Days of Our Lives - Mon. Nov. 11, 2013

I was barely paying attention and didn't even realize it was her until I read these posts. I remembered her from a bunch of 70's and 80's sitcom appearances and was surprised years later to find out she was Paris Hilton's aunt.
I know Days has had several people from reality TV shows.
I think NBC owns Bravo. Probably why the person was on yesterday.

It is interesting they didn't advertise she was on like others guests.
I've seen ads for that TV show and wonder a lot of things.
Thanks for the write-up. This episode was OK. It sure delivered drama. But it was also sickening what Kristen and Victor were saying. And yet, Brady and Maggie acted like complete idiots! I hated the Brady and Eric fight. So dumb. I do like Abigail today-the Tad scenes were cute, lol.
I am just now watching yesterday's episode and thought that the rep talking to Gabi was Kyle Richards! I don't watch the housewives shows, but she still resembles that little Alicia from Little House. I found this bit of info about her since Little House... I had no idea she was on ER, too, for a time! I remember that nurse, but I didn't recognize her then. It's always neat to see child actors grow up, and hopefully not in the news. :)
I never heard of her and I can't get past wondering why a girl would be named Kyle.

My recorder got turned off yesterday so I started watching on SoapNet at 9:00 last night. There was so much of this episode I simply couldn't bear to watch, so I recorded it and watched bits and pieces later.
Guess her family had the "K" thing going on long before the Kardashians since Kyle's sisters are Kathy (Paris Hitlon's mother) and Kim (who was in Escape to Witch Mountain and Hello Larry in the 70's).
I don't think the storyline is a flop. Sure, the content is deplorable and I hate it with a passion. But they have several layers going on with the fallout, from Kristen/Marlena to Kristen/Brady, to Eric/Marlena, to Eric/Nicole, to Marlena/Victor, to Victor/Brady and Victor/Maggie. And I feel like I'm forgetting a few...and I'm deliberately not mentioning EJ/Sami. Even though something like this should be a good eye-opener for Sami about where she ranks in EJ's life...below Dimera blood and/or name (as Kristen isn't blood-related to him). I say 'should be', but we all know it won't be. :(

But I HATE that Brady and Eric were brawling in the church. I hate that Brady reacts to Eric with violence. But I liked the symbolism of Eric ripping off his vestments and then throwing them at Marlena's feet. Very powerful.

I hate Kristen's spin of it. I was eating lunch while watching and lost my appetite in mid-meal because of her saying that she was trying to protect Eric out of love or whatever rot she said.