Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 7, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 7, 2019

Maggie is talking to Jennifer about Jack, hearing about Eve, the quest for the Rolf serum, hope it will work, tho may take a while, giving Jen a pep talk, and promising she is in her corner, will do all she can to help Jack regain his memory, and be rid of Eve.

(Missed a few minutes for breaking news from NY) Hope is at Ciara's, trying once again to convince her to break it off with Ben, telling of him kidnapping Gabi. Ben won't say a word without his attorney present, Ciara won't agree to her mother's request, Hope leaves'

Roman sits with Kayla in the Pub, gives her the news of Stefan being arrested as we speak, she wishes Steve could be there, they talk a bit about Jack being alive, Roman toasts Stefan being arrested and hopefully in prison the rest of his life. He gets a delivery out back, leaves.

Replay of Eve coming on strong to Jack, the kissing, sitting down on the bed, a bit of moaning, foreplay, but it is Jack who says NO. Eve tries her best, but Jack is very confused (he had a flashback of kissing Jennifer) and he rushes out, much to Eve's dismay. She tries to figure out what answers to what questions he needs, gets a lightbulb moment, grabs her coat and rushes out.

Meanwhile, Jack walks into the Pub, Kayla is startled, says his name. He is all smiles as he asks who she is. Your brother Steve's wife. Ahhh, the guy with the eye patch, is he here. No, out of town. Jack is jovial, wanting to know how they all got along. Kayla tries to avoid, they know each other a long time, are all great together, etc. But, she finally tells they were married once, not for long. Jack is puzzled, she says she was in love with Steve, finally admitting she had an affair with him, Jack found out. He grins, so that is when I dumped you. Kayla never smiles.........You raped me! Jack's face falls, he starts saying he is sorry.....she stops him. No need to apologize, long time ago, we have got past it, worked at it, you are not that man any more, you are a good husband, good brother, good father, a good man. He wonders how he did that. She replies it was the love of Jennifer Horton.

Victor is on the phone, talking to someone about Titan, how Sonny & then Chad really did a lot of damage, and in walks Xander. Victor is not pleased, he is a fugitive, he shot Marlena...but Xander says he is laying low, but that all will be resolved with no problem soon. Vic wants him gone, but after fixing himself a drink, Xander says Vic is surely going to want to see this, puts that flashdrive into a laptop, leans back on the sofa, watching Vic's jaw drop. Yep, it is all the business dealings of DiMera Enterprises, which can be used to really take them down. Xander makes no bones about what he wants, the title of CEO, the power and respect that goes with it. Vic is not pleased, Xander will give him time to think about it, goes to get settled into his old room.

At the cop shop, Hope comes in, Rafe talks of arresting Stefan, where was Hope. She explains about seeing Ciara, trying to convince her to break it off with Ben, who kidnapped your sister. He gets call from FBI, goes off, as she goes to interrogation room, to give Stefan a hard time. He denies committing treason, she talks of being executed for it, but gets down to nitty gritty. She talks of having a friend, then wanting him to deliver Ben Weston. Stefan is on to that, knows Ben did nothing, but she is after him because he is dating her daughter. They banter back and forth, he wants his attorney, and refuses to say a word about Ben. She leaves, he reminds her to let him know when his attorney arrives.

After her mother leaves, Ciara questions Ben, doesn't want to hear a word about an attorney present, did he kidnap Gabi. Ben admits it, Ciara goes off on a rant, Ben protests he did not hurt her, but Ciara says you left this young mother, that you took from her bedroom, with Stefan. What if he hurt her, killed her. She is very upset, brings up what happened to her. Ben gets upset, she is comparing him to a rapist? No, she did not call him that, knows he needed a job, had no options, Stefan gave him one, plus a home. But what is he going to ask you to do next time? She is very upset, needs some time to think this all over. Ben tells her that while the job is important to him, she is more so, is the most important thing in his life. He cares about her so much, he leaves, kissing her on the forehead. Ciara buries her face in her hands.

Maggie comes home, rattles on about Jen, Eve, Jack, tells Vic Xander is alive, gave Jack to Eve who brought him back. Vic realizes that is where Xander got the DiMera info. In comes Xander & Towel, ah, yes, he raptures about being able to take a dip in a heated pool in mid-winter. Nothing like it, you should join me, Maggie. Vic is disgusted, Xander makes a drink, but then agrees he will go get something else on, leaves. Maggie wants to know what the blazes is going on. Victor looks glum.

Jennifer answers her door, to find Eve, asking where he is? She wants Jack, Jen says, not here, Eve pushes her way in. And proceeds to do her meowing when she realizes Jack is not there. Jen keeps her cool, as Eve tries to imply having sex with Jack. She talks of him being in her bed, being all over her just a few minutes ago. Jen isn't buying what Eve is selling, or Eve would not be looking for him, not know where he is. Eve does as much snark as she can, finally leaving, but not before telling Jennifer that she & Jack will be married, and Jen can do nothing about it. And when it happens, she will be sure to let Jen know.
I've withheld comment on the situation with Hope but after today, I'm sick of her and her outright hatred of Ben. She's of the mindset "get Ben above all else". Her interaction with Stefan was laughable. I was happy that Rafe is taking a more stern attitude with her. How the writers can redeem her is beyond me. Mayor Carver needs to investigate her harassment and terminate her.

On a lighter note, I am enjoying the "new" Jack. Seeing him interact with people, in his eyes, for the first time is quite entertaining. He was truly remorseful with Kayla. I applaud the writers for having this topic discussed so early in his return.
Thank you, Poirot.

I completely detest Eve. I want her gone from Salem.

Hope needs more than a Gibbs slap up the back of her head. :whack:

So far, the writers seem to be doing a better job with Jack's return now than last time. I wasn't too sure at first with the recycling of the New Year's Eve party crashing antics..
I thought today’s episode was great. Definitely the best of the year so far for me. I was surprised and so happy Jack felt something wrong and decided not to sleep with Eve. The scenes with Jack and Kayla were awesome. The actors were great and it is realistic that Kayla is still somewhat uneasy around Jack and their interactions are awkward. I’m glad what happened between them has never been whitewashed like other cases of rape on Days.

I’m loving Xander right now. He’s hilarious and he’s on top of the world right now, and I want to see if he accomplishes his goals. I also can’t wait to see if Brady and Eric will put their differences aside to lay a beatdown on him for trying to kill Marlena lol.

I despise Stefan, but I’m so glad he read Hope like a book today. She thinks she’s better than everyone, but she isn’t. I was so glad when she left Ciara’s apartment. She must have her “Ben Weston is public enemy #1” speech memorized because it’s the same thing every time.

I loved those Ciara and Ben scenes. I thought the way they parted ways was very mature, and there is no interloper besides Hope, so it is up to them (mostly Ben) to make compromises/sacrifices to make their relationship work.
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Although Hope is bending the law, as usual, and is using her position as Commissioner to get her way, I still don't blame her one iota for not wanting her daughter with a convicted serial killer. I do believe in second chances in certain cases, but not this time. As I understand it, if Ben doesn't take his medication, he could go on another killing spree. Would any of you REALLY want your daughter with such a man?
As I understand it, if Ben doesn't take his medication, he could go on another killing spree. Would any of you REALLY want your daughter with such a man?

I do agree on that, KathyLu. The fact that Ben got violent at the cabin when he didn't get enough medication is my biggest disappointment in all this. I wanted so much for Ben to act scared, to go back to being a little kid, to see his father, yes, but be afraid of him. Ciara could have helped him in this scenario too. But instead, he yelled at her.
I am still hoping, though, that Ciara and Ben make it. That the "writers" fix their mistakes. Have Ben continue his therapy with Marlena, have him, if not off the medication, not encline to be violent anymore. Because I love the chemistry between Ciara and Ben, I like a good story with a couple beating the odds and then supporting each other.

But that may just be too much to hope for.
{Hope and Stefan0} banter back and forth, he wants his attorney, and refuses to say a word about Ben. She leaves, he reminds her to let him know when his attorney arrives.
Wow, I'm not sure who is less likable here.

Did we get an explanation on how Eve got the DiMera information?
Thanks, Poirot.

I think Maggie enjoyed seeing Xander in the towel. She kept smiling
and looking at him.

Nice to see Jack smile today.

I enjoyed Jack and Kayla scenes.

Interesting to learn Victor would rather have Ciara CEO instead of Xander.

I loved what Stefan told Hope about Ben "Because he's dating your daughter"

Did Hope kill another unarmed man besides Stefano? How did Stefan know?
He said he was skinny dipping. I hope none of the poor K-Mansion workers were out there at the time. :eek:
Good point. Poor Henderson would have a heart attack. As for Xander's towel scene, it might have made for a good line if the X-man had said: "Maggie, meet my old friend, Towel."

Regarding Ciara, Victor could do worse than hiring her for Titan CEO. All his relatives have done an awful job and Ciara has the most important qualification in Salem -- she has no qualifications at all -- no college degree, no MBA, no experience except shopping at Baron's on Sami's dime.

Finally, the Hope - Stefan Zero conversation might have been interesting if the conversation had gone something like this:
  • Hope: "You can get the death penalty for treason!"
  • Stefan Zero: "Give it up. Even if I did spy on the ridiculous ISA, it doesn't fit the definition of treason. Read the Constitution."
  • Hope: "What's that? Anyway, you're headed to prison."
  • Stefan Zero: Are you kidding? Who do you think I am -- your old pal, Dr. Richard Baker? No DiMera ever goes to prison -- not Father, not EJ not me.
  • Hope: You're a criminal! You'll get what you deserve!
  • Stefan Zero: I'm a criminal? What about you? You murdered poor old Father, you mugged half the leading men of Salem, you poured gas all over Bo and lit a match, you staged more illegal break-ins with Bo than Salem's burglars, and you've corrupted the law in your mad campaign against Ben Weston. As Father once said: "You're a bad cop."
  • Hope: #*^5#@!!!! (starts throwing things, pounding on the walls and table, and begins to chew on the pencils and the potted plant).
  • Stefan Zero: We need some help in here. There's a woman who's crazier than Abigail Deveraux ever was.
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I could just see Ciara as CEO of Titan. Her first task would be to hire Ben as her right hand man to get him away from Stefan. Both Victor and Hope would have a major fit.

Eve is extremely annoying right now. She needs to leave now that she did her good deed in bringing Jack back to town.
Eve is on my last nerve. We have Stefan, Gabi and now Xander. I can't believe I'm saying but all of them are better villains or grey characters than Eve. She comes across as a one note high schooler. Enough.

Both Jennifer and Eve had on see through clothing today. I could tell Jennifer's turtleneck was a bodysuit when we got the full view of her backside and Eve wasn't wearing underwear. Who allows this to get to air??? I shouldn't notice that type of thing on tv.

The Jack and Kayla scenes were fantastically awkward. And I liked Ciara and Ben addressing rape too. Why did this same show just very recently do an arc where a core character was pining after her rapist for 4 years and then reunite them?

I thought the Ciara/Ben scenes were great. This is the type of angst they need to make them rootable in the long run. And you know what Victor, maybe Ciara should be the next CEO of Titan. Bring back Uncle Philip or sister Chelsea to rival her. Let's get her some career direction.

Loved Rafe and Stefan calling out Hope. Stefan is much more enjoyable away from Chad and Abby. While I think Hope was right, at the same time I don't agree with how she's going about it. A better thing to do would have been to ask Gabi to tell Ciara.
So I've been lurking for a bit while I caught up with everything (took a small hiatus because Steve's exit really hit hard with me, then returned to the show when Jack did). A few things:

* Jack's return has been pretty great so far, and I loved the scenes between Jack and Kayla today. I was wondering, considering Abigail's recent rape storyline, if they would touch on this bit of history or try to gloss over it. I for one would love to see Days use the history between Jack and Kayla to facilitate some kind of support counseling for women who have been through that kind of violence; Kayla discussing methods of healing and coming away stronger, with characters like Abigail and Ciara, and Jack publicly advocating on their behalf as someone who had to learn the hard way the meaning of true consent. That would be really cool.

* Eve vs. Jennifer — Eve, honey, please. I know your character was like this back in the day, but you're a grown woman now. Please act like it. "Jack is going to be my husband and there is nothing you can do about it!" Who talks like this aside from star-struck teenagers hanging up Jonas Brothers posters?! Seriously, we're into reuniting lost loves, apparently. Where's Nick? Let's throw him back in and shake things up!

* While I like the Ciara/Ben pairing, I also understand why Hope is so upset. If this were my daughter, there is no way I'd want her to be with a man like this. However, I think that Hope is going about things the wrong way by using her power as Commissioner to go after Ben every chance she gets, in a very obvious and obnoxious way in front of her daughter. It's almost comical at this point, and it makes Hope out to be a total blankety-blank instead of a caring and concerned parent. I also get that they're going for a "Good girl reforms bad boy" trope here, as a nod back to the 80's supercouples, and I still think it could work if they went about it the right way. But that being said, I don't think that Ben and Ciara should even be at the couple stage at this point. They should be almost... almost.... oops, he screwed up. Okay, he's fixing it, fixing it... oops, screwed up again. Oh, Ciara's in trouble? Show the good side for a split second! Tease the audience, draw it out! The show used to be so good at this. Nope, now they're already in a relationship and she's having to decide whether or not she's "okay" with Ben doing these things after the violence she went through. This is not a slow burn at all, and it cheapens the entire pairing for me.

* Victor stating that he'd just as soon name Ciara as CEO instead of Xander... would that be so crazy? I'm with Heather, bring back Chelsea or Philip, give Ciara some more substance with a serious career. She's Bo and Hope's daughter, so let's see her be a powerhouse in an area that has nothing to do with being in a relationship.
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