Days of Our Lives - Mon. Dec. 30, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 30, 2013

Replay of all the closing scenes from Friday. Gabi gets the text from Sami about burning her coat, she is explaining it to Sonny, saying "the one I was wearing when I killed Nick" as she opens the closet door, and there is the shocked Will, who never answers what he was doing in the closet. Sonny tries to cover for Gabi, saying Will misunderstood, Gabi just meant Nick was out of her life metaphorically. Will wonders if she was burning her coat metaphorically as well. all comes out, Will is upset, and if Sonny was not involved in this initially, why is Gabi saying "we" all the time. She is silent, Will guesses his mom & Kate are involved, is totally freaked. Arianna cries, Will goes to take care of it wanting to do something "normal". Gabi texts Sami & Kate to get over there quick.

Sami sees Nick's dead, grey body pop up by the river, screams bloody murder, EJ is holding her, she is crying, he tells her Nick is not there, it is just a log. Now she looks, yep, that is what is there. She doesn't want to be there, EJ says the area has to be "swept clear", he will a team come to do that tomorrow. Sami gets the text and tells EJ they have to rush off now, she will explain on the way.

So, Kate has arrived, now Sami & EJ are at the apt.with Sami explaining EJ knows all, which causes kate to make a lot of sarcastic comments. Sami wants to rush in to see Will, Sonny stops her. She takes off that very light leather jacket, to reveal a sleeveless top. My goodness, no wonder she was freezing. EJ tho, has a scarf, quilted down coat, boots, etc. etc. Sonny will go get Will, warns everyone not to overwhelm Will...but rushes out to announce that Will is gone, out the back way with Arianna. (So now there is a back way out thru Arianna's room. Amazing, these movable walls & closets. LOL
Everyone wants to rush out to look for him, EJ stops them, with Sonny's help, noting how could they explain about them all looking for Will. So, the 3 stooges stay behind, while Sonny goes looking.
EJ tells them all that they have to get rid of everything they wore that day, but Kate is not going to get rid of her $2000 boots. EJ points out that if someone said they saw her there, and she claimed no, and the cops examined the mud on those boots which matched the mud by the river's edge. Kate concedes. Again, EJ mentions his "team" that are experts and professionals and will clean sweep the area, and get rid of/dispose of everything. Kate tells Sami congratulations. You have a man who is a carbon copy of his father, as she lists all the negative attributes. Meanwhile, Will is carting Arianna around the square, stopping here and there, and finally is at a lonely bench. He ignores a text from Sonny, tells Arianna that she is the most important thing, nothing else. And there is Sonny, saying he agrees 100%. The two men stare at each other.

Jennifer is leaving work, with Anne giving her a hard time about leaving early again, and noting how often she does so. They have a few meows at each other, Jen leaves.
At the Horton house, JJ is telling Abby how he wants to see the fireworks tonight with her and mom. Abby knows darn well that JJ has not forgotten mom has a date, and lightly gives JJ a hard time about how he used to hate mom with Daniel, and now doesn't want her to date this guy, cause she should be with Daniel. Now she asks him to deliver a file to the hospital, her application to switch from part time to full time. She wants it all in place by the time her degree becomes final. Her friend is coming over and they are going out. He takes it.
Jen is all dressed up, Abby is teasing her a bit, Liam arrives, intros, and off Jen goes to dinner with Liam. Tis interesting that they only go to the Pub.
JJ brings the file to the hospital, where Anne is still hanging at the nurses's station (doesn't she have an office??) She & JJ have a few words, with him commenting how she hates his family, and is really out to hurt his mom. and next JJ is at the Pub, interrupting his mom & Liam, claiming that he overheard Anne saying she was going to destroy Abby's application, put it in the shredder. Jennifer has to rush right out, will be back, JJ offers to stay til then, and makes sure he tells Liam that he is glad Liam is dating his mom, as the last guy she dated, did not turn out well, but she was very much in love with him....Dr. Daniel Jonas, you must know him. And Jennifer is over at the hospital reading a riot act to Anne, who has no idea what Jen is bellowing about, but doesn't back down one bit.

And now over to the Kmansion, where Nicole is asking Brady what is wrong with him, why is he acting this way. And Daniel comes in claiming it is because Brady is higher than a kite. Oh, Brady resents that, (and really, really good scenes follow) and proceeds to deny, accuse, and first, of course, throws JJ under the bus. Oh, yeah, he was in the park, talking to a dealer, but he had seen JJ there, and was warning the guy to not sell to the kid or he would come after him. Brady really is on a roll here. Daniel knows it isn't JJ, it is him, he's an addict, he has been acting odd, Maggie is worried, he hasn't gone to meetings, despite the huge drama in his life. Brady paces around, rants at everyone, knocks the camera out of Greg's hands. Nicole manages to get Greg out of there, telling him she told him to stop with the camera, but he thinks what they were getting was gold. She shags him out, grabbing the camera.
Nicole tells Brady he was talking so much, not like him, Brady blames her questions about Kristen and what she did to him. She says she will show him the footage, he balks, saying she could edit it any way she wanted. He tells Eric to shut his sanctimonius mouth. He starts to leave, Daniel stops him, says he knows he is using, and to empty his pockets. They struggle a bit, with Brady denying, but the vial of white powder rolls out onto the floor. Silence all round. Brady picks it up, and now goes on a rant about this little tiny bit of stuff, he needed it after all he went thru, and this is nothing, he could handle 100 times this much with no problem. Nicole is nearly in tears, but holds out her hand, telling him to give it to her. No, he won't. He really goes on a rant. Eric tries to say something, Brady starts in on him sleeping with Kristen, pretending to have been drugged, but everyone saw the video...he enjoyed every minute of it. Everyone knows that. He is on Daniel's case, talking the master miracle man, who is bouncing mattresses with every young thing. Oh, Brady really says some nasty things, and then is leaving. Eric looks so sad, Nicole cautions him not to listen to a word Brady said, not true, he is high. She holds Eric to comfort him. Brady goes outside, Daniel follows, you are not leaving. He has grabbed Brady, they struggle, Daniel punches Brady in the jaw. Brady goes down, Daniel starts to walk away, when Brady jumps up, and the two are sort of bear wrestling.
Exactly, KathyLu....!!!!!

By the way, Abby gets what I assume is a text from Nick. Was hard for me to read, but was something about knowing how she feels, hope she is o.k. I think he said the same happened to him. Sorry....I just could not make it out.
I thought the show was clicking on all cylinders today -- Brady's confrontation with Eric, Nicole and Daniel felt real. There was just enough humor in the scenes with Will, Sonny, EJ and the unholy trio to make that a lot of fun. And HR Anne was present to spice up the Jen/Liam stuff. Excellent!
Poor Will -- another person paying the price for foolishly hiding in a closet to eavesdrop. Given his state when he learned about the Tricky Nicky affair, the back entrance to the apartment may have been created when Will crashed through the wall in an attempt to flee the apartment as quickly as possible. As for EJ he had best hope that his "team" of so-called experts are better than the usual bumbling DiMera flunkies. On second thought, if there is ever a search of the area, it will be done by the hapless and hopeless Salem P.D., meaning that Ciara and Theo could do an adequate cover-up job. Regarding the events at the Kmansion, it's a good thing that Victor wasn't around to see his home serve as the setting of a raucus three-ring circus and to witness first hand what a lying dirt bag Brady has become. Finally, kudos to the Love Doctor for demonstrating that his physical prowess isn't limited to bedroom gymnastics -- knocking down Brady, the man who once pounded EJ into jelly, with only one punch.
Today was an equal distribution of Brady's surprise intervention and the amateurish murderous crew!

Kate congratulates Sami for hooking up with someone who is the spitting image of his despicable father...That is very hypocritical of Kate since she was married and fell deeply in love with Stefano!

Kate says oh goodie, we have a professional on board. Since you seem to be the go to guy, EJ, how do we get away with murder?...Kate please Ej couldn't even wipe himself properly without needing help from big papa Stefano!

Will says.."Oh my god. My daughter is being raised by The Sopranos"...The Sopranos were very skilled murderous!
EJ is sending in his men to collect clothes and sweep the area around the river. This will prove to be just another example why Stefano will always be the master and EJ the student.

Stefano's cleanup crew:


EJ's cleanup crew:

I have to say that some parts of today's show were quite good. I loved all parts with Brady, Daniel, Eric and Nicole (though, like KathyLu, I'm afraid that the hug between Eric and Nicole will turn into something else... and it's soooooo not the time, if ever, as I don't want Nicole to end up with Eric now). All actors did a terrific job. Brady was despicable but when I saw a tear roll down his cheek, I must admit I had one to. Really, powerful scenes. I hope the writers can keep the momentum going and not ruin things, yet again. Let's see Brady struggle as an addict. And let's see him try to make amends to those he hurt, especially Eric now. What Brady said to him was so awful.

Jennifer, Anne, Abigail (and yes, the text was indeed from Cameron) : Does anybody really care about these characters ? I know I don't ! And JJ is now on board the Jan Dan love train. Oh, great ! I'm so happy ! :sarcasm: And though I hate Anne, as she's too one dimensional, I must say, again, she's absolutely right about Jennifer. And now Abigail. Why should they both have jobs at the hospital, when clearly, they're hardly ever there and incompetent ?

The "murder mystery" : To hear EJ say he's going to have a crew at the river makes me laugh so hard. First of all, because like DrBakerFan said, it's so not necessary, as the Salem PD would never be able to solve any case. Plus, with all that went down near the river since the "murder", I doubt any evidence would be receivable in court, as it has all been tempered with... by Theo, by Abe, by drug dealers surely, by Sami, by Kate, by EJ, by the birdwatchers, etc. But also, where does one get such a crew ? The Yellow Pages ? :rotfl:Can you imagine the wanted add for such a crew ? Only in soap land. :rolleyes: But I must admit there were some funny moments. Will sitting down and hitting himself to wake up had me . :rotfl: So at least, aside from shrew Jennifer and her silly date, the show was quite entertaining.