Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 17, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 17, 2015

Hard to keep track today, as lots of small scenes. And the wonderful & beautiful Julie appears in the town square, to tell Eve of the attempt to shut down the Horton Center, asking for her help. Eve is resistant, trying to beg off, but Julie pleads the plight of young teens, who are preyed upon by others, reminding Eve of how she herself was taken in by pimps.....Eve cuts her short. Says not to bring that up, she will think about it. Julie leaves, Eve looks at a poster for Saving the Horton Center, gets an idea, and soon is at Jennifer's front door, offering a check for $200 to help in the cause, then faking an emotional meltdown, asking Jen for some water. Jen asks her in, goes to get some water, Eve runs into the living room, plants a bug on the mantel, and is back in the foyer in time to accept the water from Jen, take a drink, and vamoose.

Replay of Abby coming into her office to find Stefano sitting there. He smiles, lets her babble a bit, she figures he knows about her & Chad, who promised to not say a work. Stefano grins, Chad told him nothing, but he knows lots of things, especially if they happen under his roof. He spends some time pleading Chad's case, how he loves Abby, said those terrible things only to protect her from Stefano. Abby replies that she made a choice, Stefano was not even a thought. She is with Ben, and that is that.

Replay of Chad in the park, getting up, and there is Ben, who cannot wait to tell him that he & Abby have decided to move to CA, probably at the end of summer. (he does NOT mention the pregnancy) Chad goes home, has a fantasy about Abby being there, asking him to tell her not to go, is very upset, about to pour a drink, changes his mind, throwing the glass against the wall. Stefano arrives home, asks what all this is about. Chad grabs his jacket, leaves the room saying some deal fell through. Stefano only pats him on the shoulder, says nothing.

Hope is at Vic's club, trying to get Rafe to give her whatever he knows about Clyde. He refuses. She finally leaves, he remembers her dancing with Aiden.
Over in the square, Aiden is talking to some guy about getting some info on Clyde. From a distant bench, Clyde watches. When Aiden's man leaves, Clyde nods to HIS man, who gets up, (evidently to either follow Aiden or else his man). Hope arrives, kiss, kiss, he has a room key for Salem Inn, she gets a call, will meet him there in about 10 minutes. In the room, he is icing champagne, answers the door (we are supposed to think it is someone else) but it is Hope, who has gotten the CD of Chase's last baseball game. Aiden is happy, but before they watch..yep, time to christen the bed. We leave them there.

Replay of Will trying to play down how he broke trust with Paul's interview by telling Derrick. Sonny is on to it all, despite Will's trying to weasel out. Sonny accuses him of trying to appear so noble, when he was anything but noble. Will is trying to squirm out, but Sonny has had it. He tells Will that while he no longer had any feelings for Paul, it was Will who refused to believe it, and then goes thru the litany of Will's shenanigans, starting with cheating on him twice, once in L.A., not wanting Paul to know John was his father, so he would leave town, lying right and left. He warns Will not to say a word, as he doesn't know what he would do if Will says anything, and storms out. Later, in the park, he calls his Uncle Vic, asks if his offer is still good, then remarks he did not realize it would be so soon, needs an hour to think about it.
Paul arrives, Sonny tells of how Will told him what he did, Paul confesses (using a lot of sentences) that he is really not over Sonny. And Sonny mentions how Will has said Sonny is not over Paul. Although, Sonny really cannot say what his feelings for Paul are, right this minute. Paul gets closer, with it looking as though they may kiss. Fade out.

Paige continues ranting to Jennifer about JJ, that he is dealing, using or something. JJ comes in, tells her to stop it, Paige calls him a liar a few times, finally leaves. Jen warns him that while he may think he is helping Paige, what he is doing just may push her further into Kyle's arms.
JJ leaves, goes to the square, the place Paige works, tells her again to stay away from his mom, and bad mouthing him. Kyle comes along, says that for two people who don't like each other, they are together a lot. She says JJ was just leaving, he doesn't have anything to say she wants to hear. But JJ tells Kyle that he is the one who better back off, or else he will go to prison.

Earlier, Clyde showed up at Kyle's apt., asking if all is o.k. Was assured it was. (I missed a bit of this, though it was very short.)

Clyde shows up at Ben's apt., who eagerly tells of the plan to move to California, even mentioning Clyde helping them to buy a house. Clyde says no, you are not leaving here. Ben talks of Silicon Valley job opportunities, and so many hospitals around (why does Abby have to work at a hospital, she is not a nurse or doctor) As Ben continues to talk of CA, Clyde gets a call, abruptly telling whoever it is that he wants to know exactly why Jennings is sniffing around, what info is he looking for.

Abby meets up with Will at the only booth in the Pub, he is downcast over his fight with Sonny, but knows all will be o.k. She tells of the pregnancy test coming out the way she wanted, he blurts out "then Chad is the father". Her face falls, no, it is Ben. She once again is protesting this is what she wanted, Will is reminding her how she seemed to be unable to choose, she gets upset, this was a mistake, and she leaves.

Will is at home, on the computer, about to call Sonny, decides against it, sure that Sonny will cool off, and then call him.

Abby goes back to her office, and there sits Chad. Tell me you are not going. You are not leaving town.
Oh Lordy, that show was boring to no end.

Jason said the name of a new writer appeared in the credits today. (The credits aren't shown on my NBC station due to a very long car dealership commercial.) If the new writer did some tweaking, ok. If she wrote even a portion of this show, I'm losing hope.
The show was kind of boring today. Everything from these old writers is pretty stale, such that even otherwise-interesting storylines, such as Hope & Aiden or the Abigail thing, are getting old. And I enjoyed Sonny reaming out Will, but I felt underwhelmed by the argument and was turned off by Sonny, as usual, going to Paul and flirting with him anytime he fights with Will. If they're gonna start writing Sonny this way, I'm so glad he's leaving.

As for JJ, I understand his frustration. If Will is brat-boy, then Paige is surely brat-girl, with her constant whining and almost-bullying of JJ. Going to tattle-tell on JJ's mother when she is dating the same drug dealing she claims to be concerned about? How is anyone supposed to root for her?

And Ben is equally annoying, with his constant bragging around Chad but always feeling insecure with Abigail himself anytime he chats with daddy.
Will has brought all this that Sonny is going thru upon himself, and Sonny told him so. And Will has so constantly been digging into Sonny about Paul, doing all these things, that he has caused Sonny to doubt himself. It is the reversal of Abby, who keeps insisting she wants to be with Ben, as everyone tells her it seems to them the opposite.

Sonny has constantly tried to reassure Will, he is married to him, etc. but Will just kept undermining, lying, conniving. No matter how much you might care about someone, it is a turnoff, you lose trust. Will is causing Sonny to lose faith in him, in their marriage, in the life they have been building. Will has done that.....not Sonny, who really, has given Will no reason for the things he has done.
Will actually had the audacity at accuse Sonny of always looking for the smallest reason to walk out on him. OH MY SWEET BABY JESUS!

Will has cheated twice and lied repeatedly and Sonny, like a fool, is still there. What is wrong with Will? Is he trying to drive the man insane.

I admit though, I laughed out loud when Sonny said "you cheated on me twice" with the raving mad hand gestures. :rotfl:
Oh Poirot, don't get me wrong, I'm not taking Will's side AT ALL. I just wish that Sonny would wait for divorce before leading another man (who's deeply in love with him, at that) on. He's done this a few times and turned Paul down. It's kind of messed up.
1) Talking to Will: It's worse than a waste of time. After listening to him babble, Sonny hit the nail on the head by asking: "Are you insane?" And after a session with Will, Abigail left more than a little upset. 2) Stefano the matchmaker: Who knew that the Phoenix was such a fan of young love :sarcasm:. It's too bad that Abigail didn't bring up the paternity test results, so Stefano could say: "Ah, you know that in Salem the results are often faked. Yes?" 3) Eve has no shame: Planting a bug in Jenny's home was bad enough, but to hide it in the sacred Horton clock is beyond the pale. 4) Interesting conjunction of a quote and the next scene: Clyde demanding to know what Aiden was sniffing after, immediately followed by a shot of him enthusiaticaly romping between the sheets with Hope.
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I was wondering if that was bug Eve planted. It looked like a necklace or big earring.

I thought it was interesting we heard a dog barking outside Jen's house today. Then
we heard Clyde tell Ben about Chad sniffing around his girlfriend, Then he talked
about Aiden sniffing around.

I wonder who Aiden was talking to on the square. Clyde's henchman followed him.

Nice to see Julie today

Will Paul and Sonny kiss? We'll find out tomorrow
Originally posted this in the wrong thread.

Hope told Rafe - "I was really hoping you were all out of No's today" and then continuing to hound him until he storms out and she looks after him like "what's his problem" :rotfl:

Ben is SO insecure LOL. He's lying through his teeth about moving to California. I don't remember Abby saying yes.
Rafe and Hope: I'm at the point now where I just wish Rafe would man up and put all of his cards on the table with Hope and tell her he feels. Yes the result would be her nicely shooting him down and things would be (even more) painfully awkward between them for a while. But in my so very humble opinion that would be preferable to Rafe acting like the hind end of a donkey whenever she's around. I didn't like it when Chad was doing it to Abigail and since I'm more of a Rafe fan I especially hate that he's doing it to Hope. I don't think I'm speaking for
myself when I say: ENOUGH of that nonsense already.

Sonny and Paul: I have two words for the end of today's episode; Fake Out. Whatever Sonny is going to say I don't think its going to be the least bit romantic. Just call it a hunch.

JJ and Paige: I have to say kudos to Paige for perfecting her impersonation of a bitter little pill. But she really needs to spice up her act before she takes it on the road. Like try juggling flaming chainsaws or something.
To show my age, I thought the "bug" or whatever Eve planted on the clock atop the Horton fireplace mantle looked like a 70s mood ring.

If it takes more than 2 weeks for Jen to find it, I'll know she doesn't dust her mantle clock as frequently as I do.
deleted unnecessary quote - no need to quote the post that is directly above your own post - JS

I am so sick of Eve and her shenanigans! She did all this to herself and yes Jennifer gets on my nerves too at times but Eve chose to sleep with JJ no one forced her to! Stop blaming Jennifer!
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Enjoyed Freddie Smith (Sonny) today. Nice to see Sonny's backbone back. I'm hopeful this is heading to a Will redemption story between Sonny likely leaving him and him helping Abigail. I do like that the cousins are supportive of each other.

I fast forwarded most of the rest of this repetitive nonsense.