Days of Our Lives - Mon, May 11, 2020


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 11, 2020

Missed 1st 15 minutes.........but, apparently Kristen walked into the apt. finding Rex all tied up. She takes off the gag, is looking for Sarah, Rex says she is gone. She unties him, he is going to call police, no you can't. She admits stabbing Vic., tells the story, needs his help. He is reluctant, but finally agrees, they will split up & check different train stations.

Will is with Maggie, who is having a long pity party, it is one year since the babies were born, & she not only killed her own granddaughter, but Adrienne, too. She cries over how Sarah has to be feeling, Will attempts to be understanding and comforting.

Brady & Xander are together for some reason, arguing about Mickey, Rachel. Xander tells Brady how Kristen was going to get Dr. Rolf to help her steal Sarah's aborted fetus, have it implanted in herself, pretend it was Brady's. Yes, just like Tate. However, Dr. Rolf realized she actually was pregnant, so that did not happen. They bicker , Brady warns Xander not to interfere in him finding Kristen and making sure she is with their daughter. Xander says “we will see about that”.

Kate has been shopping, has a bunch of bags, something happens, (Salem Inn) & she sees Jake. He explains who he is, she is amazed at the resemblance, not too sure he is really not Stefan. He talks of Gabi, yes Kate knows her, he complains about Gabi stalking and harassing him, she tells of Gabi's big love story with Stefan, warns him Gabi has been thru a lot. And no, she did not like Stefan, did not trust him, and just be warned, if you are him.

Ben & Ciara back in their room, he has bruise on rib cage, talks of just getting job, not wanting to lose it. He is going for shower, tells her put on something nice, he has surprise. She next on park bench, he comes along, has brought Chinese food. & flowers. She loves they are celebrating and recreating their 1st date. They yak away, while they eat.

Sarah sits in train station with the baby (we do get to see her, she is just adorable!) and is telling her the entire story of giving birth (yes, lots of flashbacks) on side of road, Xander doing it, all a blur after getting to hospital, Haley took the baby, when she woke up, Xander brought YOU to me. She tells of her own baby having died, but seeing you, loving you, raising you. Today is your birthday, and when we get to our new home, big birthday party. (There is a huge glass window, blue pane, but shadows constantly going back & forth behind her, and it is disconcerting, at least it was to me). She takes Rachel out of the buggy, talks happily to her, then puts her back in, time to board. She turns, there stands Kristen.

Jake gets a phone call, takes deep breath. Yes, I got your message. Call off your goons, I am doing the best I can.

Ben teases Ciara, hope she still has room for her fortune cookie. They put down their cartons, he pulls a fortune cookie out of the bag, gives it to her. She opens it, jaw drops. He asks what does it say. We see the paper.........Will you marry me?
I am glad Xander told Brady that Kristen was going to steal Sarah's baby but I don't think it made an impression on him. He seemed like, well she did it before, that's just Kristen. She is a horrible human and needs to go. How on earth does Brady love her?

I googled and found 2 translations for billets de spectacle. One was show tickets which I took as show them your tickets though other is concert ticket, so could be show in that way. :huh:

Ben and Ciara were cute. I thought he was going to hide a ring somewhere but the fortune cookie was cute.
Kristen: In addition to being a crazed psychopath, the DiMera monster must have ESP to be able to find Sarah so easily. Paris has seven major train stations, and the Gare du Nord, which serves trains going to Belgium, the Netherlands, part of Germany, and Britain, handles over 700,000 passengers a day.

Sarah: Her weepathon with Baby Mickey/Rachel was endless. If she'd spent less time blathering at the poor child and moved more quickly, she'd have been on a train instead of finding herself suddenly staring at creepy Kristen.

Rexy: Clueless as always, he eagerly helps Kristen. Why? How will he feel if Sarah ends up like poor Haley Chen or Victor?

Brady: Based on today's episode the passenger cabin of the K-Jet has an unsecured lamp and end table. How about a plot in which turbulence causes these objects to hit Brady over the head, putting him in a coma. After all, his father, John Black, is getting a little old for the coma game and it's time his son picked up the slack.
So many clueless people today.

Kristen finding Rex and not untying him till he begged and begged.

Lines of the day:

Brady to Xander: If you are referring to Theresa, that’s ancient history, let it go. Yeah, it doesn't show a pattern or anything. And she didn't fake a pregnancy to keep John on the line either.

And Rex after being told Kristen was wanted for attempted murder: "Of course you are. Anything else you’d like to share?"
Thanks, Poirot.

At least the sign said to buy tickets, just the wrong kind.

I enjoyed the shadows of people in the background too. I kept wondering
if Alfred Hitchcock would make appearance like he did in his movies.

Brady said a boo boo. He said Rex was Sarah's ex-husband. I don't remember
them getting married.

Today Will didn't wear a plaid shirt and Ciara almost fell out of her blouse.
I knew it would happen but I'm not happy that Kristen found Sarah and the baby.
Same. I'm sort of hoping Sarah tries to flee, and Kristen chucks her and the baby into traffic and then is offed by police. Just a clean restart. Not looking forward to this psycho and her victim playing house.
After all, his father, John Black, is getting a little old for the coma game and it's time his son picked up the slack.
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: The real business of Basic Black!! Coma fashion!

My power went out last week and my cable box hasn't worked since, so I can't see the show. Thank you for the summary.
Don't remember them ever getting married either. They were engaged, broke the engagement, later got engaged again. But then that engagement got broken, too, & Rex left town.
Oh, yuk........Their wedding must have lasted 2 days, lolol. What a memorable ceremony...NOT. Wonder if they ever divorced. I just don't remember it at all.
So, is every single Salemite now able to marry folks?
A divorce was never mentioned, but it would appear they got one, as Sarah and Xander had to apply for a marriage license before their wedding.
Here's the wedding, on June 25, 2019:

Eric almost starts the wedding ceremony, realizes no witness. Rex says Kayla will be there any second, and she does arrive, even has a bouquet for Sarah. O.K. They drag it all out, but with “looks” at each other, Eric joins Sarah & Rex in holy wedlock. Eric is not happy looking, as usual, but Sarah & Rex are now man and wife.