Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 21, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 21, 2019

In the square, Jack tells Jennifer that he went to the town council, resigned, they accepted it, also agreeing Abe was a good person to serve as mayor until they could have an election. Jen is happy, along comes Eve, who says she won't sign the divorce papers, Jack insists she will, gives them back to her, she throws them on the ground. He picks them up, she gets verbally nasty, next thing she & Jen are having a really horrible verbal catfight, yelling at each other at same time, until Jack intervenes, that is enough, drags Eve off.

Jen is really not disturbed, sees Hope watching, asks if she heard all that. Yes, cuz, she did. Hope seems distracted, keeps rubbing her neck, as Jen babbles about wishing she knew what Eve's problem was, why is she so vindictive. Jen isn't going to let it bother her, asks Hope if she saw Kayla. No, was I supposed to? Jen asks why she keeps touching her neck, Hope seems far off at times. Along comes Rolf, who mentions no longer having his lab at hospital, but was offered one at Titan. He leaves, Jen thinks he acts so weird. Hope decides she has to leave, Jen assumes to go see Kayla, Hope agrees, tho apparently doesn't mean it.

Meanwhile, Jack has told Eve she is going to sign the papers, she refuses, he threatens to tell police how she knew what Claire did, kept quiet, obstruction of justice. She says Jack knew as well, he will go down, too. He says he really did not know the what that Eve knew, but, so be it. He is willing to take the chance. Either she signs, or he goes with her in lockstep to the cop shop and turn themselves in.

Kristen is with Brady at hospital, where Brady wants a paternity test. Kayla does the swab, will rush down to lab. Oops, Kristen has a pain, all are concerned, it fades, but then happens again. Kayla decides on ultrasound, they see the baby, Brady smiling, Kayla cannot find heartbeat. All concerned, ahhh, there it is. Happiness all around.

Eric comes in, not happy to find Xander in the apartment. They have words, lies are made up, Nicole silent. Eric shags Xander out, wants to know what Xander wanted. Nicole does her usual silent stuff, then mentions him having the recording, Nashville, blah, blah. Eric knows it was important for her to be with Holly. He is glad they are honest with each other, how hard it was for him to tell her about him & Sarah, is glad he did. Nicole seems about to tell him the news again, but.......instead says how much she loves him, how hard it was to walk away from him back then. They kiss, head off to the bedroom.

Rolf comes to hospital looking for his flashdrive, Kayla says it was found, given to Jennifer. Hmmm, he just saw her, she said nothing.

Jennifer is on her laptop, flashdrive inserted. Access denied!!! She is puzzled, closes up.

Maggie is trying to talk Sarah into staying in Salem. Rolf arrives, looking for Xander, who promised him the lab at Titan. He leaves, Maggie & Sarah resume arguing, talking of the upcoming wedding, etc. Xander arrives, sticks his 2 cents in, Sarah's decision. Maggie says he is right, it is, leaves the room. But now Xander talks of constantly keeping Sarah's secret, covering for her. Asks to be her plus one at the wedding. She teases of him perhaps blackmailing her, but agrees it would be good to have a wingman.

Jack returns to the square, gives Jen the signed divorce papers. She is so happy, they can now be just them, they kiss.

Hope opens the door to some dreary room, looks like a storage area, there are a few dusty boxes around. She is carrying Stefano's portrait, covered with a cloth, sets it down. She looks around, finally settling on a certain wall, smiles. Next scene, the portrait it hung on the wall, (wonder where she got the hammer & nails? lol). She backs away, stares at the portrait.
I wish I was a Jen/Jack fan but they don't do anything for me together.

I am so tired of so many "no, Eric needs to know" and "I have to tell you something"s that go nowhere!!

I do hope the paternity test shows that Brady is not the father. Please let it be Rolf!! Of course Kristen will find out first so it will take forever for Brady to find out.

What is Hope up to? Is it going to make her more interesting?
Unemployed Jack: Now that Jack has quit his job as mayor will he now join Eric in the ranks of Salem's barely employed or will Jenny give him a well-paid, no-show job at the Spectator?

Frowning Eric: When is the sourpuss going to learn that his frowns and threats have no effect on Xander? The mighty X-Man has mixed it up with the Noodle, Victor, Kristen, Dr. Rolf, and other assorted tough customers. To him, Eric is just an annoying gnat.

Loser Eve: Eve should fact facts. Whether she fights or not she's still a loser, Essentially, she's a "fighting loser" just like the Salem U. football team, which "fights hard," but still loses to Ohio State 70-0.

Gadabout Rolf: He really does get around. One moment, he's at the K-Mansion, then he's in the Town Square, and finally he pops up at the hospital. Where will he appear next, Hope's new home away from home, the empty warehouse?

Beguiled Hope: What's with Hope and the Phoenix's portrait? When she crouched down to inspect it at the warehouse, I half expected her to fall to her knees and worship the image of Stefano.
Can a DNA or paternity test be done by a swab on a fetus???? Glad that Eve signed the papers - hopefully, she will realize SOON that there is no place for her in Salem.
While the swabs were taken on the inside cheeks of Brady & Kristen.......I honestly do not know how they can be matched to the 10 week fetus.
Invasive prenatal paternity testingEdit
It is possible to determine who the biological father of the fetus is while the woman is still pregnant through procedures called chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. Chorionic villus sampling retrieves placental tissue in either a transcervical or transabdominal manner. Amniocentesis retrieves amniotic fluid by inserting a needle through the pregnant mother's abdominal wall. These procedures are highly accurate because they are taking a sample directly from the fetus; however, there is a small risk for the woman to miscarry and lose the pregnancy as a result. Both CVS and Amnio require the pregnant woman to visit a genetic specialist known as a maternal fetal medicine specialist who will perform the procedure.

Non-invasive prenatal paternity testingEdit
Current advances in genetic testing have led to the ability to determine who the biological father is while the woman is still pregnant through a non-invasive method. There is a small amount of fetal DNA (cffDNA) present in the mother's blood during pregnancy. This allows for accurate fetal DNA paternity testing during pregnancy from a blood draw with no risk of miscarriage. Studies have shown that cffDNA can first be observed as early as 7 weeks gestation, and the amount of cffDNA increases as the pregnancy progresses.[5][6]

DNA profilingEdit
Thanks, @Poirot. I thought there had to be more than a swab! And they won't try the amnio because it is too risky. And even the non-invasive one requires a blood draw - not a swab!
We all know the show can sell us whatever it wants to. The Rex/Lucas switcheroo was impossible from a DNA testing standpoint, but they still tried to sell it.

I love Xander with Sarah.

Why is Eve still on? She has nothing to do but annoy people. Give her a friend or confidante. (I hear Jordan needs one.)
Thanks, Poirot.

Did Xander marry himself? Rolf called him Xander Cook Kiriakis. I thought
that was interesting since some in Salem call Xander by either last name.

Abe is mayor again in Salem. Will Eli get to keep his job as police commissioner
since he's going to be the mayor's son in law?

Nicole chickened out twice today to tell Eric about Sarah's baby. What will Eric
do when he finds out about it? And who will find the pregnancy test result
that's still (?) in the drawer?

Rolf knows Jen Jen has his flash drive. Will he do something to her? Will
Jack have to safe the day again?
Thanks for the summary. I don't want to watch Kristen and Brady going through the testing process. Even without the physical details, whatever emotions either of them may display is not something I want to see. Don't want to see Eve throwing a fit or Hope moping around or Nicole almost telling scowling Eric the secret. Once again, sounds like Xander is the main attraction.