Days of Our Lives - Mon., May 21, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 21, 2018

Missed some of the show due to phone calls, but....Chad & Abby are at DiMansion with Stefan. They all go round and round, back and forth, Stefan claiming he would charge Chad w/assault if she brings rape charges against him. Chad says he would gladly testify against Stefan, but he loves his wife more than he hates Stefan. Tells him if it was not for his obsession, maybe his mother would still be alive. Stefan leaves the room.

Abby is appalled at having had sex with Stefan (warning, lots of flashbacks today, as folks remember and talk of “what was” & not just at DiMansion). She doesn't know how Chad could even want to touch her now. He realizes it was not her, loves her, they will get through it, like they always do, come out stronger. Kiss. Stefan returns, surprised they are still there. Abby comments on his lonely self, in that big house, as she and Chad leave hand in hand.

Lucas is whispering with Paul, worried about Chloe, is convinced she has not gone away willingly. Paul seems to know a lot about Mateo, him being called El Fideo, being a drug lord, his fortress hacienda, protected, his gang of thugs, his ruthlessness, etc. Lucas doesn't care, tell me where this place is, I am going there. Paul figures he would be dead in blink of an eye. Nope, Lucas needs to rescue Chloe, he knows she would not have just left him like that. Finally Paul convinces him to let him handle it, he is going to talk to his dad. Paul leaves, Lucas says to keep him posted, takes out Chloe's letter to read again.

In Mexico City, Mateo comes into Chloe's room, inviting her to dinner, chef made all her favorite dishes. (how does he know what Chloe's are??) She wants to know what Theresa means by this note, which only says I'm Sorry. Mateo starts yapping away about giving Theresa everything, her not appreciating it, at first insinuating she is just gone, left, but then he continues about her being found in his office, looking for evidence to give to her daddy, she betrayed him, and he says he killed her. He wonders about Chloe's tears, she was not that close friends with Theresa. He does some additional insinuating about Chloe's fate if she was not cooperative, talks of her being smarter than Theresa, and finally leaves Chloe alone. Chloe sits with Theresa's note, then writes one to Lucas, even though she can never send it, but says she feels his love, and prays he finds a way to come rescue her.

Somehow, Eric runs into Xander in the square, and faces off with him. Is ready to take him to the PD, but Xander says he is free, Uncle Vic had his sentence commuted. He taunts Eric a bit about Nicole, thinking he & Nicole would end up together, then throws in something about her & Brady, Jennifer, the list. Eric is angry, shut up about Nicole, tells him to leave town, no one wants him there, but Xander is staying. Uncle Vic owes him another favor, and he is now staying in the bosom of the family. He starts to leave, Eric calls him an SOB, Xander waves, says he got that right!

Later, he runs into Paul, has more or less the same conversation, explains how he is out of prison, a free man, and is warned no one wants him there, to leave.

Jennifer & Eve are together, in the park area (boy, nice it is so warm in Salem, for sure) having a friendly chat. Amazing how both Brady & Eric had hearts broken last year, and now.....Eric is smitten with Jennifer, while ...Eve shows Jen the ring on her finger, Jen pronounces it beautiful. Both wish each other the best, etc. Eve leaves.

Eric comes upon Jen, she knows Xander's taunts about Nicole still have to hurt him. But Eric says tis o.k. Because he found the most wonderful, sweet, and about 6 more adjectives in the same genre, to describe Jen, he is happy, kiss, kiss.

At the Kmansion, Brady is shocked to see Theresa, who announces she is back, is home. Nope, not your home. Brady spends a while yelling & hollering at her, she is in tears, he goes on about her deserting him & Tate, becoming a party girl, doing booze and drugs, in fact, thinks she is high right now. Theresa is trying to deny, Brady won't let her get a word in, but finally she manages to tell about Mateo, protecting him & Tate. Brady doesn't believe her, she is making it all up. She denies, explains further. Why did you not come to me? Could not, had to protect you, he is insisting he could have done something. No, not even my father & the ISA could help, not even Victor. Uh, oh......Shane knew? Victor knew all this while, said nothing. She explains how she told Vic everything, made him promise not to say a word. Brady & Tate had to be protected. She figures that while Victor never liked her, that he perhaps had a change of mind when she was sacrificing herself for Brady & their son.

She is telling Brady she loves him more than ever, so much, wants them to be a family again. He is trying to tell her about something she doesn't know. Her sister......but Theresa interrupts, knows they had been together, but were no longer. He asks who told her, she avoids, she wants to be with Brady again, he figures Victor told her, she kisses him, he kisses her back, big long kissing, embracing. And yep, Eve arrives, her jaw dropping at the sight. .
So I find it quite funny the last time I saw a episode of Days was Friday on the 11th, and now today on the 21st, it is yet the still the SAME day in Salem lol! I chuckled when I realized, everyone is still dressed the same!

Anyway, what a great episode to come back to. Glad it went fast forward in making progressing. I hate filler and it lacked it today. Thought it was interesting to see Jennifer and Eve actually being friends for once in the entire time they been on screen. Though I can not wait for the showdown between Theresa and Eve tomorrow!
I still don't understand why Abigail is running around free, after confessing to a murder. Why was she not properly questioned? Why isn't she under psychiatric evaluation at least? Why haven't we seen at least Marlena with her for, what, the last week or so? Why is Gabi still in prison? Why is Gabi being labelled as cruel, or not understanding enough, when she's absolutely right to be angry, as I would be too, if I knew someone had framed me? Yeah, yeah, Abigail is indeed sick, but again, why is she free to go wherever she pleases while Gabi is stuck in prison? This is not even remotely logical or realistic. And yes, I know this is a soap, but to be that ridiculous, that far from reality, is beyond me. A little research goes a long way, Days' "writers".

And speaking of realism, though I absolutely adore the character of Paul, since when is he so good at being a PI, and such a specialist of PI operations? The guy was a baseball pitcher and he did what? One or two investigations with John? If Shane couldn't do a thing against "El Ridiculo" what do Paul and Lucas think they can accomplish? Though it's nice to know that Chloe and Lucas apparently have this very strong connection now. :sarcasm: Then again, I should not complain, as long as Lucas and Paul are on. At least I like them. (Throw in Will with Paul, I'm in too.)

Theresa and Brady: Go away, both of you. Nope, don't like either of you.

Jennifer and Eric: All the mentions of Nicole. Can I hope she will come back, tell what really happened, tell how Brady blackmailed her and put and end to this horrible pairing that is Jen and Eric? Please, just please. Even better, bring back Jack, put him with Nicole, and let Jen Jen and Eric eat their hearts out. Oh, yeah.
Writer, the former Ms. Perfect has confessed to killing Andre. Whether it's a murder or any crime at all depends on her state of mind at the time she swung the urn at him.

On the subject of criminal liability, as usual the Gabby-infatuated Sicko McSleazy was way off base with his threats to take Chad to jail with him. Chad only pummeled the slimeball's face with his fists, which makes what he did misdemeanor assault. Similarly, holding a knife to El Creepo's throat was a form of menacing, which is another misdemeanor. Given the circumstances of both offenses, the most Chad would probably get is probation and the chance to push a broom on the piers the way Max once did.

Another delusional ego maniac is El Fideo (the Noodle). This guy really thinks he can win Chloe's affections after telling her he had Jeannie T. murdered? The writers should inject some realism and have the Noodle suffer the fate of many Mexican drug lords: murdered by the competition. This would be far more believable that having the dreaded opera lover outfoxed by coma-plagued John and his ex-baseball-star son

Another leader in the delusions department was phony tough Eric. Does he really think that he can take on the X-man? Does he actually believe that telling Xander that nobody wants him in Salem will have any effect? Apparently a stretch in prison and working at the Horton Center did little to connect the Salem sourpuss with the realities of life.
@the Eras is still the same one has gone to sleep and woken up next day. So......only guessing Abby still has to go the cops in the morning. Yes, Justin has drawn up paperwork to get Gabi out, but he cannot file it, until Abby goes into the cop shop and confess. This he promised to do, which is why Gabi is still in the prison infirmary.

Yes, I hate when Days makes a day last two weeks, then has to skip time to make it up. It's why they never celebrate Mothers' or Fathers' days, and other days that get Memorial Day, or Victoria Day. It's a wonder they do Christmas, tho admittedly, they sure do make it short & not as Christmasy as one might expect. LOL

Love the explanation of what the crimes would be called, Dr. Baker. Trask would be gnashing her teeth at the idea she could not put Chad behind bars, as she probably would want to give probation only to the SleazeMan. Thank you! On the side, how culpable is Kate in her role of setting up Sonny?
Lucas, even though she can never send it, but says she feels his love
You know, I am all for Lucas getting sober story - but this is just too much. One half-date and they're acting like they've undergone ten'chara. (That's what Vulcans from the TV syndicate Star Trek call their post-marital psychic relationship.)
He asks who told her, she avoids, she wants to be with Brady again, he figures Victor told her, she kisses him, he kisses her back, big long kissing, embracing.
They're over. That was nice while it lasted.
outfoxed by coma-plagued John and his ex-baseball-star son
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Maybe the show will inject some reality and have them team up with Salem-Mexico's 2nd biggest drug lord, El Caniche.


The Poodle: "I'm coming for you, Noodle!"
@the Eras is still the same one has gone to sleep and woken up next day. So......only guessing Abby still has to go the cops in the morning.

You are right, sorry. I forgot it was the same day. Still, I don't think after her confession, same day or not, Abigail would be allowed to just leave like that.
Leave where? She left DiMansion to go to her mother's, but went to prison hospital to see Gabi, then back to DiMansion to confront mr. sleaze. Actually, I think this running around, having people tell her things, and then her "remembering" is ridiculous, and way too soon.........but, I also realize soaps do not operate at the same speed as real life. Brady's heart transplant recovery, as well as Jen's heart removal and then surgical return recovery are proof of that. But, am guessing again that being sweeps month, this is the story that is getting wrapped up, so everything's moving at warp speed, whereas in real life, it would be years of therapy, etc.
Leave to go anywhere, Poirot. Abigail just confessed to a murder. No way should she be allowed to leave the police station, unless it was to go in front of a judge for a preliminary earring at least. (Or maybe it does not work like that in the USA, I don't know, Dr. Baker Fan can help on this.) Then, a bail would be set, and conditions would be imposed. So many things that should have happened and didn't. And as far as going to the prison to see Gabi, that's even more ridiculous. And don't get me started on those visits at the prison infirmary without any kind of supervision.

No, really, much like Kate going free after her killing Vivian (even in self defense, as she says), this cannot happen. This is lazy writing at best.
I'm pretty sure this is a NEW day in Salem based on Abigail's dress. She was wearing that striped knit dress the night before. The last episode of the previous day was when Chad and Abby were at the police station and then the private area at HTS confronting Stefan. Then the next time we saw them was the next day at the KMansion with Justin. Everyone else's outfits changed as well: Hope, Rafe, the teens, Eve, etc. I think what's confusing is that Xander and Jeannie T took the Salem time machine from Mexico to Salem and haven't changed clothes yet.

I don't care what Mateo said. If Jeannie T had any sort of conscience, she would have also told Brady about Chloe. I need for him to go ballistic on her when the truth comes out.

I'm not sure which pairing is worse: Brady/Eve or Brady/Jeannie T. Seriously who at TPTB watched this and thought this was ok? Because neither of them is.

Love seeing Eric and Xander going at it but hated that these scenes were centered around Eve. I had forgotten that she even knew Xander.

I love anything with Lucas and but he and Chloe were not and still are not some great love. Stop writing them as such.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed the episode.

I wonder if the cast members knew at the time, El Fideo means The Noodle
when they filmed. I laugh every time he says it.

Eve should have let Xander tell her about Theresa before she saw them at
the end kissing.

Paul did a good job with one fingerprint. He found Miguel works for "The
Noodle" and Mateo is a drug lord and opera fan.
I like Brady and Theresa. Somehow they made me like Theresa. I guess I really like the actress, Jen Lilley, too. I was really hoping when she was telling her story, Victor would walk in and say she's telling the truth!! Brady needs to talk to Shane or something. Yeah, I feel bad for Eve but I like Brady and Theresa. I sure hope she tells someone about Chloe. Why would she not?

I can see big problems for Chad and Abby. She keeps having all the memories of her alters and I can see her realizing Gabby is a part of her. I don't know, but life cannot just go on like she didn't do anything.
Theresa was hard to take today. Jen Lilley (Theresa) is an amazing actress on other things. But the whining, crying, entitled version of Theresa is not working. She's been gone over a year and just expects things to go back to normal. She didn't let Brady talk and is now going to look like an idiot tomorrow.
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