Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 22, 2022


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Interrogation Room: Gwen is cursing Leo. Rafe enters, smugly, about trusting Leo Stark, and lays the mask down. Rafe tells Gwen she has to make him believe the truth. She states her name and we see her recount the mug incident. She also recaps how Sarah was seeing Kristen, and we see a new flashback of Gwen-as-Sarah trying to "drug" Abby. Abby fought her off, the mask fell off, and she tells Abby it's saline, not the drug, which was used up on Sarah. The new flashback continues as Gwen describes that Abby was a means to an end, but we never really flesh that idea out. Abby wants to call the cops, Gwen begs her not to, they rehash the Laura thing, Abby appears to accept that it was an accident and Gwen was just torturing her, and Abby gives Gwen 1 hour to get back to prison. (She will call and check.) Back in the present, Rafe uses Expression 2 on Gwen and then calls her story pathetic. She ran, dropping the mask and the syringe, and went back to Statesville. [For what it’s worth, we don’t see the table/desk in any of the scenes of Gwen/Abby.]

Cell: Leo paces. Sloan tells him Gwen's been arrested. He recounts his misadventures in the tunnels. He tells her about Gwen wanting Matty/Leo to use a knife on Sarah, and we see another flashback of him eyeing the knife, and another of him hiding while Chad and Abby did the nasty. He recounts how she started working on her drivel, and he was fearful he'd be there forever. New flashback of Abby going to get water, Leo slips through the room, using the steak knife to jimmy the lock on the jewelry box. Back now, Sloan asks where the knife is now. New flashback of Leo zipping out, the knife on the table/desk. Again back in the now, Leo demands he be freed. She points out they can't share that Leo had the knife, and left it after being unsupervised in the murder room.

Salem Inn Room: Rolf and Li bicker about Li's demands for Rolf's reprogramming Stefan's brain. Li opens the door; Gabi is there and she confronts him about meeting with the "creep" who should "prison where [he] belong". Li lies. Rolf's phone rings. Gabi tosses slurs at him, and recounts his misdeeds against her (including misleading her about Jake being Stefan and then framing her for drugging Abby). Her insults almost do the trick, but Li shuts Rolf up, scolds him, then takes him to the hall to remind him of his work. Back in the room, Li helps Gabi forget with a game of checkers - just kidding, they boink.

Marlena's office: Kristen is leaving an angry message for Rolf, recapping her plot. Chad enters, they bicker and snipe, she recaps her meeting with Rachel. Chad's looking for Marlena, who is out. Chad heard her talk about Chloe. She redirects because she's the head of Basic Black and asks about his hand. She cares about her brother. They discuss how she's the worst DiMera and he's the best. She thinks he can move forward and focus on the kids, in a way she couldn't. He reminds her of the time they lost when she was on the Island.

Horton House: Jack is beside himself. The trail of back-and-forth suspects was bad enough, but now Gwen? Jennifer shares his shock and sadness as they contemplate whether his daughter could have killed their daughter. He regrets trying to force them to be friends. Jennifer comforts him, and reminds him they need to look forward, not backward.

DiMansion FrankenLab: Rolf tells Kristen it will give him pleasure to rearrange Stefan's emotions, which he can apparently do, although he's not so sure he can make Stefan love Chloe without turning him into a corpse.

Horton House: Jack and Jennifer have told Chad it was Gwen. They don't know about Leo. He plans to make the kids dinner.

Salem PD Open Workroom: Sloan wants Rafe to call Trask to release Leo. Rafe says without the murder charge, they still have enough to hold Leo.

Jail Cell: Gwen is escorted by a uniform and she and Leo shout at each other accusingly.

Salem Inn: Gabi is thinking about Stefan, or not, but something Rolf said is lingering in her brain despite what I'm sure was a grade-A love-‘em-up from Li.

DiMansion Frankenlab: Rolf thinks of Gabi as he revives Stefan with a computer. END
Today took forever to tell us nothing really new..... Except that Gwen broke out of prison for some unexplained reason, she planned to break out talk with her sister and then return?? ya I'm not buying it..... but I don't think Gwen stabbed her sister..... I don't think Leo did either, he's all sorts of slimy but he's not a killer......

Zombie Chad is more annoying that yelling Chad....
Thanks for the write-up and taking time to watch. Jason. Egads, this is awful. I loved Robin's comment, about taking a lot of time for nothing new. Indeed, nothing was new, exciting or entertaining. I have no use for Li and Gabi porking even more than Ben and Ciara. And absolutely no use for the Kritter and FrankenStefan, or this cartoonish Dr. Rolf. This plot is even less believable than the Sharknado franchise.
I have a question for @DrBakerFan: If Leo is being held on a murder charge, wouldn't they have to re-charge him at least with B&E or whatever they think they're charging him with? Did we see him get arraigned? What would the normal real-world process be?
If Leo was being held on a murder charge, he could also be charged with burglary and grand larceny in connection with the jewelry theft. These are separate offenses from murder. These murder/burglary-grand larceny charges could be made sequentially or all at once.

Sloan: She is now officially Salem's worst lawyer. In fact, she makes Justin and Belle look like a pair of Clarence Darrows. Remarkably, it took Rafe to point out to the clueless counselor that Leo's story might help him beat a murder charge, but it also means that he can be charged with burglary and grand larceny, which are both major felonies.

Rolf: After dealing with the overbearing Li, the creepy critter, and squawking Gabi, he must be longing for the days when Stefano was firmly in charge.
Ok I was thinking Leo was going to tell us whoever was wearing the mask did the murder and I figured usual writing aside that it at least meant it would be a woman. Since this doesn't seem to be the case I'm back to Shin. Maybe he was looking for Chad but found Abby. His sudden regular presence and the fact that he's someone the cast can afford to send off to jail works.
LOL, I think originally, Leo was supposed to have seen the dead Abby, and the killer leaving (tho he may not have seen face or known who). Thus he took advantage and stole the jewelry. It just seems that when he was telling his story, the flashback was different from what we saw back then. Yes, I could be very wrong.

Thus, they could have changed their minds about guilty party & decided to have it be someone else.
These murder/burglary-grand larceny charges could be made sequentially or all at once.
If he hadn't been booked/charged with those crimes initially, and just with murder, they would have to re-book him at least, right?

How could Sloan have gotten Leo off of the murder charge without revealing the other crimes? Or would she have had to wait until the trial, since any evidence she would bring forth would implicate him in other crimes?
Thanks, Jason.

I enjoyed the new flashbacks. I was surprised Leo didn't see the murder and only assumed Gwen did
something because of the mask.

According to Leo and Gwen, they didn't kill Abby. So who killed Abby? Will we ever find out? Will Rafe
ever figure it out :)

Kristen told Chad she loves Rachel more than anything. I thought that's how she felt about Brady.

I enjoyed Jack and Jen's conversation.

Will Chad go to the cop shop and yell at Gwen?

How many people think the phrase "It's alive" when Stefan open his eyes?
I don't remember Leo having the knife...just jewelry. The summaries for that week didn't mention it, but if it was a flashback, I might have forgotten. Where did they find the steak knife?