Days of Our Lives - Mon., May 4, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Got the last 15-20 min......Rex argues with Sarah, she has to return to Salem, give Rachel back. Sarah is refusing, won't turn baby over to psychopath, Rex "heard" she had changed. Well, Sarah lived there, and no she has not. Rex decides to call Kristen - has her number as she was former patient (??). He is leaving a message, Sarah knocks him out before he can tell what he knows. She then soothes the crying baby, who is over a year old, but sounds like a newborn...amazing!

Gabi is arguing with Jake, insisting he is her husband, he denies, never saw her before. She is pawing him, he says keep her hands off him. She talks of when she fainted in the square, commenting he came to her aid, but left immediately. He say plenty of others around. He pretends to see someone, asking who is that, Gabi turns to look, he takes off.

Chad & Abby are arguing in the hospital, she insisting it was probably not Gabi who drugged her, Chad convinced it was, doesn't know why Abby is defending her. He gets mad, shouts he is going to go after Gabi, starts out the door, Abby hallucinates big time now (Good scenes), seeing Stefan attacking Chad. She is yelling to stop, Chad drops to the floor, Stefan kicks him, then comes after Abby. She is yelling, screaming. In real life, Chad is trying to hold her, but she sees him as Stefan. Kayla comes in, Abby sees her as the enemy, in cahoots with Stefan, really gets hysterical. Kayla pulls out a hypo, Chad is restraining her, and in real life, Kayla injects a sedative, which knocks Abby out. Chad holds her, is very upset, murmurs "will be o.k.".

Eli opens door to Kristen's room, empty, all nicely cleaned up, bed made. He calls Rafe, says that Lani told him Kristen went back to her room, but she isn't there. We see the park, Lani telling Kristen she doesn't have much time, Eli went to her room. Kristen thanks her, hugs, Lani said get going, go find your little girl.

Jake is at the garage, writing something, flashes back to Gabi pleading with him. Says nothing, continues writing. Gabi is at the mansion, pacing, knowing that was Stefan, those are the same hands that put this necklace around my neck. Why is he lying? I am going to find out.
It is getting VERY old that folks fixate on one person who "did" the deed and no matter what they are the reason for this evilness. I doubt that it is still Gabi doing this. It's too obvious.

Too bad Jake didn't have Gabi arrested for stalking/harassing/assault.

Will see if I can catch the first part.
Lani needs to be fired. She is even more corrupt than was Bo Brady in his heyday.

I lol'ed at Chad condemning Gabi. He is in no position to judge anyone after the tongue lashing he gave Abby a few days ago when she dared question him about Kristen.

Stefano would be so proud. Kristen has a talent for turning the weak-minded and morally compromised into loyal stooges; first Brady now Lani.

While Kristen stated she was there for Lani when the latter wanted revenge on Gabi, I clearly recall Kristen throwing Lani under the bus to get at Brady (when Gabi offered her a job at DiMera in return for her voting shares). It would seem my memory is better than Lani's.
Lani does need to be fired. And her friendship with Kristen makes me ill.

I knew Rex couldn't accomplish getting Sarah to go home. But really, she whacks him on the head with a statue? You are not going to be any better of a mother for that child than Kristen.

I am still banking on Chad because I think he's off. Gabi hadn't been near Abigail. Honestly, I am tired of Chad and Abigail. Never was fan of the pairing but if he's drugging her, off or not, I hope it's the end of them.
Kristen did her weeping, confessing, manipulation of Lani expertly. And Lani gave up her oath as a police officer, her love for Eli, in the blink of an eye, to that evil woman..helping her to leave town.

And Sarah turned on a dime, evidently, realizing Rex was right, then changing her mind. Ugh

By the way, what kind of lipstick do the females wear? Bright red, but they brush their hands across their lips, kiss someone, doesn't come off at all, their hands, the others person's lips/cheek, etc. clean as a whistle!
There are several brands of lipstick that won't budge. One is CoverGirl Outlast. I wear it and can eat or kiss someone and it doesn't smear or transfer. Lip stains do the same thing.

It's actually in the 80's in Los Angeles today. And it could be in the upper 90's in a couple of days, so it would make sense....that is if they were filming currently. Six months ago, it was on the chilly side for Southern CA.
The thing is, Salem is in the mid-west........near Chicago. Today it is 42 there. All week will be in low 50s. NO ONE is dressed as if it is 90 outside. And NO ONE goes bare legged in mid-winter, wears spike heels. Days pays no attention to the facts of where Salem is located. Tis irksome, to say the least.
It was hard to listen to Sarah today because her head and all that hair was distracting. Not sure if it was a wig or 42,000 extensions, but it's too much. And, yes, the scenes with Lani and Kristen pawing her just made me sick. Lani should be fired and then be charged with aiding and abetting a criminal getting away. Still hate Kristen. Lani is useless and needs to stop basing all of her decisions on how she would react if it was about David. She needs a lot of therapy.

And why is Abigail NOT in a psych ward with all of her dangerous and violent hallucinations? She needs to be restrained.
Lani is useless and needs to stop basing all of her decisions on how she would react if it was about David. She needs a lot of therapy.

A true friend wouldn't emotionally manipulate someone in such a heartless fashion. Much like Stefano before her, Kristen knows exactly which psychological strings to pluck so those around her do what she wants. Kristen is no more Lani's bestie than a carpenter is their hammer's bestie. Lani is a tool to be used and discarded when of no further use or sacrificed if a shield is required, nothing more nothing less.
Gotta say, did Salem move to AZ or Texas? Everyone dressing as if middle of summer, not even a lite jacket. ???
To be fair, that's how most of the folks 'round here in West Central Wisconsin were dressed. Light jacket if needed. Though to be fair - not as many folks out as usual.
It would seem my memory is better than Lani's.
Lani is one of the worst characters this show has ever had. Poorly drawn, badly grafted, tossed loosely at stories to see what sticks, but somehow portrayed as heroic.
Lip stains do the same thing.
I think we have our next Days product tie-in.

Abby's story: I love Kate Mansi's portrayal of loose-crackers Abby. But I don't want to live through this again.

And if we were going to have Stefan-the-Tormentor return, at least bring back the sleazy version played by Tyler Christopher, or stop pretending that Jake isn't Stefan.

In Sarah's shoes, I'd have conked Rex with a statue a long time ago. Probably between the confessions of boinking his ex and boinking her sister. Sarah's pretty badly written, too.
Lani: As other posters have said, she should be fired immediately. Letting creepy Kristen go after listening to the Salem witch tell her sob story is a total violation of her responsibilities as a police officer. That said, what Lani did is not particularly surprising. It's what you get when hiring is based on cronyism and nepotism. As for that felonious detective Bo Brady, he may have broken the law whenever he felt like it, but his goal was always to nail the bad guys. The idea of a police officer letting a DiMera get away would have made him gag.

Rexy: Unlike Lani, who must report crimes and arrest those making credible confessions, clueless Rexy was under no legal obligation to report on Sarah's location. All he did today was spout tired platitudes about mother and child, bewail foolish Brady's status as the aggrieved father, child and mention the incredible claim that Kristen had supposedly changed. Of course as viewers already know, Rexy not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Anywhere but the world of Days, he never would have gotten into medical school.

Abigail: Kudos to Kate Mansi who plays the role of Abigail. She does a great version of a person having halucinations. As for Abigail herself, perhaps she needs to dry out in Bayview, where she can keep Claire company for a while.
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@Jason.....Really? Today in your area, which is not all that far from me, folks were dressed in halter tops & mini dresses? Wow, did not realize our temps were so vastly different.
So Sarah proves she's better than Kristen by kidnapping a baby and knocking her ex over the head. Great. Her character really was only tolerable when she was with Xander.

And, once again, wasn't Chad trying to murder people within the last 30 days? Didn't his wife murder a man? Awfully sanctimonious of him to say, "How many people does Gabi have to murder?" There are tons of murderers and attempted murderers wandering around Salem.

I hope Jake is just Jake. I can't do anymore mind control/amnesia storylines. A break from that would be wonderful.
Ahhhh, such a good question. I don't want it to be Kristen, I would not mind if Sarah got custody........but honestly, I would rather it be Eric/Nicole..........or Rafe. Doubt it would come to that........unless there is more twists in the baby switching saga, which would help a lot.
I want, really want, Brady to wake up, come to his senses.
I want, really want, those involved to realize that Kristen is not a grieving mother, but a psychotic who needs a long stay in a mental hospital.