Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 29, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 29, 2013

EJ comes to visit Sami, who is upset over Justin refusing to represent her any more. He promises to take care of things, insisting that he will get another attorney, and she will be on out bail today. Sami is distraught, talks of telling the kids they don't have to eat their vegetables, can eat ice cream instead. EJ doesn't want her sad, but mad, angry at Adrienne, planning on getting back at her, get her Irish up, yada, yada, the ol DiMera revenge talk. He thinks she will be home tonight. Cue a kiss between the bars of the cell (do they really allow that?) Later Will comes to see her, talking of Arianna, giving her a picture to keep in her cell. She asks if Rafe knows yet what happened, why he freaked out at the sight of her, but Will only knows that Rafe thinks Sami shot him. Sami is taken aback, but Will explains that if she talked to him beforehand, and then the shooting, it all mixed up in Rafe's mind, which is what happens when coming out of a coma.

Earlier, at Will's apt., Sonny returns, glad Will is back, asking how everything went at the hospital (bringing Arianna to see Rafe). Knocking at the door, Will can't take company, leaves the room. Sonny answers, tis Adrienne. He tries to shut the door in her face, she prevents him, starts telling him how, if he had listened to her before, none of this would have happened. He reminds her that he & Will were on their way out for a very important engagement, she could have waited til they returned. But she didn't, it was more important to nail Sami. She says no, she was protecting him, claiming again that Sami killed this cop. Sonny reminds her Sami did not know who she shot, but Adrienne thinks otherwise. Will comes out, and tells her in no uncertain terms that she has hurt his mother. His mother. That she doesn't know any circumstances, did not bother to find out, but did it anyway. He leaves. Sonny tells her that he told her once before not to make him choose. And now she has done that. And he chooses Will. He storms out. She tries calling after him, to no avail.

Nick is on his way out, Maggie stops him, insisting they talk, she is concerned he is not dealing with what has happened to him, mentions him going to a therapist just once. He claims all is o.k., he & Gabi have talked, etc. She knows it was hard for him to give up Gabi and Arianna, but Nick brushes it all off, he is fine. He leaves.

Kate sits with Rafe, who is asking why Sami shot Joe. Kate tells him Sami did it to save his life, and in breezes Marge Bernardi. As hard as Kate tries to tell her that Rafe is in no condition for this, needs his rest, etc. Marge ignores her, talks to Rafe about being Joe's friend, how concerned Joe was when Rafe was beat up. Rafe inquires about Timmy, she pours it on about how he doesn't understand, and how "she" is calling Joe a dirty cop, murdered him, and wants assurances from Rafe that he will tell them what a good man Joe was. She finally leaves. Rafe wants to talk to Sami, but Kate says she doubts Sami has a phone in her jail cell. Rafe is surprised she is in jail. Maxine comes in, he doesn't want his BP checked, but Kate insists. Rafe says o.k., then is given a sedative so he can rest. Nick arrives, but Kate whispers that Rafe is resting, Nick says he will be back later. She sits by Rafe's side, mumuring that she is not going to lose him. She will not let that happen. Hope comes in, Kate tells her about Marge being there. Hope thinks that whatever transpired, marge will take to the DA, and Rafe will probably be called as a witness for the prosecution.

Chad meets up with a guilt ridden Abby, telling her he plans on keeping her out of it all, not telling anyone she ever saw that video. He knows she wanted to turn it in, she was right, he just thought it funny, and she admits that if this had not all happened, she would have thought it funny, too. Sonny comes along, says he has immunity, will take the blame for everyone. His dad arrives, Sonny goes to talk to him. Justin isn't happy his son helped cover all this up, asks who else knew about the video. Sonny claims just him, but Chad comes up, tells Justin he was the one who shot it, and before Abby can say a word, says no one else was involved. Sonny wants to talk to Justin alone, and now lets his dad know how unhappy he is over Justin dropping Sami as a client. He tells his father he loves Will, he loves him, and he is hurting, that is his mother, who was trying to protect her son. No different than either Adrienne or Justin trying to protect their son. He wants his dad to take the case back. Please.
Chad sits over on a bench with Abby, rubs his forehead. She figures he has another headache, he says it is nothing. She thinks he should see a doctor, he says no. So she makes a pact. She won't push about seeing that video, if he will go get checked out. Deal! They go off arm in arm.

Justin sits with Hope, evidently telling her all that has transpired. She does not think Sami knew who the man was, and they agree that without a weapon to prove her story, their only chance is to prove Bernardi was a dirty cop. How do they do that. Later, Hope sits with EJ, assures him Sami is safe in that cell, asks him if Bernadi worked for his father. He says, I don't know. Then changes his mind. Yes, I do know.

Adrienne sits on the sofa with Maggie, tearfully bemoaning her family being so angry at her, etc. etc. She remembers years ago, being worried when Justin was working for Victor, and just wanting him to be honest, stay out of trouble, and now their son is practically in bed with the DiMera family, and who knows what will be coming down the road. Maggie tells her to deal with the here and now, and not borrow trouble from the future.

EJ is back at the jail visiting Sami. He evidently has gotten the "mob" attorney to represent Sami for the bail hearing.She bemoans what it sounds like if one of the most prominent and respected attorneys has refused to represent her, and Justin arrives. "One of"? he jokingly asks. Evidently, he has changed his mind. But he warns EJ, that if his son ever gets into any trouble, because of EJ's shenanigans, he will come after him personally. And now, he wants the truth from them both, and none of their freakin' lies. Sami is taken for her bail hearing, Justin warns her not to say a word to anyone, no one, she is shown to a table, sits down, handcuffs visible as she rests her hands on the table.
Justin is my EVERYTHING. First he calls Sonny out on his lying. Then he rips into EJ and Sami saying Adrienne was right about them and tells Sami to stop lying through her freaking teeth long enough to talk about the case. Finally he warns them of Sonny getting hurt and mentions Greeks making an art of revenge. I do smell a Dimera/Kiriakis war brewing. There has been too much foreshadowing of it.
Thank you Poriot! I loved the Nick and Maggie scene. I was impressed how Maggie so easily tricked Nick into confessing about therapy. She might be better than the Salem PD. :rotfl: But overall I loved that the writers showed that they're not just brushing Nick's jail trauma under the rug. It's still very much an issue that continues to haunt him. I'm still crossing my fingers, we get some Nick therapy storyline.

I agree with cryin4days, I loved everything Justin did today too. He's becoming one of my favorite characters the more they show him.
I almost began the summary with" Wally Kurth is the star today" and just love those dimples.
But I figured...this was the summary, and would not looking 5 years from now when someone is doing research. LOLOL
However, Justin really was the take charge guy today. He was dealing with all the folks who had deceived him in some way, and the worms that escaped and are all over the place when that can finally was opened. :)
If it's a conjugal visit then yes, kissing happens among further things. But jail visitations aren't done at the inmate's cell.

Thanks for the write-up. Glad to see Will standing up to Adrienne. Defense attorneys should be lining up to defend Sami on such an easy case. The burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she is guilty of a Murder 1 charge. I don't think with the evidence they have that there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It's too easy to plant reasonable doubt in just one juror in a case like this.

Marge is grating my last nerve. She isn't helping the case whatsoever with confronting people involved. Hasn't she been informed to not talk to anyone about the case, let alone anyone that is involved in it? Even though it was to want Rafe to be a character witness that wouldn't be up to her or even Rafe, but up to the prosecuting attorneys.
I did like the show today. But I loved, loved, loved Justin. Though the only thing missing for me was Justin knowing about the direct threat to Adrienne when she came home and EJ asked her if she felt safe. I wish at the very end, when Justin was alone with EJ, he had told EJ if he ever even thought of getting revenge on Adrienne, Justin would come after him in a dark allay, and he, contrary to Sami, would not miss him !!!!
I don't understand how Sonny is so quick to jump to Sami's defense because she was trying to protect Will but doesn't see that his mother was doing the same thing, trying to protect him. Like it or not, but like Judi Evans (Adrienne) said in her interview posted here, bullets are always flying whenever Sami and EJ are around. Now with Sami engaged to EJ and with him being on Stefano's hit list, Sonny is fair game. And had that video come out from any other source, Sonny would be in jeopardy of facing criminal charges.
Thanks for the summary, an alright show by the sounds of it. Loved seeing all the vets in the show, as it revolved around them. And a break from the JJ, Theresa, Daniel & Jennifer nonsense, as well as Brady-Kristen. I am glad that Will stood up to Adrienne, and that Sonny did too.

Funny when Justin told Sami to keep her mouth shut. He should know better! She is incapable of being quiet! :rotfl:
Sonny does understand his mother was doing the same thing.....he said it to Justin. But he is angry at his mother for not waiting to talk to him when they got back. That instead, she had Sami hauled off in handcuffs at the school dedication, in front of her priest brother, the bishop, her family.
Adrienne still doesn't know, tho, about Nick blackmailing Will, or that Will shot EJ, etc. If she did, it probably would have fueled her fury and worry even more.
I have HAD it with Sonny being so disrespectful to his mother Adrienne...Adrienne should stop begging at his feet for forgiveness and understanding!
Sonny really needs to dial down the "St. Sami" talk. It's ridiculous!
I'm enjoying Justin chewing Sonny out over the video lie!
This is why I have no respect for that RAT named EJ. Telling Sami they need to leak that Adrienne was the one who came forward with the video and make it look like Justin told Sami to stay quiet about the video. And Sami is ready to go along with it. Aren't they a class act. I hate Justin decided to take her back as a client. I have the strongest feeling Will and Sonny are going to end up caught in the middle of Justin/Adrienne vs EJ/Sami.
I have to disagree Poirot, I don't think Sonny is upset because of the timing of Adrienne turning over the video, he's mad she did it at all. He told Justin that she screwed things up and he specifically said to Adrienne he wouldn't need protecting if she hadn't done what she did.
Sonny is a little sell out!! He will sell his soul to ingratiate himself into the Brady/Horton clan.. It's official he is on my *Bleep* list
I wouldn't call him a sell out. He loves Will and he's showing he'd do anything for him. I love the relationships (Will/Sonny & Sonny/Adrienne) but I don't like how Sonny and Adrienne have handled their disagreements about the Brady family.
Sonny told his mother she could have waited til they returned. This was when she told him that if he had listened to her when she was there before, this all could have been avoided. (Did this mean that perhaps she would not have turned the video over then? No idea). But she could have waited, and if she had, she would have been able to tell him she has seen the video, it is on her phone, and he could have then explained the situation to her.
The thing was, Adrienne did not want to wait, she jumped to conclusions, ones she was dying to jump to, and ran to the police. Adrienne is fearful of Sami & trouble, and she ASSUMED something that was not correct. But she wanted assume it, because she doesn't want her son involved with Will. Plain and simple. She refuses to let lhim live his life, and this is no different than how Kate attempted to run her sons' lives, interfering, manipulating, framing, trying to kill...women she did not feel worthy of her sons.
Of course, Adrienne doesn't see it that way, and as someone pointed out elsewhere, she is not privy to all the things WE know about the situations.
EJ could learn something from Justin about loyalty and family.

Justin: "Right now I couldn't care less if Sami spends the rest of her life in prison, although I would prefer it be you"
EJ: "So why did you take the case"
Justin: "Because exonerating Sami would be the best thing I could do for my son and hers" to which EJ rolls his eyes