Days of Our Lives -Mon., Aug. 19, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 19, 2019

The Hardy Boys are at it big time, as Sonny comes into a bedroom with Xander's box. Seems he is making good on his promise to help Will, thinks the box will tell the tale about Kate & Ted's kidnapping, he was passing Xander's room, door open, room messy, he rummaged around, Voila. So Will happens to have a lockpicking tool Paul left behind, Sonny fools around, opens the box. They find diamonds in a bag, Sarah's picture, then a bank book. Sonny calls someone, who manages to get the account info in the Cayman's, Will types into his trusty laptop, lots of money in the account, they note transfers from an account in Italy, no name. Sonny gets back on the phone.

Maggie comes into living room to find Sarah, who tells her she & Eric finally together. Eric has moved on from Nicole, since she married Tony. Sarah leaves, later Vic is in his chair, Maggie comes in, he has a gift for her. Some chip, to celebrate her 10 week sobriety anniversary. She comments she did not think he had noticed.

Mr. Shin does a lot of talking trying to convince Kate to take the CEO job at DiMera. He was too hasty choosing Gabi, and has reservations about Nicole. Kate seems not interested, talks of working for Titan. Shin comments she will go no where as long as Vic's grandson is there.

Brady goes to see Eric, who is rather abrupt, but Brady asks for a minute. He tells of Nicole marrying Tony so she could take over DiMera, Eric wonders why. He is getting angry, even more so when Brady tells him marriage is in name only, and Nicole is now “together” with Brady, who now is furious, accusing Brady of seducing Nicole, Brady denying, Eric yapping at poor vulnerable Nicole, starts to get physical, pushing Brady, and of course Sarah comes in, separates them, what is going on?

Replay of Gabi and Kristen's little catfight, Gabi pulling off wig, shocked at wig and mask, realizing who is now standing before her. Kristen is peeling bits of rubber or glue off her neck and chin, smiling as Gabi begins piecing it all together, reciting with the aplomb of Hercue Poirot himself, the things Kristen has done since arriving in town, to achieve her end result. She wants Brady, he detests her. She could not go around town as herself, so pretended to be Nicole, great mask, garnering sympathy over the loss of Nicole's baby, being nasty and cruel to others. Gabi calls her a few choice names, mentions how disgusting she married her own brother. Kristen is smirking, Gabi starts to call someone, she takes phone away, they struggle over it, Gabi succeeding in wrenching it back. Then, like all smart people who turn suddenly dumb, she proceeds to start calling, with her back to Kristen, who picks up some table ornament, and smacks Gabi on head, she goes down.

And that my friends is at the ½ hour mark.......when NBC took over with another breaking news And nearly ½ hr. has passed, they are still into it.

I may get 2nd half hour later this afternoon........but anyone who got it.......please tell all!
The Hardy Boys was a series of books about brothers, Frank and Joe, who were teenage detectives. A tv show was made in the 70's with Parker Stevenson and Shaun Cassidy (son of Shirley Jones and Jack Cassidy, younger half brother of David Cassidy) as the brothers. Pamela Sue Martin (later replaced by Janet Louise Johnson) played Nancy Drew and sometimes the two shows did crossovers.

O.K. Quickly...........Shin keeps trying to convince Kate to come to DiMera, she refuses. Maggie & Victor straighten out their misunderstandings, each proclaiming their love for the other, Vic invites her to lunch. They get to the club, just as Mr. Shin is leaving, he greets them, he & Vic exchange insulting barbs (with Vic referring to Shin choosing a CEO who dresses like a prostitute!). Both refer to the other's company as going down the tubes. Maggie & Vic go inside, see Kate at the bar, Vic doesn't like it, goes to talk to his employee as Maggie goes to get a table. Kate starts to leave, Vic is there, she gets a beep, meeting, has to go. (hmm, after downing a couple martinis??)

Sarah has managed to calm Eric down, Brady explains about the surprise party, gives them their invitation and leaves. Sarah & Eric talk, he just cannot believe Brady & Nicole are together, she is not herself, a different person. Sarah wonders if Eric has really moved on, after all, she gave up her marriage for him (huh??? since when?) he say no, he yaps about Nik in mourning, blah, blah. She leaves, says he needs time to think, clear his head, make his decision.

The Hardy Boys are hot on the trail of the payments Xander received, think maybe he is just taking Kristen's money from her account, as she is dead. They ponder this, Sonny gets text from Ari's camp, she forgot her bathing suit, and they cannot reach Gabi. Will says he had 2 but both with Gabi. Sonny will go get them, Will stays to work on the "case".

Meanwhile, Kristen has knocked out Gabi, decides to kill her with the metal thing, raises it, Stefan comes in, grabs it, shocked to see her. She tries to grab it back, they argue, she comes at him, he pushes, she falls against the coffee table, is knocked out. And now Stefan's turn to be stupid, as he sets the thing down, turns his back on Kristen, tries to revive Gabi. Kristen comes to, knocks Stefan out. Figures she will kill them both, but as she raises the figurine, she sees Stefano's painting, talks to it about him always caring about family, so o.k. she will spare him. She decides to put both bodies in the tunnels, take the big one first, returns, tells the portrait she hopes he is happy, but it did give her pleasure to have Stefan's head bounce on every stair.

Brady returns to Kmansion, Will tells him about him & Sonny digging into the kidnapping of his gramma, and they came across some interesting info.

Kristen is about to take Gabi down, before she wakes up, when there is knocking at the door. Outside it, is Sonny, who keeps knocking. Kristen looks worried.
The Salem brain seems to have gone on permanent vacation.

Will and Sonny should leave the sleuthing to a professional like John Black. Anyone who has to interrupt an investigation to get a child her bathing suit at camp has no business in the private eye game. They are also wasting their time investigating Xander. In the long run, the X-Man always escapes the consequences of his wrongdoing.

Brady telling Eric the ugly truth about "Nicole" is beyond dumb. It's like waving the proverbial red flag in front of an angry bull. Eric may claim to be in love with bigmouth Sarah, but the very mention of Nicole has him frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog.

Gabi & Zero rate dunce caps for turning their backs on creepy Kristen. Any child at St. Luke's Academy would know that it's vital to keep a close eye on creepy Kristen (especially when she appears to be unconscious).

Finally, Kristen herself is no prize-winner deciding on dumping her latest victims in the tunnels while they're still alive. Doesn't she know that anyone who's ever been imprisoned there eventually gets free (ask Kate). If Stefano had seen the performance of Zero and Kristen, he'd be wishing he had more children because the ones he has left certainly don't deserve to be called DiMeras.
Thanks for writing the summary, in spite of the interruption, Poirot. I only knew of the Hardy Boys from the books. Never saw the tv show. Same with Nancy Drew. I wonder what Xander is going to say, when he finds out Will and Sonny have been into his personal possessions.

Brady and Eric.....:sick:.
Then, like all smart people who turn suddenly dumb, she proceeds to start calling, with her back to Kristen, who picks up some table ornament, and smacks Gabi on head, she goes down.
This is the laziest, cheapest, stupidest plot point ever. Especially for someone who's killed before and kidnapped before.

I like that Will/Sonny are taking a break from triangles and other marital strife and fake illnesses - but this is boring. Neither has any long-term investment in the outcome of this story. Hopefully this will surprise me and lead to something for one of them.
Thanks, Poirot.

Today I noticed a picture of Sarah at the K mansion in line with the others.

I thought Xander had a better briefcase that no one could open. I guess not.

Eric said again today "Nicole is not the same person". It's going to be interesting
when he finds out he was right.

Did anyone else notice Victor had a cane when was outside Doug's Place,
but it was gone when he went inside? Maybe it was harder for him to stand in
place when he was outside.
Will and Sonny are ridiculous. But if they find out about Kristen, I'm all for it.

It is convenient how everyone turns their backs to the person they are fighting with, thus making it easier for said person to knock them out! And again, one whack to the head and they are out cold for a very extended period of time!! Being dragged into another room doesn't even arouse them.

Wow, trouble in paradise for Sarah and Eric already? I cannot wait for real Nicole to return. I hope hope hope that happens!!
The mention of the Hardy Boys raises the question of how the original Nancy Drew might handle the mystery of Xander's box.

Nancy: Oh, Father, I've got a wonderful new mystery to solve -- "The Mystery of Xander's Box!"

Carson Drew: OMG, Nancy do you mean Xander Cook, the muscular Kiriakis bad boy who likes to walk around the family mansion in his towel?

Nancy: Yes, that's him!

Carson Drew: I insist that you stay away from him and his box. He's very dangerous -- worse than any living DiMera.

Boyfriend Ned Nickerson (who like Roman never seems to get a kiss): Your Dad's right, Nancy. Xander is not to be trifled with.

Nancy: Oh, pshaw, you sillies. I can solve this mystery. Xander doesn't scare me.

Carson Drew: That's it. Until you stop this Xander nonsense, I'm taking away the keys to your roadster and you're grounded!
Kat, it's funny you said that about Victor's cane. I thought he did have it with him inside but you are a lot more observant than I am so I'll take your word for it. I'm too tired to go back and look again.

I was relieved to see Kristen take off her shoes today, before dragging Stefan and Gabi down to the tunnels. It's ridiculous enough that she is even able to do that. It would have been even more unbelievable if she'd done it in her high heel shoes.

Ordinarily I don't enjoy seeing anybody get hurt but I don't think I will feel any sympathy for Sarah if/when the real Nicole shows up and Eric is still in love with her. They may not even last long enough for that though. Sarah was already having some doubts today, it appeared.
Eric was at his most self-righteous today, lecturing Brady while shacking up with his brother’s wife. Also, he treats “Nicole” like a small child who can’t make her own choices. He always has. It was pretty rich, then, when Sarah accuses Brady of treating women like property.

Gabi was funny—even though pretty stupid not to just call the police and kind of weak to not fight a much older, skinnier Kristen with more success. The one knock on the head and people are out plot device was back. I hope she and Stefan join forces, and she stops pretending she wants to do him in.

Kristen’s crazy was at least funny today. “Brady’s going to love it that I tricked him.” Oh, dear.

I hope Holly is with real Nicole somewhere. Maybe Xander can bring them back, be the hero, and shift from being pure villain. He’s more fun when he’s not Kristen-level crazy.
Thanks for the summary!

I thought Xander had a better briefcase that no one could open. I guess not.
I was hoping for something more significant in the box - like Rolf's serum or notes about Nicole really being alive and with Holly - and, of course, outing Kristen. The money trail is a rather good twist though.:)
We should not give up, as they did not continue looking after finding the bank book.
However, being the show is doing such a fast windup....I doubt the Hardy Boys will even bother peeking any further.