Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 27, 2020

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Patch and Kayla return, are walking through Horton Town Square, kind of giddy over their trip. He tells her to sit and wait a minute, then runs off. He returns with a bouquet of yellow roses for his Sweetness. They talk about how the trip started, the plane trouble in the middle of nowhere, the crappy motel room "in the middle of the Dakotas", his peanut and pretzel party with the tiny bottles of booze; then finally how beautiful Lake Louise was once they got there. They sit and nuzzle, very much in love, as Justin comes upon them.

Steve tells Justin how much of a man he was to tell Kayla about Steve still loving her and stepping aside; that he admires Justin for the courage it took. Justin talks about how Kayla helped him heal and move on after losing Adrienne. Steve says one day, he will find love again, as Bonnie walks into the square. Patch and Kayla say "Adrienne????". No, it's Bonnie. She talks about how everybody hates her. Steve says he's at the top of that list. Tells her to get lost; she leaves. Justin now tells Kayla he removed everything from her apartment, so it's all hers now. She tells him everything they had was real and wonderful and meant the world to her. It mean the world to Justin, too. Steve and Kayla now leave, as Bonnie (who sat down at a table in the square) looks at Justin.

Allie is anxious to get out of the hospital. Sami says good news, Sarah says she can leave soon. They talk about the baby, Sami says she heard Rafe came to see her. Allie tells Sami that Rafe declined her offer to adopt her baby. Sami is elated, but masks her excitement and pretends to be disappointed for Allie (as Sami flashes back to telling Rafe not to adopt the baby). Sami now keeps riding Allie about the baby, blah, blah, blah. Allie doesn't want to talk, so Sami leaves, telling Allie to get some rest.

Sonny and Will talk about the explosion at the church. Sonny was spending time with his dad and can't believe he missed it or that Claire is being blamed. They talk about Rafe adopting the baby, that ultimately they're happy for him. Will's uncomfortable, knowing of Sami's ultimatum. Then Will's phone rings, it's Allie, she needs to see him and Sonny ASAP. Sonny assumes it's for her to tell them Rafe agreed to adopt the baby.

Sonny and Will get to Allie's room, she asks if Sami is still hanging around outside the door. No, she left, they tell her. Then Allie asks them if they'd like to adopt her baby. Cue the shocked looks. Allie explains about Rafe declining the offer, due to everything he went through with losing David. They ask if she's sure she wants them to be parents to her baby. Yes, after the bomb, thinking she might lose the baby, was so scared, but wants only the best for him or her, so yes, she's absolutely sure. She doesn't want them to think they were her "second choice" or backup plan. No, they assure her they know what was in her heart. They're so happy, hug Allie, then Lucas walks in (this is after his run-in with Bonnie, see below). The guys leave, to go speak with a lawyer and let Allie fill in Lucas on the news. Lucas is OK with it, it's his second best outcome if she won't keep the baby herself.

Rafe is interrogating Claire about the bomb. Belle pretty much tells Rafe either charge Claire or they're leaving (Claire tells Rafe that she left the townhouse for about 30 minutes to go for a walk, clear her head, says she went and sat in Salem park for a bit, didn't dare to go near the church after Ciara fired her as maid of honor). Rafe finally gives in, says they can leave, but not leave town. Belle says the only place they're going is back to John and Marlena's for Claire to rest (Shawn-D is there, too). Shawn-D sticks around to talk to Rafe; wants to investigate who has really done this. Needs to clear Claire and help Ciara. Talk of looking at security cameras in the area to prove Caire wasn't there. But if there's no proof to clear her, Rafe will have to arrest Claire.

Back at the townhouse, Claire says she doesn't feel well and is going to rest for a while (she leaves the room). Then Sami comes to the door, asks Belle how Claire is and hugs Belle (wait, what???). Sami complains about Rafe interrogating Claire, how rotten it was. Sami advises Belle to get Claire out of the country immediately. No, Belle can't do that. Sami keeps trying to convince Belle to get Claire out of Salem, NOW, before Rafe can find a real reason not to. Claire wanders into the living room, wrapped in a blanket, couldn't sleep. Belle tells her to pack, they're leaving Salem.

Lucas is sleeping and Bonnie sneaks into bed with him, tickling him with a feather. He finally wakes up and his horrified to see her. She keeps trying to get sexy with him, he can't be bothered. She notes that her book was on his nightstand with a bookmark at the page where she wrote about their "night of passion". He keeps telling her to get lost as she keeps trying to get him to have sex with her. Lucas says N-O, no more surprises, no more peace offerings, no more feathers, just get out, forever.

Sonny and Will hug in the hall, talk of having another baby. But Will flashes back to Sami telling him about coming down on Rafe to refuse Allie's offer. Sonny asks Will what's wrong. Nothing, just a lot to take in. Sonny is headed to see Justin to draw up adoption papers, asks Will to come along. Will declines, wants to go see Rafe, see how he is doing.

Justin sits down by Bonnie, she talks about being upset over Lucas rejecting her, so Justin can go ahead and gloat. Nope, Justin's not in the mood to gloat. She noticed how Justin looked when Kayla went off with "cyclops", talks about how "those couples" always end up back together. She then tries to get Justin to come have a drink with her, but he's not interested. She flounces off as Sonny walks up with his big news. Asks Justin to draw up adoption papers for Allie's baby. Justin is thrilled for them.

Steve and Kayla get to the pub; Roman's not there, which surprises them. Maybe he took a day off? They talk about Justin moving out of the apartment. Kayla asks Steve if he'd like to move in. She explains how she lived there alone for many months before Justin moved in. Steve's fine about it, he can move in there, or they can live upstairs in one of Roman's spare rooms, doesn't matter where they live, as long as it's together.

Will gets to the cop shop, asks Rafe if there's any news on Ben, and how Ciara is. Then he tells Rafe that Allie offered her baby to him and Sonny. Asks Rafe if he's OK with this. Tells Rafe that Sami told him about how she pressured Rafe to back away from Allie's offer. Rafe cuts him off, congratulates him, says it's all good. Then Will asks what's going on with Claire. Rafe asks if there was anything strange going on with or around Ben before the wedding. Will remembers Clyde's phone call to wish him well, and Ben thought Clyde was upset. Then Will says that Clyde mentioned something about sending Ben a special wedding present.

Claire is asking Belle why they're leaving town. Belle says she thinks it'll be better, is afraid of a media circus. Sami agrees with Belle, then Shawn comes into the townhouse. He has great news, it's all over. Claire has been cleared. They all hug. Sami leaves. Shawn explains about security camera footage shows her exactly where she said she was, sitting the park, alone. Belle still wants to leave Salem, go back to Hong Kong. No, Belle's not leaving, she wants to stay.

Sami leaves and runs into Lucas back at the hospital. He tells her about Allie offering the baby Will and Sonny. Sami didn't know but is so happy. She knew about Rafe declining, but not about offering the baby to Will and Sonny. She then tells Lucas about pressuring Rafe to back off. Lucas low-key blows his top, says that Allie will be furious when she finds out. Allie happens to overhear the end of the conversation and asks "hears about what???"
Thank you, Just Samantha. A lot of times I don't get pre-empted but I did this time. When I looked at my Dish description of Days and saw it said Lucas finds Bonnie in his bed, I thought it wouldn't be so bad missing this episode after all. But I could have skipped that part.

I don't like the sci-fi stuff any more than some of you do, but this is one time I wish they had found a way to bring Adrienne back to life. I like the actress but Bonnie just doesn't bring anything to the mix for me to enjoy. She's not funny. I can't feel sorry for her, due to her behavior. It's like she's got only one dimension, that is getting a man to go to bed with her.
A. As others have said, why does Sami care at all about Claire or Belle? Is it just to stick it to Rafe?
B. Why on earth would anyone take Sami's advice?
C. Why would Belle even listen to Sami - let alone take her advice?

Please, stop putting Lucas near his rapist.

I was surprised but liked the beats about Will and Rafe. Will needed to know - now will he tell Sonny? I hope so.
Thanks, JS. I'm glad you were able to find the show online.

It's a new day in Salem.

Will told Rafe about Clyde sending a wedding gift. Maybe he hired someone
to decorate Ben/Ciara's room.

Miracle of miracles there was a camera at the Salem Park that show Claire
sitting on a bench. Too bad they can't find a camera with Ben on it.

Bonnie called Steve Cyclops.

Allie told Sonny and Will they can adopt her baby. Will the father of the
baby come to Salem now?
Ok someone in editing didn’t think this one through. Shawn walks in and says Claire is exonerated and they all hug and Sami says “I’m so happy for you.” Commercial. Come back and Sami is magically in the hospital talking to Lucas. Then they change back to the townhouse and Shawn is telling them about the camera but Sami isn’t there anymore. We never see her leave and it felt like we returned to the conversation literally seconds after the hug.
I just watched today's Days on Peacock; great, no commercials. I'm thinking that the only person who really hates Ben is Eve. She hasn't been on the show in a while so maybe she'll be back. Just a thought.
I saw Days on Peacock too. The times change when they show it. Yesterday is
what early evening.
Currently watching right now and Steve and Kayla just got back from Lake Louise. From the way they describe Lake Louise, this is a real place in Banff National Park and the lake is about 2 hours west of Calgary.

They must've taken that Salem time machine and spent maybe a day or two there. Lol!!
Belle: The third-rate lawyer was at her worst, first lying to Rafe and then berating him. Doesn't she know that it's not a good idea to alienate a police commissioner who could actually help her foolish daughter. It's a good thing for Claire that CCTV showed that she was in the park because with the kind of legal help that Belle provides, she could have ended up back in Bayview or worse, prison.

Bonnie: This one has hit a new, disgusting low: crawling into poor Lucas's bed and then when she's rebuffed she tries peddling herself to Justin. Can't the cops arrest her for vagrancy and then remove her from Salem?