Days of Our Lives - Mon., Mar. 16, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 16, 2015

Ciara comes to visit Grampa Victor, bringing him a bobblehead she brought him from San Francisco. Maggie lets Hope in on how Victor has been staying home, become a recluse, etc, etc. Meanwhile, Abe is in the square, on the phone, hearing something about a judge granting Stefano a stay. He calls Hope, wants to see her NOW, even tho her shift is over. He tells her how Stefano is back in town and not in jail. She has visited with Victor while Maggie was giving Ciara some lemon bars, and got his blessing for her relationship with Aiden. She has to rush off, but Victor overheard the conversation with Abe. Maggie comes in, talking of a power outage the other side of town, which affects Chez Rouge, Victor is in his overcoat, going for a walk. She knows he heard Hope talking about that judge, who happens to be a good friend of Victor's. She wonders if Vic had anything to do with all this. No, Victor is vehement that he would never lift a finger to help Stefano.

Almost porn scenes of Melanie & Brady rolling around in bed. Love in the afternoon, on her break. They chatter, she explains about her tattoo she had done in Paris, he says she knows all about what he was up to while she was gone, what about her. She says nearly nothing, just spent time with her mom, met Serena, and he knows about the gambling thing. She suddenly checks the time, is late, has him dial Maxine, stammers to her that she will be right there, is sorry she is late, gets dressed, though Brady pulls her back onto the bed.

Eve has barged into Jen's house, they have their usual argument about JJ & Paige, and Eve staying away from JJ, so she cannot go to the musical showcase. Yada, yada, Eve is going anyway.
At the school, Theresa is telling off JJ big time, yapping, hollaring. Paige comes along, tells her to shut up and leave. JJ thanks her, she only did not want Theresa making a scene. He makes his plea again about getting back together, she is done with him for good, walks off.
Later, he is doing his music piece, playing the guitar. Eve (who already flashes back to one of her sex romps with JJ) has learned that Paige asked her professor to let her do the next showcase instead, but stays to hear JJ. Jen sits up front, Paige comes to the archway, listens, remembers when JJ first played it for her, how he wrote it for her (flashback). She hurries off, everyone claps, Jen comes to congratulate him, lights go out. She tells him to come home with her, as Paige is not going to perform, teacher announces some construction crew caused a problem, rest of the showcase is cancelled. JJ wants some time alone, Jen leaves, and along comes Eve, in the darkened area, saying "that was beautiful".

Theresa finds Clint at her door, is all up in arms, but he excuses himself, had to run out of town because he owed the wrong people money, did not want her getting involved. She wants to know who Mandrake is, he claims just an old buddy. Changes his phone # a lot. (sorry, folks, all these lies just roll together). Clint claims he paid off his debts, so has come back to Theresa, and yep, they are rolling around on the sofa, but she gets phone call from her boss, her break is too long, she has to get back to work. He protests, but is grinning secretly.

At the hospital Brady has come with Melanie, they are still kissing and making out. He leaves, Theresa comes in, tells Melanie she has sex hair, that she and Theresa both "got lucky" this afternoon. Melanie doesn't want to hear it, doesn't care about her, her boyfriend, or anything else. She walks off.
Clint is following Brady, and in the park clearing, Brady stops to check his phone or something. Clint pulls out his gun, aims it at Brady's back, but Brady rushes off, Clint shoving the gun back in his jacket, and in hot pursuit.

At the DiMera Board meeting, replay of Stefano's surprise appearance. Kate maintains her cool, Chad seems surprised, but stays composed. Everyone comments on the excellent quarterly profits report, Stefano congratulating his son, who gives credit to Kate. Stefano now says (this little game is soooo fun) that though they have done well, there should be some changes, he thinks, in the leadership. His female asst. has sent e-mails to everyone with his proposal. (Stefano already has sidestepped Kate's inquiry about the possibility of him going to jail. And at the club, Abe has told Hope that since EJ is dead, Stefano's atty has pled that his case should be on it's own merit, and he be allowed to make amends )

Everyone thinks Stefano's plan is great, Chad calls it brilliant. One board member mentions nothing is in these proposals about technical communications. Oh, Kate is on top of that, mentions this small company, holds a necessary patent, and that this morning, she bought it. So they are fine in that area. But the board is not all that impressed, one man wondering what Mr. Shin will say, that he will not be pleased. Of course he will, she retorts. But Stefano is all "Katerina, what have you done"? Kate is perplexed, what is wrong. Someone says it is Mr. Shin's company. She says no, it is a holding company..and Chad shows her the female owner's name. It is Mrs. Shin!!!
I don't think Theresa really got that she & Clint were fully clothed...though I don't supposed that would have stopped them> LOL. Even her hair was barely mussed, though Melanie's....yep, it was. Hard to believe she did not even run a brush through it. LOL
I thought Jennifer looked and sounded like a darn bully. The cocky, nose in the air, up in Eve's face is ridiculous. I am now actually hoping Eve and JJ do sleep together again, as gross as it may be, just to show JenJen she doesn't run the world. Does she really think she can tell Eve she can't go to her daughter's performance????
I do agree. Eve has the hots for JJ......heck, she not only stayed to hear him play (and why Jen did not notice her is beyond me...very small room) and she is stalking him. Jen warned her to not even speak to JJ, and yet, Eve purposely waited til no one was around, to talk to him. Eve had no business even barging into Jen's home, but she did, just to blather about JJ & Paige never getting together again, because Paige won't agree to it. Eve uses any excuse at all to approach JJ, and yes, Mrs. Robinson needs to get taken down.
Thanks for the summary.
The Stefano stuff wasn't as exciting as I thought, but I'm betting tomorrow, it'll heat up.
As far as the Paige & Eve & JJ seems there's almost no one to like. I like JJ but he's been making SO many stupid mistakes, obviously. Paige and Jennifer are both incredibly annoying and shrewish. And Eve is just plain mean and disgusting. As for Eve staying and talking to JJ at the end, it seems like she's starting to fall in love with him...oh brother. :sick::sick::sick:
I thought the boardroom stuff was probably the strongest part of what was a pretty much "Meh" episode. Although I have to admit I really didn't understand it very well, whenever they start talking finances or business I pretty much just hear the "wah" "wah" sounds the teacher makes on "Charlie Brown" cartoons. But I have to ask if you're going to buy a company wouldn't it make sense to know who owns it first so you know just who you're dealing with? Plus isn't Kate supposed to be a savvy businesswoman how could she make such a stupid mistake? I know the answer is for DA PLOT but still.

Ok let's see if I got this straight: Kristen finds out Theresa is pregnant with Brady's child, goes into a rage because that's what she wants. Has Mandrake come to Salem so he can steal Theresa's embryo so Kristen can carry the child to term all so she can have Brady killed. Okay makes perfect sense. Wait no, no it doesn't what the heck was with that last scene with Brady and Clint in the park? I mean I suppose it's possible Clint was pointing a squirt gun but even then the question is why? Not only was I bored and annoyed with this ridiculous storyline but now I'm confused as well. Congratulations writers :clap::clap::clap:
Rightly or wrongly, Jennifer has the upper hand with Eve now ...
Does she ever. Perhaps, Jenny ought to insist that Eve wear an ankle monitor that sends an alert if she comes within 50 feet of JJ. Quote of the day goes to Kate for saying: "I'm in control here," shortly before she realized that she's been set up by Stefano. Speaking of the Phoenix, by getting his stay, he's once again demonstrated his total mastery over Salem's "justice system." Perhaps, it's time that the Salem courts indicate who's really in control by hanging a portrait of Stefano behind the judge's bench in every courtroom.
I thought the boardroom stuff was probably the strongest part of what was a pretty much "Meh" episode. Although I have to admit I really didn't understand it very well, whenever they start talking finances or business I pretty much just hear the "wah" "wah" sounds the teacher makes on "Charlie Brown" cartoons.

I think that's why I wasn't so excited about it--I'm not very interested in finances and all that, but I'm glad the show is giving us a storyline chock-full of vets that's something besides sex.
I don't think Theresa really got that she & Clint were fully clothed...though I don't supposed that would have stopped them> LOL. Even her hair was barely mussed, though Melanie's....yep, it was. Hard to believe she did not even run a brush through it. LOL

I thought her always looks like that!
LOL, you don't have to be interested in finances, or even understand it to have enjoyed the goings on at that meeting. It was like watching a tennis match, with Kate at one end of the table, Stefano at the other, each trying to score, as they smack the "one upmanship" ball back and forth. Chad was there, looking at first one, then the other, back to the first. LOL And then the refs, or judges or lwhatever you might call the other board members who call a foul, or an off side, or whatever the term is. This one scored, then that one scored, then this one......and when one thought they had finally won the game, alas, the ball hit the net......and the smirk on Stefano's face....

But yes, it was the strongest part of the show, and if I wasn't supposed to be writing a summary, I would only have included that. LOLThe rest, except for JJ playing his guitar (a plaintive melody, did not recognize it, and I prefer music that I KNOW or have heard) was just repetition for the sake of repetition.
I wonder if the actor who plays JJ wrote the song.

Does Eve love JJ? She had flashback with him, then we heard her "porn" music.

Kate should have done research on Glendora Tech. She bought it because she
knew Stefano wanted it. You would think by now she knows not to trust him.

I thought Theresa was smart. How could she believe the story Clint told her :rolleyes:

Abe and Hope are behind in the game. Stefano is already back in town :)
I fast forwarded the entire show except for the boardroom and JJ playing his music. He really was playing music too--the guitar strings were moving.

I thought it was interesting that Stefano and Kate had the same high backed chair while everyone else had a shorter back chair. I also did not find Kate's anger very believable at the end. That said, I hope Stefano takes her down a notch or two. And I agree with everyone else, would it really hurt TPTB to write some more believable, easy to understand stuff around what the company has been doing? Had they not just inserted these random boardroom scenes, they just may have been able to pull that off.
Ewwww. Can you imagine Melanie and Theresa going straight to work after jumping out of bed (or sofa) with men and not taking showers? I pity the patients who have to smell them.

Mass quantities of cologne? :rolleyes:

Kate will be very fortunate if Stefano is made whole... she may not disappear. Stefano may be demanding some heavy dues from Sami, also.

I have walked the halls of a few hospitals, and have never witnessed staff making out in public. I imagine that would be a firing offense.
Maybe Clint is going to kidnap Brady. I agree with you that it would not make sense to kill him. But remember Kristen wanted to go get him when she ran into Daniel last time she came to town. If she takes him and locks him up she may be able to convince him to stay with her because of the baby. I guess we will see eventually.