Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 8, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 8, 2018

Replay of all of Friday’s (Jan. 5) scenes. Abby turns her back on the completely naked Stefan, asking why he said to come in when he was naked. He says no big deal. She says it is a big deal to her, he asks if he should consider that a compliment. She won’t continue conversation until he gets dressed, he puts on pants, saying safe to turn around. She explains why she came, but will not talks further until he finishes getting dressed, turns her back again. He gets a shirt on, asking if this is o.k. now. She turns back, and they go back & forth. When she explains that Chad realizes he acted too hastily, it is the family company, and legacy for their son……Stefan insists he is not the one who sabotaged the company, asking if she believes him. He really makes her beg for their jobs back, you can tell she is resenting this, but does it. She leaves, he says…..hmmmm.

Meanwhile, Chad & Kate have this long conversation at the Club bar, wherein she blathers on about how she tried to tell Theo not to break into the warehouse, and was telling the comatose Theo how sorry she was. Then it is about Andre, and how he has feelings for her, zzzzzzzzzz. (sorry, this was just not interesting at all). She does mention leaving Andre to “examine her feelings”. Chad figures he & Abby make quite the team, as do Andre & Kate, so all 4 working together would be formidable.

But Andre is trying to get Vivian to realize that place has ears, and she has to be careful about what she says to him. Upshot is, Vivian contacted Andre to help her with her plan to take over DiMera, knowing how he felt about gaining control of the company. Evidently, Stefano is heading it up in name only, Andre is the actual power. He fed Viv all the info so Kate’s deals would fail. Vivian is saying they are to CO-power behind the scenes. Andre wants Kate to be part of Countess Wilhelmina, but warns Vivian that Kate can never find out……and of course, Kate is walking in the room, wanting to know just what Kate would have a fit about, and possibly murder him. Andre gives Viv a “look”, and starts running off about Viv wanting him to divorce Kate, throw her out, etc. etc. But he figures Kate is smart, beautiful, an asset, blah, blah. Viv leaves the room, Andre shmooses Kate some more, she ends up kissing him, then smiling, saying she is going up to her bedroom now. As she exits, she tells him to grab a bottle of champagne and meet her there. She goes upstairs, Andre mutters, Oh, father, I am getting everything I want. How will I handle it?”

Tripp runs across a despondent Claire sitting on a bench, bemoaning losing Theo now to the therapy place in South Africa. Tripp says if this all works for Theo, he will be back, all will be well. Claire is still upset, offered to go with, doesn’t think it will work out, tho. As Tripp starts to put his arm around her, she jumps up, don’t touch me. He explains she was upset, he was trying to be a friend, wasn’t coming on to her, etc. (this is so silly). She ends up in tears, crying on his shoulder.

Over in the loft, Hope wants to know what Ciara told Rafe that got her so upset about him. Rafe stumbles around, but is about to tell her, saying Ciara overheard me talking to someone. As he continues, Ciara jumps in, it was Abe. He was talking to Abe about the commissioner job, how he liked it, etc. Hope says but I have the job back. Ciara claims this was before she got it back, so it upset her, but Rafe explained, and all is well. She stands next to Rafe, arm around him. All is well, sorry I have been such a jerk, she goes to her mom, confessing she has been taking being upset about Theo on them. So, all is hunky dory, Hope has Ciara back to her normal self, she says, and gifts her daughter with the keys to Dad’s motorcycle. Ciara is thrilled, Hope lists conditions, no drinking whatsoever, no speeding, wear a helmet always, and first….lessons from Rafe. She hands the keys to Ciara who hands them to Rafe. Hope gets a call from Trask, who now has a window of time, get over here. Hope bemoans it being NEW YEAR’S DAY, but Trask doesn’t know the meaning of holiday. She leaves, Rafe thanks Ciara for lying for him, she says he was right, why should her mom be hurt, they both love each other, yada, yada. Rafe leaves, saying they will make a date for the lessons.

Tripp comes home, Ciara thanks him for talking to her, he was right, why should her mom be hurt, they were broken up, blah, blah. Tripp figures Ciara made things right with her mom, and Rafe, what about Claire. Nope, no way. Tripp says Theo & Claire won’t be together any more, Ciara’s eyes light up, you mean he dumped her at last. Claire comes in, no, Theo is leaving the country.

Vivan comes in to see Stefan, happy they are rid of Chad & Abby. Stefan tells her he hired them back, she was just here. Viv calls Abby some unflattering names, as Stefan claims he is intrigued by her. She is smart, clever, …..Viv reminds him, and your brother’s wife.

Abby returns to the club, grabs Chad’s drink, downs it, telling him his brother is a pig and *******. Made her beg for the jobs back. Chad is ready to go punch the guy out, Abby says no, he is smart, and if we want to take this company back, we have to stay close, and make him feel he can trust us. I want what you want, love you, kissss.

Hope & Rafe are in front of the Pub, they have the best chowder here. But Hope says it is cold, she thinks her place would be much better. Fireplace, bottle of wine. Rafe agrees. Kissss, and off they go.
Thank you, Poirot.

Lil0, I think that's Stefan instead of Stefano. Lordy, why couldn't he have just gone by his own name, Sam??

So Andre and Vivian think they're pulling all the strings. I think that in the long run Stefan will want real power. He'll eventually pull a runner, and end up working with Chad and Abby.

With Theo off for South Africa, I hope Days scales back or does away with this feud between Ciara and Claire. It is just plain tiresome.
I think the same, RS............and yes, that WAS supposed to be Stefan. As to using Sam, I thought the same, but then we have Sami.....

I do agree about the name. I have no idea why Days does that, make names all so similar. We have Steve, and don't we also have Stephanie?? Oh, she should return, take up with Stefan, then we would get Stefan & Stephanie. would that not be fun?

Meanwhile, I would love for Stefan to turn on Andre & Vivian.....would that not be fun to watch.

Meanwhile, Andre has everything he ever wanted, and hopes no one find out what he did to get it all. Oh, have to know that this is Salem.......nothing is ever kept under wraps for long.
Thank you for this summary, Poirot. It seems like some ground work is being laid for some interesting stories down the road. I don't like Stefan's attraction for, and disgusting display before, Abby (reminds me of some things happening in the news, which the writers couldn't have known when this was played out on Days). But it would be interesting if he ends up being surprised and possibly a bit humbled (in my dreams) by realizing what Vivian and Andre pulled off behind his back.
So this jerk, Stefan, stark naked he turned out to be, tells this unaware woman to come in, when she knocks. There are men who go to jail for exposing themselves, and whether he was in his bedroom or not, this was something for which one can be arrested.

However, inasmuch as Abby did not flee immediately, doubt any arrest would stick. That truly was disgusting on his part, and then, to add insult to injury, he makes her beg for their jobs back. And shame on Chad for letting her do this alone, whether she is better at it than he is, is immaterial.
:sick::sick::sick:Stefan O.: Somebody should inform Mr. Shin and the other idiots on the DiMera board about the Big Zero's disgusting behavior with Abigail. It's this kind of stuff that's currently getting Hollywood big shots kicked to the curb and politicians ousted from office.

:sick::sick:Andre: To paraphrase a line from the old baseball scandal movie Eight Men Out, "Say it ain't so Andre." Working with the awful Vivian is arguably worse than burying Roman alive and locking Shawn and Belle in the Pub's walk-in refrigerator. The backstabbing Andre also needs a refresher course in Salem life: any conversation that should never be overheard almost certainly will be overheard.

:eek: Ciara: She may have backed away from outing Rafe, but she really ought to do something about her hair. Right now, she looks as if she should be joining witches Kate and Vivian around a cauldron.

:confused: Rafe and Hope: Remarkably, they were dressed in winter coats and were still actually cold. If things are that chilly in Salem, Hope should send out police patrols to rescue lightly-clad Salemites who have collapsed becauseo of hypothermia.
he asks if he should consider that a compliment.
She leaves, he says…..hmmmm.
I say, ":sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:."

He fed Viv all the info so Kate’s deals would fail.
I'm wondering if this is a writing re-direct. It certainly didn't seem to be playing out that way 2 months ago.
She ends up in tears, crying on his shoulder.
The sooner Tripp and Claire boink, the more quickly Theo will be back. So let's get this moving. I have enough anvils here to start an Iron Works.
Rafe thanks Ciara for lying for him
OK, I'm officially with the EJ/Sami die-hards on the Rafe-hating train. This is out of character (even moreso than his lust for his ice-cube coated sister-in-law) for Detective/Agent Hernandez. After Ciara lied, he should have corrected. Too much to hope he'll do it privately, quickly, with Hope?
Viv reminds him, and your brother’s wife.
Thanks to André's foreshadowing above, we can still correct this Stefan-No nonsense. We don't have to believe Vivian is ever telling the truth, even when she's alone with her marks.
Rafe agrees. Kissss, and off they go.
And shame on Chad for letting her do this alone, whether she is better at it than he is, is immaterial.
And double shame on the writers for using this lame trope on us so early in the introduction of a character I assume they want us to like on some level? And triple shame on the set decorators/producers for not having a DiMera office set in which this conversation should have occurred.
It's this kind of stuff that's currently getting Hollywood big shots kicked to the curb and politicians ousted from office.
One of my tweeps commented on how this was less inappropriate (seeming) when this crap was written and filmed, than it is today. It's lame/tropey but now it's even seedier.

Now, I've never been to Europe, but the fact of the matter is I have friends who have travelled extensively and who are pretty...shall we say open-minded? their personal endeavours. And they know Europeans. What Stefan-No did would have been just as gross in Europe as it is here in the United States. It seems the harder Ron Carlivati (head writer) tries to do his own thing, the cheaper his writing gets. The "Europe is so liberated" trope is dismal, and here it is poorly used - it's hard to believe this made-up child was such a globetrotter that he adapted to fake European customs and shed all his common sense.
Stefan perhaps will claim that he was a frequenter of the many nude beaches he might claim abound in Europe....

I do agree that Stefan's behavior in the situation with Abby would be as gross to Europeans as it was to anyone watching in North America.
Thanks, Poirot.

I can't believe Rafe decided it was ok not to tell Hope what he did with
Sami after Ciara lied. Doesn't he know one day she'll find out anyway?

So, Andre WAS the one who gave information about the deals Kate was
trying to make to Vivian. Does Stefan know? Should we even care?

Will Abby tell Chad she saw his brother, Stefan, without his clothes on?
She saw EJ that way too.
I'm sorry, but I'm getting really sick of Hope & Rafe as well as the teens. As such, most of the episode just felt like a waste to me today. I really just can't wait for everything to come crashing down in terms of the Sami reveal.

I did like all the stuff at DiMera--it'll make for juicy drama these next few weeks for sure. I find it interesting how last time Vivian was on the soap, she was mainly in the Kiriakis circle. Now, she's with the DiMeras.
Let's just rename the show "Days of Kate's Lives"

The sexual tension between Claire and Tripp is palpable and I like it. I can't wait for Claire to realize she has feelings for him too.

I've actually had issues with Ciara's hair since day one but didn't want to say anything in the hopes they'd fix it. Glad DrBakerFan said something too. It's way too frizzy. I wish they'd flat iron it.

Rafe is definitely acting out of character. My only hope is that they are having Sami come back pregnant and that's why he hasn't opened up yet. I think Plan A was Sami being pregnant and Plan B was Rafe admitting it. If A happens, they don't need B to happen.

And also, since when does Rafe know anything about motorcycles???? Paging Shawn-Douglas please.
Heck, since when does Ciara love her dad's bike so much? And isn't Hope great........her daughter gets roaring drunk, makes a huge scene at a big party, and Hope rewards her by instantly giving her the keys to the bike she took TWICE without permission, or a license.
Thanks Poirot for the summary - a stellar job - as always!!!!

So this jerk, Stefan, stark naked he turned out to be, tells this unaware woman to come in, when she knocks. There are men who go to jail for exposing themselves, and whether he was in his bedroom or not, this was something for which one can be arrested.
Really - that whole scene could be classified as sexual harassment - he is her superior at work - STOP this NOW!!!:angry::angry::angry: Much more of this type of storyline and I will become an ex-Days viewer! Til this is over I will FF a lot!

:sick::sick::sick:Stefan O.: Somebody should inform Mr. Shin and the other idiots on the DiMera board about the Big Zero's disgusting behavior with Abigail. It's this kind of stuff that's currently getting Hollywood big shots kicked to the curb and politicians ousted from office.
And I sure agree!!!