Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 19, 2018

I don't know if I would go as far as to say this was "the best episode in months" but I thought it was pretty good, and I gotta be honest for me the Abigail-Gabi scenes (nope still not giving up on her in case anyone's wondering) were the highlight *ducks for cover.*

Is it safe to come out? Good. I 'll just say that I thought those scenes were just some by old-fashioned good acting by both ladies. I especially liked how seamlessly Camila Banus (Gabi) transitioned from snark, buried pain and seething rage. Then Marci Miller (Abigail) struggling to keep it in check until the explosion at the end. Bravo ladies, bravo. I'm getting the impression this saga is finally starting to head towards the home stretch which is a good thing because metaphorically speaking this has been circling the airport for a while now and it's time to bring this baby in for a landing.

Abe and Sheila are a hoot. They are the perfect counterpoint for the doom, gloom and kaboom the show has been serving up lately. I don't know if it's actually going anywhere because I don't know how long Sheila is going to be around for. But I am perfectly happy to just sit back enjoy this ride for as last. But I have to say I find it curious that as time as Sheila spends at the police station she never runs into Hope. Are we supposed to forget that Sheila was first introduced as a hardened convict who harassed and threatened Hope when she was in prison? I'm fine with that if that's the case because I much prefer the version we have now. But as I said I do find it curious.
Glad you came out to play, Troy, been missing you. That said, why is Sheila even in the cop shop? The mayor's office is usually elsewhere, isn't it? Ooops, forgot, tis Salem, things are just not done sensibly there.
As to Hope, unless Sheila has cause to visit the interrogation room, she is highly unlikely to run into Hope. LOL