Days of Our Lives - Mon., July. 30, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 30, 2018

Replay of Eve saying she can take care of Jennifer Horton, Jen walking in asking “really”. They all go back and forth, Jen confronting Vic about planting the drugs, him denying, Eve trying to help, much to Vic’s displeasure, Jen not backing off one iota, naming names, etc. Vic is still denying, Jen knows about Arturo, he was meeting with Arturo, Vic denies, Jen says even if Maggie says so. Eve is trying to stop Jen’s badgering to no avail, Vic tells her to shut up, and finally says all true, drugs planted, etc.

Maggie is withBrady, who tells her he feels Victor was somehow involved with him losing custody case. Maggie figures where there is smoke, Vic involved. Eric arrives, has to talk, important. Maggie leaves, going to deal with smoke and fire. Eric wants to talk about Nicole, both being in love with her, Brady says no need to apologize, but Brady insists. They were both angry, came to blows, and he realizes Brady is his brother, and he ripped his heart out. Eric apologizes profusely, despite Brady saying not necessary. Then Brady takes his turn, talking of how Theresa had left him, he thought she had been cheating on him, and he was in a bad place. Then came Nicole, and Eric, and Brady was drinking, was angry, not thinking straight. He apologizes to Eric, both guys miss their brother, hugs eventually. Glad it is all squared away, they can walk Marlena down the aisle together, with the past behind them. As Eric begins to leave, Brady flashes back to telling Eve about Nicole killing Deimos, and him recording it, threatening her. He stops Eric, something he has to tell him.

Jen argues with Victor, who says he would do anything to help Brady keep custody of Tate, and he did. He walks out. Jen now faces off with Eve, pointing out that her plan with Victor ended with Brady losing custody, Tate losing his father, and JJ losing his job. Eve admits she went to Vic for help, did not know he was going to do the drug thing. When Brady & Theresa agreed on joint custody, she tried to tell Vic not to do anything but was too late. Jen thinks Eve should tell Brady, Eve doesn’t want to, doesn’t want Jen to do so either. Jen refuses, Eve says if she tells Brady, then she is going to have to tell Eric the truth about why Nicole left town.

Rafe & Hope sit on a park bench, she berates herself for standing like a dummy while Eve tried to kill Ben. She cannot believe she let her emotions get the better of her. Rafe understands, they talk of Ciara, who won’t listen to Hope at all. Hope calls Ciara, who won’t answer her phone, just texts she is fine, stop worrying. Meanwhile Lani is back at work, Eli is hovering, making sure she is o.k. She wants to be there. Rafe & Hope come in, welcome her back, and individually, both get Eli & Lani to help work on proving Ben started the fire. Lani says she & Eli tracked Ben down before, let her do some legwork with him now. Hope agrees. Lani goes to get Eli, who is going thru paper work, but stops, is upset, tells Lani how “it creeps up on you”. She holds him, both thinking of the baby they lost.

Maggie meets up with the waiting Victor, who has a single rose for her, an apology for how he reacted earlier, and now tells her the entire story of planting the drugs to help Brady. Maggie takes the news apparently calmly, but she is not calm. All these people’s lives have been affected negatively because you wanted to “help”, Brady, Tate, JJ. How many times have we had this conversation, how many times you are “done”. And then it happens again. When are you going to learn……never mind, I already know the answer. She is very angry, storms out.
Ciara opens the door to find Ben standing there, wants to talk to her. She is hesitant, but invites him in, notes the scratches on his face, he claims he got up wrong side of bed. She is glad he has a place to stay, he mentions applying for a few jobs, not sure if anyone would give him a job. She says innocent til proven guilty. Claire comes out, sees Ben talking to Ciara, grabs frying pan, whacks him and he is down and out. Ciara tries to help, asks Claire to help her get him to sofa, Claire refuses, is going to call Hope. Ciara stops her, Claire is not going to help a serial killer/arsonist. Ciara reminds her she assaulted him, could be arrested herself. She helps, still ranting. Ben comes to, is bleeding, Ciara tells Claire to get ice, no, she won’t help. Ciara tells Ben he should charge Claire with assault. She gives in, get ice, but storms out of the apartment, refusing to stay and be strangled, telling Ciara to hide the neckties.

Ben thanks her, she says anyone would help, nope, he has no one, only her. He knows she is not sure if he started the fire, thanks her again. She holds the ice pack to his bleeding head. At the cop shop, Claire comes rushing in, telling Hope & Rafe that Ciara invited that serial killer into their apartment.
Thank you, Poirot.

Oh my goodness. May I please hit Claire with that frying pan ?? Pretty please ??

I really feel sorry for Ben at this point. If it was just ignoring or shunning, that's enough. How many times does he have to endure people beating on him when he's minding his own bussines ? .

Could Eve and Claire be charged with assault and battery since they intended to do harm? Maybe Claire could also get assault with a deadly weapon? DrBakerFan would know the answer if that happened in the real world.

Eric and Brady make up, but I have a feeling that isn't going to last long. I just had an awful but funny thought...what if they start swinging at each other during Marlena's and John's wedding, and MArlena takes one to the jaw ? Whoops! People are giving me funny looks for sitting at my desk and laughing to myself.
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Oh, am sure both could be charged with assault, maybe even attempted murder.......witnesses both times. Ben said he did not not to file any charges, but Claire ran straight to Hope AGAIN to tell. (remember, she just had to tell Hope that Rafe & Sami had sex, just as Hope was about to announce her marriage to Rafe)
Could Eve and Claire be charged with assault and battery since they intended to do harm? Maybe Claire could also get assault with a deadly weapon? DrBakerFan would know the answer if that happened in the real world.
Of the two, Claire would be in far more trouble. In fact, charming Melinda might be salivating at the chance to send the former New Face of Bella off to join Hattie for a while. Forcefully striking Ben with a heavy frying pan is assault with a deadly weapon. In New York, she could be charged with first or second degree assault depending on how seriously she intended to injure him. In New York, second-degree assault is only a class D felony, but first-degree is a class B. As for Eve, for planting false evidence, she'd be likely to get a fine or probation.
What I can't figure out is where did that frying pan come from?? No one ever cooks on Days!! Not only did it exist, but it was right there on the stove when it was needed as a weapon:huh:
Those were my thoughts exactly. A more realistic scenario would have had Claire dumping leftovers in a Chinese take-out box on Ben's head. And for those who'd have preferred alternate versions of what happened in today's episode here are a few possibilities.
  • Instead of enduring a grilling by Jenny, Victor has the squawking newspaperwoman escorted from the K-mansion by a glowering Xander.
  • Ciara actually does talk to Abigail about Ben, leading to the following remark: Ciara: "Yes, Mom, I did talk to Abigail and she told me that she once set fire to Ben just like you were going to do to Dad back in your mugger days."
  • Self-righteous Hope and hapless Rafe go charging over to the loft to save Ciara, but when they get there, her testimony forces them to arrest Claire for assault with a deadly weapon. Ciara records the arrest with her smart phone, which provides Claire her first popular YouTube clip in years.
  • After studying the Ben file, Eli tells Lani: "This is a total waste of time. Face it, Hope and Rafe are trying to railroad this guy."
Eve says if she tells Brady, then she is going to have to tell Eric the truth about why Nicole left town.
I forgot Eve knew. Wow - this was not a turn I expected. Score one for the writers.
When are you going to learn……never mind, I already know the answer. She is very angry, storms out.
When is she going to learn?
Thank you for this summary, Poirot. I think my blood pressure went up just reading about Claire. She may be my most unlikable character yet. She is way too old to be acting like such a brat. Like Sami, each time she messes up, she makes noises about being sorry but then her next action is worse than the one before.
I was a little annoyed by Claire in the beginning. The whack with the frying pan seemed like a bit much. But otherwise I think she had a pretty normal reaction which doesn't happen very often on this show. If your friend/family member was suddenly involved with a serial killer you wouldn't too thrilled. So I'm hoping they don't use this as another way to make Claire a jerk.

I'm much more annoyed by Hope who should at the very least be no where near this investigation. I could live with her being so mad if she just said she had to step back from the case. Wonderful police chief there.

Now that I think about it I'm not sure there's really any moral center to the show anymore. Maybe Maggie tries?
Thanks, Poirot.

An interesting day in Salem.

Eric and Brady made up, but Brady stops Eric before he leaves. Will Brady tell
him why Nicole left town?

Will Eve tell Jen Jen why Nicole left town?

Surprise, surprise Victor told Jennifer the truth what he did and admitted
he would do it again. Then he tells Maggie and she walks out. Will Victor
be sleeping on the couch? Is their marriage over?

Goodness, Claire has a vicious swing. All she did was make Ciara feel sorry
for Ben.

Nice scene at end with Lani hugging Eli because he was sad about their baby.

What about Eve beating up Ben, choking him, having him down on the ground, attempting to pummel him with that metal thermal container. Is that assault, or attempted something.....murder???
Since Abigail killed Andre with one swing of a similar-looking urn, Eve's container could be regarded as a deadly weapon, which means that hopeless Hope should have arrested her. Of course, Eve can't be spending any time in Roman's old jail. She has to be free to roam about Salem having pointless conversations/confrontations with the likes of Brady, Victor, and Jenny.