Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 10, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 10, 2017

At the Pub, Rafe & Hope are sitting at a table when Steve & Kayla come in, are told about the engagement, congrats, etc. Anjelica comes in, gets a call, has to meet someone at Chez Rouge. Steve has gone to talk to her, they exchange some snark about her takeover plan of the Spectator, she leaves. Steve goes back, fills in Rafe & Hope on Anjelica's intentions, guessing she doesn't like Alexander calling Adrienne Mom. They all figure there is something else she is after, you don't wait that long. Rafe & Hope leave, Steve wants to go find out what Anjelica is up to, talks Kayla into coming along. He plans on seeing what turns up in Anjelica's room.

Abby is in her room, waiting for Dario, and the INS investigator. Dario arrives, small talk, she holds Thomas as they sit on the edge of the bed. Dario nervous, Abby pretty calm. Reference is made to Abby just getting her divorce "yesterday". Agent arrives, mentions them getting married this morning, they are looking forward to one big happy family life. He asks if family was there, Abby says Thomas's father, Dario's sister, with Dario adding it is how they wanted it. Abby shows pics, the guy sees Carver, figures he would not marry anyone unless legit, figures all is well, goes to make his reports, says there will be follow up visits, but all looks fine.

Dario talks her into going to the club for a drink to "celebrate", she evidently calls mom to baby sit, they go. And there is Rafe & Hope, who tell of their engagement, then hear of the marriage. Surprise, surprise. Hope takes a call. Dario takes Abby to the side, says he got a call, they are going on a honeymoon, NY. She protests, he insists, tho says it will put a strain on his funds. Hope returns with a club soda for Abby, says Rafe wants to talk to Dario. She asks Abby about this honeymoon, Abby talks of it being too expensive, he really cannot afford Manhattan prices, etc. Hope reminds her of Eduardo going to prison for illegal business dealings, what if Dario continued those, and it is how he can have the money. This gives Abby pause for thought.

Dario is telling Rafe about all well with the agent, Rafe has really no questions, is happy for his brother. Dario goes back to Abby, again talking about honeymoon, she is reluctant. He claims Myron called him and the investments Myron got him to make are paying off big time.He can afford this. Abby seems to be pondering.

Over at the cop shop, Sonny repeats his admission of guilt, flashbacks included. Justin & Adrienne try to get him to shut up, he won't, will give a statement to Raines, Dad can be there, but he is taking responsibility. They go in interrogation room, as Paul tells Adrienne what Sonny told him. JJ thinks maybe Sonny is not sure, everyone noting that everyone was drugged, no one has concrete memories, etc. Sonny goes into his spiel, tells of the fight, flashback of Deimos threatening to harm Paul, throwing Sonny to the wall, knocking him out. Sonny then remembers standing over Deimos, sprawled on floor, knife in heart.

Anjelica returns to her room while Steve & Kayla are searching, she is on phone with someone. They hide under the bed, she sits on it, going on and on to someone about how awful the Chez Rouge was, how the guy she met kept putting his hand on her knee, she left after appetizers. She tells the person not to forgot doing homework, is going to take a shower. She hangs up, goes to bathroom, Steve makes them stay under bed til the shower begins running, they sneak out. At a table now, Steve is convinced Anjelica is up to something else, Kayla admits having fun being a detective, as long as it is Steve. LOL, they want to hurry home, he will pay bill with credit card, she says to pay cash, tis quicker. He throws money on table, and they scurry off hand in hand. LOL

Hope tells Rafe the call was from Lani, she found something at the Martin house. Off they go.

Back at the cop shop, an officer is taking a statement from that waiter, who suddenly remembers seeing Sonny by Deimos's body. More extended flashbacks. He sees Sonny standing by the body, Deimos already dead. He adds to his statement, the cop tells Raines. Everyone (Justin, Adrienne, Paul, JJ, Raines, the cop, the waiter, Sonny) is there as the waiter adds what Sonny said as he looked down at the body..."You got what you deserved".

Raines tells cop to get waiter's revised statement, then officially arrests Sonny for the murder of Deimos Kiriakis.
I still can't get on the Hope/Rafe train but I'll just let it go. A lot of people like them. They make me shudder though.

So this immigration guy, was he hired by Dario? I mean we know he really doesn't have an issue so can't be a legit immigration guy. I hadn't thought about it before. And I had to disagree when Abby said I'm not stupid. You married him. You are stupid. Planning a honeymoon? A lot of people don't have a honeymoon. Me for one!

Was glad to see the waiter today. I think everyone would've stood over Deimos and said you deserved it. Wonder how long this story will play?
Same old Salem P.D.: For a brief shining moment, it looked as if the Salem P.D. would get things right when Raines agreed with Justin's claim that without any corroborating evidence Sonny's statements weren't sufficient to charge him. Then, of course, he went off the rails by arresting the Big Boy after a waiter, who was hung-over from Halo 2.0 at the time, said he saw him standing over Deimos and saying that he'd gotten what he deserved. All this does is confirm Sonny's story that he saw Deimos's body. The words, which Justin correctly noted could have been spoken by anyone, were meaningless.

Cheap Dario: Sure he's getting a suite a good Manhattan hotel, has scored tickets to Hamilton, and has rented a house in East Hampton, but he's using a car service to get there? How low class. It's a 100-mile drive from Manhattan. Doesn't he realize that anyone who is anyone takes a helicopter or private plane to the Hamptons? (A recurring story in the N.Y. Times is complaints by those who live near the East Hampton airport about the noise from the constant helicopter and airplane traffic caused by the comings and goings of the super-rich.)

Tasteless Anjelica: How dare Anjelica trash the food at Chez Rouge. Steve should just tell Victor about this and he'd have a Kiriakis thug take care of her. Nobody, but nobody, should get away with knocking Maggie's restaurant.
Thanks, Poirot.

Nice to see so many characters on today's show.

It's going to be interesting to find out who Anjelica was talking to on
the phone. She mentioned homework.

Dario got too excited after the INS agent left. Mr Gilman could have
been standing at the door listening.

So Sonny is arrested. Did he or didn't he kill Deimos? Only the real
murder knows that answer.
Thanks for the summary. This was a decent episode. I see the wheels turning for Abigail after Hope made that comment. Hopefully she can put the pieces together. I guess everything else on the show was alright too.
Poirot, I was thinking that same thing about homework.

I just now watched. Sonny is exasperating to me. He seems to have an exaggerated need to show everybody he is the most responsible person in Salem. He's a little old to be so focused on trying to prove he is an adult. Maybe he needs to take a lesson from Jack and go on a walk about to find himself. (Not that it ever worked that well for Jack).

Abigail, on the other hand, has no qualms about lying to an agent, possibly breaking the law, and playing house with a sleezy criminal type, who clearly has more in mind than simply impressing the immigration officer. I hope she either gets smart soon or else goes off to the Hamptons with Dario to disappear with him in that boat!
Ah, okay, that makes sense Poirot. This is my first time seeing Anjelica since her return, thanks to my crummy cable. I can't take her seriously.
This episode sure wasn't a dull moment! Steve and Kayla breaking into Anjelica's hotel room had some good scenes, calling Kayla's perfume cheap and Anjelica's feet in Kayla's face. I also, for one, did not think it was Alex on the phone with Anjelica. The character Alex should be 30's. Who knows, maybe another character in the "late teen scene" that Anjelica had later on.