Days of Our Lives - Mon., Mar. 27, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 27, 2017

Looking for love in all the wrong places...seems to be the theme of today's show. Abby is napping on the sofa at home, Chad comes in, they small talk, she says they should go see Gabi. He says no, she knows what they agreed on before, but this is now different, Gabi is their friend, needs to know they are there for her.

At the hospital, Dario sits with Gabi, encouraging her to come to, Eduardo arrives, they talk of how Gabi is not coming to, her breathing is getting worse, (no sign of that to me) and they may have to put in a breathing tube. Both men are worried as they say once that is done, many tines the person is unable to breathe on their own later. (??) Dario blames Chad, but Eduardo is firm that this is all Deimos. Dario wants to tear him from limb to limb, but Ed cautions him to hold off. That is what Deimos wants. He intends to take care of Deimos, needs proof, but then wants to do it permanently.

Steve & Tripp are at the hospital, just finishing their DNA test. Tripp is asking questions while they wait results, Steve assures him if he would have known he was alive, he would have been looking for him long ago. Tripp is amazed that he has searched for his birth parents so long with no results, and then Steve & Kayla just walk into that diner. He asks questions about his mother, but Steve avoids, will answer after results confirm. Nurse comes out, lab backed up, results delayed. Steve says Tripp should come with him to meet someone..just in case.

Jade is on the sofa, complaining of pain, wanting Joey to stay with her. Kayla arrives, wants to talk to Joey privately. Jade tries to stick around, but then agrees to go upstairs. Joey figures this is about Dad's son, yes, they are getting DNA tests right now. Steve arrives with Tripp, introduces the 2 brothers. Joey rather quiet. Jade comes down, introduces herself to Tripp as Joey's roommate. She doesn't leave, Joey says this is a family thing. She claims she only came down for her tablet, but sneaks the pain pill bottle.

Brady is with Marlena, a long conversation which boils down to him in love with Nicole, going to be with her, evidently leaving Tate behind. Marlena does her best, warning him that no matter if Holly is Nicole's baby, the court says she kidnapped the child and is on the run. She cautions Brady that will be his life, too, always on the alert. He figures he can take care of it, has figured it all out. But what if Nicole doesn't love you? He will deal with that as well.

Chad & Abby are at the hospital, Dario lights into Chad, blaming him for all this, stalks off. Abby says she will go talk to him, leaving Chad to look thru the window at Gabi, with Eduardo sitting there. He comes out, talks with Chad, thanks him for saving his daughter's life. He knows Deimos did this, vows to bring him down, make him pay, but needs concrete proof. Chad will get it. They shake hands, glad they are both on same page.

Chad goes into the room, sits by Gabi, starts talking about the connection they have, she always had "got" him, even in high school. He teases that the Cubs called, scouting her out. He knew she would catch the vial (lol as my CC said "vile"), He tells her he needs her, that she has to come back to her family, to Arianna. He kisses her on the forehead and leaves.

Abby is with Dario, who apologizes for his outburst, then goes on about how Chad doesn't appreciate her. She knows Chad came to get "close" to Gabi, but her fault since she chose to be gone. But Dario goes on, how she is smart, beautiful, deserves someone who appreciates that, who would treat her as she deserves to be treated..."like me". She is taken aback, as he confesses falling in love with her ever since he found her in the alley. He goes on and on about that, and how Chad just won't let go of Gabi, using different excuses.

Brady is all packed up, goes to see Victor, yes he is leaving. Vic realizes it is because of Nicole, but wishes him well. Brady hugs Victor, asks him to tell Maggie goodbye, and he loves her. He grabs all his luggage, turns, and says, You know I love YOU, don't you? Yes, replies Vic, I do. Brady leaves.

Dario is at Gabi's bedside, when she opens her eyes, asking for Chad. Dario calms her down, while outside Eduardo is telling Chad & Abby about the miracle, that Gabi is back with them. Chad is grinning as he goes to look in the window at at Gabi, to see for himself. Eduardo is still babbling a bit...and Abby is looking a bit uncomfortable.

Kayla gets a phone call, tis the lab, the results are positive. Tripp is Steve's son. And suddenly, behind them, Jade collapses, Kayla rushes over, trying to see what is wrong.
Can we already see the rebellious teen Tate, who parents abandoned him, each to go off with a supposed lover?

By the way, I neglected to report that Kayla asked Tripp about his adoptive parents. He said his mom died when he was young, and he got tired of the abusive dad, so left home 5 or 6 years ago.

Going to be interesting when Tripp hears that Dad experienced almost the same thing. The abusive father, which caused mom to put him up for adoption, along with brother Jack. Being on his own very young, etc. etc.
Did I miss something? Is Brady taking Tate with him? Sorry, folks, I think I just missed the fact he could have been taking Tate. I thought that was all luggage, but I think part was the carrier for Tate?

Anyone who has seen the show......can you confirm? Or deny? (was thinking about when he went out the door after saying goodbye to Vic. & the big pile of luggage! )
thanks, JS. It bugged me as I was thinking about the scenes, the big huge bunch of luggage that looked more like a carrier, LOL. I have family who will ask me a question, even if I try ignoring, lol, they know better than to bother me when I am watching, but why can't they wait for the commercial? LOL
It looked like one of those strollers that's a combination of baby carrier (carseat)/stroller.

Today's theme could easily be termed "looking for love in all the wrong places."

Steve: had an affair with the crazy Ava and now has a surprise son whose mother was killed by his original son.

Joey: had an affair with Jade who has now turned into a clinging vine who'll pop as many pills as necessary to hang onto him. Inconveniently, she also knows the ugly truth about Ava's demise.

Brady: he loves a wanted kidnapper and will now go on the run with her and Tater Tot. As Victor said, this will end badly.

Chad: a married man who still cares for Gabi, a young woman whose brother is a thug with serious anger issues.

Dario: is now proclaiming his love for the already-confused Abigail who happens to be married to a DiMera. What could go wrong here?
Poirot, great title for today's show.

I can't believe Dario told Abigail he loved her.

Line of the day goes to Brady when he talked to Victor. "We're going
to live together. It's my own little spin of the Brady Bunch"

Victor replied "You're so sweet and so stupid" Yep, Brady is.

Victor and Marlena both told Brady a bad idea to be with Nicole. If Brady
is found with
Nicole, will he go to jail? What about Tate?

I didn't realize Steve was afraid of needles.

There's going to be big trouble down the road if Tripp goes after Jade,
his half brother's former girl.
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