Days of Our Lives - Mon., Feb. 1, 2016

Even though I was also hoping Chase was a red herring I actually don't mind him being the cyber-bully. Because I do think with everything he's gone through it could make sense for him to lash out in such a manner. My problem is that the "bullying" such as it was seemed to have no effect whatsoever on Theo. But maybe that could have been a result of his autism. Someone who already has difficulty with emotional cues probably wouldn't respond to that kind of trauma in ways we might expect. That could have been interesting.

Instead this just seems like a set-up for a Chase/Ciara/Theo triangle which I'm not even sure audience members in the characters age demographic particularly care about. It just seems like a wasted opportunity in my very humble opinion.
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I think it makes sense Chase broke down and took out his unrequited feelings for Ciara on Theo, as he was jealous of all the attention Ciara was spending with Theo. I saw Chase's look when Ciara ditched him at Salem High to hang with Theo BECAUSE of the bullying. Was a hint there.

Belle well.....oh Belle.......I hope somehow hope the writers put in somewhere that Belle has some sort of mental illness like bi-polar or majorly depressed. She's acting way out of character when the Belle of the past always put her child before her own relationships. Seems like Belle is barely acknowledging her bad non existent parenting after months of on screen abandonment. With what Eve did still makes her a better mother then Belle.

Ava is now part of a cult? I don't think so. I think that's just some psycho crime syndicate with the snake emblem that Ava started perhaps after she left Salem. The Godfather her father died right after, so perhaps the crime family doesn't operate and Ava started her own.

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS
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He is not afraid of his father knowing, it is the Chicago police.
OK - thanks for clarifying. But the point's the same...Victor would never let that happen.

Black market babies in Indonesia? That's inconvenient. Sami only had to go down the street.
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I fast forwarded most of this one. I'm not even excited to read and write about the show at the moment.

Really disappointed that they went the obvious route and made Chase the bully. I do think it will blow over quickly and we will see him in a triangle. Though I do want to ultimately see him with Claire and not Ciara.

Missed opportunity here in not bringing Dr. Baker back if they are doing a black market baby story.