Days of Our Lives - Mon. Mar. 25, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 25, 2019

Missed first 20 minutes of the show, and then my power went out for a second, causing my satellite receiver to go thru all the self-checking, resettling, for 7 minutes, this was near the end. So, I am filling in what I saw, and hopefully, others will fill in the missing parts.

Rafe is finishing up a coffee, or drink at the Pub, Kate comes in looking for coffee. Sorry, Roman helped him set up this dinner, Kate says it sounds romantic. Well, thank you, that was the intention.

Hope is in the square, telling Ted not to flirt anymore with her. She speaks some French, he replies, then she is referring to “tell the Frenchman not to flirt with the lady ever again, in her presence.

Kate evidently leaves, because Hope is rushing into the Pub, kissing Rafe like mad, telling him she loves him, calling him her sweet husband, lots of kissing, he loves her, too, they have issues to work on, true. She thanks him for all he did there, wonderful, etc. etc.

Evidently, Diana has confessed to John, and in a really over the top scene, tells why....she carried guilt all these years over the way she left, for shooting him, finally thought she found love with Richard Cooper. However, the beatings, the abuse, she should have done more to protect herself, Matthew, but she didn't. When Richard died, she thought it would be the end of her despair, but it wasn't. Then she spotted the man John had following her, who told her of Matthew being in Salem, and she thought perhaps they could get together. (Eli has come in, gotten a statement from her, she asks about Nurse Shelly, who told all, once she heard Diana had confessed. Eli is gone, Leo comes in, heard what is mother did to his father's wife, berates her, is glad she is going to jail, this is last time she will ever see him, he never wants anything to do with her again. At least his father is a decent man, he & his wife are the only family Leo wants.

Oh, you poor fool, says Diana, John is not your father. She explains how she changed the DNA results when she found the envelope after coming back to check on Marlena, make sure the penicillin did the job. Leo is Cooper really is my father? She nods yes. He suddenly leaps forward, laying across the desk, choking Diana. John is pulling him away, has hold of his leg. Commercial. Out went the satellite.

Chloe is singing some aria, Stefan enjoying it, security calls, says Brady Black won't leave. Chloe asks Stefan to let him in, she may be mad at him, but he is her friend. Brady arrives, Stefan gives them some privacy, Brady goes on and on about Chloe not being safe there, he heard what happened, yada, yada, Chloe refuses to leave to live with Brady, thanks him, feels perfectly safe. Brady worries she is having feelings for the scum, heard she & Stefan kissed. She admits it, what business is it of his. He cares about her,suddenly kissing her, Stefan returns. Tells Chloe he thought he heard Holly calling for her. Chloe goes upstairs, Stefan assures Brady security has been upped and every inch of the property is covered. In fact, better watch when he leaves, one of his snipers might mistake him for a bad guy. Brady leaves, Chloe comes down, Holly asleep. Stefan asks her to sing again, she isn't in the mood. He suggests a movie, just talk, a drink.......but she is tired, going to bed. She leaves, Stefan picks up a chess piece, throws it down, damn you Brady Black.

Leo and Brady run into each other in the square, Leo telling Brady John is not his father, he is not Brady's brother, mentions everyone hating him anyway, walks off. Marlena had told Kate about it not being Kristen who poisoned her was Diana Colville, ex-girlfriend of John, Leo's mother, and John is Leo's dad. Kate wonders how many kids John has coming out of the woodwork. Marlena laughs, just two.

Later, John is with Marlena, and tells her of how Diana had one more trick up her sleeve, he is not Leo's dad.

Ted walks into the interrogation room at the cop shop, greeting Diana, been a long time. She agrees, asks about his wife, Ted says she died a couple years ago. Diana claims she saw her 6 mos.ago in France, naming the place. Ted says impossible, we laid her to rest 2 yrs. ago, you must have mistaken someone else for her. Yes, guess that is what I did.
Kate comes to the pub to get a cup of coffee, and talks to Rafe for a minute. Rafe is ranting about Ted and how he's all over Hope. Kate is shocked to hear he is the DA and says he must have some skeletons in his closet. Rafe thinks it's a good idea to find out.

Leo is in Marlena's room with Brady, asking where John is. Brady tells Leo to leave because "his mother" needs her rest. (nice to hear Brady refer to Marlena as his mother) Leo rants a little bit, then asks Marlena if she's going to try and keep him from his dad. Marlena assures him she won't. Marlena says John is busy; he's trying to track down the woman who tried to kill her. Brady asks if there are any leads on Kristen and is going to look online for any info. He sees something online about the shooting at the DiMansion.

Marlena asks Leo what he wants John for and he explains that he's living at the Salem Inn and his money has run out and he'd like to know if he can get a little bit, just to tide him over. Before Brady leaves, he tells Leo that Marlena isn't an ATM machine. Marlena gets her purse and offers Leo a $500 check, asks if it would help. He's stunned and asks why she'd do that. Marlena says he's John's son, so he's family.

Replay of John sitting in Hope's office when Diana sneaks in. She says she can explain and he cuts her off, says he knows she's the one who tried to kill Marlena. He says Leo mentioned something, and he didn't want to believe it, but decided to look into it. Diana gets indignant, but John drops the boom, says he, Eli and Lani set her up and she fell for it. She says he has no proof. That's OK, maybe Detective Grant will bring in Nurse Shelly, who he's questioning at the moment. Diana accepts defeat and admits it. Eli then comes in to arrest Diana. John asks Eli if he can be the one to take her in, so he can have a few minutes alone with her. Eli says fine, and waits outside as John lays into Diana for what she did, demanding answers.

Ted and Hope are at the DiMansion with Stefan and Chloe (he takes her hand as he talks to Hope and Ted). Ted and Hope leave (go to the square and are talking). Chloe is nervous, thinks she should've left the children stay with Maggie. Stefan offers a game of chess, but she can't concentrate. He suggests she sings a little bit. She says she's too upset, but he begs, says it will calm her down, so she agrees.
Chloe certainly did enjoy kissing Brady. Stefan not going to like that. It's gonna take awhile to get used to this Stefan. I actually like Tyler Christopher (old Stefan).
I was half expecting Stefan to say to Chloe after she sang - wow, I can see why El Fideo kidnapped you. :rotfl:

Diana - not premeditated? So the penicillin just fell into the cookies? I wasn't watching back then but was her shooting John an accident? I think that's what I read. She was aiming for someone else? So why all the guilt? When she was going on and on about how bad Richard Cooper was, when she looked away, she looked up which just made me think she's exaggerating, ok lying, about how bad he was.

Ted and Diana, not what I was expecting from them. Thought maybe they had been involved but now maybe his wife is alive? Faked her death to get away from him? Interesting.

Ya know what's not interesting? Hope and Rafe!! Please stop pretending that these two have any chemistry at all! Just end it please!
I wasn't watching back then but was her shooting John an accident? I think that's what I read. She was aiming for someone else?
Yes, John and Cal Winters (her old fiance) were struggling with a gun and it went off. But later, Diana had headaches and blackouts and Abe's investigation showed John was shot with his own gun. Turns out, Diana did it, but she had been aiming for Cal Winters. She was arrested, but eventually all charges were dropped. John forgave her, but she felt too much guilt and left Salem.
Ya know what's not interesting? Hope and Rafe!! Please stop pretending that these two have any chemistry at all! Just end it please!
Hear, hear!

I was actually hoping Leo was John's, because I like Leo and it seemed obvious he wasn't. Also not the twist I was expecting between Diana/Ted.
I still am betting Diana/Ted had affair. Gonna be interesting to learn why Ted is saying she was laid to rest 2 yrs. ago, and Diana obviously thinks she is alive. Of course, Diana could be scheming again. "I'll help you find her if you get me off.".......or maybe "out on bail"
Wow, I'm surprised that everything wrapped up so quickly. Either that means the writers know that we don't want long, dragged-out storylines like this, or that Diana is a poor villain compared to other wicked Salemites.

Ted & Diana's relationship is indeed arousing my curiosity--and it seems that of others viewers as well. Some have speculated about their connection. Hopefully the soap dives into this and gets Ted away from Bore--I mean Hope--and Rafe.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't want to see a rehash of Brady and Chloe. I think she has great chemistry with Stefan, and they should just leave it that way. I'd like to see Brady go after Gabi. Something about them would be interesting, despite the age difference. It could also make the dynamic with Stefan & Chloe even better.

I can't believe I feel bad for Leo, but I do. At the same time, I'm glad that John & Marlena have yet another obstacle to their happiness out of the way.
The acting with Diana is way too much. Overdone and almost unwatchable. The scene with Leo choking Diana was also poorly acted (by actress) and made me want to turn the tv channel it was so bad. She must have been a stage actress at some time, she acts like she is in a Broadway play. Tone it down. Hopefully she will be going off to jail and this is the last we see of her.

I don’t feel bad for Leo. I don’t trust him and he has proven to be ruthless and poor character. Is he redeemable? Maybe. I could give him a chance if I saw he tried to change.

Rafe and Hope....still no chemistry. Most boring couple on the show.

Marlena....let’s hope this is her last near death experience for the rest of this year.
Rafe: The Big H was on a roll today, conjuring up the cartoon skunk, Pepe LePeu, by calling Ted "Pepe" Laurent, calling Ted "smarmy," and getting a smooch from Hope. Also, if he wants dirt on the shyster, a source may be sitting in police headquarters in the form of batty Diana.

Ted: The sleazy shark actually thinks that he's an "excellent" attorney? He's even more delusional than Diana. He seems unaware that part of being a good lawyer is following ethical standards.

Diana: This one makes Jordan Ridgeway look sane. Instead of tossing her in a cell, Salem authorities ought to call Bayview and tell them to get a padded cell ready.

Leo: He's the latest victim of Salem's unreliable paternity tests. The person who can figure out how to make these tests truly accurate would make a fortune.

Kate: She gets the line of the day for "How many secrets sons can one man have?"
I half expect the actress portraying Diana to break into Norma Desmond. She is so over the top that it is cartoonish and dumb. The eyes. the mouth, the eyebrows, the clutching her coat around her throat. I believe Mr. DeMille she is ready for her closeup. We have enough "camp" with Leo. If they can settle him down and let him portray himself as a young gay man who has been abused, lied to etc. and give him something where he isn't overacting with flouncy behavior etc. he would be more believable. I do not have a problem with him being gay - or with anyone for that matter. I have a problem with the writers portraying him in a way that doesn't show his intelligence and savvy-ness. Just mean and vindictive with how the writers think he should behave. Not believable in my book.
@tennisdocc, let's not insult Broadway, please! I was actually yelling today, "Blink, woman, blink!" She reminded me of one of the silent movies with the starlets who had to act with their faces since there were no voices. Also, I think even Norma Desmond blinked once or twice!!! So glad that is over, and I did kind of feel sorry for Leo because you could see how he got to be the way he was. I also think he is a good actor and could see how he could be redeemed with the proper attention, but I guess we won't be seeing that.

As for Diana and Ted, I also thought there would be some kind of past relationship. The problem with him possibly having an undead wife is that we don't like his character, so we don't really care. And, I did like how Rafe brought up that he and Hope do have problems, which is true. Nice to see him be happy, although, like many of you, I don't see any chemistry.

Good start to the week. Thanks, Poirot and JS.
Thanks, Poirot and JS.

I enjoyed this episode.

I agree with John "It's been a long day"

Nice to hear Brady call Marlena "mother"

Poor Leo. He lost John as a father. The big question is will he cash Marlena's check?

I really like NuStefan's smiles.

Interesting to hear John finally say to Diana "I don't recognize you"

Nice of John to tell Leo he can still come and talk to him.

Why did Chloe bring the kids back from the K mansion to the DiMera mansion
after the shooting?

Another line of the day is Brady tell Leo Marlena "She is not an ATM"
Kat, "Will he cash Marlena's check?" :rotfl: You think of the funniest questions.

When Eli was questioning Diana and taking her statement, he asked her if she went back into Marlena's room. She answered yes and that she injected her IV with penicillin. Eli's expression, as he said, "I think I got all I need," made me laugh. Yes, Eli, the whole thing was hard to believe.

Watching Diana was exhausting for me. I felt like my stomach was in a knot the whole time she was on. I'm very relieved for her to be gone. I can't believe I'm saying it but Leo was the most interesting part of the show for me. I wouldn't want to ever have to watch him in nasty mode again but I did feel sorry for him today.
Hold the presses! Brady referred to Marlena as his MOTHER in front of Marlena. I almost passed out from shock.

Then Brady went and kissed Chloe and she kissed him back. I've been waiting 10 years!!

Judith Chapman(Diana) should submit today's episode for her next Emmy reel. I appreciated the history lesson and seemingly non-rushed resolution.

So Ted has both a dead son and a dead wife but the wife is alive per Diana. Is she another Hope doppelgänger or another stunt cast? Not a twist I was expecting. I'm actually wondering if Ted may know his wife is still alive and was lying to Diana. Either way I'm intrigued.

Hope and Rafe don't have chemistry but I still prefer them over Hope and Ted.

I liked that Marlena had her purse with her. That's realistic.
Hold the presses! Brady referred to Marlena as his MOTHER in front of Marlena. I almost passed out from shock.
I knew you'd have a reaction to this! I saw a clip online and was impressed (but it's a diamond in a lump of...other stuff).
Is she another Hope doppelgänger or another stunt cast? Not a twist I was expecting. I'm actually wondering if Ted may know his wife is still alive and was lying to Diana. Either way I'm intrigued.
I'm intrigued, too. Though now that Leo has lost John as a who's-the-daddy candidate, I'd have preferred he be Ted's (as many on this board have suggested). That would be a way to write them both off or into the background without too much of a left turn.

However, this is unexpected and I do like that.
Ted may know his wife is still alive and was lying to Diana
I smell a "witness protection exposed" story coming up.
Thanks for the summaries!
It's gonna take awhile to get used to this Stefan. I actually like Tyler Christopher (old Stefan).
I agree - I was just beginning to warm up to old Stefan - so the new Stefan doesn't seem right yet.

The acting with Diana is way too much. Overdone and almost unwatchable. The scene with Leo choking Diana was also poorly acted (by actress) and made me want to turn the tv channel it was so bad. She must have been a stage actress at some time, she acts like she is in a Broadway play. Tone it down. Hopefully she will be going off to jail and this is the last we see of her.
I don't know about the stage actress, but I can hardly watch her also! "Off with her..."

Rafe: The Big H was on a roll today, conjuring up the cartoon skunk, Pepe LePeu, by calling Ted "Pepe" Laurent, calling Ted "smarmy," and getting a smooch from Hope.
I so loved the understated, but oh so right-on comment about "Pepe":rotfl:

Kate: She gets the line of the day for "How many secrets sons can one man have?"
Came close to tears I was laughing so hard!:rotfl::rotfl::clap::clap::)
Watching Diana was exhausting for me. I felt like my stomach was in a knot the whole time she was on. I'm very relieved for her to be gone.

Judith Chapman(Diana) should submit today's episode for her next Emmy reel.
In what category? "Over-the-top performance by a supporting actress"?

I smell a "witness protection exposed" story coming up.
Interesting thought!!

I thought Chloe and Brady's kiss was hot!