Days of Our Lives - Mon, Feb. 27, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, February 27, 2017

Jennifer arrives at the Pub to meet Marlena, who tells of Eric being paroled. Jen knows, tells of seeing him at hospital, no idea why he was there, he did not want to talk. Marlena wants Jen to try and talk to Eric about coming back to Salem. Jen is reluctant, that although on the day of his sentencing they "comforted" each other, he did try to talk to her about getting off the pills. After he was in prison, she did, went cold turkey, she ended up with pains in places where she wasn't even injured. So she knew she had to wean herself, she did, and when she took that last 1/2 pill, she vowed never again would she ever, and she hasn't. Marlena says Eric is the same way. But Jen goes on, saying she realized it was Eric who encouraged her, went to the prison to thank him, but he refused to see her. She doesn't think he will see her now.

Nicole is packing up a lot of stuff into a box, Brady calls. She tells of it being over with Deimos, and she is packing up her office, will meet him in the square in a few minutes. She begins to leave with her box, and Deimos is blocking the doorway. not going to let her leave, it isn't over, they are in each other's blood. Nicole stands firm, it isn't only the judge bribing, it is all his lies. After he poisoned Maggie, had Dario beat up, he promised never to do anything like that again, but all the while he had Chad & Gabi freezing to death in a meat locker. Deimos claims they are o.k., he wasn't going to keep them there much longer, blah, blah. Nicole doesn't buy any of, Sonny got taken, beat up, & she lost her child because of him, before he even had these things done to other people. He again tries to stop her, she tells him to get out of her way, and if she has not made it clear, she quits as well.

She meets Brady in the square, tells what happened in short form, Brady has more bad news, tells her of Chloe moving to New York with Parker & Holly. Nicole says then she will too. She is going to have to job hunt, can do it there as well, reminding Brady he would do the same for Tate. Deimos calls Brady, wants to see him about some business deals. Brady promises he won't be long, and don't do anything stupid, will be right back.

JJ & Lani are talking about their proposed evening together, what they might do. Gabi comes in, Lani leaves. JJ has questions (they are at the cop shop), but Gabi claims she knows nothing about her kidnapping, except some goon took them, put them in the meat locker. Rafe comes in, admonishes Gabi, knows the entire story, and between him & JJ, they recite all that happened with the Orwell device, the inventor, etc. etc. They also know andre & Eduardo took Sonny, she asks Rafe if he is going to arrest their father. Maybe. They want Gabi to name Deimos, so they can arrest him, Dario walks in, berates the cops for questioning her without reading her rights. That is the end of that, next Gabi is somewhere with Dario, thanking him, while Rafe & JJ talk about nailing Deimos.

Eric brings in a load of firewood, doesn't know why he bothered, seems hot in there. (this is the living room w/fireplace now). He spots the pic of Jen, picks it up, stares at it as he drinks a glass of water. Later, the door opens, Jen pokes her head in, calling out for Eric. No one is there. She comes in, looks around, Eric appears,(shirtless) tells her she cannot be there, she has to go. Jen talks to him, he mentions Hope, she tells of Hope only calling her rescuer a Good Samaritan, never said it was Eric. She tells him he is the kindest, gentlest, best person she knows. He should come back home. He again refuses, telling her she should go. She starts to leave, turns back suddenly, planting a big, long, passionate kiss on him. She pulls away, goes out door, saying she will be back, and soon!

JJ & Lani are in the square, making light hearted comments about some game they intend to play tonight. They get up to leave, he stops and kisses her. Gabi, of course, sees this, seems a bit unnerved.

Rafe comes into the Pub, sits with Marlena, who doesn't want to go home to her empty house. Seems John is on assignment, all the ISA will tells her is that he had to go to Thailand. They talk of Hope, how Rafe can finally stop thinking about Stefano, Marlena is happy they can now spend time together. He wants to thank Eric for all he did for Hope, but Marlena says Eric just doesn't want visitors yet.

Brady shows up at the Kmansion, but what Deimos wants is for Brady to help him get Nicole back. Brady tells him that she wants nothing to do with him, doesn't even want to see his face.
Deimos goes to see Chloe, who won't even let him come into the room. He tries to get her to be reasonable, give Nicole back her daughter. Chloe refuses. She calls Belle, asking her for a big favor.

Later, Nicole appears at Chloe's door. She is really nice, calm, tells Chloe she is done with Deimos, no ring on her finger, quit her job. Chloe figures that as soon as Nicole would have Holly, Deimos would talk her into being with him again. No, says Nik, she is moving to New York, far away from him, will get a job, stay out of Chloe's way, but maybe they can just go slow, she can see Holly once a week. Chloe says that will be impossible, hands her a paper, "read this". Nicole takes it....a restraining put a restraining order on me?

Yes, after tonight you cannot call me, e-mail me, or come within 100 feet of me. You will never see me again.
Can this get any more horrible!!?? A restraining order!! I think those tears were real for the actress that she has to play this! Just give Nicole her baby! This woman has suffered enough but apparently is going to suffer for several more months! :angry:

Gabi. Wow what a . . . . oh I don't think I can say that here. What was with all the snarky comments about Lani. You don't want him. Have no say in what he does and I am so glad he came back with what about you being found almost naked with Chad.

Seriously, are Eric and Jen now going to be great love they try to shove down our throats? I love how of course he had to come in shirtless. I swear to me it just feels like they are related somehow. And Eric has go to stop his woe is me attitude. Enough!! Smile already!!
I swear to me it just feels like they are related somehow.
They aren't.

Jennifer is a Horton and Eric is a Brady. But they do share a nephew, niece and great-niece (Will, Allie and Ari) as Jennifer's brother (Lucas) was involved with/married to Eric's sister (Sami). Also, Jennifer's other brother (Mike) was involved with Eric's other sister (Carrie).

They also have Shawn-D, Zack and Ciara in common, as they are Jennifer's cousins (through Hope) and Eric's cousins (through Bo).
I think, with Gabi, she was being questioned about knowing who her actual kidnapper was......but the entire tale would end up involving her father, so she was holding back, not wanting to incriminate her father & brother. So, she is withholding evidence. (Just guessing here)

By the way, I left out some "roll your eyes" dialogue between Gabi & Dario after they left the cop shop. He claims Daddy & him want to invest in Gabi's new company. You know, the image consultant one......the one where she has had only one client.

But, she wants to also help people change their lives, get on the right path, etc. It was just so ridiculous, I kept shaking my head. But.......some of you might consider it newsworthy, I have mentioned it. LOL
Personally I hate Jen and Eric. The old writers are pushing this romance just like they did Jen with DrDanTan. This show will do anything to keep the love of her life, Jack Deveraux, dead and Jen chasing an inappropriate Salem man.:sick::angry:
I have already said this elsewhere, but I truly am tired of the Salem cougar pairings. Writers apparently seem to write as though the residents of Salem are ageless. After age 21, no one ever mentions their age. But women who babysat their friends' children end up all too often being paired with them. No age difference in Salem. Just wait........In a couple years, Claire, Theo, Ciara, Joey will all be bedding their parents' friends or their teachers.

If Days just did it once or twice.......but no. Kristen, who was with his father, nearly marries Brady; Kate has more than done her share of robbing the cradle; Adrienne with Lucas, Eve and JJ, and then now we have Jen with Eric. Too many in too short a period of time. Yes, I know, just me.

Well, who knows, we could have Hope paired with Joey, Kate with Steve, Kayla with Rory, Maggie & Rafe...or Justin... :sarcasm:
Wow, what a kiss gave Jen gave Eric. I never thought of them as a couple before
because they were drinking and doing drugs. I thought that was the reason they
were together.

Will John have to travel around the world before he comes home? Maybe he
will stop off in Hong Kong and see Belle?

Nice to see an office in Salem, but instead of working Nicole was packing her stuff.
What will happen to Basic Black now?

Interesting to see all the colored jackets today. Nicole had a purplish one,
Gabi a tan
one, several people including Jen wore black ones.

Why didn't Chloe look through the peephole before she opened the door?

I think we all know why Chloe got a restraining order, so we could
talk about it :)
Can we have Maggie and Rory paired up?? He can supply "product" for her to put in her home-baked cookies. They'd be the most popular couple in Salem!
Great idea. Imagine the conversation when Victor discovers the unseemly truth:

Victor: Maggie, how could you, carrying on with that pothead who's young enough to be your grandson. Good grief, what would Daniel say?
Maggie: Oh, Victor, try to understand. My dearest eggbaby certainly would. Rory's never grouchy and my home-baked cookies are so much better since he started helping me.

As for the episode, it was more of Salemites behaving more or less true to form.

Deimos, already less popular in Salem than the bubonic plague, continues to protest that his intentions are good.

Eric, the biggest sourpuss in Salem history, maintained his gloomy visage even when being given a big smooch by Jenny. Even the Grim Reaper would tell him to lighten up.

Jenny, clueless as always, proclaiming how fine, kind, and loving the sourpuss is. The armies of Daniel Jonas worshipers would beg to differ -- perhaps violently..

Chloe, the dimwitted diva goes nuclear, adding insult to injury by getting a restraining order against poor Nicole despite her having dumped Deimos. If anything bad now happens, Chloe should share a big portion of the blame.

This is the first "live" episode I've watched in two months - by that I mean, I'm 2 months behind, but I skipped forward and watched this episode when it was posted today. I'm here for the Jenn/Eric.

I enjoyed Marlena/Jenn and Jenn/Eric. And Marlena even made Rafe tolerable! The age gap doesn't bother me too much - Jenn was the youngest of the super-couple crowd (she was in late high school when Steve and Kayla got together, if my memory is correct) and Eric's older than most of the middle aged group, so there's not a huge gap. Its not like Kristen changing Brady's nappies.

I mostly fast forwarded the rest. Deimos is still a jerk, I don't care about Chloe/Nicole and the baby, I don't care about Gabi or Dario. I did note that Chloe was banging on a bit about how she has "both Daniel's children," - is that supposed to make me cheer for her? Because in all honesty, both of them are terrible people and the baby needs to get fostered by. God, I don't even know. Maggie I guess is the other living relative over 18 on the canvas? Actually at this point I'd be happy for Melanie to swoop back in and take the baby, and you know how I feel about Melanie!

JJ looks good in a suit, but at the same time he looks like he's still playing at police man. I found him and Lani kind of awkward. If I were writing this, I'd pair JJ with someone questionable, so there's some conflict - think like recast-Bo and original-Billie, when she still had a secret past and a drug problem and all that. JJ could still be the good cop without being boring.
I still want Eric/Nicole to be endgame but I like Jen/Eric too and enjoyed their scenes. Loving Jennifer Rose these past few weeks.

I also enjoyed Jen/Marlena. The Rafe/Marlena scene was nice but should have included a mention of Sami. She and NOT Hope are the reason Marlena and Rafe have a friendship.

Gabi was in rare form today. Where does she get off? She also seems to be a victim of the Anne wrap dress syndrome by having that crop top/skirt combo in multiple colors.

I foresee a Gabi/JJ/Lani/Eli quad and a Chad/Abby/Dario triangle. The last couple of days seemed to be hinting at that direction.

I was very happy that Rafe was FINALLY included in the Orwell stuff. Let's keep Hope separate from it.

I like that Chloe seems to be struggling with what she's doing to Nicole.

Shirtless Eric holy hotness!
The Rafe/Marlena scene was nice but should have included a mention of Sami.
I don't see why either of them should have mentioned Sami. As we know, Sami and Rafe broke up long ago after she cheated on him, and they have both moved on. It seems to me that if Rafe were interested in Sami's welfare, he would have asked Marlena about her. He is well rid of that little shrew, and maybe he knows it.
I think Chloe is struggling with her decision to keep Nicole away. When she talked about the restraining order, it seemed as though she was regretful and about to cry. She knows Nicole is/was a true friend, but she doesn't trust that Nicole (who is the neediest person in Salem) can stay away from Demios. Nicole needs to prove she can stand on her own two feet, but as always someone will be there to catch her - this time, I'm guessing it will be Brady.