Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 5, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, July 5, 2010
Episode #11,367 Taped 5/3 Director – Albert Alarr

Sigghhh, well, I only got about ¾ of the show, as my tape ran out. Grrrrr. However, from what I saw…..could not have missed much at all. Best part…..Kim & Shane! Madeline arrives at DiMansion, having made sure that Stefano had left. They have the same conversation more or less that they had on the pier. Madeline doesn’t want Kate to tell Stefano what was in that document, Kate cannot give her word on that. She promised, when marrying Stefano, never to lie to him, tells Madeline this is her own fault, they were all living peacefully for years, and then Madeline, for a smart woman, decided to threaten Stefano, causing him to retaliate, and leading him right to that which she wanted to hide. Kate eventually says she won’t tell Stefano out of the blue, but won’t lie if he asks.

Now let’s all go the beach at the lake, where the teens have been frolicking, appearing all wet, drying themselves with towels, and talking of wakeboarding. Tad goes off warning Kinsey not to drink all the sodas, Chad & Will talk about Chad not going to Wake Forest. Will wonders how he got in there, Chad claims his mom …who was on his case from little on to get good grades, hit the books, etc. He asks Will about his, but Will says he just got a lot of yelling, especially last semester when he got the Cminus in Algebra. Chad makes a crack about Will’s mother, Will takes offense, defends his mom, who loves her kids, takes good care of them, Chad is sorry. Everyone wonders where Gabi is, Tad & Kinsey have returned, seems Gabi went to her sister’s arraignment.

EJ is with Arianna in her cell, having a non-conversation about getting her off, assuring her Nicole had something to do with framing her, he will prove it. Brady is with the private eye he hired, who has spent a great deal of time, talked to a lot of people, but has come up empty as far as the money clip. Brady tells him to continue, hire all the manpower he needs, money no object. Back in her cell, EJ is stillinsisting all will be well, the guard comes with her things, time to change clothes and get to the courthouse.

Down on the dock, Nicole is talking on her cell to Baker, warning him that if Rafe learns how Arianna was framed they both are dead meat. Rafe comes up behind her, (a bit later than shown on Wednesday) asking who she was talking to, he heard Arianna’s name. Nicole claims her boss wants her to cover the arraignment today.

Kim has read the paper Shane gave her, as he talks of his resignation from the ISA, how all he thought about in prison was her and his family, not his country, the mission, just them. And all he wants to do is spend his time with them, looking after them, etc. Kim is not sure, telling him they cannot go back, it has been too long, but Shane doesn’t want that. They have been apart for too much time, but she has survived her leukemia, he got out of the prison, they were friends first before they fell in love and got married, and he asks if they could be friends first now. They have both faced death and are here, right now. All he thought of was her, as she says when she heard her diagnosis, her only regret was she wasn’t with him. He wants to be with her, see her every day, sleep beside her at night, go for walks in the forest, holding her hand.

Over at the courthouse, Nicole has her cameraman handy, as EJ comes along with Arianna…but EJ is telling her no cameras in court. Nicole knows that, tries anyway. They all go into the courtroom, a cop shuts the door in Nicole’s face…only attorneys and family. Later, Gabi comes rushing out, bail was granted, she is going to call Mom. Rafe stands on the side, Brady has come up, too, as Nicole gets the cameraman going, asks what happened. EJ smiles, Bail granted. Nicole asks if anything was said about any other suspect. EJ smirks, this was an arraignment, that will be saved for the trial. He just used the reasoning that Arianna has been an upstanding citizen, who has even helped out the police and DEA, that he himself was a victim and felt her innocent.

Will left the gang to look for Gabi, runs into her at the pier, hears the good news, invites her back to go wakeboarding. They arrive, Gabi has stopped at home to put her suit on under her clothes, takes off her top, but it gets caught in the back of her neck with the ties from her bikini. Will attempts to undo it all.
And that is where my tape ran out.

I went looking around the internet, and as far as I can make out…Chad is the one who manages to get Gabi unhooked, after sending Will for additional refreshments. Kate & Maddie still are yakking, with Kate talking of getting Maddie into the business, Maddie calling herself a “whore” and of course, Will has come in and overheard.
Rafe meets up with Shane at the Pub, learns he is reconciling with Kim, gets introduced to her, they leave, with Shane warning him about the DiMeras. Rafe calls his boss, not wanting to be sent out of town until he deals with a personal problem. Nicole talks with Brady, insinuates that Arianna seems pretty close to EJ. Brady talks with Arianna, telling her he would have paid the bail, she retaliates with him not having any faith in her, wants to give him his ring back, but he tells her to sell it and start paying EJ back, cuz she is dealing with the devil himself, and he will someday want her soul.
Nicole meets up with EJ who promises she is going back to jail.


P.S. If I can find the show over the weekend on the net, I will rewrite the last paragraph here to elaborate a bit more. J Have a Happy Independence Day weekend
Thats ok Barb you got the best part! KIM and SHANE Yippie yea yahoo. If I hav'nt said so latley Thanks for your hard work. (big hug)
thank you for the day~ cannot wait to see Shane and Kim. Hope they stick around longer but sadly I do not think it is my day for wishes...
the kids at the lake sound uneventful , fillers?
thanks again
I could hear the old Kim and Shane music in my head while I was reading the end of their paragraph. Didn't know you supplied the music, too, Barb -- you're good! :)
Thanks, Barb. I usually wait until late in the day to read the Day Ahead but after no show yesterday I was eager to get a fix. It was a treat for me to have this to read first thing this morning. Don't worry about writing more. I am happy with what you've already done. (Speaking just for myself, of course). Enjoy the holiday weekend!
Dr. Chip, that song was Friends and Lovers by Gloria Loring and Carl Anderson. I loved it so much that I bought the 45 rpm version of it and I still have it but hadn't thought of it for years until you mentioned it. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. **sigh**
EJ is with Arianna in her cell, having a non-conversation about getting her off, assuring her Nicole had something to do with framing her, he will prove it.

What has EJ done to obtain any proof? Nothing. All he does is threaten Nicole that she's going back to prison once he figures it out, like she's really going to admit she did it. I haven't seen him do one single thing that counts as trying to actually prove it. But then I guess what you can expect when you only pay your lawyer a dollar. Must also be why he's "saving" all that fantastic evidence he has for trial, since of course his client would prefer to have criminal charges hanging over her head and be responsible for paying back the bail money to EJ that she wouldn't have had to pay at all if her lawyer had presented proof of her innocence to the DA. The whole thing is so stupid.

Thanks for the writeup!
DrChip, I have had that song in my head since they've had their scenes together, LOL

Thanks for the write up!
Dr. Chip, that song was Friends and Lovers by Gloria Loring and Carl Anderson. I loved it so much that I bought the 45 rpm version of it and I still have it but hadn't thought of it for years until you mentioned it. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. **sigh**

KathyLu today I thought I would get a break from my Dool's obsession and here you went and drug me right back in. I not only listened to the song in your post above I listened and watched all the other Dool You Tube spots with Gloria Loring singing. Now here it is 2 hours later and my heart is filled with great memories of a better time when Dool was the #1 Soap & the characters had character. Thanks for the memories it was a great 2 hours.
Thanks, Barb for the writeup. I also hope Shane and Kim stick around... lose some of the kids, the adults are much more interesting!!!
Glad to know I'm not the only one that has that song in my head!!!! Whoops! Why does the phone always ring at the wrong time??
I love Shane and I hope Kimberly calms down and becomes more likable. I saw Gloria Loring about 2 years ago singing cabaret - she is marvelous and stunning, gorgeous. She signed her CD for me and was happy to know what long-time fans we were of DAYS. I wish Doug had sung at Alice's service. I liked it not in the church - they said they did hold a mass but it wasn't done for the show; I liked the informal gathering for a change. Hope EJ shows some lawyer "chops!" Happy weekend everyone and thanks Poirot for all your efforts and accuracy - and humor! :smile::woo: