Days of Our Lives - Mon., Mar. 4, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 4, 2019

Ben and Ciara have quite the long conversation over him breaking it off with her, because of his fear of hurting her at some point. He feels that as much as he loved his sister, he almost killed her. He could have thrown the syringe away but was ready to inject her. Ciara begs, pleads, to no avail. She points out how he saved her, took care of her, would not hurt her, was only trying to protect her from Jordan, but Ben is adamant, and leaves.

Hope confronts Ted about helping Leo blackmail Will & Sonny.....he claims he owed money to some bad dudes, and was scrambling. She says now he wants to prosecute Will & Sonny over what he helped blackmail them about. He intends to recuse himself (and does). He knows she recommended him to Abe, is grateful, but will step down. She thanks him for all his support, leaves to go to hospital, pick up Ciara.

Tripp is asking Claire about the lighter he found in her jewelry box. She counters with him going thru her stuff, blah, blah, he persists, obligatory flashback to her finding it in the cabin, she has a confession. She now claims she was in a bad place, so much going on, could not handle, took up smoking. But she quit after a couple weeks. Tripp surprised he never smelled smoke on her, but evidently accepts the excuse. She goes to work.

In the hospital, Haley is panic stricken, elevator taking so long. JJ spots Eli & Lani coming, tells her to hide, she goes behind a door or something. They ask JJ if he saw Haley, he says he just got there. He goes to see Kayla, tells her of Eli & Lani coming to his apt. to look for Haley. Kayla says she was there, is she still in the hospital (and that Eli/Lani were to see her, too). JJ doesn't know, can't find her.

Haley is in the square, of course, Tripp spots her, she tells her tale, he takes her to his place. She will be safe there. JJ calls her, she answers her phone, assures him she is safe, but won't say where she is, doesn't trust him, won't ever do so again.

Rafe shows up at Kate's door, she is fine, invites him in. They talk about him leaving town at Sami's behest, Kate thinks bad idea. He has also gone to see Jordan, who is “struggling” there in Bayview. Kate points out that if she was his wife, she would not be too happy over him rushing to the aid of his exes. He mentions Hope having Ted around, Kate says the guy is a snake, admits they were involved more than in a business way. Also admits she paid him back, had him taken, dumped on an island. Too bad he got away from there.

Hope arrives at Ciara's room, she is crying, Ben broke up with her, Hope got her wish. Ciara sobs and cries, Hope is sorry for her, tries to comfort her, Ciara tells of Ben's reasoning, worried he might hurt her, etc. etc. She finally calms down, leaves with her mother.

Ben shows up at the cafe in the square, Claire waits on him, he orders to go, no not for Ciara, they broke up. Claire not too happy about that, but they sit and talk, he explains his thinking, even wondering what if he did start that fire. She says she knows he didn't, babbles something about Ciara, and how it was probably Jordan. He says yes, possible, if Jordan was already stalking him, Ciara. She says something about “as long as you take your meds”, he remembers he did not take them today, pulls them out. She gets water for him, he takes them, says he would have to miss a few days before anything would happen, citing how he hallucinated at the cabin, saw his dad, knew it wasn't real, but still he was there, urging him to harm Ciara. She brings his order, he leaves.

Rafe comes back to the station, overherars Eli & Lani talking of Ted recusing himself. He questions them, makes a negative comment about Ted, who appears, they decide to have their discussion privately. They go into another room, they talk of Hope, how Rafe wasn't there for her, when she needed him, so she had to seek support elsewhere. Rafe pushes him across the room, raising his fist.

Hope & Ciara arrive at her place, she comments it is good to be home. Inside, Tripp is telling Haley she is safe there, not to worry. He holds her.

Back outside the door, Ciara tells her mom she will get out her keys.
Ben and Ciara were breaking my heart. But he said "what if i hurt you again". He has never hurt her. Only saved her. I kept waiting for the I love yous! Claire said it, I know you love Ciara. I am hoping that Hope will go talk to Ben. That would be something!!

Ugh knew Claire would go the smoking route. So dumb. I still can't believe they are going with Claire started the fire.

"off the record". Can anything really be off the record when you tell a detective you did something absolutely illegal? It's insane that Rafe is just going to blow it off what Kate did.
Rafe and Ted fighting over Hope is stupid. They could both do better than her.

I liked the Rafe and Kate scenes but him glossing over her crimes is ridiculous.

So how long until JJ or Tripp marries Haley so she can stay in the country? I need it to be Tripp so Firebug Claire can go full on bunny boiler.

Hey, Claire, Michael Jackson called and he wants his jacket back.

When the Serial Killer and the rape victim are the most rootworthy couple then I’m not sure what that says about the show.
A few foolish questions for certain Salemites.

Trippy: Why does he find it so odd that a person who's quit smoking has kept a lighter? After all, they can be used for other things, such as lighting candles. This would be especially useful in Salem where blackouts are probably common because the electric company is as inept as the hospital, police force, etc.

JJ: Why doesn't he ask Ted about getting false citizenship documents for Haley? This sleaze probably has shady contacts who could come up with such convincing proof that Haley is an American citizen that she'd be invited to join the Salem unit of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Ted: Since he appears to have a sleazy charm that appeals to certain woman, why doesn't he take out an ad in the Spectator or Intruder offering his services to ladies in emotional distress? It would give him something to fall back on when he is inevitably disbarred.

Eli & Lani: Since they're making no friends with their search for Haley, why don't they do what they're best out -- neglect their police duties and go to the Salem Inn for a "romantic" afternoon?
Thanks for the summary. It makes me cringe when people confide in Claire or share anything of a personal nature with her. Haven't the people who know her figured out that she has a nasty habit of using information against her friends? I wouldn't share a weather report with her. Ben should know better too.
Thanks, Poirot.

Not a good day in Salem.

Ciara and Ben broke up.

Claire lies to Tripp she has the lighter because she smoked.
Actually, she was trying to "smoke" Ciara.

Kayla and JJ lied to the cops about seeing Haley.

Rafe is acting like Ted stole his toy and Ted kept egging him on.
Thanks for the summary. It makes me cringe when people confide in Claire or share anything of a personal nature with her. Haven't the people who know her figured out that she has a nasty habit of using information against her friends? I wouldn't share a weather report with her. Ben should know better too.
I think, in this case, Ben has nobody else to talk with. It's not like he's made any friends or anyone in Salem would give him the time of day. Besides Ciara & Stefan, Claire is the only one that has been even slightly civil to him (for her own reasons, of course). Ben has nobody else... I hope he finds out Stefan is out, I was starting to like their scenes together.