Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 11, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 11, 2017

Hope is out Christmas shopping, having a good time, calls Rafe, they are all good, loving, glad they had their talk, make a date for dinner. Eli walks in on Rafe, he hangs up quickly, as Hope is saying I love you. She hangs up, her phone rings, tis JJ who wants to see her right away, tis important.

Hope arrives at JJ’s hotel room, he looks terrible, room is rather dark, he is upset she lost her job because she would not fire him, and gives her his letter of resignation, should fix things. She refuses, says this all is in the hands of internal affairs, and cannot be resolved until they make their decision. She is worried about him, he wants her to leave, she refuses, is going to order some food, he refuses, wants to be alone, again, yep, throws her out. And now JJ sits in the dark, attempts to listen to some music via his earbuds, but keeps having flashbacks to shooting Theo. He throws the earbuds and phone??? To the floor, and sits down on the floor at foot of bed, head in his hands.

Eli tells Rafe they finally were able to break into Theo’s computer, that he kept meticulous records on his work, and evidently was looking into some hacking on DiMera Enterprises, that he traced to that building. Eli leaves, has questions for a few people.

Jen is hurrying thru the square, hands full, bumps into Eric, papers and cards or something go flying, he helps her pick it all up, then sits with her getting everything back in order. Hope arrives, tells Jen what bad shape JJ is in, & how/why he broke it off with Lani. Jen has tried to help, but JJ is letting his guilt overwhelm him. Taking it all very hard. She is about to go see him, but Eric stops her, he will go talk to JJ as he promised. Jen if very grateful. Hope & Jen talk about JJ, then about Hope taking Jen’s advice to talk to Rafe, is ever so grateful to her, they are now back together.

Sami has opened her door, surprised to find Will there. They have a nice, long conversation, as Will tells her about talking to Eric, stories he told Will about her. She admits she is controlling, gets crazy at times, but does love her children, would do anything for any one of them. She tells him she is leaving, that she left the other kids for too long now, she has to get back to them. Will mentions her breaking a serial killer out of a mental institution to come and strangle him, she admits she went too far there, but Will says that eventually he remembered a tiny bit, and seems to feel that he & Sami have done this getting mad, forgiving, making up, a lot of times. She says he has no idea. He figures that perhaps they can get along, at least try, she invites him to go with her to see his siblings, they would love to see him, but Will thinks that if he does remember anything, if ever, it would be better if he stayed in Salem. She understands, tells him to come visit any time, meanwhile, phone, text, skype, etc. Will spots a diamond ring on the carpet, Sami claims it is hers, one EJ gave her, slips it on her finger saying it must have fallen off. Will is leaving, saying he will be seeing her before she departs, they awkwardly shake hands, agreeing to work on the relationship.

Steve & Kayla are at the Pub, where Steve very quietly fills her in on the blackmail Kate has on Tripp, how Tripp protected Kayla, and that Kate is the one who got Theo to go to the bldg.. to break in. Kayla is furious, is going to deal with Kate.

At DiMansion, Andre is questioning Kate, who tells all. How she got Tripp to keep his mouth shut about her involvement in Theo’s going to that building, and how Kayla covered for him at the hospital. In comes Steve & a furious Kayla, who confronts Kate, but Kate doesn’t back down. Eli walks in, has questions for Kate & Andre about Theo’s shooting. Kayla seems about ready to blab, but instead talks of Theo’s condition not changing, Abe being there every day, that progress needs to be made. Eli promises they are doing all they can.

Steve & Kayla leave, Eli tells Andre & Kate about the work Theo was doing that shows on his computer. Both disclaim any knowledge of Theo going to that building. Eli comments that Theo paid for the stuff he used with the corporate card, Kate says he was allowed to use it, and no one oversees his spending. Eli leaves, but will have more questions. Kate immediately calls Kayla, threatens her, if she knows what is good for her, as Kate will spill all if Kayla says a word. Kate hangs up, Kayla is furious, Steve calms her, oh, Kate is going to pay, her time is coming, don’t worry.

A despondent JJ sits in his room, knocking, says to go away. Knocking persists. He opens the door, Eric stands there. JJ doesn’t want to talk to anyone, but Eric tells him that he is the only person who actually understand and knows exactly what JJ is going through right now.

Rafe has made dinner reservations with Julie , wants pink flowers on the table, calling it a recommitment dinner. He hangs up, is planning on giving Hope the ring back, but while he checks all his pockets and those on his jacket, no ring. What did he do with it? In walks Sami, telling him he left it in her apt. last night. Will found it, so she had to say it was from EJ, slipped it on her finger. As she is talking, she is trying to take it off, but it is stuck. Rafe having a fit, why did she not just put it in her pocket. She is still trying, it is stuck, her finger is swelling a bit from pulling. Rafe is getting panicky, soap, did you try soap. Sami says…..soap ? Do YOU have any soap? And in walks Hope…….what is going on here?
Thank you, Poirot.

Wow! Sami remembered again that she has other kids. The writers threw that in a couple of times since she's been back.

I can't believe Days is using that old gag of the wrong woman getting the other's engagement ring stuck on her finger.

Kate needs a real come-uppance, and Steve is just the man to give it to her.
There were some notable quotes today.

Will: He may have had a reconciliation of sorts with Sami, but he was on target when he called her a "crazy, self-interested control freak." Later, he was wearing rose-colored glasses when he said: "Maybe [Sami] isn't so bad after all."

Kayla: "I can't believe Kate has been blackmailing [Tripp]. Why? Everyone knows that Kate would blackmail, Santa, his elves, and his tiny reindeer. She later added: "Why don't you consider and do the right thing." Kate does the right thing all right -- for Kate.

Sami: "I'm leaving." How many viewers have been longing to hear those words? She also said about the strangling, "It wasn't my finest hour." Considering all of Sami's not-so-fine hours, this isn't saying too much.
Thought this show was very boring.

Did like Sami & Will's scenes, along with JJ & Eric.

But um, why no thoughts or access to soap for Sami & Rafe? That was so random.
Thanks, Poirot.

The scenes with JJ were heartbreaking to me.

I wonder how many viewers jumped for joy when Sami
said she was leaving.

And she knew Sydney, Johnny's and Allie's names today.
She said them
at least twice.

I laughed when Hope popped in with Sami wearing her ring. It's Salem and
things like that happen all the time.
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Mediocre episode. I'm kind of sick of seeing the same characters everyday and story everyday.

Sami/Will were good scenes but he forgave her way too quickly. They should have left this open ended.

I'm shocked that she mentioned all three of the little kids by name.

I thought she hesitated before she said each name

I'm so glad Hope is there for Jen and HER kids all the time. :rolleyes: Hey Hope, here's a thought. How about being there for YOUR kids and grandkid once in a while??? Rafe will understand.

Rafe and Sami were actually funny with the ring. I much prefer this type of comedy to the slapstick stuff we got with Hattie and Bonnie.

Did Kate kick Belle and Chad out of the DiMansion living room? Last we saw them Chad was asking for her help. Speaking of Belle, why are she and Shawn in Salem if we never see them???

I need some development in Eric and Jen's story.

Interested to see JJ with Eric. I do wish it were Steve helping his nephew but I guess he's only allowed to defend one family member at a time.

Kayla vs. Kate? NO.
where Steve very quietly fills her in on the blackmail
I really love that Steve has wisened up about talking loudly about your secrets. I loved the other day when he scooted them to a private room because "talking in public is what got us into this mess". Fourth wall: Broken. LOVE.
Kayla is furious, is going to deal with Kate.
NO. If anything, this will give Kate power. Is there any evidence that Kayla knew about the wrongdoing? The hospital determined it was a computer error, Tripp is squeaky clean. It's just serial liar Kate's word against upstanding doc Kayla's.
Later, he was wearing rose-colored glasses when he said: "Maybe [Sami] isn't so bad after all."
To quote Sue Ellen Shepherd Ewing Ewing Lockwood (from Dallas), "Words come easy when you're walking out the door." Isn't parting such sweet sorrow? The continued presence of an adversary seems comforting compared to the uncertainty of their absence.
Speaking of Belle, why are she and Shawn in Salem if we never see them???
Sami was great in her scene with Will, the best acting I've seen from her. She was wearing a very nice leather(?) shirt; I doubt it came from wardrobe.

Does anyone ever bump into a stranger in HTS? Eric/Jennifer's collision provided comic relief. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Loved that Steve/Kayla were whispering in the pub! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Sami/Rafe looked like deer caught in headlights when Hope walked into his office. They will have to come up with a stuck ring explanation very quickly! How long until Will recognizes Hope's distinctive ring as the one he found in his mother's room?

Thanks for the summary, Poirot!
I need some development in Eric and Jen's story.
I was annoyed at how Jennifer was acting like it was a big deal for Eric that Will was alive, as if he was only Eric's nephew. Hey Jen, Will is just as much YOUR nephew, too. Remember? Will's mother is Eric's sister, while his father is YOUR brother.
And she knew Sydney, Johnny's and Allie's names today. She said them
at least twice.
She said Johnny and Allie's names twice, but she only said Sydney's name once. Wonder if the actress flubbed the line the second time by omitting Sydney's name?
Kayla is furious, is going to deal with Kate.
NO. If anything, this will give Kate power. Is there any evidence that Kayla knew about the wrongdoing? The hospital determined it was a computer error, Tripp is squeaky clean. It's just serial liar Kate's word against upstanding doc Kayla's.
What Kate said was she would start asking questions, do some digging, get people looking into it more thoroughly, thus the truth would eventually come out.

I do agree, however, that Kate acts and talks as if she is lord and master over everyone. She soooo needs to be exposed.
That would make my day..........but right now, she is Andre's wife, a DiMera, and also has salted away a huge stash. She learned that lesson, so perhaps she really needs to be jobless, have her marriage annulled, maybe spend a bit of time behind bars. LOL
Put a broom in the background and make like it's a closet.
Jason, we had one of those freak snow storms in Georgia, and my power has been off since Friday afternoon; my puppies and I are at my son's house and, as welcome as they have made us, Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) was right when she said, "There's no place like home." Having said all that, your comment gave me a much-needed laugh. Thanks, friend!