Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 14, 2020


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Claire walks by pub calls Belle. Belle is busy working on John's case, can’t take time out to eat, will microwave something. Claire sad she will have to eat alone. Nope Charlie drops by. Charlie is going to pay for dinner so the sky is the limit. One will order onion rings, the other will order fries and they can split it. Long flashback of Philip and Charlie, as Phil tells Charlie to spy for him, and then Xander talking about the triple spy ring. Charlie says he is still caught between the two Mr K’s. Claire says when you are dealing with Kirakises it’s never simple. They split fries and onion rings. Charlie is picky about fries and the fries are good. Putting ketchup on fries is uncivilized. Charlie wants to be a couple.

They are eating the fries, as the burgers sit getting colder and colder. Claire blathers on and on about heart and following it and such. After a very long embarrassing conversation Claire agrees to be Charlie’s girlfriend. Claire says you know so much about me, all I know about you is that you are fussy about French fries. Charlie was raised by his dad in Philly and he has a brother but they aren’t in touch. Claire invites him to Christmas dinner, which is a very important deal with her family. They leave the Pub, kiss and call each other girl and boyfriend. Charlie will dine with Claire for Christmas.

Xander figures out Ava is Angela with help from Sarah. Sarah screeches at Xander who is Ava??? Xander tells her it’s a long story. Xander tells Sarah, remember when I was working for Kristen, I told you she had all these people in a warehouse? One of those people was Ava, Kristen sent Dr. Rolf to pick up her body right away. Sarah says so you knew Ava was alive? Xander says not really because of the fire. Why did Kristen get Ava? Sarah can’t believe Kristen and Ava were friends.

Xander tells Sarah that from now on there is no more Sarah in this research of what Philip and Ava are doing. Xander tells Sarah that Ava is a mafia princess, and a psychopath. Xander is sure he doesn’t want Sarah helping him any longer. She wants to tell him what she found out, but since they aren’t working together. She tells Xander along with the Philip kissed her. Xander blows up, Sarah talks him down again. Now they know who they are dealing with

Philip shows up at Ava’s. Ava on phone calling someone. More bagging on Kayla and how wonderful her son is to Philip. Philip and Ava snark over Tripp and rape. Philip is there because she violated one of their agreements. Ava wants Philip to leave. Ava throws the I have more to worry about with you and Xander than you have with me going public. Philip tells her about Charlie, without using his name and how he is blackmailing him to spy on Xander and how Xander thinks that Charlie will be spying on Philip. Ava asks if Philip can trust the kid, Philip says trust me he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, besides he’s not going to find anything, because I can cover my tracks.

Philip has done something and once Xander finds out he will blow sky high and Victor will have no choice but to fire him. Ava says I don’t care how you handle Xander, I just want my money laundered. Ava shows Philip the door. Ava looks at her phone, Damn it where are you??? Tripp calls from Steve and Kayla’s and tells his mom that he will be staying there for dinner. Ava says fine while looking at a beautifully set table for two. Knock on the door. It's Charlie, I got your messages, you said we needed to talk so here I am.

Tripp and Allie meet up in the square, Tripp wants to just move on. Allie says that pointing a gun is nothing like what you did to me. Tripp says he is sorry for what she is going through but he had nothing to do with it. As if this is a new conversation, we’ve never heard of.

Joey shows up at home lights are off, tree is up and decorated. They are having Joey’s favorite dinner, chili? No filet mignon. But tomorrow they will have chili. Kayla goes over how wonderful he was as a child, so sweet so caring. Steve looks on. Joey apologizes for being strange. Kayla says she will resist the urge to hug him to death. Steve jumps in he wants a hug too. They will only invite family over, them and Tripp. Steve and Kayla don’t get a chance to tell Joey about the Tripp/Allie thing. Knock on door, Tripp comes in to big hug from Joey. Joey is so excited to have Tripp at home. Everyone stares at everyone.

Tripp says it’s not about my mom, it’s about me. Your mom doesn’t want me to stay for dinner or at the house, because she thinks I’m a rapist. Tripp apologizes for ruining the night, Kayla tells Tripp to tell the story. Tripp says your cousin Allie accused me of rape and she has a baby. I never raped Allie. Kayla says but we have DNA that PROVES you are the father. Joey believes Tripp and Joey wants Tripp to stay home. Kayla tells Tripp that he can stay for dinner, as Tripp is family. Tripp and Joey hug, Steve cries, Kayla attacks vegetables. Kayla says she didn’t do if for Tripp but she did it for Joey and Steve.

Allie shows up at Belle's, she wants to file a civil case against Tripp. She wants to take everything Tripp has. Grandma Kate told Allie to take Tripp to court. Belle thinks at minimum you’ll get child support at maximum you might get a sizable settlement. Belle asks are you sure. Allie says more than anything in the world I want Tripp to pay for this. Belle warns her that Tripp’s lawyer will make you go over everything over and over and over again. (Well, not if it’s Justin). Allie wants to do EVERYTHING in her power to make sure Tripp pays. Claire walks in.
So tired of the Tripp story. I believe him so I will be devastated if it turns out he had sex with Allie consensual or non-consensual. But now we have the first mention of Charlie having a brother. I know everyone has been saying that Charlie is the rapist. I was hoping not because Claire really likes him and that could send her over the edge again. Maybe that's where the writers are going. He seemed like a totally different person at Ava's door though. So is that Charlie's identical twin? These writers are crazy so anything is possible.

Allie going ahead with civil suit means the Tripp story is going drag on longer. Are Tripp's lawyers going to break her down on the stand and she's going to very dramatically remember what happened and that it wasn't Tripp? I'm just ready for it to end.
French fries and ketchup
Normally I'd like a talk like this, as character traits are important. But since Days washes them aside as soon as it's convenient, keep it to yourself, Chuck.

Meanwhile we know Ava's lying to Tripp. She claims to only be taking legitimate money, but needs the money laundered?
Charlie grew up with his dad in Philly. Isn't Jake from Philly???

Charlie could be Ava's enforcer. Not meek and mild, but a leg breaker.

Wow, I never even thought of that one, but wouldn't Jake bring up the fact he raised a son to Vivian, Ivan, Gwen, or Gabi? I like the idea though, it could tie in, good observation!

Ava has been lying to Tripp, especially Ava's reaction on Friday's episode about Tripp being in London. Why did it surprise Ava so much? I wonder if Charlie is going to call Ava "Mom" on tomorrow's episode, or are the writers going to try to skate around the fact for another 2 weeks? lol
I honestly am having a problem with ages. Is Jake really old enough to have a son Charlie's age? I mean, he is actually around 40 yrs. old. (Brandon Barash/Jake) while Charlie is 33...(meaning Mike Manning who plays him)
Charlie grew up with his dad in Philly. Isn't Jake from Philly???
Are you suggesting that Charlie and Jake are also brothers via adoption? Because I don't think Jake gets enough air time between his romps with Kate, his fights with Chad, and his forced interactions with Gwen and Abby. Let's give him even more story. :rolleyes:

So is Charlie really the baby's father? Isn't this the same story we just went though with Mimi's baby??? Come on writers!

I liked Allie going to Aunt Belle for advice. But what is Shawn having for dinner?

I hate both the baby story and the Gwen story because they seem stagnant. I'm glad we at least got some movement in the baby story today.

And Kayla please put on stockings or at least wear pants. It's December in the Midwest. At least be somewhat realistic.
Belle: Remarkably, she laid out the realities of being a party to a civil suit quite well, but she neglected one important matter: the ability to collect from a losing defendant. Right now, Trippy is penniless and things aren't likely to improve once he finishes med school, an internship, and a residency. Doctors in Salem never seem to get paid. Even Love Doctor Jonas never seemed to earn a dime for his miracle surgeries. Like most Salemites they get along with what they can get from the money tree, and as everyone knows, payments from the famous tree cannot be reached by creditors.

Trippy: People, especially hard-hearted Kayla, ought to start giving him a break. After all, if he could forgive Little Joey for trying to kill his mommy dearest, people should cut him a break regarding the Allie accusations.

Xander: His true love, Ms. Baby-Talk, can be more than annoying, but he's lucky to have her. Not only does she get him critical information, but she protects him from his own worse impulses. This means that Philly K. and his partner in crime, Ava, can forget all about the X-Man self-destructing. Xander also gets points for recalling that Ava can makes planes crash. If he'd speak up about this, Salem's amnesiacs might remember that she caused the death of Salem's secular saint, old Dad Brady. (Justice for Shawn!!!)

Roman: His Pub serves French fries and onion rings? Who knew? That said, it might have made for a good scene if he'd come over to Claire and Charlie's table and recommended Wanchai Ferry or garbage-can nachos.

The Writers: Fie on them for making Charlie an Ava spy. How long will it be before he's revealed as Allie's rapist? Can't Salem ever have a newcomer who is truly a decent person who will make a good love interest for the long-suffering Claire??? Speaking of Claire, she gets kudos for wearing appropriate winter clothes -- a sweater.
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Is Jake really old enough to have a son Charlie's age?
Yes, since he was conceived in the late 1970s before Stefano plagued Salem. Which makes him older than Shawn-D. You know, unless time is fluid. LOL
Belle: Remarkably, she laid out the realities of being a party to a civil suit quite well,

wouldn't Jake bring up the fact he raised a son to Vivian, Ivan, Gwen, or Gabi
When does he ever talk about anything beyond his alleged feelings for whatever woman is making eyes at him? He has no POV.

Meanwhile, I'm hoping that Ron is doing excellent work and the French Fry scandal will be what reveals that CHARLIE has an evil twin! Who likes covering his fries with ketchup! Claire will see the plate and reveal all! Genius!!
Pretty sure I’ve seen someone post this in the past, but why does no one ever say goodbye when they end cell phone calls? So odd. Happened at least twice in today’s episode.

When Joey walked into Kayla’s place it dawned on me he would have never seen it. Didn’t they still have a house when he went to jail?

Speaking of, I know budgets and all, but is the place Belle and Shawn are staying supposed to be the same house that was Bo and Hope’s? Is it just a different room since it seems the door is on the right and the other house had that entryway with the door on the left of the screen.
Thanks, robin.

One of the writers must have been eating filet mignon since Kayla and Claire both said it.

The room they are using in Bo/Hope's home is a den. We no longer see their living room.

When Steve and Kayla were shopping, where was Joey? He seemed surprised she was making
filet mignon for dinner. Maybe they made him wait in the car while they went inside.

I really hope Steve isn't Charlie's dad. If someone became a "blood brother", would the
other person's DNA be in their blood? Have Tripp and Charlie seen each other in Salem?

Xander needs to watch himself so he won't explode all over if Philip kisses Sarah again or
does something. Philip is pushing Xander's buttons and Xander can't help himself.
When Joey walked into Kayla’s place it dawned on me he would have never seen it. Didn’t they still have a house when he went to jail?

I forgot to mention this earlier. I thought that they are still living in the condo she shared with Justin? And believe me I was waiting for Joey to make a comment about being back home again. But he didn't.
Correct, when Joey went to prison, Kayla and Steve had a house. She got the condo in the year during the time jump. Then Justin moved in, eventually moved out and Steve moved in.

Have Tripp and Charlie seen each other in Salem?
Yes, remember when Tripp talked to Claire the one time, and Charlie told him to leave her alone?
Sort of. They didn't act like they knew each other then.