Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 15, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 15, 2018

Meow, meow, meow, meow. Salemites are in rare form today, as the verbal barbs and darts fly left and right, sparing hardly anyone, except Lani & JJ. Her pregnancy has JJ putting on the pressure to raise the baby together, they both love each other, she has flashbacks to Eli, he takes her to the square to see the Horton plaque, talks of family and love, and by the end of the show, she decides to stay pregnant, and raise the baby with JJ.

And then there is Eli & Gabi, who go out to celebrate her success and impending IPO LAUNCH of GabiChic, running into JJ & Lani of course, everyone is all smiles. Finally, when alone, Eli wants Gabi back to his place to spend the night, they have been going slow, time to let him show her how much he cares. She agrees, says Ari is spending night with john & Marlena, and we get their lovemaking session in bed.

Meanwhile, Vivian has this long conversation with Stefan, all about how they are in cahoots, working together to play Andre. Stefan thinks Andre is so full of himself, but Viv says be patient. When they get the cash from Countess Wilhelmina, and GabiChic launch, they can dump Andre. She talks of knowing how eager Andre was to have it all, and how it was his idea to establish the fake place where the sabotage was going on, throwing everyone off. She mentions Chad hiring a private investigator, but Andre really covered the tracks, and when it comes out, he won’t go to the board, inasmuch as his hands are pretty dirty.

Andre & Kate have been talking, Kate really doesn’t trust Vivian at all, but they both go to see Viv & Stefan. Kate & Viv exchange insults, Kate warns Stefan not to trust Viv, he doesn’t know her that long or well, and Kate turns on her heel, leaves. Andre just grins as closes the door. They go to the club for lunch, he suggests salmon, she doesn’t want fish, recounts how Viv sabotaged the plane she was on, crash into ocean, rescues by fishing boat, has to chop fish every day, and every fish head she chopped off, she pretended was Viv’s. LOL She hates her so much.

When Lani & JJ are talking, Jen comes in, asking if she is interrupting (of course she is), and learns that instead of 1st day back, JJ has quit the force. She is surprised, but supportive, leaves for a dinner date, no not Eric, someone else.

She sits on a bench, along comes Anna. More jabbering about Eric telling Roman how much he loves and misses Nicole. Dr. Shah arrives, Jen introduces them, Anna realizes she has to go, leaves, he suggests this great family place where they have such good chowder. Jen knows the Brady Pub, he insists she call him Henry, and off they go.

At the Pub, Eric is covering for Roman, who has a date with Anna. They go back and forth about going after Jen, her being distant, Roman urging him to not give up, how he knows he should have fought harder for Eric’s mom, regrets it, don’t make the same mistake, etc. In comes Jen & Dr. Shah, Roman says here’s your chance, and he skedaddles.

They order white wines, Jen introduces them, Eric heads up the Horton Center, Dr. Shah has agreed to come help out there. Things do seem a bit strained, Dr. Shah notices, but Jen is mum about her and Eric, they work together. She puts on a good show for Eric’s benefit, I guess, but Dr. Shah is definitely interested in knowing Jen a lot better.

As Andre & Kate drink their wine, here comes Anna, who is surprised Kate married this man, who took Tony away from her for years, she goes on and on, Andre is squirming, Kate trying to keep the peace, defend her husband. Both Kate & Andre suggest Anna go to her table, but she isn’t going anywhere. She wants justice for Tony, Andre talking of being a changed man, Anna isn’t buying that. He caused them all so much grief, she hopes he gets what he deserves. Roman arrives, is jovial, and manages to take her away, much to the relief of Andre & Kate. Andre toasts their marriage, their love, they kiss.

Vivian is still with her wonderful son, says he has done so well his first day, and gives him a gift….a watch that belonged to her nephew Lawrence Alamain. Smart, fabulous businessman, Stefan reminds her of him. He thanks her, puts it on. He mentions her not having much contact with her family any more. She sadly agrees, knows she did things, alienated them. And while she enjoyed the company of Ivan, not the same. But now Stefan is in her life, she is so happy he tracked her down. She helps him into his coat, so glad she has him, and will be putting one over on Andre. She embraces him.

And this is just a feeling I got personally, Stefan seemed to have this “look” over her shoulder….you know, the cat that swallowed the canary look.
Jason, we are on same page. Ever since Viv said Stefan was the one who tracked her down...I have been thinking......he is playing her first. He is not even her son, I am betting. Yes, I could be wrong, but far, that is how I am thinking.
The only time my ears perked up was when Viv said she was glad "he found her", which led me to "who is he anyway?"

The word games between Andre/Kate/Anna and good ol' doofus Roman was good. For crying out loud, give Roman someone with a brain. Roman just stood there, grinning, like "I've got a date" 13 year old!! OK, let's get the show on the road, writers!!
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:sick: Nasty Jenny: Fie on her for her meatloaf/cod stunt with the hapless Eric. It's too bad that she didn't choke on a fish bone.

:sick: Bigmouth Anna: Rudeness in Salem is a way of life, but she raised it to new standards when she butted into the Kate-Andre dinner engagement to hurl insults. Roman better not cross this woman or he'll hear new things to say "what da hell" about.

:confused: Gabi Chic: Kate thinks that there's buzz about this faux company. Is she sure she didn't hear the flies buzzing around the DiMansion compost heap instead? And if Vivian is relying on money from an IPO for this enterprise, she'd better not have her sights set too high. She might get enough to go the the Salem Big Boy with Stefan Zero.

:sad: Poor JJ: Fresh from his Theo troubles, JJ is now talking love and family values to a woman who won't fess up about the identify of her baby daddy. All in all, JJ was better off when he was hanging out with Rory.
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:confused: Kate: She was once stuck on a fishing boat for nine months? Perhaps, Titan TV could redo the old film Captains Courageous with a young Kate as the protagonist.


Substitute Kate's face for that of
child actor Freddie Bartholomew and
Titan would have an exciting new
version of the old film classic.
If you were not watching then, story was a hoot. Actually, Vivian drugged the coffee of the pilots, who passed out, thus the plane went down into the ocean. I think it was a way to write Kate out for a while. (regardless, Viv was responsible for the death of the pilots. ) But when Kate was brought back, there she was, on board some fishing boat, yes, chopping fish, ....I think the boat finally docked somewhere Kate could get help. There was a language problem aboard the boat.
It was much better reading the summary than watching this episode. It has become tedious for me to watch Eli/Gabi and JJ/Lani. I skipped a good bit of their scenes. Besides, Gabi's dress is ridiculous!

Jennifer and the doctor just made me feel uncomfortable. I sat through watching their scenes but I squirmed and wanted them to be over.

I agree with Mtnmom about Roman standing there grinning like a 13 year-old about having a date. Anna is silly and not entertaining to me. I want better for Roman.

I tried to read something sinister into StefanO's expression while he was giving Mommy a hug. Could be wishful thinking on my part.

I'm trying to think of something positive to add. If I think of something I'll be back.
Thanks, Poirot.

Roman had funny lines too. Roman said Henry looked like a model. Eric said he's
a doctor. Line of the day Roman said "Well, he sure can play one on TV"

I wish they would stop showing the flashback with Lani and Eli.

I wonder what the plans are for Gabi Chic? Are Stefan and Vivian planning to take the
IPO money?
Aww, look at Gabi all grown up and talking business. I just couldn't be prouder :cry:. *sniffs blows nose*

The cherry on top of this delicious sundae is the fact that Gabi has someone to celebrate this triumphant moment with, Eli. Someone who's honest, loyal, true blue and would never... oh wait. :angry:

Anyway, I know that cheating is not necessarily a deal breaker on soaps and part of me would fine with Gabi and Eli working out, but the brief scene between them and JJ/Lani drove home that a partner swticheroo is inevitable between these four. By looking at my avatar, that is something I'm obviously more than okay with, but I just wish it would happen sooner rather than later, but we all know it's going to be dragged out for as long as possible and then even beyond that.

Stefan and Mumsy Dearest: Yes, I definitely saw something in Stefan's expression during the hug. I definitely think Andre is not only member of this Terrible Trio being played.
I wish they would stop showing the flashback with Lani and Eli.
@katmouse, I couldn't agree more! How many times do we have to see Lani and Eli flashbacks?!!

I thought Eric was rude. Your wife must be understanding. Yeah and is apparently ok with him going on a date! So dumb. I'm still not a Jen and Eric fan. I think because the characters have been on forever. They've known each other too long to get involved now. Just my opinion.

Now that Gabi has slept with Eli, the secret is bound to come out. I still think the baby will be JJ's. Just my thought.