Days of Our Lives - Mon., May 6, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 6, 2019

Replay of Stefan/Gabi finishing their bed romp, talking of how it was not planned, they don't know what they are doing, never gonna happen again, blah, blah. He talks of being stressed, she figures he got that relieved, he gets dressed, throws her clothes at her, telling her to do the same, she has to leave before Chloe gets back.

But Chloe is back, calling for Stefan, starts upstairs, but goes back to answer the door, tis Brady. He apologizes for trying to micromanage her life, is butting out, only there to see if she is o.k. Yada, yada. They talk of Holly, he offers any Titan resources, she starts to show him out, but gets a call, he will see her later. He goes into foyer, just as Stefan & Gabi come down the stairs, causing Brady to ask what is going on. Stefan goes to be with Chloe, Gabi denies she & Stefan had sex, Brady thinks otherwise. And now we go thru a whole big long flashback of what we just saw at beginning of show, (Gabi/Stefan prelude to the sex romp, then the aftermath). She tells Brady she threw herself at Stefan, he rejected her, as Brady is talking how they agreed for her to seduce Stefan. She evidently convinces him, as later, she sits at the bar, having a cocktail, & telling herself she doesn't need Brady, she take Stefan down herself.

Ted tells Hope & Rafe he knows where Holly is, but cannot tell them, is sworn by Hector, who only trusts him, He is to pick Holly up from the cartel member. Rafe doesn't quite believe him, Hope does, Rafe wants to go with, Ted says no cops, per Hector, or deal is off. Hope agrees with that, Rafe leaves the room, Ted thanks Hope for trusting him, she is not too sure about not having plainclothes tag along, but Ted is adamant.

Sarah talks with Marlena, is gonna move on, marry Rex, she does love him. Marlena tells her to think about it, as marrying Rex is not going to erase what she felt for Eric. (Where the blazes is John??) Of course Rex has to open the door, hear something about Eric, Sarah has to think fast on her feet, saying Eric is still mad at her because of her having sex with Xander. He wants to talk to Eric, she convinces him not to do that.

Nicole is beside herself, no word yet on Holly, Eric tries to be positive, Victor comes in. And tho Victor's snark is usually enjoyable, today he is not.....just downright nasty and insulting, starting out with “look what the cat dragged in”. Nicole knows he doesn't think much of her, but Holly is gone,...oh he knows, tis all Nicole's fault. He rants about her killing Deimos, getting herself involved with Xander, letting Chloe be her caregiver, and on and on. She notes it was his grandson who blackmailed her into leaving town, and his nephew who did more of the same. She even mentions Victor wanting Xander to get rid of Deimos. But Vic thinks the authorities are not aware she murdered someone, and is calling them. Eric tries to take the phone, Nik stops him, takes it away from Vic herself. Victor now is going to charge her with theft. In comes Sarah and Rex, with Sarah reading Victor a riot act for how he is treating Nicole. She rips him up and down, Rex & Eric standing around in silence (irked me no end) Victor finally leaves the room, Sarah comforts Nicole, tells her they should go clean her up, they leave the room.

Rex now yaps at Eric about Sarah/Xander, Eric has no idea what he is talking about, then the lightbulb goes on, he agrees he has forgiven Sarah, put it behind them all. Nicole & Sarah return as Nik realizes she had calls from Hope, calls her back, is told to get down to station, they have a lead.

Ted enters the room where Xander had Holly, a stuffed toy is on the bed, he calls anyone here. And here comes Rafe, one arm in sling, other with gun drawn, outside the door, coming in. Ted is not happy Rafe followed him, then gets a call. He says it is “him”. He is denying on phone anyone there, he is alone, getting upset, then says to Rafe, he hung up, they know.

We hear a child's whimper, Rafe looks out the window, there is a car, they are leaving. He rushes out. Ted stand there, big grin, calls Rafe stupid in another language.

Chloe has gone to call her mother, Stefan goes out in the foyer, finds Gabi, who says she told Brady nothing, except that she threw herself at Stefan, he rejected her.

Sarah & Rex sit on the sofa, talking, she knows they set a wedding date, but wants to get married sooner. When Holly is safely home with Nicole & Eric, she wants to marry then, right away.

Nicole & Eric are at the cop shop, Hope fills them in on the DA getting Hector to agree to return Holly to him. He is on his way now.

Hope gets a phone call from Rafe......she realizes he followed Ted anyway. We see him, in the dark, police red & blue lights flashing, he is holding a flashlight, looking down towards something, telling Hope there's been a terrible accident.
Why didn't Eric speak up for Nicole, when Victor was being nasty? When Victor first married Maggie, he became a fairly nice person, now he's just plain hateful. I'm pretty sure Hector is gonna be DOA. from the "accident". Wonder when poor Nicole will get Holly back--when she's in highschool?
Gotta say it irked me no end to see Rex & Eric not saying boo to Victor as he raked Nicole over the coals. Obviously, Sarah is a fav of the headwriter, since she got to play heroine there.
Hector is in jail........the "accident" will probably cause the deaths of his fake fellow cartel member and Holly.........but am sure it was a set up.....which is why Ted was grinning and calling Rafe "stupid" in French. Bet the vehicle was either empty, or if there WAS someone inside, they were already dead.
Actually, it looks like perhaps the vehicle burns up.....Voila! No evidence. Tune in tomorrow!
I hate what they are doing to Nicole. Can't she ever have a happy story line? Happy can have drama too!! They have her lose 2 babies and now this!! Only assuming Holly will be presumed dead. Why?! Why?! Why?! I hate it. Victor was just awful today. Yeah pretty bad that Rex and Eric just stood there.

Good lord that was a long Gabi remembering her romp. Glad I had it recorded so I could fast forward!
Why didn't Eric speak up for Nicole, when Victor was being nasty? When Victor first married Maggie, he became a fairly nice person, now he's just plain hateful.
Could it be that associating with Kate again has pointed Victor toward his bad, old, nasty ways. That said, loud-mouth Sarah should shut up. Calling her mother's husband a "monster," "jerk," and a "fool" isn't going to help the situation. And who is the awful Sarah to call anyone a "fool?" She's the one who hit the sheets with Xander.

Nicole: She was also no slouch in the invective department today, calling Xander a "sadistic freak" and a "demented mercenary." Xander may be sadistic and a mercenary, but if he can get Sarah into the sack, he can't be a freak in the usual sense of the work, and he's hardly demented. There's always a method to his madness.

Brady: Chloe's wanna-be little helper was also dishing dirt today, calling Zero a "pig" and suggesting that Gabi's exit from the DiMansion was a "walk of shame." How could that be when most Salemites are utterly shameless?

Ted: He also joined in with the insults, calling Rafe an "idiot." He ought to look in the mirror. Anyone who signs on to a Xander plot is headed for perdition. The X-man always seems to emerge relatively unscathed, but in Salem there are no guarantees for flunkies (ask Sy, Fake Rafe, and the members of Yo-Daddy's so-called Phantom Army). In the end, it's surely Rafe who will have the last laugh where Ted is concerned.
I hate what they are doing to Nicole. Can't she ever have a happy story line? Happy can have drama too!! They have her lose 2 babies and now this!! Only assuming Holly will be presumed dead. Why?! Why?! Why?! I hate it. Victor was just awful today. Yeah pretty bad that Rex and Eric just stood there.

Good lord that was a long Gabi remembering her romp. Glad I had it recorded so I could fast forward!

Surely there could have been another way for Gabi to get her so called revenge on Stefan than to keep degrading herself like this.:angry: Disgusting.

And I actually was waiting on Marlena to ask Sarah was she STILL planning on marrying Rex.:whack:
Thanks, Poirot.

I think Ted called Rafe "idiot" because I think he and Xander realized Rafe
would follow Ted. Then Rafe would follow the car.

I'm going to assume Xander cleaned up the room so there's no evidence
he was there.

I noticed today Rafe is getting gray again.

Poor Nicole, Victor is blaming her for Holly's kidnapping.