Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 27, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 27, 2020

Ciara sits with Will in the visiting room at the prison, having revealed that he is innocent, it was Maggie who caused Adrienne's death. She tells how Victor & Xander heard Will telling JJ how he thought he was responsible, so proceeded to cover up Maggie's involvement, let Will take the blame. Maggie doesn't remember a thing from that night. They keep talking of this throughout the entire show. Ciara notes that when Sonny learns Will did not kill his mother, they will be back together, both still love each other.

Maggie is with Sarah, also talking of that fateful night last Mother's Day. Sarah worried about her baby, is waiting for test results. Maggie is sorry she was not there for Sarah when she delivered her baby, promises she will never fail her again, will always be there from now on.

At the Pub, Nicole is with Eric, who is getting ready to leave. He actually is very nice to Nicole, she ordered him a Cuban sandwich, extra pickles, he is not hungry, she insists he has to eat, keep up his strength for his daughter. She volunteers to watch Mickey, so Eric can go do whatever it is, he gratefully accepts her offer. Their conversation is light-hearted.

Sonny goes to Rafe's house to see Evan. Rafe is gone, David asleep. Sonny just came from signing divorce papers, marriage is over. Blah, blah, blah, blah. He kisses Evan, who pulls away, divorce not final. Sonny insists that he won't ever forget that Will killed his mother. It affects how he feels.

Kristen is talking with Brady about their daughter, how she had looked forward (Brady did, too) to opening the envelopes with their name choices. Never got to go that, she was talked to P..D. to get booked. Brady comments he did it alone, was surprised she had chosen his mother's name, Isabella. She replies they both thought of the other in the names. So their baby was named Rachel Isabella, which is what Brady told the nurse when asked for name for death certificate. They decide to go put flowers on their baby's grave.

Xander is with Victor, wishing he had not told Ciara what they had done. Vic could not risk losing his granddaughter, having her think he sent her boyfriend to death row. They talk of the baby switch, how they paid off the OB-GYN to switch the baby bracelets, and no one can ever know. Xander has Sarah & Mickey, Kristen left town, Vic sorry Brady had to suffer. Vic did not like having to make Xander CEO, Xander protests the good job he has done, yada, yada. As they talk, they repeat how Maggie can never know, she walks in, never know what? Amazing how Vic can make things up so fast, he concocts some story about keeping an eye on her, she has had so much to deal with. She tells them about Mickey needing bone marrow transplant, testing parents. Vic & Xander exchange looks.

Kristen & Brady are in the square, each carrying big bouquet of flowers, running into Eric & Nicole. All exchange civil greetings. Eric tells of Mickey's medical problems, Brady & Kristen sorry to hear. Kristen will pray for her. Nicole asks what they are up to, they are taking flowers to their daughter's grave. Kristen then makes some remark about not wanting Nicole to think she was stealing her man. Eric is puzzled, Kristen fills him in on them being a couple. Eric delves into sour mood, will be on his way, no, he will take Mickey, Nicole doesn't babysit. He leaves abruptly, Brady & Kristen also leave, with Brady telling Kristen “we will talk of this later”. Nicole looks frustrated.

Sonny tells Evan his marriage was over the minute Will killed his mom, and he wants Evan, for himself. They kiss, Evan leads him to the bedroom.

Brady & Kristen are at the cemetery, clearing the SNOW off the grave marker. (Yes, folks, there is actually snow on the ground, a miracle in Salem, even if winter). They lay the flowers there, wishing Rachel Isabella had lived, things would be so different.

Eric comes to the hospital with the baby, Sarah has not gotten test results yet.

Ciara all excited that Will is soon going to be free, but Will asks her to hold onto the info for a bit, so he can think about it a while. Just don't tell anyone yet.
Here is the baby's headstone. Truly surprising to see snow, since everyone runs around in summer clothes.

The thing is, Brady is a sex addict, and just cannot be without a woman. He makes promises he cannot or does not keep. How many women has he been "soooo in love with" , wanting to marry, etc. This woman is old enough to be his mother, even if the actress who portrays Kristen doesn't appear to be. She already married Tony, and engaged to John.....or had affairs. She bounced baby Brady on her knee. If there is a man on Days who would be classified as unable to keep his pants zipped, it is Brady. It truly is a shame what various writers have done to him. Kristen knows all the buttons to push with him, & now, .......well, I hope he has the decency to tell Eric the pretend game he & Nicole were playing to rid him of Kristen's persistence in trying to get him back in her web after leaving the convent.

And are right about me and having to view what they have done to Steve.
Would you all not like to be a fly on the wall in the writers' room as they toss around ideas of "let's do this, or what if so and so does that?". Me, I want to be the V.P. in charge of common sense. It is sorely lacking in Salem among most of the characters, several of whom have been dumbed down unbelievably. (John, we are looking at you in particular).
Hard to believe that little Mickey has had to be soooo ill, just so Sarah could hog airtime, & Kristen get to constantly attempt to seduce Brady. Sigghhhh.
Meanwhile, Sonny goes to the prison, tries to talk Will out of divorce, then not an hour later he is jumping Evan's bones. Yep, true love, for sure! :sarcasm:
Here is the baby's headstone. Truly surprising to see snow, since everyone runs around in summer clothes.
There may be snow around the gravestone, but it's good bet that most of the mourners were dressed for summer. As for some of today's events, here are a few comments.

Sonny: He just never learns. He's already putting the moves on Evan, a person whom he hardly knows. Has he forgotten already all the grief that resulted from his impulsive affair with Leo?

Victor & Xander: Before making the baby-switch, they should have considered that it was almost a certainty that Baby Mickey would develop some sort of strange soap opera condition that would require tests, which would reveal that Eric and Sarah were not her parents. How could a veteran Salemite like Victor not think of this possibility?

Kristen: Why is she roaming Salem playing the role of a grieving mother instead of being charged with a crime? Even if an enraged Melinda Trask hasn't gone all out and sought a murder indictment, she arguably. At the least, she could have been charged with manslaughter. Melinda could also have looked into a lawsuit seeking large money damages from Kristen for negligently causing Haley's death.

Nicole: She ordered the sourpuss a Cuban sandwich? Who knew that Roman had added a new taste sensation to the Pub menu, joining other gourmet meals such as Wanchai Ferry, breakfast burritos, choco puffs, EJ chow, and garbage-can nachos? As for food with restorative powers, Nicole should know that nothing, not even grandma's chicken soup, can match a steaming bowl of Pub clam chowder.
Brady & Kristen are at the cemetery, clearing the SNOW off the grave marker.
Didn't Lucas and/or Sami also do this to Will's grave at one time? I feel like they add snow to add to the somber mood.
As Yogi Berra says, ain't over til it's over.......and the saga of the "baby switch" may have additions twist. MAY is the operative word.
I'd say MUST because if it doesn't, most viewers will vomit violently and that's not good for long-term shows.
And they've already said that Kristen had been exonerated of any wrongdoing in Haley's death.
That needn't stop them. Someone else confessed to Ava's murder, and Joey still went to jail for it a year later when DA PLOT demanded it.

I honestly wouldn't care if Rachel Isabella had lived (love the name though) if both babies had lived. If there's not more to this story, then the time jump was a waste.

If the psycho and the sleazy addict are given Mackenzie (depending on whether or not there's more to the story), then the jump was a waste for a few extra Sarah/Eric/Nicole grimacing scenes.

I don't waste my time.
Thanks, Poirot.

Several of us were correct when we thought Victor paid off the doctor when
the baby switch happened.

Nice to see Eric smile when he was with Nicole, but things changed fast when
Kristen opened her big mouth that Nicole and Brady were dating. See what
happens when you lie?

Will needs to decide fast if he wants the truth come out that he didn't kill Sonny's
mom because Sonny couldn't wait until the ink dried to be with someone else.

Nicole needs to decide if she should tell Eric the truth that she and Brady
are not actually dating. Maybe she can make his sad face smile again.
my local AZ station texted me saying the show would air in it's normal time.... color me surprised (NOT) when I got home tonight and found the impeachment hearing airing........ this may wean me off the show all together......especially since Xander has taken to wearing clothing....:rotfl:
robin, I hope you text them back and ask them why the show wasn't on. It bothers
me my local station shows local stuff at noon and an hour of impeachment. Then it
shows the court shows all afternoon. Why can't they show Days? I'm lucky I
can watch the show other places.
Robin, maybe your local station meant it would air at it's regular time....2a.m. LOL

Individual stations are doing different things, I don't know why the stations don't just air Days earlier in the mid-west....say 11 a.m. The NY station normally airs Days at noon, so when they begin at 1:00 for hearing they have shown it. In mid-west, the hearing begins at noon, so why not air Days at 11 a.m.? And since local news at 5-5:30 or national news covers it all in about 10 minutes....I honestly have no idea of the thinking. Yesterday, the NY station even broke into Days with breaking news about a shooting in Connecticut, they had no info whatsoever, except a picture of the location. NO info. But they had "breaking news".