Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 26, 2010

Since Melanie is 20-21, how old is Chloe supposed to be? To me she is in her 20s which makes it weird that she may soon be her stepmom. Very "Hoganish" to me.

Chloe supposedly turned 16 in early 2001; she was aged to 18 in September 2002; she married Brady in 2005; then she attended her 5th year High School Reunion 2007. So if we add all that up and the fact she went to High School with Bell, Shawn, Mimmie and Philip she should be somewhere around 26 years old. Give or take the craziness of the writers. I'm speculating of course.
And wasn't Melanie conceived at a medical conference? Which would mean Carly and Daniel should have been about 26 at the time. That would make daddy dearest around 47? I picture Daniel being in his 30s and his daughter is 21:confused: Is his real name Doogie Howser? Can never figure out how they justify ages. I have always felt Chloe was too young for Daniel but mentally, they are both about the same immaturity level.
AND, since HOPE is the wife, soon to be ex of the 'victim', she should NOT be doing the investigating .... an objective third party should be running this one!

Not only should she not be the lead investigator, but she should be being looked at as a "person of interest." In any investigation of this nature, immediate family is checked out first, even when immediate family is a police officer, simply because more often than not, they are the ones that did it. In real life, there are plenty of "good cops" who have abused and/or murdered their spouses, must to the surprise of the people they work with.

I know, I know, this is a soap.
I believe I will love this episode. Thanks for the great descriptions, Poirot.

I don't think it's illegal to drink privately at any age, but it's illegal to be served in an establishment. I could be all wrong, but I remember drinking at a very very very young age. Maybe that was in the stone ages before there were laws and lawyers. What is the statute of limitations for underage drinking? Uh oh. Pretend I didn't say anything.

Seeing that Madeline used to be one of Stephano's "ladies" I wouldn't be surprised if Stephano was his daddy. Who else could it be? Maybe that's why Kate won't show Stephano the birth certificate and why the father's name wasn't revealed. Wonder how Chad will feel when he finds out. It won't be pretty, thats for sure.
Chloe's baby

I sure hope for the sake of the baby it will be Daniel's. After what Philip did to Pocket, (put him up for adoption because he didn't want him because he wasn't Belle and his baby) I can't bear to see Philip do that to another child. Tho to make the storyline more interesting, it probably will be Philip's baby. The scenario.. when the truth comes out...Melanie dumps Philip, turns to Nathan for comfort, he dumps Stephanie, who would probably turn to Daniel after he dumps Chloe who ends up with Philip and their baby...yep, its a possibility lol
Conmment on Drinking in Illinois, if you are over 21 and you give any drink to a minor you could be under arrest -even if you are in your own home. -there have been a number of charges and arrests for parents buying and serving to kids in their own home. Not any tollerance here, too many drunk kids driving, then killing each other.
Since Melanie is 20-21, how old is Chloe supposed to be? To me she is in her 20s which makes it weird that she may soon be her stepmom. Very "Hoganish" to me.

Chloe is in Philips age range, isn't she?.. Weren't they all in high school together.
Conmment on Drinking in Illinois, if you are over 21 and you give any drink to a minor you could be under arrest -even if you are in your own home. -there have been a number of charges and arrests for parents buying and serving to kids in their own home. Not any tollerance here, too many drunk kids driving, then killing each other.

Right you are. No minor drinking in Illinois.
Chloe is in Philips age range, isn't she?.. Weren't they all in high school together.

That's correct, Philip and Chloe should be the same age. They went to high school together and were boyfriend/girlfriend. They graduated at the same time, along with Shawn, Belle and Mimi. We sometimes refer to them as the Last Blast teens because their yearly prom was called the Last Blast.
Chad dimera

Seeing that Madeline used to be one of Stephano's "ladies" I wouldn't be surprised if Stephano was his daddy. Who else could it be? Maybe that's why Kate won't show Stephano the birth certificate and why the father's name wasn't revealed. Wonder how Chad will feel when he finds out. It won't be pretty, thats for sure.

I think like you and I'm sure many others!
This was a given for me when Kate found the "document" in the safety deposit box and was reaffirmed when Maddy asked her about Stefano knowing about her other secret.

I LIKE IT. Could be a great story line and I would love to see Chad have more air time .
CHAD has attitude enough to be a Dimera.

Chad would probably like the fact that that miserable SOB who he called Dad all this time really wasn't. Hate to say it, but I'd rather have Stefano as a dad than that a-hole Chad has.
I'd Love to See . . .

Victor with Maggie. Viv tossed out on her rear.

Brady wise up and stop drinking that Salem Stupid Juice. Wake up, Brady! Nicole is a self-serving, lying, vicious *****.

Rafe get the goods on EJ and get back together with Sami.

Philip come clean absolutely! But Melanie of course wouldn't forgive him and she'd be back with Nathan which is fine with me. At least HE'S got integrity which is more than I can say for Stephanie OR Philip.

Chloe be alone and chase Brady again who also rejects her.

Hope is of course caught for the muggings AND the attempted murder of Bo and goes bye bye to a mental hospital for awhile. Let Bo and Carly alone for awhile - they've had enough.

Dr. Dan has had almost every woman the right age in Salem and some who aren't the right age such as Kate so let's see him alone for awhile as well.
I thought melanie looked absolutely beautiful today. I loved her dress and her hair.
I agree, PRSM. Melanie looked stunning. That color dress was very becoming.

So Bo may not remember much, but he seems to remember that he was in the midst of playing two women.

My favorite part of today's show was Victor hugging Caroline. I loved how he was contrite with her, she let her guard down and put her anger aside and let herself be vulnerable. Great scene between these two vets with an amazing history. Have they ever had a scene before where they've hugged? This may have been a first.

Speaking of playing two women, like son like father. I really enjoyed it when Victor was teasing Maggie about being crazy about him and she didn't deny it.

I just loved today's show. No EJ. No Sami. Plenty of Philip and Melanie.
I loved those scenes also with Victor, Caroline and Maggie.

I wondered what was with all the purple today. Philip, Melanie and Adrienne were wearing different shades of it.