Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 10, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 10, 2018

Hope opens the door to the motel room to find Rafe standing there, she wonders how he found her. Ted comes out of the shower, towel clad of course, asking what is going on. Rafe's jaw drops, Hope is silent, Rafe getting upset, Ted starts blathering about Rafe cheating on Hope, she is a strong & beautiful woman, turned to, Rafe decks him. Now Hope finally jumps in, no, not the way it looks. Rafe yaks about being out to the cabin, saw the wine glasses, the boxer shorts. Hope yaps about being under stress, and Ted being a slob, but this is all about Ciara. She finally gets Rafe's attention, Ted talks of Rafe going by the book, they had to do this, wanting to get confession from Ben, etc. etc. But, no, they did not get confession, however Hope implores him, Ben has to be put behind bars, Ciara protected, yada, yada. Ted's phone rings, Hope says answer, might be Ben, but it is Stefan. Ted puts on speaker phone, so Rafe & Hope can hear, Stefan talks of Ted saying uncomplimentary things about him, making accusations, warns him his people are aware. (It does seem Stefan is very careful about what he says) He insinuates suing Ted. Rafe now agrees to help hide Ted, will go with to take Ted back to the cabin. Ted goes to get his stuff, Hope goes outside to make sure coast is clear, Ted comes out, Rafe warns him he is behind Hope......but not behind Ted.

Julie goes to see Ciara, who is getting dressed for work. She gives her a lot of static for Ben, relates about him coming to get a table at her club, rants about him being serial killer, dangerous, etc. Ciara cannot get in a word, but finally breaks thru, tells gramma that yes, Ben did terrible things, was abused as a child, whole family was, yada, yada. Julie doesn't care, everyone has a hard time growing up. She warns Ciara that if Ben Weston comes around, put her feelings aside, and run! Julie then goes to see Jennifer, tells her all that went on, can't understand why Ciara doesn't think about what Ben did to Abigail. This gets her to ask Jen how Abby is doing, and learns how Stefan got her released, she is Gabby, ignored Jen, etc. etc. Julie is beside herself, gets up, she is going to see Stefan, give him what for.

Earlier, Chad was at Jen's heard about Stefan getting Abby released. Gabby taking over, etc. and wants to go there. He had a deal with Stefan, he broke it. Jen tries to talk him out of it, to no avail.

Over at DiMansion, Abigail, in her Gabby persona imitation, faces off with Gabi, who asks when Gabby came. Abby smiles, says right after you came & confessed to Abby all that you did. Gabi denies confessing, did not do anything, etc. But eventually Gabi begins to say that Abigail is doing a great job of faking the Gabby persona, she admits things she herself did. Says she convinced Stefan now and got out. They go back and forth, Abigail doesn't once admit to being Abby. (Good scenes). In comes Chad, Gabi doesn't mention Gabby being fake, claims she was there to bring Stefan some papers, Abby says she will take them, no, Gabi will do it herself, she hurries out. Chad says he is there to see Stefan, will wait if he isn't there. They have a rather interesting conversation, as “Gabby” reminds him she knows all he did to Abigail, he abandoned her, even moved out because he could not stand to see her pregnant body. She talks of how his hatred for his brother was more powerful than his love for his wife. She is somewhat flirtatious as she says all these things (also good scenes) until finally Chad decides to leave – per her request – will see Stefan later.

Abigail breathes a huge sigh of relief of having held it together during all of this.

Stefan meets up with Ben, is upset that Ben wasn't able to deliver Ted, Ben tells all, with Stefan seemingly going to fire him. He wants to know every single thing that happened, Ben tells him, assuring Stefan he did not throw him under the bus to Hope, never mentioned anything, would not do that. Stefan says o.k., he is not firing him, he said he'd give him second chance, meant it.

Ben goes to see Ciara at the Pub, hears how Julie gave Ciara hell for being mixed up with Ben, but Ciara held her own. She figures her family will eventually come round, and see he is now a good person, meanwhile, the Pub will be getting busy, he should leave. O.K. , but will you go on a second date with me? She smiles, nods yes.

Gabi is in square, on phone to Kate, telling all. She could not get the results into the safe before Gabby showed up, yada yada. Stefan runs into Gabi, heard she had some papers for him, will take them now. Gabi makes up her usual fast excuses, wants to work on that report some more, will get it to him later. Stefan nods. She is shoving the DNA results report into her purse.

Chad goes to Jen's, tells her what happened, insists he will fight for Abby, stand by her, etc. He won't make the same mistake again, Jen is supportive.

Abby opens the door, and Julie is shocked to see “Gabby”, charges in yelling for Stefan, wants him to come out and face her. Abby quietly tells her, it's me, Abigail. Julie's jaw drops, but Abby tells her tale, how no one would believe her, how Gabi Hernandez set it all up, no one in her family would believe her, so she had to do what she could to save herself. Julie wonders why Abby is telling her all this. Because I know you hate Gabi Hernandez. Julie believes her, knows what Gabi Hernandez is capable of doing, and together, they will make Gabi pay. They hug.
Again, what I hate about this whole Gabi revenge storyline, is that nobody, except Gabi, will pay. Not Kate (she never really pays, does she?), and certainly not Abigail, who started it all when she killed Andre (and no, she was not sick at that point yet). And now that Julie is involved, it's going to validate the horrible way she's been treating Gabi since she killed Nick in self defense. Julie is going to say to everyone "See, I told you Gabi was no good". Yep, Julie is going to be viewed as a hero, although all she usually does is shoot her mouth and give everybody around her grief with her constant judging.

No, really, I hate that the "writers" have to ruin characters to create storylines. And not even good ones at that. :angry::beat:
Ciara made reference to Ben about getting Pub ready for a birthday party....old family friend, 84, who loved soap operas and gardening. Was rather an odd comment, and I wondered if it referred to a Days actor, or maybe past writer/actor, etc.
Anyone have any ideas?
I checked Jason47's site, cannot find any actor birthday for 1934, and only Dec. birthdays were little kids.
I wondered if that was an inside reference to someone, too.

Gloria Loring (Liz Chandler Curtis) has a birthday today, but she's obviously not 85.

A Japanese actor and a football player were both born on 12/10/1933, but both are now dead.
Again, what I hate about this whole Gabi revenge storyline, is that nobody, except Gabi, will pay. Not Kate (she never really pays, does she?), and certainly not Abigail, who started it all when she killed Andre (and no, she was not sick at that point yet). And now that Julie is involved, it's going to validate the horrible way she's been treating Gabi since she killed Nick in self defense. Julie is going to say to everyone "See, I told you Gabi was no good". Yep, Julie is going to be viewed as a hero, although all she usually does is shoot her mouth and give everybody around her grief with her constant judging.

No, really, I hate that the "writers" have to ruin characters to create storylines. And not even good ones at that. :angry::beat:

I agree with this! I agree with this! All day, I agree with this! Julie's gloating over making Gabi pay (after the woman was raped and terrorized by Julie's precious Nick) made me physically ill. First it was how awful she was the first time Gabi went to and got out of prison. Then, after Gabi got out of jail for the crime Abigail committed, Julie stuck to her guns hating Gabi while making all kinds of excuses for Abigail. I hate this to the point where it could keep me from watching the show. I'm just over Abigail's skating on every nasty thing she's done and Gabi's constantly being kicked in the teeth. I know this insane revenge scheme is horrible, but I feel like it's so out of character and contrived, it just makes me want to scream at the writers. It's ruining Gabi and makes her out to be the worst kind of villain where all of the other stuff keeps getting ignored.

And if I see that brunette wig one more time, I'm going to scream. It's the dumbest plot device ever. Trying to hang on to see how all of this is going to get resolved.
Today was a well-acted episode, didn't go exactly how I thought it would go. Thought for sure Abby would tell Chad who she really was as Gabby. Julie probably took the cake in today's episode especially towards the end when she said she would "settle Stefan's hash"! :rotfl:
Today, was in large part more of the same old: the endless tale of Abigail and Gabi, the further antics of the let's dump on Ben club, and the latest adventures of Ted Laurent. Instead of some of the dialogue heard today, I might have liked to hear some of the following.

Ciara to Julie: "How can you be so hard on Ben? After all, Nick was a murderer and Doug used to be a grifter who probably swindled widows and orphans out of their last dime. Besides, Will didn't really die, Paige Larson was a pain in the neck when she was JJ's girlfriend, and Serena was a lowlife drug smuggler."

Rafe to Ted: "Counselor, if you even think about suing me for assault, remember that I can always tell Stefan DiMera exactly where you are." And when you get to the cabin, pick up your dirty shorts. If you get on the wrong side of the resident raccoons, you'll wish you were back on some DiMera island."

Rafe to Hope: "Hey, you got away with murdering Stefano. Don't push your luck with crazy schemes against Ben."

Portrait Stefano: "Abigail, no more death threats against Gabriella. Yes, she's a second-rate schemer who's in cahoots with Katarina, but only a real DiMara can issue death threats in this mansion."
I believe I recall that Abby didn't kill Andre - Vivian and Stefan made her think she did.
Thanks, Poirot.

Julie must have had track shoes on today. She went from Ciara's bedroom, the
Horton house, then to the DiMera mansion.

I had to look up the phrase she used "settle your hash" about Stefan.

I wondered about the birthday reference about the 84 year old year too.

Julie is in heaven. She's going to help Abigail get evidence against Gabi.

Interesting conversation with Gabi and "Gabby".

Line of the day goes to Julie to Ciara "what kind of man shows he has the hots
for you by literally trying to set you on fire"
I hope Abigail sticks to everything she said to Chad today. He was not there for her. Gabi sure waffled with "I never confessed to anything" to a few minutes later saying "I did a really good job didn't I?" I'm ready for this to end. I was surprised when Abby confessed to Julie. I really thought she'd tell Jennifer it was all a ruse.

Is Rafe ever going to be a man again or just Hope's lapdog? So tired of this relationship. They are not a team. They do whatever the hell Hope wants. Period.