Days of Our Lives - Mon., Feb. 3, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Eavesdropping in Salem is the town pasttime, I swear. I really only have parts of the show today, so will do the best I can.
At the Pub, Kate talks to Nick, with his double meaning conversation, when Percy comes up, announcing "Greetings". Nick introduces them, pretending to now learn they already have met. Kate asks Percy if she can talk to Nick privately, Percy leaves, she wants to know what kind of game he is playing. He pretends not to understand, she talks of Percy's bird watching and knowledge of birds having nothing to do with cosmetics, Nick says Percy was a lifesaver, has helped him already, more of his doubletalk. He insists on Percy as his assistant, Kate will think about it, she leaves, looks thru the window at Nick's arm around Percy's shoulder, patting it, as he sits at the bar. \

Abby runs into Adrienne at the hospital, tho no idea why she would be there. She asks about Adrienne talking to her mother about Abby's activities. EJ sees them, hides behind a wall as he listens. (Does a cone of invisibility drop around any two people talking in public, so they don't notice anyone else around them?) Adrienne claims that when Jen was concerned about Abby having DiMeras in her life, she told her what she had a fellow mother, goes on about seeing her once with EJ at the Pub, and then in intense conversation as they poured over a book. Abby says yes, it was intense, as EJ had nice things to say about my dad, after reading his book. Adrienne is surprised EJ read the book, Abby replies lots of people have read it, and you know nothing about him. She tells Adrienne if she wants to talk about Abby or her friends, then come to her, instead of behind her back to her mother.

Theresa is making sure some store is open til 5, then is almost out the door with the $2000 check in her purse, when Anne comes in, telling her she cannot leave. They go back and forth, Anne does tell her Daniel is not at the hospital, cancelled all his appointments, giving them to a resident. Anne gets a call, has to leave, as does Theresa.

JJ is having a bad dream about Theresa getting him arrested, wakes from his nap, answers the door to find Bev & Rory there. Seems Theresa made a call to the store. JJ is worried that things go as planned or he will be in jail. Adrienne arrives, the friends split, she has something to tell him about his hearing.

Victor & Maggie come in the room, as Brady is pocketing the key to Daniel's apt. Brady lets them know he wants some time to himself (after a bit of argument about possibly drinking). Vic suggests corporate suites, Brady says o.k. fine. He leaves to pack, Vic is happy, Maggie not so much. Brady returns with a small little bag, will send for more things, says bye, bye. Outside the door, he fingers a vial of cocaine, saying he only needs a couple days of peace.

To be cont'd.
Part 2. Gabi is her usual hysterical self, Sonny trying to calm her down. She leaves the apt., and evidently goes to see EJ. This is where Kate shows up as well, both concerned over Nick's conversations, and Kate telling of Nick now paired up with Percy. EJ is asking exactly what Nick said, but Kate is hard pressed. Not blatant, but these hints are strewn throughout his conversation. EJ tells her she is the mouse, and Nick is the cat. Gabi wants to know what that makes her. LOL. Kate asks what they should do, and EJ says, we play along. We play along until Nick reveals what exactly he knows and is doing. And then WE decide how the game will end.

Brady is in Daniel's apartment, (I think it was Daniel's) and Theresa is there. He is offering her a glass of booze, she doesn't think she should, he talks about being at meetings, hating it, knows she does to. She takes the glass, just looks at it. He pours more booze in it, encouraging her to have at it, no one will know, he won't tell a soul.

Bev & Rory are back with JJ, he is a nervous wreck apparently. Really worried. Rory offers him a joint, JJ talks of taking a drug test, not passing, being in jail for 10 years, Rory claims it is medicinal, dude. JJ stares at it. Camera goes back and forth between Theresa and JJ, trying to resist temptation.
I didn’t watch today, the bad SL’s Brady, JJ, Anna, Theresa, Nick, Kate, Percy, Gabi, Adrienne and Sonny far out weighs the better SL Ej/Abby, after all the heat of Ej/Abby watching them talk doesn’t seem interesting to me! LOL! But tomorrow I will have a front row seat!
Seriously...EJ needs to tell Kate to go and " Handle" Nick the same way he handled Abby!

EJ & Abigail flirting up a storm in Jen's office...Very much like a pair who is slowly falling for each other!

I can see that Brady & Theresa are slowly becoming the new self-destructive duo and raise all kinds of dysfunctional hell in Salem!

So Mr.Percy is apparently a Chemist!

Love how EJ yell for Gabi to stop calling Percy " Mr.Greeting"!
Abby's scene with Adrienne left me a little

On one hand, her defending her "friendship" with EJ, while EJ was listening, proves once again that Abby does everything that EJ wants from Sami. Has EJ ever heard Sami defend him to anyone in her family. And even if she has defended him, without his knowledge, she always ends up thinking maybe he hasn't "changed". Abby sees him as this good person pretending to be bad and tells her aunt she doesn't know anything about EJ, while Sami openly tells him she doesn't trust him and is always waffling.

On the other hand, Abby was the typical Salem hypocrite today. She admonishes Adrienne for sticking her nose in her business, when she has done the same thing countless times with other people. Who Daniel is or isn't sleeping with isn't Abby's business but she sure found reason to get in Daniel's face about it. And don't get me started on how she's always trying to play mother to JJ. Adrienne knows more about EJ than Abby so is in a position to offer an opinion, but Abby is so high off EJ she's lost complete control of her senses. And her "excuse me Adrienne" when Adrienne said EJ had no taste left me wanting to slap her.
Adrienne doesn't know EJ, she only know of him...How dare she to say EJ has no taste!

Adrienne knows EJ all too well, even if the writers won't address it. The Brady's aren't the only family EJ has done harm too. Ask Adrienne's BROTHER, Steve, who EJ brainwashed and turn into his personal henchman.
We lost about 20+ min of the show today due to the NYC mayor's press conference about the snowstorm. Seriously, did we repeatedly need to hear that we should take mass transit and be very careful? Not breaking news to me.


I saw EJ follow Abby after the run-in with Adrienne and then picked up again with Nick leaving the KMansion. I did catch the full EJ/Abby clips on YouTube.

I thought Abby was justified in what she said to Adrienne. Abby is an Adult and Adrienne should have come directly to her. I think that is an issue a lot of Adult children can relate to though where older Adults in the family still view them as children. I was waiting to see a scene like this though between Abby/Theresa or Abby/Anne. My thought was EJ would be turned on by Abby's confidence alone. In today's case, her defending him was the icing on the cake. Abby and EJ have had more conversations in a month than we've seen him and Sami have in the last year. Yes Mandie, they are slowly but surely falling for each other and I pray the TPTB do not screw this up.

I really could care less about the other storylines today but I will watch either online or on YouTube if a video pops up and comment more later.
Adrienne made it very clear what she thinks of Ej when Justin was working with him, why should she think any differently of him now? I don't think we will see her jumping on the He's changed train anytime soon.
If Abby is such an adult, she needs to start by telling her mother that she can't dictate who she is or isn't friends with. Then Adrienne talking to Jennifer about seeing Abby around town with EJ wouldn't be an issue. They can't sell this story both ways. Just a few weeks ago, you had Jennifer telling Abby to stay away from the big bad Dimera's and Abby not saying one word against it.
I completely agree and I hope she does so soon. The way this story will continue to work and provide angst for Abby/EJ is for Abby to be at odds with her family over EJ. She'll be continually drawn to him while everyone else is against it. Unlike Marlena and Caroline who suddenly think it's ok for Sami to be with EJ.
I have to say that Abby questioning Sonny about Gabi/Nick seemed rather odd. Did not see it all, but know she went to the apartment, with questions, but loved how Sonny managed to put it right back at her. Did you ask Gabi?
At the very end, I think Percy was using his binoculars on a turkey vulture, with Nick coming up and telling him that when Kate hires him, Percy will have a lot more interesting things than birds.
I just watched the clip again. Maybe it wouldn't of been so bad if Abby wasn't being such a wise crack and sarcastic in talking to Adrienne. She wasn't speaking to her like one adult to another ( well not adults who supposedly care about each other and are mature), she was talking like the uppity snob kid that they had had her acting like before this. Maybe its just me but the show seems to be dragging again, a bit boring even. The Brady and Theresa stuff, who really cares?
We lost about 20+ min of the show today due to the NYC mayor's press conference about the snowstorm. Seriously, did we repeatedly need to hear that we should take mass transit and be very careful? Not breaking news to me.
:clap::clap::clap: Particularly since this is the third major snowstorm in the NYC area since the year began.

Adrienne was referring to EJ has no taste in things he reads, because it was right after Abby said that EJ had read Jack's book!! I am glad Abby set that busybody down!
Saying that EJ has no taste is perhaps the lowest blow ever aimed in his direction. Being called a lowlife, criminal, liar, etc., doesn't faze him, but to suggest that a man with fine suits, good liquor, and the best education DiMera money can buy has no taste is a real insult. As for Nick, he still seems way overconfident, particularly since EJ has now noted that down the road, "we will decide how the game will end." In DiMera-speak this could mean that Nick is risking murder, memory erasure and/or imprisonment in an unknown location. At least Dr. Chyka is packing a gun. If DiMera operatives come after Tricky Nicky, what's he going to do, hit them with Percy's binoculars?