Days of Our Lives - Mon. May 17, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, May 17, 2010
Episode #11,336 Taped 3/18/10 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Brady wants an answer from Sami, does she have feelings for EJ? She wonders why he would even ask her that. Hmmm, let’s see. You let Will move into the DiMera house instead of telling EJ he could no longer spend his nights there. Then, you packed up your other kids and moved there, too. How’s that? Sami sort of stumbles around, making flimsy excuses, claiming did it for Will. Brady brings up Rafe, Sami insists she still loves him, that if he walked thru that door right now, she would be back with him in a heartbeat.

Arianna has returned to the Pub, asking what Nicole is doing, trying to steal the stemware. Nicole claims she is doing a story on how easy it is to steal from restaurants, that college kids do this, furnish their kitchens this way. Arianna doesn’t like the idea of using Caroline this way, Kinsey wanders over, sticking her nose in, talking of how, with the economy, Caroline is trying to keep prices down so people can still come there, but that gets hard to do, if she has to deal with missing items. Kinsey even offers to make a statement on the show. LOL. Arianna is ticked, she takes off, and Arianna takes the wine glass (she wants Arianna’s fingerprints from it – we later see her transferring the prints to a flashlight she puts in another plastic bag).

Hope is at the Kmansion, looking at the pic of the Celtic symbol, when Ciara comes in, all smiles, telling her mommy she is happy after their talk. Hope wonders what talk, cuz they do all the time. Justin arrives, Ciara is happy to see him, looking forward to the movie together next weekend. Hope takes Ciara up to bed, tells Justin to wait. When she returns, she tells him how Ciara is still making up stories to her, tho her therapist says Ciara doesn’t do that with her. Hope thinks Ciara was more affected by her kidnapping than they realize, talks of how she & Bo both handled it differently, how powerless she felt at the time, then mentions how she felt that way again when Justin was recently attacked. She wants to find this perp before Bo gets back, will stay up all night, going over everything. Justin talks her into going to bed now, then waking up an hour before Ciara, her mind will be fresh and she can have a better perspective. He hints around at her solving the case and then having more time for him, He leaves, she pops a pill, goes off, and now we see her all dressed up in her alter ego Hope clothes, going out the door.

EJ is on the phone with a contractor, confirming the bid, telling the person to start work right away. Stefano overhears, asks why, when he went to all that trouble to contact every contractor in town to make sure they refuse Sami, and after arranging for those toilet troubles to start. EJ wants to help, begins talking of all he did to Sami to take revenge, reveled in how she suffered, made her think her child was dead, but after all that, she never gave up, still fought back. He wants her to be happy, and if she ever learns he was responsible, he might never see his children again. Now he is ranting away at Stefano, because of Anna not “checking in”, painting various negative scenarios. Stefano tries to calm him down, but EJ is angry. Rafe is off somewhere undercover or something, what if he finds her, gets her to talk. Stefano tries to reassure him, promising that if Anna makes a deal with Rafe, it will be last one she ever makes. But EJ is yelling away. Stefano tells him he doesn’t have to worry, look how Sami moved to the mansion for him. EJ yells back it wasn’t for him, it was for Will. She came here only for him. And, of course, Will has just come home, and hears this, stopping before going upstairs. He goes into the study, Stefano leaves, Will starts to leave, too, but EJ calls him back, giving him a bit of advice about forgiveness, mentioning something happening to him when he was young. Sami returns, EJ goes out, Will doesn’t get mad at his mother when she mentions Johnny wanting to learn to play poker, and would Will help out with family night tonight. He agrees, Sami is dumbfounded but happy. Later, we see Sami with Sydney on her lap, Will with Johnny in his, and EJ playing poker with elephant and giraffe cards. LOLOL. Will takes Johnny upstairs, Sami thanks EJ, knowing he said something to Will, EJ plays his modesty card. Suddenly, Johnny returns, sticking his finger in EJ’s back, calling out that he is FBI, EJ is under arrest. Sami laughs, Will comes in saying Johnny has already arrested him and Sydney’s bunny. Sami tells Johnny even FBI men sleep, time for him to go to bed. Will takes him up, she reminds EJ it is only a game, just a kid’s game. He acknowledges that.

Arianna has come into Java, sits with Brady, telling him about Nicole’s “stolen glassware” story, how she doesn’t like it. They argue about Nicole, he reminds her she can quit, but Arianna likes her job, her boss, everything else. Brady tells her they were trying to get Nicole out of their lives, but here she is, talking about Nicole 18 hrs. a day. Anna thinks Brady is addicted to Nicole, he denies it, she gets into a huff, and leaves.

Nicole has called a rather reluctant Baker to tell him she has everything set up and tonight is the night. Baker has yet to hear from his partner, so not sure how it will go with her. Nicole meets him, he takes her to that seedy poker room where he meets up with Hope. Nicole wants it all to go down tonight, Baker is still reluctant, his partner has a thing about men, and is not sure she would be agreeable to this. Hope arrives, is about to go in, but hears the voices, and pauses outside the door.

And over in South America, Rafe is trying to get Anna to open up, give him the name of the person who planned the entire thing. Anna does a lot of beating around the bush, at one point accusing Sami of setting it all in motion, by trying to hide the pregnancy. If she hadn’t, Nicole would not have been able to do what she did, yada, yada. Anna makes it clear she is worried…not about the FBI, but what would befall her at the hands of someone else if she cooperates. Rafe figures, if she is being tracked, they know she is talking to Rafe, and will assume the worst whether she tells him or not. Rafe is not going to get distracted, lets Anna know his theory. She was angry at Stefano, blamed him for what happened to Tony. Someone knew this, had a grudge against Stefano, figured to take advantage of the anger Anna felt and talked her into it. Anna is hungry, calls down complaining her dinner has not yet arrived. Finally, the porter comes with the dinner cart, Anna uses his arrival to run off, but Rafe catches her, brings her back. She accuses Rafe of holding her hostage, Rafe pulls out his FBI badge, the porter nods, takes off. Anna claims she is a U.S. citizen, wants a lawyer. Rafe tells her a lawyer would not be able to get her a better deal than he can. She gives up the name, her slate is clean, she is free as a bird.
Anna is beginning to eat her dinner, as Rafe now tries talking of witness protection program. Anna is eating her chocolate cake, sipping her drink, yapping about not wanting to be stuck out in the sticks in some tract home, no money. An angry Rafe pushes the dinner cart over, telling her enough…he wants the name, she will be protected. Anna caves, telling him o.k. , she will tell him. She says “It was”….and begins to cough a bit, then a bit more.

Thank you Barb~ Well the plumbing issues are answered today, interesting that Will heard the end of the conversation where EJ says Sami is just there for Will not him... Boy Rafe sounds like a man who was taking threatening lesson from EJ. hope Anna is ok.
Thank you, Barb. Sounds like a great show.

:rotfl: at Johnny "arresting" everyone, including the bunny. Too bad that EJ isn't arrested for real.

Looks like Stefano may have gotten someone to poison Anna's food or beverage.

EWWWWWW Sami's flood had something to do with her toilet??? I thought it was a burst pipe. Better a water pipe than a toilet going backwards.
Thanks Poirot! The Johnny scenes sound like they will be adorable. And I thought too that when the apartment flood originally happened it was supposed to be a broken water pipe. Quick rewrite this time huh? Great write-up as always!= -- in fact a lot of days your write-ups are more interesting than the actual show.
:rotfl: at Johnny "arresting" everyone, including the bunny. Too bad that EJ isn't arrested for real.

When the truth comes out the show will probably tell us that EJ already paid for his crimes because Johnny arrested him. Makes as much sense as all the other "punishments" he's gotten for his crimes.

Brady brings up Rafe, Sami insists she still loves him, that if he walked thru that door right now, she would be back with him in a heartbeat.

And that, Sami, is exactly what makes you and EJ both pathetic fools. They are both utterly unrootable as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for the recap, Barb!
Thanks for the summary Poirot! Monday sounds like a great show. So, that is how they are going to mend Sami/ Will's relationship. I was thinking that with all of EJ's yelling, someone (Kate or Will) was going to overhear the other stuff. How convenient Will heard what Sami already told him. It just makes it more believable because it came from someone else and in a conversation not including him. :rolleyes: Whatever, it looks like the family I envisioned would happen in the Dimera mansion is one step closer.

As for Anna, I don't want anything bad to happen to her. Come on, who thought it was going to be that easy for Rafe? It never has been before, but he will get to it in maybe a couple more months. That has been the pacing for other reveals. Plus they have all this other story going on that would be interrupted or halted if the reveal came too soon. They are definitely going to milk this.

I like the fact that Johnny is getting more air time and actual lines. :) Plus, as adorable as baby Sydney is to look at, she is more than due for some rest. They need an Allie that can keep up at least at Johnny/ Ciara's level and then she will have more air time too. If they actually make Will allies with EJ, it makes Allie easier to transition into the household. She has already lived there before as a baby, even after her time was split between Sami/ Lucas after his release from prison. They may even play up EJ/ Allie's former bond if that is the direction they are going.

Arianna is obsessed. If her guy is addicted, putting it on the table every chance she has is not going to help.
Barb, you make my day! Look forward to your writeup every morning......... and what about poor Anna, first a horrible hangover, and now coma by chocolate cake! Horrors!:smile:..................JT:cool:
Sami does mention she wishes Allie was there for Family night. Rafe is just exasperated, as it is very obvious Anna is withholding important info, but he doesn't hurt Anna in any way at all. Actually, the man seems to have the patience of a saint with my opinion.
The poker playing was comical, as EJ sat with his big unlit cigar in his mouth, while they raised elephants and giraffes (obviously those were the pictures on the cards, ) LOL

Ciara does ask her mommy if she forgot their conversation...Hope insists to Justin Ciara is making it all up. Sheesh I want Brady & Arianna to talk to her of THEIR conversation with her.
What is interesting is how Hope uses those"power" words, (powerless and then empowered). Can't recall her using them before.

Could not believe after all that conversation about stealing, Nicole still took the wine glass. LOL
I would like to have Johnny say something to Sami and EJ about the secret that EJ, Sydney & Johnny were going away and never coming back. I wonder how EJ would squirm out of that one. But, Johnny would have to keep insisting that it was really true, how Daddy kept saying that Johnny would hear things about Sydney, but none of them were true. Sydney's fine, but people would say lies about her. The old Sami would blast him away, but the new namby-pamby Sami will just smile and tell Johnny not to tell lies (much like Hope's doing(

k i didn't care before but now i do. i have made the decision that i don't want nicole to fram arianna... nicole is hilarious, somebody get her a martini and find her a new boy toy to chase around in circles like a good little yippie dog should LOL. SHEESH... no TPTB! NO! you leave arianna alone! if something must happen to her, have timmy fall in a well and send her to find rope!

i swear that's how they write these salem gals anyways- might as well nickname them Scooby, Snoopy, Lassie, and Old Yeller. Here boy! Here girl! Good girl... its ok, i beat you and raped you last week but now i have doggie treat! woof woof! yay! BFF's again! (and that is Sami & EJ if ya didn't catch on LOL)
Barb, seems your speculation that something was fishy about the flooding, was spot on.

I hope Stefano didn't poison Anna, but it sure looks like it.......I wonder if her finger will twitch when she "dies"
If Rafe came through the door she would go back to him in a!

And little Johnny arresting everybody, is so darling, OMG...sounds priceless. Sounds like a new kid will be stealing the show.
Where is this going with Will? I was hoping for something interesting to come out of his resentment toward Sami over her cozying up to EJ. It didn't take much to turn him around. Sounds like the Dimera mansion is going to get unbearably boring if this direction continues.

Thank you for the preview, Barb.
This episode is so good! Every scene was good, imo. The family game night was cute. :) I was laughing at them raising giraffes and such. I thought the animals would be visible on the cards, but I took their word for it, lol.
Arianna is beginning to annoy me. I can't believe she walked out on Brady because he told her he wanted her to talk about Nicole less. Yes, she is going to ruin her own relationship with or without Nicole's help. She has become so paranoid. I still don't want Brady with Nicole, but I might not care if Ari loses him. :rolleyes: Two desperate women after the same man does feel like deja vu.
On Days almost all women are desperate for men.....I'm telling you the writers have had some really bad run ins with women in their lives and the hatred sure shows......