Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 23, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 23, 2019

Got my one wish. At Jack & Jen's, they are decorating the place. Jack has brought in the bare tree, set it up. They are so enjoying themselves, happy they will be all together,, etc. Jen gets a text from JJ saying he has gone to see Haley's mom, spend time with her. Jen thinks that a nice gesture, she & Jack chatter about Christmas. He brings out a box, which has their family's ornaments inside. Jen holds up the Jack & Jennifer ones, side by side, then the Abby & JJ ones, they talk of their family being all together, she mentions how she put those ornaments on the tree alone for so many years, Jack assures her that will never happen again, because he will be there always.

Abby shows up in JJ's room, wanting to know why he did not tell his family he was in the hospital. JJ did not want anyone to know, feels he is not worthy, should not exist. Abby sits down, seriously lets him know that his family loves him, & would support him now, thru his withdrawal, they all love him, & he needs to tell mom & dad the truth. JJ calls Jen, admits he not with Haley's mom, is in the hospital. Next, Jack & Jen rush into JJ's room, are hugging him, along with Abby, assuring him of their love and how they will stand by him. JJ tells how he hurt his hand punching a wall, how he could not deal with Haley's death, how he did not need stitches, but was so painful, he got painkillers, kept getting it refilled, and when he could no longer so so, found other ways. There is several scenes in JJ's hospital room, all done very well.

Rafe comes in the loft room, wanting to know why Hope & Kate are fighting. Kate manages to foist the reply onto Gina, who claims she asked Kate there to question her. A lot of lying, and evading, with Gina eventually ordering a reluctant Rafe back to the station to focus on the mall robbery, even tho Rafe says all taken care of. Gina says last minute shoppers, or some dumb thing, Rafe leaves. Kate & Gina go at it again, Kate telling her more or less to watch it, because Kate will blow both her & Steve-ano out of the water. She leaves

Justin comes to see Kayla, change of dinner plans, Vic on the war path, Justin doesn't want to be having dinner with him. Kayla doesn't want to go to Pub, doesn't want to see Kate, tells about the run-in with her. Justin leave, but later on, after Justin goes to see Kate, they make arrangements to just stay in, a bottle of cabernet, and desserts. LOL

Marlena knocks on Kate's door, calling for her, Steve-ano all excited, his Marlena. He goes to open the door, sees his reflection in mirror, realizes he cannot greet her with this face. Marlena is still calling to Kate, finds the door unlocked, goes in. Kate not there, bed covers thrown back. WE keep seeing Steveano stepping out to watch her, (so stupid!) as Marlena wants to leave a note, can't find a pen, will look on the desk, where the famed Stefano ring lays. Justin had come in looking for Kate, tells Marlena why, and how Kate berated Kayla for taking up with him. Marlena will talk to her. Justin leaves, runs into Kate, wanting to know why she picked on Kayla. Kate says Adrienne was her friend, Justin retorts and she was MY wife! Steve treated Kayla terribly, we are happy, just stay away. Inside, Marlena picks up, the ring, surprised to see it, Kate returns, Marlena asks why it was there, Kate claims she got it after Andre' died. Sounds reasonable, she goes, Steve-ano comes out, Kate scolds him for leaving the door unlocked, & ring on the desk. He acts stunned, his queen of the night actually was just in this room, he saw her, heard her voice.

John & Abe are mulling over what Celeste said, how Stefano had not returned to Salem, but WAS there in a way. They try to figure out what that meant. John even suggests plastic surgery, Abe says Stefano too vain to wear another man's face. Eventually Abe has to leave, catch a plane to South Africa. Theo doing well, has recovered completely, and made a whole new life for himself there.

At the hospital JJ knows there is a tough road ahead for him, but his family assures him they will be with him every step of the way, the fact they are all together is their Christmas miracle.

Gina returns to the station, Rafe learns she is no longer staying at John & Marlena's, he asked her to leave. She only says she figures with Marlena gone so many months, they wanted alone time. Rafe invites her to stay at his place a couple of days, being it's the holidays. She hugs him but makes a face over his shoulder.

Marlena returns home, tells John about the ring, Kate''s explanation, sounds reasonable. She admits it gave her the creeps in that room, she could feel him. John says let's not talk of him, I have to leave in a bit to see Paul, right now, I want to focus on my wife. Marlena smiles.....Focus away! They embrace, but John has a worried look on his face.
I have to admit, the first scene with Stevano sitting in the bed and he had his hands up to his face, I swear I thought he was going to break out the harmonica!

And what was with John touching and rubbing Abe so much? He kept friendly punching him, then rubbing his arm and then massaging his neck as Abe walked out? That was weird! This is NOT John.
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I was hoping Rafe was going to eavesdrop on "Hope" and Kate. He knew something was up.

Sure seems Stefauxno reacts to talk about Kayla. But why wasn't he wearing the ring? Kate explained it easy enough but Marlena had a feeling.

I really wish I was a Jack/Jen fan. I'd be so happy now.
Steve-ano: Kate shouldn't have gotten on his case about leaving the door open. After all, when was the door to the DiMansion ever locked? However, carelessly leaving the Phoenix ring lying around was very un-Phoenix, and another reason why Steve-ano is a third-rate version of the real Stefano.

Justin: He thinks that he's amazing? If so, this high opinion of himself must be based on some off-screen talent. If Justin's self-worth depended on his legal abilities. he'd have a major inferiority complex. Justin should also do the doctors and nurses at University Hospital a favor by meeting Kayla off-premises. Given the level of care at University Hospital, they must live in constant fear of medical malpractice lawsuits, and the sight of lawyer Justin might make them fear that their worst nightmares have come true.

Abe & John: They shouldn't try too hard to figure out the meaning of Celeste's obscure pronouncements. After all, this is the same tarot-card reader who once urged Sami to burn EJ alive in one of Salem's famous cabins.
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Theo doing well, has recovered completely, and made a whole new life for himself there.
Implausibly lame or lamely implausible?
After all, this is the same tarot-card reader who once urged Sami to burn EJ alive in one of Salem's famous cabins.
Hey, that was a good idea though!
Ha, I noticed John touching Abe a lot too.

Watching Justin and Kayla today I thought I wished they had done this all differently. I wish a year later they were together and Steve was around and all of the stuff currently going on were in flashbacks. We could find out about this Stevano stuff and have it end up with Kayla deciding to stay with Justin. And we wouldn't be stuck with Gina and the idiocy of no one noticing that for a year.
Thanks, Poirot.

Interesting to learn Melinda, Haley's mom, now lives in Chicago. Does
Salem have a DA in town and who is it?

Great news Theo is recovered. Too bad he'll probably never come
back to Salem.

I, also, wondered why Stevano took off his ring and just left it in the open.

The best part of the show was the whole Deveraux family. It was nice of Jack
to bring down the ornaments. Then he and Jennifer looked at their names
of their family. I loved the group hug at then end.
Thanks Poirot, for the great summary! Thanks again for all your time and energy! Happiest of days to you - and all!

Jack assures her that will never happen again, because he will be there always.
Oh, OH - this surely means they'll split soon!

There is several scenes in JJ's hospital room, all done very well.
If only more families acted like this. GREAT job writers!:wink:

All I want for Christmas is --- for Fake Stefano, Gina and Gabi to go away! AND for Kate to stop being such a two-faced ##&&$!

P.S. - Thanks to whoever for the new emojis! FUN!:shocked:
I wish a year later they were together and Steve was around and all of the stuff currently going on were in flashbacks. We could find out about this Stevano stuff and have it end up with Kayla deciding to stay with Justin. And we wouldn't be stuck with Gina and the idiocy of no one noticing that for a year.
I would have liked that better.
I don't understand Stevano getting so excited about his Queen of the Night. Am I remembering wrong, that he seemed to somewhat lose interest in Marlena some years ago? I think maybe it was after she gave him that shot while he was in jail. A shot that paralyzed him or made him unable to speak, while causing him terrific pain at the same time. It seems like after he got past that, he went off in different directions, married Katerina and whatever. I don't recall him even mentioning his Queen of the Night in years. Now he is so obsessed with her, he gets all week-kneed and wobbly at the sound of her voice and knowing she is in the same room?
No, you're not remembering it wrong. He really had no interest in Marlena in his later years. Remember when he wanted to kill Marlena because she pushed Kristen out of the castle window to her "death"?

But yeah, now he's swooning like a teenager full of raging hormones.