in cahoots with the doctor. I am hoping this is the case (or the nurse, Judith). Partially because I'm hoping for skilled storytelling.

It would be super weird to introduce two characters the day Jan wakes up, have them interact with nobody but her for 5 seconds, and never use them again. At least for a show like Days which frankly appears to be operating on a shoestring budget (and can barely afford background extras, let alone U/5 speaking parts).
I like the twist, but of course, nothing about Jan faking a coma makes sense. I don't know for sure, but don't they have you hooked up to machines that measure motion, breathing, and brain activity? Wouldn't it show that she had activity inconsistent with being unconscious? Plus, she'd have to disconnect everything and leave ICU and then get back into ICU and reconnect everything with no one noticing. Was she out of the coma for a while and biding her time to avoid jail and then heard about Charlie being a rapist? Lots of questions.

I guess this Dr. Snyder might have helped. I didn't get to watch today because it was pre-empted. I'll have to watch on Peacock tomorrow or maybe on my Hulu TV if it's available tonight.
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Do you think we will ever see flashbacks of Jan waking up, deciding to do this, getting out of her bed, unhooking any monitors, stealing Belle's coat, stealing Kate's gun, getting to the apartment, killing him, getting Belle's coat back to her, getting back in bed, rehooking herself up and pretending to be in a coma again? Good grief!
She didn't have to have Belle's coat, just a red hooded coat. She had ample time to swipe the button the many times she was at Belle and Shawn's house. I can't remember the timeline, but wasn't Charlie show around the wedding??? Given the extreme flexibility of Salem's time she could have fit in a murder between a wedding.