Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 12, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, Aug. 13, 2013

Good show, but I do wish scenes would last longer than 30 seconds. EJ is giving instructions to his flunky to plant $50,000 in unmarked money in Bernadi's home to prove he was a dirty cop, and to call a certain detective in the Salem P.D. to top them off.

Sami is served a burger & fries in the jail, complains it isn't a salad. Bites into the burger, turns over the napkin, to find a message written in red: You are a dead woman. She dumps the tray of food, and tries to spit out what's in her mouth, claiming she choked on something, refuses another tray, & when EJ arrives, shows him the napkin. He gets Abe in there, shows the napkin threat to him. Abe leaves, returns, saying that all Sami's meals will now come from outside, with 3 handpicked guards picking it up and delivering. EJ again promises to get Sami out of there.

Abe & Theo run into Marge & Timmy, who is wearing a medal of his dad's. The boys go off, so that Marge can once again brag of what a good man Joe was, and how Timmy wears that medal on all his clothes, even his pajamas. She reminds Abe to protect Joe's good name.

Theresa is in the park, scalping the concert tickets to some guy, even managing to get an extra $80 from the guy. He leaves, along comes Daniel, and she tries to explain no longer having the tickets. She boo hoos about the family troubles, Sami being in jail, and how she just could not go, yada, yada. She gets a call from Aunt Kayla, ordering her to get her butt over to her office, NOW. Theresa makes excuses, Daniel understands, leaves.

Theresa gets a dressing down from Aunt Kayla about her attitude, the complaints lodged against her, and hoe being here in Salem was the only reprieve she got from the Calif. courts. She warns her that she will be returned to L.A. facing jail time for a drug bust. She orders Theresa to write an apology to Jennifer, and a promise to do better. Evidently she does.

JJ sits in the Square with Bev & Rory, talking about their little "party" later on, when Nicole comes by. He makes the other two scoot, then starts to leave himself, til Nik stops him. She wonders if he & his friends were planning another heist. They go back and forth a bit, but JJ reminds her of how she lied about his mother, so who is going to believe her now. He takes off, she runs into Daniel, tells about the run in with JJ, that he is up to something, how Jen should know how JJ is playing her. Daniel won't say a word, says Jen wants to believe her son, and he manages to wiggle out of everything. Nicole mentions going to the book club meeting, Jen invited her, that maybe she will tell her, they are becoming friends, Jen has forgiven her for what she did in the past. They hug, she drops her short form Alice in Wonderland book, laughs about not having read the whole thing.

At the Pub, Julie comes in to greet Hope, both looking forward to Book Club/girls' night out. Hope gets a call from Bo, doesn't make her too happy, she asks him to please call Ciara, she misses him so much. She hangs up, Julie comments about how long he has been gone. She agrees, that when he first wanted to be gone, it was for a couple of months, and now has been so much longer. And he has just let her know he is going undercover! She doesn't want to talk about it, they both take off for Jen's.

Adrienne has arrived at the Horton house, where Jen is making donuts. Rolling out dough, Adrienne helps with the donut cutter, as she moans and groans about what she did, her family's anger towards her, etc. She thinks, tho, that Sonny may be coming round. Jen is rolling the donuts in powedered sugar as JJ arrives. He finishes that job for her, so she can get ready, and then figures he can use the rest of the dough to make some donuts for his friends. He talks to Rory on the phone, mentions getting rid of Nicole, and that he has an idea on how to get "the stuff" out without a problem. Later, he is rolling the donuts he made into powdered sugar, and putting them all in a brown bag.
Adrienne comes in, looking for wine glasses, he points to where they are kept. She asks about his donuts, he says he isn't a baker per se, but they came out o.k. He leaves the room, she looks in the bag.

Abe is on the phone with Marge, who is upset over what a friend at the courthouse told her. He is sorry, has no choice. She is keeping Timmy there in the square, he promises everything will be put back as it was. (Evidently the cops have gotten the tip about Bernardi & the money)

The ladies arrive at the Hortons, all having some laughs. Kayla has brought the note from Theresa, which Jen has read. She let's Kayla know that she is only giving Theresa another chance because of Kayla, but this is it. Adrienne goes to get the platter of donuts, and decides JJ & his friends should have the good ones, so exchanges the ones Jen made for the ones JJ made. She folds up the bag, JJ comes to retrieve it, and leaves.
The gals are all drinking wine, talking a bit about the book, and something Gran Alice said about books, laughing, toasting Alice over there in Wonderland. Then they decide that they really have to to toast their Alice, and everyone takes a donut.

In the park, JJ, Bev and Rory are eating the donuts he brought. She says there is an odd taste, JJ says he added some cinnamon. She claims doesn't taste like pot at all. Rory says he feels nothing, JJ tells him to give it time. They are all chowing down.

And over at the Horton house, Hope had to leave suddenly (the call from Abe about the tip) warns them all to save donuts for her, and out the door she goes. So Jen, Kayla, Adrienne, Nicole, Julie are all smiling, laughing, at each other, as each munches on a donut.
Sami jams her finger down her throat hoping to hurl...Watching one of her many aggressive sex scenes with Ej is a lot easier way to accomplish the same thing!

Sami will now have catered food...Is that really an option for inmates?

I am loving Kayla very much in her role as enforcer... I wish she could make NBC/Ken Corday/Sony write an apology letter to viewers for forcing us to swallow Ej-Sami as a genuine/loving couple!

Playing JJ's guardian isn't Nicole job.. Jen won't believe her and will start throwing her past deeds in her face... Why is she borrowing that headache!!
I love how they don't even care anymore when they reuse sets. Since when does Daniel have a bathroom with a shower in his office? And why does it look exactly like the office/bathroom from the detective's office which looked just like the police station set. :rolleyes:

Can't wait to see all the ladies get high! :D Should make for some funny lines.

Sami/EJ :zzz:
Nicole will become apart of JJ's storyline...She"ll probably be the one that figures out his drug problem!

Nicole is in the same tragic dress... That's an abomination!

This tacky trend of deliberately letting your bra straps show under tanks falls under the same peek a boo thong... Make it stop.. It screams cheesy and lack of taste!

Seeing Julie makes everything brighter... Like wine and roses!
So the cops were able to get a warrant to search the Bernardi home because a tipster phoned in saying what...there's dirty money in the Bernardi home??? How would the tipster know it was dirty money. The cops would have to be specific about what they were looking for and where they wanted to search in order to get the warrant right? Would a judge really issue a warrant based on something like this?
Good show, but I do wish scenes would last longer than 30 seconds. EJ is giving instructions to his flunky to plant $50,000 in unmarked money in Bernadi's home to prove he was a dirty cop, and to call a certain detective in the Salem P.D. to tip them off. want to talk about it, they both take off for Jen's.
So now Elvis Junior wants to plant money in Bernardi's house, hoping to prove that he was a dirty cop. This sounds like another crude DIMera boondoggle that's likely to blow up in Sami's face and make her look guiltier than ever. As for safe food, Sami better think twice before letting EJ be part of any arrangements. If her bumbling fiancé is involved, she's more likely to get a plate of JJ.'s special donuts than a wholesome meal.
Well we know that the Salem Police Department aren't the sharpest tool... Their heads are filled with stupid juice and we won't ask questions!

Nicole looks so out of place with those women... I guess she is being injected in everything no matter how awkward
The instructions were to hide the $50,000 (that is a large amount, folks, a lot for a cop to have in cash, and a lot to be hidden somewhere.
The Salem P.D. have no idea if they will find anything or not. But the tip is that Bernardi WAS in fact, a dirty cop, and the proof is in his home. No idea where EJ's goon would have hidden it, or even, if, indeed, he did so. Maybe he took most of it for himself???? And left just a couple hundred. LOL
And that continues to stump me Poirot. When Sami and EJ first claimed Bernardi was a dirty cop and tried to kill Rafe, wouldn't the Salem PD have searched his home as part of their investigation? Wouldn't Justin, as Sami's attorney, have insisted that they search his home as part of his case to prove Sami's innocence. This just makes no sense at all, and I'm all for overlooking certain things for the sake of tv, but this is a ridiculous angle.
I'm surprised Jennifer introduced Julie as Hope's "stepmother" instead of just saying Julie was Hope's sister. Granted, she's both, but "stepmother" seems so impersonal when they are actually sisters.

Speaking of Jennifer - how stupid is she? JJ is such an obvious jerk - just saying :)

edited to replace word....JS
Thanks for the summary. It's an alright show. I like all the scenes regarding the bookclub women. But the whole investigation storyline is beyond stupid, for reasons mentioned above. It just seems so unrealistic. Sami would NEVER have gotten food delivered to her cell! And how do they know it is dirty money in Bernardi's home, which they should've searched long ago!? Ugh!
Julie and Hope are "SISTERS"? I thought Julie is married to Hope's dad!!

Julie and Hope are half-sisters. Their mother was Addie, Tom and Alice's daughter.

Addie was married to Ben Olson and had Julie and Steven. Ben died; Addie later married Doug and they had Hope.

Addie was pushing Hope in her carriage as a car went out of control; Addie pushed Hope's carriage out of the way of the speeding car and was killed.

Eventually Doug and Julie got married.
I think that inasmuch as no weapon was found to support Sami's only Sami's "word" that Bernardi was about to kill Rafe is perhaps the reason. And then, Sami's attack on Bernardi in that video clip shows "animosity".
But honestly, I find it totally ridiculous that NO ONE has asked Sami WHY she was riding piggy back on him, or chasing him thru the square. That is the unreal part of it all. If she refused to answer, that would be one thing.
Well, maybe the question will be raised at the trial. Amazing that not even Marge has asked.