Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 14, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, June 14, 2010
Episode #ll,354 Taped 4/13/10 Director – Albert Alarr

Brady tries to get the fellow in the Pub to open up about where he saw his money clip before. The man is hesitant, Brady pulls a few bills out, the bribe works, Brady learns of the poker game. The fellow won’t say more, Brady takes his picture with his phone, the guy caves, gets his palm greased a bit more, gives Brady the address.

EJ sits in the study, looking at the “family” picture Johnny drew, flashing back to kissing Sami. We see her standing in the foyer, looking in at EJ, then heading out the door. EJ catches her, telling her she should not run away, she claims she is going to check on the workman at her place, make sure they are doing their job, and if not, kick some butt. EJ tells her she cannot run away from last night, mentions her kissing him. She just says, “you still want me”, he admits that is so. She vehemently denies anything can happen between them, they are parents, just raising their children, that is all. He shows her Johnny’s picture, telling her this is what he wants, pointing to everyone in it. Sami is upset, takes the picture, goes upstairs, tries to call Rafe but gets voice mail again. She paces, lays on the bed, wishing Rafe were there, wondering if he is ever coming back. She props the picture against the pillow, and eventually falls asleep. She begins to dream. Rafe comes in, sits on the bed next to her. She asks how he got there, he tells her this is her dream, she must know. LOL. She talks of how much they love each other, he agrees, but then quietly mentions her moving in “here”, living with EJ, and then there is what happened last night. Sami asks if he is in trouble, or is he not coming back to her. Rafe sadly says he doesn’t think so. Sami wakes up suddenly, looking at the spot on the bed where Rafe was sitting in her dream, calling his name.

Nicole is talking with Baker, actually they are arguing about who is more to blame for framing Arianna. She claims it is all him, as he planted the evidence, he reminds her that she is the one who transferred the finger prints, and if EJ remembers him, fingers him, she is going down with him. They decide Baker has to lay low, no poker games, no drinking, so EJ doesn’t spot him and remember him. She leaves, Baker smiles, he is not going to be denied his poker game.

Melanie runs into the house, giving Philip a flower box to put in the frig, they are for Chloe. She has decided if Chloe makes her dad happy, that is all that matters. Daniel, looking mighty fine, appears at the door, glad to hear that. Philip leaves them to talk, takes off. Melanie gifts Daniel with a medal, honoring the patron saint of marriage, he loves it. They talk a bit, Melanie referring to herself as a mistake, Daniel correcting her, saying she may have been an accident, but one he does not regret, and is so thankful happened.

Nicole once again runs into EJ down at the pier, he says he knows what she has done, that she has slipped up, and it is going to be so easy to prove. He takes off. Back at home, he is going over some papers when Stefano comes in, sympathetic to EJ’s concerns over freeing Arianna.. However, Stefano has just learned Alice Horton is very ill, talks of her spunk and how he sees it in Will’s eyes at times. EJ remarks that Samanther doesn’t know yet, has to leave, but asks Stefano to let him tell Samanther. Of course replies Stefano. After EJ leaves, Stefano gets a call…and we learn Stefano has someone on the inside of the South American prison, all ready to off Rafe…..but Stefano doesn’t care about Shane Donovan, only that the insider takes care of Rafael Hernandez.

Carly enters Chloe’s room, and they have the same conversation we have heard dozens of times already. Chloe tells Carly that she made one mistake, just one, loves Daniel with all her heart, she is not having an ongoing affair, and yet Carly is constantly torturing her. She calls Carly a hypocrite, being she kept the truth about their daughter from Daniel for over 20 years. Carly mentions Chloe saving her life, Chloe says Carly saved hers in the O.R. they are even (what happened to Lexie??? Thought she did the surgery). Chloe wants Carly to leave her alone, Carly is saying to postpone the wedding, it will give Chloe more time to figure how to tell Daniel. She finally leaves. And in pops Vivian (new hairdo! Like it) who appears indignant, but manages to avoid admitting any knowledge about the elevator, quickly leaves the room, telling herself outside the door that Chloe is a twit and is gonna pay for not going thru with the plan. Next is Philip, coming to see that all is well, encouraging Chloe not to say a word.

Brady arrives at sleazy poker room door, has to bribe his way into the game, throws a few hands, lays his money, clip and all, on the table, one guy comments on it. Brady claims to have won it off some fellow, the guy remembers someone in the game having one just like it. Baker has arrived, is about to go in, but when he opens the door, spots Brady, flashes back to seeing him at the clinic when Nicole had her miscarriage, closes the door. Another fellow arrives, Baker tells him a guy in there is a cop, keep an eye, he will be right back. Baker returns, tells the fellow that they guy in there is drinking soda, when he needs a refill, put this in his drink, giving him a packet. The fellow goes inside, asks if anyone wants a topper on their drink. Brady offers his, saying it is gingerale, and we see the packet opened and a powder added to Brady’s drink.

Philip, Daniel, Melanie & Father Matt all arrive in Chloe’s room, ready to have the wedding. Melanie gives Chloe the flowers, is thanked. Carly enters. Chloe glances at Philip, looks at Carly, loses her smile. Father Matt begins talking of how long he has known Chloe, when she interrupts…they cannot have this wedding now.

In South America, Rafe & Shane go over the layout of the prison, guard tower locations, etc. They are working on a plan. Along comes a guard, who is taking Shane for more interrogation. Both men are a bit taken aback with this, especially when the guard says something about this being Shane’s last day on earth if the questioning doesn’t go well. They leave, the cell door clangs shut. Rafe looks after them, goes back to his bunk, when another guard comes along, one Rafe has not seen before. This one claims Rafe’s service has gotten him inside, and he is there to help Rafe get out, ordering him to get his things. Rafe’ back is to the guard, as he informs the man that Shane is ISA, and needs to be rescued, too. But the guard is readying a garrote, and soon has wrapped it around Rafe’s throat. Rafe pulls at the rope, struggling, as the guard tightens his grip

thanks for the lovely writeup. so glad melanie supports daniel and chloe now.
Now, now, Carly doesn't need an invitation, she knows she is welcome anywhere and everywhere. That is why she barges in......ooops, sorry. I should say enters into any room/house whenever she wants.
Surprising she doesn't have patients to see, or rounds to make, or something, huh?
Thanks for the recap Barb looks like this will not be a recording day for me

So sad about Alice, but I think the acting so far has been really great. Yes Sami and Rafe scenes, and Rafe and Shane scenes. I have been trying to come up with a clever name for Rafe and Shane. Kind of like Safe (Sami and Rafe). Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks Barb for the write-up
Ahhh, my friends, you two are truly on the ball. LOLOL
Brady gets so close to finding out about Dr. Baker, and this happens.
Carly is back to badgering Chloe about revealing the one timer to Dan. I am sure if Chloe were to admit to Carly who the one timer was with, and how it could break up two couples, Carly would back off. Of course, the writers like to keep us in agony as it is again, another epsisode of "Days of our Dragged out Lives."
I don't agree at all, Moshe. It would only add Philip to Carly's list and she would start badgering him.

Oh I think Carly would go straight to Melanie with that juicy piece of news.

Thanks for the report Poirot!