Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug., 17, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August, 17, 2020

GO, LUCAS! Ahhhh, terrific! Sami is leaving a message for Allie, baby is doing well, everyone loves Allie, including Sami, hope she is o.k. She hangs up, Lucas comes in, she starts to cry. He holds & comforts her, as she wonders if they will ever see Allie again. They get to talking, she tells of hiring Belle, getting a restraining order against Eric & Nicole removing baby from hospital, is planning on taking him herself, then day after tomorrow she will take him to Italy with her. Like hell you will, says Lucas, who ends up really telling Sami what she has done, everything is all her fault. She yammers about being a good mother, he asks who will be taking care of the baby while you hover over what is left of EJ? An Italian nanny? Oh, she will find time for the baby. He says, like you did for Allie? So she goes off, gets pregnant, no idea who the father is, runs from you every chance, doesn't want you around. Sami slaps him, then is contrite. Lucas says she always had a good slap, is o.k. , talks of how she even got a restraining order without talking to him first. She does these things, thus this mess, all your fault. No he doesn't want Nicole either, nor the baby in Italy. Stay in Salem, at your mom's, til you find a place of your own.

Kate comes to see Marlena, they have quite a long conversation about the baby, hashing over things they went thru with their own children. Marlena thinks Nicole has been a good mother to Holly, & a wonderful wife to her son. Kate says she was lousy wife to her son. (leaving out how she paid Nicole millions to marry him). They go back and forth, talking of the same things we hear elsewhere.

Eric & Nik are visiting the nursery, along comes Sarah, (haircut, short hair now) who says baby is being discharged, Nicole & Eric not ready at home yet, Sarah will write order to extend, but Eric figures they can rush out, get what they need. All this while, Sarah is getting texts from Xander, what are you wearing? What am I not wearing? With a pic of him shirtless. She rushes off to have lunch with him, arrives, they are giddy, silly, smoochy, giggly, playful, obviously enjoying each other, (his hair has grown long, my goodness), & they decide to go straight to dessert, which is in bed, of course.

Eric & Nicole have been talking, figuring they will soon be going home with the baby, along comes Belle, no, you won't, restraining order. They jabber about why Belle is representing Sami (feels sorry for her) Eric mentioning Sami not even finishing reading the letter. Belle notes Allie could return and want to raise him herself. She leaves, Nicole worries that Eric would get his heart broken again, if he doesn't want to do this now, she is behind him 100%. No, he will still go ahead.

Victor is home from Greece vacation he took with Maggie, loves peace and quiet, in comes bellowing Bonnie. Snark from Vic, lots of it. Bonnie gives him autographed copy of her book, he is not interested. She says here to see Justin, more snark, he would not be your lawyer for anything. Justin arrives, yes she is my client. Vic wants her gone, Justin says she stays, Vic evidently leaves the room. Bonnie gifts Justin with a cowboy hat, thinks he should loosen up a bit.

In comes Eric & Nicole, Bonnie leaves. They explain all to Justin, who reads Allie's letters, wishes she was there in person, would make their case stronger, but he knows Sami will put up a battle, he is willing to take it on. They leave, he goes upstairs, but tries that hat on in the mirror, grins, and up he goes. Vic is back, looks at Bonnie's autograph in the book, tosses it.

Kate, Marlena, Sami & Lucas all are at hospital nursery. Sami tells of going to take the baby, asking Marlena if she can bring him to her place. Of course.

Lucas with Kate, surprised Marlena agreed, Kate says Marlena could never say no to Sami.

Xander & Sarah stop their nuzzling for a bit, as Xander says he probably won't have as much free time next week like he has now, as Vic is back from Greece, wants to see me, about my place at Titan since Brady stepped down.

Xander is with Victor, welcomes him back home, Vic says wonderful time, Xander knows this is about his place now at Titan with Brady gone. Vic says he may have spoken too soon about Xander's “Place”

Sami is at Marlena's, who wants to go out for more formula, diapers, etc. Sami eagerly says she will go. No, Marlena wants to go, she needs to get some air! She leaves, Sami talks to to the baby, knocking at the door. Will be right back, just will see who is here. She opens the door.......Eric & Nicole!!!
Show is on currently. Can we add today to the list of Sarah is a terrible doctor????

Takes personal text messages while speaking with worried folks about a preemie?

And when exactly did she get her hair cut? Between bouts with Xander and going to work, if it's been just 24 hours???? Since apparently Xander saw the hair cut before work??
Sami: How did she ever get a restraining order? Is Judge Damon Thorpe at it again? These are usually issued in domestic violence cases. And as a grandparent Sami has no special rights. She isn't even guaranteed the ability to visit with a grandchild.

Eric & Nicole: They should known better than to talk to Belle who is Sami's lawyer. Since they just hired Justin as their attorney, henceforth they should let him do all the talking.

Bonnie: She certainly has delusions of grandeur, describing her book as the "first edition." The way things look now, the current book will be the first and last edition of her scribblings.

Victor: When cowboy Justin told Victor that he couldn't kick out Bonnie since she was his client, he should have said something like: "Justin, for God's sake, why don't you get an office like a real attorney."

Lucas: He gets the line of the day for "what's left of EJ."
I was laughing like mad, as Days took this longgg break Thanksgiving to Feb. Gabi & Sarah both got haircuts, Xander let his grow, Will grew a thick beard, plus different haircut, (The actor thought it hysterical that one day last week he was clean shaven, next day big beard). Both Nicole & Bonnie had very short hair, which has grown and now styled differently.

Going to be interesting when they begin filming in Sept. which we will see end of Oct./November.
There was a brief scene of Bonnie looking into the window of GabiChic, turning around to leave and literally bumping into Lucas. He was typically annoyed with her and she said something about how she had her eyes set on someone else.
Thanks, Poirot.

robin, have you forgotten? The Salem hospital has a beauty parlor. That's why all the patients look
so nice when they go home. FYI, I like Sarah's new 'do.

Interesting to hear Sami talk so much about EJ. Then Lucas wondered how she could take care
of him and the baby too. So, who's taking care of EJ now? Johnny? Sydney? And is there a
toilet paper shortage in Italy :)

Are they turning Justin into Mickey? Didn't Bonnie give Mickey a cowboy hat too? Was
Mickey a better lawyer than Justin? That might a plus if Justin could win the case for
Nicole and Eric from Sami. I want to see Sami lose.

Xander and Victor talked about Brady. They talked about Brady not being CEO. I'm not
sure if they said Brady not in Salem. I checked my notes. Last day we saw Brady 6/30.
Good mother Sami has yet to mention Sydney or Johnny. And when Lucas said he would rather she stay in Salem, it was immediately :"what about EJ?"..not a word about the other kids...(tho am guessing Johnny must also have graduated college, but may be working). And Lucas's "what about him? just shut her down, didn't he?
I figure since Johnny is a twin, he must be on his own. (Or at least the DiMeraling version of that.) But Sydney - she could be anywhere from 4 to 40. And given that Allie's still on the recent side of adulthood, it's hard to believe Sydney's over 18. Careless they don't mention it.
I like Sarah's hair. About the only thing I do like about her. Isn't Allie supposed to be hiding at Nicole and Eric's? Anybody who thinks Sami is a good mother should just ask Allie.
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So is Bonnie staying at the mansion? I haven't watched yet but if Justin said he couldn't make her leave because she's his client, it made me wonder.

If we're going to have a repeat of Bonnie and Mickey, with Bonnie and Justin, it will be more than I can take. I've taken some time to think about it and I do believe that was the worst Days story of all time for me. I can't even describe how much I disliked Bonnie with Mickey and all of her country western stuff. I feel ill just thinking about it. Why in the world would she be giving a cowboy hat to Justin? NOOOOOO!
Isn't Allie supposed to be hiding at Nicole and Eric's?
After leaving the hospital, she quickly stopped at Eric and Nicole's apartment to get her passport, then left again.
So is Bonnie staying at the mansion?
Doesn't appear she's staying there, but you wonder where she is staying because she was sneaking out of the Salem Inn, apparently after skipping out on her bill. And if she didn't have money to pay her hotel bill, how did she afford to buy the cowboy hat for Justin?