Days of Our Lives - Mon., April 20, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 20, 2020

Only parts today, interruptions on TV, & home, so am doing the best I can. Marlena opens her door to Orpheus, gasps, door stays open as he exchanges barbs with her. He blames her for how Evan turned out, since she bowed out of raising him. Marlena says not his mother or nanny, that was your job, as father. Orpheus says John took Rebecca, so he took John's wife. Meanwhile John trying to call her, no luck. Marlena tells Orpheus John in next room, so he should leave, he calls her bluff. Her phone rings, he sees it is John. But doesn't take long, John arrives with the news of Orpheus free, as is Evan. They all go back and forth, Orpheus finally leaves, John assures Marlena he will be there for her, she is safe.

Over in the park, Evan sits with Zoey, rehashing her saving him, knows he loved Jordan, all he wants is David, his son. They talk of Dad, who always has his own agenda, and look who arrives, after John made him leave. Chatter, chatter, Orpheus reminds Zoey she has to proceed with the plan, she is on her way.

Justin is with Rafe, going over his visit with Steve, and how he intends to fight for Kayla, and they talk of trying to push Rafe's adoption papers for David faster. Justin leaves, Rafe tells David (cute scenes how all families are different, mentioning Ari with 1 mom, 2 daddies, how he & David are family, loves him, but when he was born, he had a different daddy, but Rafe is his daddy now, always will be. Hug.

Justin joins Jen at Julie's Place, more yakking about Steve, Kayla,Justin, & his intention to fight for Kayla. He leaves, Jack comes in. He & Jennifer have some really good scenes, as they talk over all these events, the ifs, what ifs, how Orpheus shot JJ, strapped a bomb to Jen, which Hope diffused, how much they love each other, etc.

Kayla tells Steve she has made a decision, as things cannot stay as they are, but he goes on and on, turns into a noble heroic self-sacrificing patient, wanting her to go be with Justin, where she will be safe. He goes on about what he did to her (as Stefano) via flashback, Justin told all. She knows he wasn't himself, but Steve blames himself because he should have come home immediately when she called him, and he did not. Thus when he did, he got captured, blah, blah. Kayla gets very angry, who is he to make her choices, decide who she should be with, see, what she should do. No thank you, she can make her own.

Zoey has gone to see Rafe, telling him David belongs with family, she is suing for custody. He replies no judge would consider Evan or Orpheus to raise David. She is not suing on behalf of them, she is suing for custody herself. She is Evan's sister.

After Zoey left......Orpheus & Evan (she calls him Chris) talk a bit, then Orpheus warns Evan to keep quiet, keep his mouth shut, don't tell anyone “what we did”.
Orpheus says John took Rebecca, so he took John's wife.
The writers did some sloppy homework. Original recipe Roman accidentally killed Rebecca, not John.

Also, Zoey mentions to Evan about being his big sister. When the original kids played Orpheus' children on the island, the boy was older.
Ugh. I didn't know that but stuff like that drives me crazy on shows. Continuity! It's important!!

David looked happy today. Cute kid. But way too young to understand what Rafe is telling him.

Marlena's phone ringing was driving me crazy. My phone does not ring that many times. Why is Marlena dressing like Hattie? Just does not look like her.

It's a shame, I actually like all the actors for Orpheus, Christian/Evan and Zoey. Especially Orpheus.

Aww Steve. He's going to be a good guy and step aside. It has to end up being Kayla and Steve. Just has to!
The writers did some sloppy homework. Original recipe Roman accidentally killed Rebecca, not John.
I thought so, I asked on twitter and it didn't ring with anyone.
When the original kids played Orpheus' children on the island, the boy was older.
It's a case of wacky aging! Like Abby's backward aging, perpetual babies, and of course, Chase & Ciara's switching birthdays. LOL

I didn't see anything missing. I didn't understand Kayla's rage.

I hope that Zoey gets Chris cleared using self-defence. He only confessed with a gun to his head, and frankly, Jordan was a loose cannon. She could have killed Ari with her attempt to kill Ciara that ended up almost killing Rafe. (Mind you I'm still angry about the destruction of Jordan.) Not to mention I still think a better story would have been her trying to make it look like Chris was attacking her, only to have it go awry, and she actually died; but that would have had to have been told in the moment.
I did not get that reference to John & Rebecca. *I knew Roman, real Roman, had shot her..... But was not sure if Orpheus took Marlena when she was with "real Roman" or when Drake Hogestyn was playing him. (Days really screwed up during that time, as everyone accepted the much taller Roman, & yet, real Roman eventually showed up, with Drake now becoming this brainwashed pawn of Stefano's, etc.

Maybe Orpheus has a failing memory......lolol
Original Roman (Wayne Northrop) had accidentally killed Rebecca (off-screen; was the backstory they created for Orpheus in October/1986). Then Roman met and married Marlena, had the twins, and "died". John came to town, was thought to be Roman. Orpheus decided to get revenge on Roman by kidnapping Marlena and later making it look as though she had died. John (as Roman) "killed" Orpheus (April/1987). Wasn't until 1991 that the writers decided both Marlena and the real Roman were alive, 4 years after the whole Orpheus storyline.
Marlena: Why is she talking to Orpheus? Doesn't she remember the old saying, "never argue with an idiot?" That would go double for arguing with a psychopath.

John: Why are he and others taking the presence of a crazed criminal lunatic in their community lying down? In fact, the entire Salem population should be enraged about the ridiculous ISA getting him his freedom and allowing him to run free in their community. It's about time to call out the full fury of the Salem mob. After being tarred and feathered and dumped outside the city limits, the Big Zero might lose some of his attitude.

"There's Orpheus! Let's get him!!"

Justin: He's not the best lawyer, but he's on target about any Rafe getting custody of David. The standard for granting custody is the best interests of the child. It's hard to see any judge, including the legal dunces who inhabit the Salem bench, granting custody to any member of the depraved Orpheus family.

Kayla: She really got worked up today when Steve cut her loose. Apparently, she's been out of the dating game so long that she's forgotten that if a person is dumped they really don't get any say in the matter.
I totally understand why Kayla was mad. It was HER decision to make, not Steve's for her. If she wanted to stay with Steve, that's her choice. It is not up to anyone else to make her decision for her by being noble and stepping down. And she was right - he always does make those decisions for her, as if he knows best, which is extremely condescending. Go Kayla! (Even though we all know the endgame.)
I'll be glad when a decision is made, one way or the other, about Kayla's love life. I don't care who makes the decision, I just want it over. I don't understand why anybody would want to be with someone whose heart in half belongs to someone else. I realize this is a bad situation that's no one's fault but still, wouldn't the person who gets her always be wondering if she was thinking about the other guy?
The little actor playing David is a doll. He had no idea what Rafe was saying, just saying "yah" because it sounded like he should. I loved the scene. I suppose Kayla went bonkers because she really doesn't know what she wants and Steve, with all the apologies, made it harder--even if she HAD made up her mind.
Thanks, Poirot.

Poor Rafe, Justin is his lawyer and Zoey seems to be 100 percent smarter than Justin.

Marlena was smart and left the door open when Orpheus was there.

I enjoyed David saying Yeah to everything.

Will we find out who Kayla picked before Steve told her to be with Justin?

How long will it be before we know Christian's and Orpheus secret?
Let's see, were Orpheus and/or Evan driving the car that ran Adrienne and Sarah off the road? Did they switch Adrienne with Bonnie Lockhart and Adrienne is being held captive somewhere? Did they somehow play spin-the-bassinets with the 4 babies born on Mother's Day and the real Mickey is alive?