Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 26, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, July 26, 2010
Episode #11382 Taped 5/17 Director – Herb Stein

A lot of “little” scenes today, making it a bit difficult to stay on track. Stefano reads Madeline’s obituary, is sorry she is dead, but at least their secret died with her. Later, Kate runs into DA Woods at the Pub, offers her sympathies, asks if perhaps his wife had a favorite charity as she & Stefano would like to make a donation in her honor. DA Woods says he has no idea, he went into his wife’s safety deposit box to see if she had a will or left any sort of instructions, and the box was empty. Kate goes home, takes the paper out of her purse, reading it. We see it is a birth certificate for Chad Michael Peterson Woods, born March 3, 1990 at Salem Hospital, USA, and can barely see the mother listed as Madeline…. She shoves the paper back in her purse saying something to herself about her having the only original birth certificate, thus only she knows who Chad’s father is. Stefano walks in, wanting to know what she was saying, but she only tells him about running into the DA who was drowning his sorrows in drink, and telling her about the empty safety deposit box. Good news to Stefano, they have no further worries.

Chad is at the Pub, drinking a coke, a sadWill comes in, walks up to him saying he would understand if Chad told him to get the hell out of there. Why would I do that, replies Chad. Will blames himself for Chad’s mother’s death, because he told Chad what he overheard. Chad tells him about the aneurysm, no one’s fault. Next, they are both on the pier, Chad laying flowers on the bottom step, telling Will this is where it happened. Will tries to tell Chad not to dwell on this, that his mom had built a different life, was a good person, etc. Chad wonders what made his mom, back then, do what she did, wants to find out, and figures the only person he can ask is Will’s gramma.

Philip calls Melanie, tells her he will be there in 10 minutes, has this surprise for her. She hangs up, Nathan is at the door, coming to fetch some boxes he has stored there, since he is moving out of Lucas’s (why didn’t he have them at Lucas’s? Oh, de plot, de plot! LOL) and moving in with Stephanie. Melanie’s is a bit taken aback, but wishes them both well. He goes to get his boxes, Phil arrives and they leave. Philip takes Melanie to the lake spot, a picnic is set up, she is delighted, they drink wine, she says how delicious the lunch was, how about desert,. He delves into the picnic basket, brings up a little gift wrapped box, evidently a beautiful bracelet. Hugs, kisses, I love you….while Phil flashes back to promising Chloe to stand by her if he is father of her child. Now he gives her an envelope, Melanie opens it to find her exam grades. Seems Phil pulled some strings and got them in advance, she aced them all. She is so happy, and with being in the accelerated program, she may be certified by the time Chloe will be having her baby, and just think, she might be helping to deliver her baby brother or sister. More hugs, tho Philip looks a little green around the gills. LOL

Maggie has dozed off, sitting in the hospital waiting room, Victor wakes her up, Bo seems to be o.k. but he cannot get in to see him yet. And here comes a furious Caroline, angry that Victor did not call her to tell her THEIR son was in the hospital. Maggie tries to explain about being with Victor when he got the news and coming along, but Caroline doesn’t care, she storms off. Maggie insists Victor go after her, Vic does, tries to explain it was Roman’s decision not to call her last night, well, he should have called anyway. He admits she is right, he should have. He goes back to Maggie, telling her he wants her to go back, his driver is downstairs, she admits she is tired. He thanks her for being there for him, she starts saying that’s what friends are for, he says we ARE friends aren’t we? He is smiling as he tells her to admit she is crazy about him. She laughs, sailing off with her parting shot…..not as crazy as you are about yourself. J

Lexie & Theo find Abe in the hospital, Lexie asks if Hope is there, Abe says yes. Theo says Aunt Hope – treasure. Lexie tries to get him to say more, then asks him that next time perhaps he could show her. Next, we see Abe, Lexie & Theo down by the lakeshore, relaxing, happy to have some time together. Theo is digging in the sand, up pops a wallet. He says treasure, shows it to his parents. He holds it out, wallet, treasure, Aunt Hope, Ciara, wallet, treasure.

Stephanie is emptying bookshelves, drawers, etc. to make room for Nathan’s stuff, when Aunt Adrienne arrives. Seems her brother (ahhh, Steve, be still my heart) called her early this a.m., all upset about Stephanie having some guy moving in with her, even if he is a Horton. Steve is suspicious of the guy, so much so, he is coming here to face off. Stephanie is having a minor fit, but gets reassured by Adrienne, who managed to talk him out of it. (for a few seconds I was ecstatic at the prospect, lol). They have a bit of girl talk, Auntie leaves, Nathan arrives with his boxes, Stephanie points out the empty bookshelves, etc. he goes for more boxes, she opens the one he brought in, takes out some big heavy book, finds an envelope with a pic of him and Melanie in it. She shoves it back in the box, as Nathan returns, and they do some kissy face.

Hope wakes up, sees on her cell that Carly phoned, wonders what she wanted. Later she is downstairs and dressed, Justin arrives, notes the cheery, chirpy Hope, realizes she doesn’t know yet, tells her Bo is in the hospital.
And over at Salem Hospital, Bo has come to, finding Carly at his bedside. He is feeling better, his throat hurts, she tells him he pulled out the breathing tube. Roman arrives, glad to see Bo awake, the questioning begins, but Bo doesn’t really remember anything. He doesn’t know what happened, last remembering being at Victor’s. But knows he was found at home. Roman explains all, the drugging, the gasoline all over, alarm systems dismantled, even the smoke alarm, how he could have been toast. Roman takes off, Carly gets upset at how Bo almost died, she lays her head on his chest as he comforts her, and in comes Hope.

Seems Abe has put her on the case, she has questions, she wants to talk to Carly outside. Victor & Caroline come to see Bo now, as Hope wants to know where Carly was last night. Carly gets a bit resentful, but Hope explains someone had to know she wasn’t home. Carly explains about being in surgery, and schedules are posted, anyone could see.

Hope returns to Bo’s room, but he cannot remember anything, gets some flashes of images, but could be dreams. Carly comes in, the tox screen is back, a combination of drugs commonly used in sleeping pills or anti-depressant medication. Bo gets a flash of a coffee cup, but only says he thought he remembered something, but it is a blur. Carly leaves, Bo and Hope talk a bit, she is upset at the idea she could have lost him. Bo says he is fine, she is worried the culprit is still out there. He smiles, says he has his best detective on the case. Hope doesn’t know what she would do without him, but they will get thru this, they are family. Bo assures her they always will be family, as he holds her hand. Carly stands in the doorway watching.

The weird and wacky Bo and Hope saga fun!

It seems Mel has been rapidly aged to 21 (noticed a month or so ago she started drinking) and now she is in the Salem rapid education prgm as well. (Don't you wish real life were like soaps, so you could graduate college in a semester?) I love how Philip is so willing to let his heart show now with Melanie, I just hate the lie. He really needs to come clean and let the chips fall where they may. He must have ulcers the size of Kansas.

Stephanie, Melanie and Nathan - the dullest triangle in history. It's sad when Victor, Maggie and Caroline bring more heat and intrigue (not that older people don't have heat, but the young crowd are SUPPOSED to be doing the heavy lifting in that dept.)

Thanks for the write up!
thanks for the awesme write up. cant wait to see the show.
Thanks for the write up, Barb.

Two things really struck me ......

Lexie & Theo find Abe in the hospital, Lexie asks if Hope is there, Abe says yes. Theo says Aunt Hope – treasure. Lexie tries to get him to say more, then asks him that next time perhaps he could show her. Next, we see Abe, Lexie & Theo down by the lakeshore, relaxing, happy to have some time together. Theo is digging in the sand, up pops a wallet. He says treasure, shows it to his parents. He holds it out, wallet, treasure, Aunt Hope, Ciara, wallet, treasure.

Hopefully, Theo's two numb parents will finally get a clue, IF they take the time to listen!

Seems Abe has put her on the case, she has questions, she wants to talk to Carly outside.

First, Abe is the mayor and NO longer w/ the PD.
And, since Bo is presently unable to be in charge, wouldn't Roman be the acting one in charge, if only because of seniority?

AND, since HOPE is the wife, soon to be ex of the 'victim', she should NOT be doing the investigating .... an objective third party should be running this one!
It seems Mel has been rapidly aged to 21 (noticed a month or so ago she started drinking)

Since she is married, she can legally drink if her husband is with least that is the law in Texas. Of course, this is a she could easily be 21 by now.
She shoves the paper back in her purse saying something to herself about her having the only original birth certificate, thus only she knows who Chad’s father is.

Wait . . . WHAT?? Chad might not be the DA's son? Gee, I'm so, so shocked and taken aback. But hey, at least we're getting closer to the audience finding out who the daddy is. As I said in Jade's thread in the Daily Days section, the problem for me is that even if Chad and other affected folks don't find out the secret soon, we the audience need to know because otherwise we have no emotional investment whatsoever in Kate keeping it. Maybe she needs to be spilling it for all I know--maybe I'm supposed to be rooting against Kate, not for her.

Thanks for the writeup!
The one I noticed is Chad. If he was born in 1990, he';s 20. Just graduated hi-school, so should be 18.
You should have seen me rewinding and hitting pause, getting up close to the TV to see that birth certificate. LOL and yep, noticed the same thing, gramcracker.
Just think, Chad is already SORAS'd, and only a month or two after graduation. Didn't Melanie just get reinstated after dropping out of nursing school last fall? And now, accelerated classes, ready to be certified after only a year in school. Amazing. LOL
gramcracker, I thought the same thing about Chad's age. Melanie won't be 20 until November unless they changed that too. Ah, well...such is life on a soap. :)

Thanks, Barb.
Ok who's the daddy with Chad that comes as a big shocker. We will have to wait and see. Can we have Nu hope and Old Hope meet in a dream sequence? That would make life interesting. Thanks for the write-up as usual
Boy, Bo's premonitions sure would come in handy about right now wouldn't they! LOL

Another story swept under the rug! :)
Thanks for the write up Barb. Loving the Bo and Hope scenes. Of course I know what neither of them do. Ha! Poor Carly. :D

So Stephanie gets a promotion, she and Nathan celebrate at the beach, she gets a bracelet. Next day Melanie gets good grades , they celebrate at the beach, Mel gets a bracelet. Guess the writers are on vacation too, since they can't even wait a week to recyle scenes.

And Nathan has to come to Maggie's get stuff he hasn't used in almost a year? Wasn't it just yesterday that he and Stephanie even discussed being roommates. Man he moves quick. Like you said, it's the plot and it's getting lame. Melanie went to the beach to retrieve dishes and Philip couldn't go with her even though he wanted to? Then she goes overboard with her clingy I am so lucky to have you" bs when she returns. :sick: Maybe she was stalking Nathan after all. All I know is that she obviously isn't really over him so she better not get on her high and mighty when the one night stand comes out. IMO she's cheating on PHilip every time she looks in Nathan's eyes and bats her lashes.
So Stephanie gets a promotion, she and Nathan celebrate at the beach, she gets a bracelet. Next day Melanie gets good grades , they celebrate at the beach, Mel gets a bracelet. Guess the writers are on vacation too, since they can't even wait a week to recyle scenes.

LOL! You are so right.
First, Abe is the mayor and NO longer w/ the PD.
And, since Bo is presently unable to be in charge, wouldn't Roman be the acting one in charge, if only because of seniority?

AND, since HOPE is the wife, soon to be ex of the 'victim', she should NOT be doing the investigating .... an objective third party should be running this one!

THEY are doing it all backwards! I think the perfect way to whirl all of salem's little stories into one big one--- RAFE should be put on the mugger case; and HOPE should be put on the case that Rafe is working on (proving EJ's involvment)....

:) oh wait, that makes too much sense, the powers that be HATE it when a story makes sense... lol
Thanks for the write up Barb. Loving the Bo and Hope scenes. Of course I know what neither of them do. Ha! Poor Carly. :D

So Stephanie gets a promotion, she and Nathan celebrate at the beach, she gets a bracelet. Next day Melanie gets good grades , they celebrate at the beach, Mel gets a bracelet. Guess the writers are on vacation too, since they can't even wait a week to recyle scenes.

And Nathan has to come to Maggie's get stuff he hasn't used in almost a year? Wasn't it just yesterday that he and Stephanie even discussed being roommates. Man he moves quick. Like you said, it's the plot and it's getting lame. Melanie went to the beach to retrieve dishes and Philip couldn't go with her even though he wanted to? Then she goes overboard with her clingy I am so lucky to have you" bs when she returns. :sick: Maybe she was stalking Nathan after all. All I know is that she obviously isn't really over him so she better not get on her high and mighty when the one night stand comes out. IMO she's cheating on PHilip every time she looks in Nathan's eyes and bats her lashes.
I have to disagree with you on some of what you said addicted. when melanie went to the beach to get those dishes stepanie and nathan were pretty mean to her. they made her feel pretty bad. melanie was not stalking nathan at all. and when she got home and saw philip, and said how lucky she is to have him. she ment it. nathan and stephanie always seems to treat melanie like dirt and philip doesn't. philip treats melanie like a queen. and melanie sees that. thats why when she got home she ran to philip when she saw him. he treats her so good when nathan and alot of other people treat her so bad.
IMO I dont beleive melanie is cheating on philip at all. she is totally committed and inlove with him. she is being totally and uterly honest with philip about every single thing. she didn't even have to tell philip that nathan is moving in with stephanie, but she did. melanie loves philip with all her heart and wants to spend the rest of her life with him. hell all she's been talking about lately is their future together. I believe melanie will always care about nathan and have a soft spot for him. but if melanie really wanted to be with nathan she would be with him. I do think after the reveal melanie will find comfort in nathan, but she will never stop loving philip. she wiil always gravitate back to him. even maggie knows it. thats why she doesn't want melanie with nathan. because in the end maggie knows that nathan will end up hurt because melanie will always go back to philip. maggie knows that in the end thats where melanie's heart truely lies.

melanie hasn't been giving nathan googly looks at all lately. everytime melanie and nathan are in a scene together all I see is pure akwardness betwwen the two. I dont see melanie giving nathan longing looks at all. she is totally committed and inlove with philip.
:hijacked:Actually, it is Stephanie who is usually on her high horse with Melanie, and is the one who asked if Mel was stalking them. But........that discussion should be in a different about :back: to the Monday show.

The scene with Nathan coming for his boxes of stuff was ridiculous, and would have been more believable if he was BRINGING a couple of boxes of his stuff from Lucas's, as that was a house with more room than Stephanie's apartment. He could have just said Maggie said it was alright for him to store the stuff temporarily, until he decides what he wants to keep, etc. Whatever.

Since Melanie is 20-21, how old is Chloe supposed to be? To me she is in her 20s which makes it weird that she may soon be her stepmom. Very "Hoganish" to me.
Since she is married, she can legally drink if her husband is with least that is the law in Texas. Of course, this is a she could easily be 21 by now.

As you say, not all states are the same, under 21 no alcohol, period end of report in Washington State.
:hijacked:Actually, it is Stephanie who is usually on her high horse with Melanie, and is the one who asked if Mel was stalking them. But........that discussion should be in a different about :back: to the Monday show.

The scene with Nathan coming for his boxes of stuff was ridiculous, and would have been more believable if he was BRINGING a couple of boxes of his stuff from Lucas's, as that was a house with more room than Stephanie's apartment. He could have just said Maggie said it was alright for him to store the stuff temporarily, until he decides what he wants to keep, etc. Whatever.
your right we should stay on topic, but I just want to say one quick comment. nathan stood there and let stephanie talk to melanie that way and then when melanie started giviing it back to her. he screamed at melanie to back off. so nathan is no better. he is always a jerk to melanie.