Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 10, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 10, 2013

In Rafe's room, Bernardi flashes back to Stefano giving him his orders. He takes our the switch blade razor, starts pulling the blanket back, hears voices, and ends up hiding behind the curtain (that is there to be pulled around the bed. In comes Gabi, sitting down, telling her brother how much she is looking forward to tomorrow when he is pulled out of the coma, the present she had for him (Arianna). She leaves, Bernardi resumes his intentions. Lifts the blanket, voices again, and in comes Maxine, to take vitals. This time Bernardi hides behind the door, sneaking out as Maxine tends to checking Rafe. (And of course no one is out in that bustling hallway to see him). He hangs around outside, gets a call from Stefano, assures him it WILL be done tonight.

Kristen is calling Brady, leaving a message for "Baby, to call her, let her explain, yada, yada." Sami walks in, having overheard, mocks Kristen in a baby voice. Kristen hangs up, the gals have a verbal catfight. Sami assuring Kristen her brother will never have anything to do with her, and neither does she, plus she doesn't want her children associating with her. Kristen realizes she wants her to move out, laughs, this is her father's home. Kristen starts reciting all the men who Sami has been involved with, gone back and forth, etc. etc., and of course, talks of how she vacillates between EJ & Rafe. Sami gives it all right back, Kristen starts in on Sami's boring mother, more verbal sparring, til Sami again tells Kristen that Brady won't even talk to her or want to see her, and takes off.

Nicole is with Brady, refusing to leave him, being upbeat, and wanting him to go with her, outside, take his mind off his troubles. We see them after they have been bowling, she has beaten him royally, but they are joking around in Horton Square. A manager is glad to see Brady, returns his phone. Brady sees lots of messages from people worried about him, so decides to go and check back with these people. Big hug, a thank you, Brady leaves, Kristen appears, asking Nicole what she thinks she is doing.

John comes to Eric's office, asking about Marlena, but Eric just says he should talk to her himself, John agrees Eric is right and takes off. Now Kristen appears, Eric refusing to tell her if he has seen Brady. Now she wants him to listen to her side, he says no, she wants to do "confession". He refuses, she chides him about his priestly duties, he tells her if she needs to cleanse her soul. Father Matt is hearing confessiions right now. And that he could never be sure kristen was telling him the truth, so he won't hear her "confession"

Daniel is berating JJ about being so irresponsible with Parker, telling him how Parker climbed up, could have fallen, cracked his head open, etc. He is very, very, angry, not letting go of JJ's shirt, when Jen arrives, door is open, she seperates the two males. Daniel starts to explain, Abby rushes out, claims this is her fault. Parker calls for Daddy, he leaves, Abby continues on about asking JJ to watch Parker for a few minutes while she looked up something on Daniel's computer. Jennifer scolds JJ for being so irresponsible, tells Abby to take him home. When Daniel comes out, Jen is telling him how she knows JJ is very sorry, but Daniel is angry enough that he manages to spill it all out. JJ has been acting up, not cool, and finally goes on how JJ trashed his MP3 player, trashed the train set, and for all Daniel know, may have trashed his car as well. Jen is appalled at the idea. Daniel says, o.k. but are you so sure he did not? Parker calls for Daddy again, so Jen goes home. Abby has been rebuking JJ, talking of how much Daniel loves his son, all that he has gone thru. JJ is sick and tired of everyone feeling so sorry for Daniel and all he has gone thru.He had no right to ream him out like he did. Why not, asks Abby. Because he is not my father, replies JJ, who goes up to his room. When Jen comes home, she wants to talk to JJ privates, goes on about him being so irresponsible, that he does for for himself, but a little boy. JJ is all contrite, would not want anything to happen to that little kid ever. Next he is hugging his mom, he loves her so much, she is saying the same to him.

Brady has come to see Daniel, apologizing for not having got back to him, mislaid his phone, yada, yada, blah, blah. Daniel wonders why the wedding was called off, Brady says he found Kristen was not the woman he thought she was. More yada yada, friend talk Yes, Brady is o.k.

John arrives at the Pub, in response to Marlena's text. She says she knows she said she wanted to know nothing about what happened with him & Kristen, but she has thought about it, has a right to know. John decides he will tell her everything. He evidently does, his plan, Kristen's plan, the "collateral damage" that Brady was to become being the end result of Kristen's plan. Marlena notes she & Brady were then John's "collateral damage" But Brady is his son, says John. Later, outside the Pub, she talks of knowing him so well, better than herself, never dreaming he would ever consider sleeping with another woman. The fact he considered it, must mean the in some deep down dark place, he still has feelings for Kristen. John's face changes as he seems to wrestle with that idea, and finally, he admits that it must be so. Marlena hauls off and slaps him.

Kristen is accusing Nicole of going after Brady now. Nicole holds her own, they argue a bit, but Nicole isn't in the mood for any of this. She is Brady's friend, helping him to pick up the pieces after what Kristen did to him. And what they do or say is none of Kristen's business. She turns to leave, Kristen snidely remarks..."what's the matter, the good padre' won't put out for you". Nicole turns, telling Kristen off. Kristen pushes her, down goes Nicole onto the floor, flat on her back. Suddenly she is up, and lunging at Kristen with a vengeance.

Sami is in Rafe's room, talking to him about tomorrow, glad he will be coming out of the coma, talking of Arianna Grace. She tells how Johnny & Sydney love him. She knows he will be getting better, strokes his face, doesn't know what she would ever have done without. him. She leaves, runs into Gabi in the hall. Sami tells Gabi how much she appreciates giving Arianna the name of Grace for her middle name, and Horton for the last name. Gabi says, that is her name, Will is the father. Nick is fine with it, also telling Sami she & Nick have parted for a while. She & Arianna will be going home tomorrow, only she doesn't know where home is. Sami promises to help her find a place, talks of how Rafe will be out of the coma tomorrow. Don't worry, leave it to her.

Inside Rafe's room, Bernardi has once again slipped in. He pulls out the switch blade razor, pulls the cover back all the way. His arm raises up, & starts coming down, when a shot rings out. Bernardi face changes, his body stiffens for a second or two, and he drops to the floor. Camera on on Sami, her gun in hand, standing in the doorway.
I have a few things to nail down regarding Today's Show..First off let me just say today was very entertaining for the most part.
Oh God really love Kristen today, she wasn't her usuasl loony self..Kristen hitting sami in all the right places was the highlight of the hour for me.
Sami saying she will not live with her kids under the same roof with Kristen was just so hypocritical of her,she is perfectly okay with Ej-Stefano who put the doppelganger in home with her kids.
Wish Ej was there to hear sami crying how much she loves Rafe and to see her safe him.
The worst thing of today...John claiming to still have some feelings for Kristen...completely stupid..Tomlin and Whitesell are writing John like an idiot...won't buy it he has been one of the smartest man on DAYS for years. I don't believe he has any unresolved feelings for Kristen
I had to laugh when Kristen told Sami that she would screw up with EJ again and EJ would toss her out, again.

When did EJ ever toss Sami out?? More like Sami ran as far away as she could from EJ.
I think it a way to let viewers know when Ej-Sami break up this would be Ej who kicks the witch to the curb
So my comments :

- I loathe Daniel. He had no right to grab JJ and manhandle him like that. Yes, JJ was irresponsible. But JJ never got a chance to talk. And Jennifer. :eek: Is she expecting JJ to actually open up to her, after berating him like she did, never asking him if he was O.K. and if she could help him ? If anything, JJ's going to get worse because of her. Both she and Daniel are too far up each other's butts to care about anything or anyone else.

- OMG ! What has been done to John ? Unbelievable ! Horrible, horrible treatment of a once beloved character... again.

- Kristen : Put her in a restraining jacket and take her away.

- Sami : Oh, just take her away. I don't care how, just take her away too.

Today's episode made me mostly mad. Not entertaining at all, in my opinion. Horrible. Just horrible !
I didn’t watch today but from reading the recap what are they doing to Sami? She used to be the most loved female character on DAYS no matter what she did fans stood behind her. But this back and forth crap one minute she loves junior the next she and the kids love Rafe is ridiculous fans are finding it harder and harder to even watch her scenes say nothing about respecting her! Her words mean nothing! Please put her with junior and let Rafe be happy with someone that truly will love him! Reading what she said to Rafe makes to ill. Carrots and crumbs!

REW…Please, please, please would you be willing to take Sami under your wing in your corner and talk some sense into her?
It's going to be interesting to find out when Sami loaded the gun Kate gave her (since that what I'm guessing she used); when she started carrying it again (didn't she tell EJ she had no need for it?) and what made her go to back to Rafe's room, just in time to see Bernardi about to cut Rafe.
I thought it was funny when Kristen tried to get some digs into Sami (about being old) by calling her a grandmother.

Meanwhile, Kristen tried to pass off Eeeeej as her son, so Kristen herself is old enough to be a grandmother, since Johnny and Sydney would've been "her" grandkids (if the truth had not come out).

She also tried to get some digs in about Marlena bleaching her hair blond.

Ummm, yeah, because Kristen is such a natural blond???
Why is sami just walking around with a loaded gun?...I guess she is trying to be a cool grandma.
Ej is once again going to rip into Kate for giving Sami the gun