Days of Our Lives - Mon. Oct. 7, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 7, 2013

Gabi sits with Nick, stumbling a bit with her words, but eventually explaining that while she enjoyed what they did, and has missed their life together, there is just too much going on right now, and well....they can be friends, that is all. Nick seems to accept this, she leaves, but he mutters to himself that they both need to get away from this town, and they will be happy. And he is going to make it happen.

Jennifer is in the park, questioning Bev & Rory, who have no idea where JJ went. They explain how is was looking thru newspaper archives, could not find what he wanted, was looking for something about his dad, then got a brainstorm and just took off. Jen gets a call from Adrienne, and takes off.

Dr, Dan is hurrying through the square, spots a bookstore display of Jack's book. He stops, looking at Jack's picture, says "I wish you were here. Your son needs you. Jen needs you". He hurries on.

Elsewhere in the park, Marge is accosting Sami, calling her a murderer. EJ, Sami & Marge go back & forth on this, Marge mentions Timmy being with her parents, so he won't see newspapers, hear things on TV, or have his little friends saying anything to him. She breaks down, Sami consoles her a bit. And next, Sami & EJ are back home, and before you can blink an eye, they are in afterglow in bed. They talk of their upcoming engagement party, EJ wants to skip it and spend the night in bed. She doesn't want to miss her party. No, she hasn't told her father yet, but will. Ej reminds her his father will be there, she knows, but his evilness will be countered by her brother, the priest. She thinks she is lucky, compared to Marge, who has lost so much. They go for round 2 or 3.

Theresa is eyeing Dr. Dan at the nurses' station. He tells a nurse about losing a bracelet (Theresa has it) thought he put it in his locker, but not there. The nurse will keep an eye out. Theresa brings papers for Dan to fill out, chatters about losing her job, Jen, JJ, not much, Dan is non-committal. He gets called to another room, the nurse thinks maybe something is going on between the surgeon and Theresa, who denies it, but offers to take the gal for coffee, and proceeds to insinuate that she and Dr. Dan just may be more than friends.

Kate comes to see Rafe, runs into Jordan, who says Rafe is resting, not as much therapy this a.m. mostly because of a couple of unsettling visitors, but she won't say who. Kate goes to Rafe's room, sits til he wakes up. He nicely tells her she should be tending her own business instead of being there, but she insists she is just supporting him. She pesters until he tells her his visitors were EJ, who wanted to needle him about marrying his ex, and then Marge Bernardi. Kate finally leaves, Jordan comes in, they chatter about therapy. She thinks that he needs some outside stimulus and so wants to get him out for a few excursions outside the hospital. Good news for Rafe, who wonders how much longer he has to stay there. She is having him moved to a rehab room (hey, there is another room in the hospital, glory be!) and with him pressing her as to when he can go home, she says 2 yrs. He is having a fit, til he sees her grin, and realizes she is just messing with him, laughs, vows for payback.

JJ is pressing Adrienne about what happened between his dad & Aunt Kayla. Adrienne is reluctant to say anything, but JJ is pretending to know. She only talks about how he carried the guilt with him always, it took his mom to help him through that. She really is very nice and kind, and when she mentions the Lawrence Alamain trial, JJ is pressing her, and she realizes he is only fishing. She starts to call Jen, and he runs out. She gets Jen, tells her JJ was there and to come over. Jen rushes over, Adrienne explains how JJ was trying to pump her, but she never told him exactly what occurred. Now Jen gets a call from a neighbor, who has seen JJ and his friends breaking into Jen's house.

At the house, JJ is looking thru drawers, I think for a key, and then opens the safe/drawer where he knows his mother keeps a file of the Lawrence Alamanin trial. He tells Rory & Bev that his mom & dad had told him they would tell him all about it when he got older. (Adrienne had started to say that during the trial, Jack had to get on the stand and admit......) JJ looks thru the papers, and evidently finds what he is looking for, yells at Rory & Bev to leave. He reads a bit.

Jen rushes in the house, calling JJ's name. No answer. She goes upstairs, comes back down, finds the file strewn all over the sofa. No, No, oh, no, as she picks it all up.

JJ has gone to the hospital to see Aunt Kayla. He comes into her office, tells her he knows what his dad did, but needs to hear it from her. Kayla is silent, JJ is insistent, tells her he read the file. She finally admits his dad assaulted her. JJ says, you mean he raped you. She says yes, Jack raped me, but she goes on to how she had hurt him terribly, and that was long ago, and his father was not the same man. JJ will not be consoled, he is yelling, Dan comes in. JJ rushes out. Kayla tells Dan that JJ is in a bad place, heard some very bad news, something that has really upset him. Dan says he will go after him.

In the square, an angry JJ comes along, Rory & Bev are waiting on a bench for him. He yells for them to leave him alone, go away, and continues on. He comes to the book shop, sees the display, stares at his father's picture. His anger builds higher, he grabs a metal chair and throws it through the window of the shop.
Thanks for the summary.I just switched the channel twice to Days and big mistake.Just in time to hear about Jack rape and see Ej and Sami's leg's and i couldn't change the channel fast enough.:sick: I think the title of this should be: Hypocrite writers. I mean seriously you have Jack's raping Kayla mentioned and in the VERY SAME episode a rape couple in BED!!!!!!:beat: Okay ranting done.Sigh.
Good grief, could Days possibly get writers who could develop a soap opera that is actually consistent on major issues? The dichotomy between showing realistic pain that Kayla suffered from being raped by Jack and the scenes with a rapist and his victim having consensual sex is totally sickening. So which is it, writers, is rape followed by a front and center (vomit-inducing) so-called "love" story between rapist/victim ok and supposed to be good entertainment, or is it wrong and hurtful as so beautifully portrayed by Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) with extensive fallout as portrayed by Casey Moss (JJ)?
Wildflower82 makes a very good point. The writers subject the viewers to yet another sickening "afterglow" moment involving clueless Sami and her rapist-lover, yet Jack's actions, which occurred farther in the past than EJ's, are depicted as an act causing lasting hurt and guilt. As for Tricky Nicky, hopefully he's learned a little more about how to manage a "getaway" since he fled Salem with Melanie, although the fact that he's "muttering" about it isn't a good sign. Finally, the Sami-EJ party is shaping up as one of the more bizarre events in the already strange history of Salem: the future bride once shot the groom, the future groom raped the bride, the future bride's son once shot the future groom, the father of the future groom has made a career of tormenting members of the bride's family, and a significant number of the possible guests were waving a gun under Stefano's nose the night of the Phoenix's fake murder. No wonder Elvis Junior wants to give it a pass.
Kayla is still torn up about what happened between her and Jack and you can see how she tried to put aside her torment for JJ's sake. I can appreciate that even if most times JJ doesn't deserve kindness.

I have a feeling Gabi will soon discover why Will was trying to warn her away from Nick. Blake Berris (Nick) does creepy love sick puppy so well but I wish for so much more for this character. He'd make a great leading man if given a story that was deserving of his talent.

As for the writers interspersing Sami/EJ cuddle scenes with Kayla revealing her rape - I have no comment. It's just not worth it. Marge Bernardi, may the force be with you with whatever you have planned for this duo.
Nick is definitely turning into Norman Bates ("Psycho"). The calmer he is, the creepier he is. He is completely delusional regarding Gabi. So many bad things can happen, I can't even speculate on this. And Rafe can't help her for the foreseeable future, more's the pity.

Along the lines of delusional, Marge is on the brink. I thought she was going to put a choke hold on Sami when she was comforting her. Knowing that Marge is so irrational, you'd think EJ and Sami would discuss hiring someone to always be around them when out in public, to be on the lookout for her. They are acting as if everything is fine and dandy. Who goes to bed, for whatever reason, with all that jewelry on? Sami had on a bracelet, a watch, items that can easily get caught on bedding. Unless Sami was timing EJ?:rotfl:

Theresa is just plain annoying, batting her eyes at Daniel while apologizing for being so aggressive in the past. This storyline needs to be taken out with the trash.

I think the playful banter between Jordan and Rafe is going to develop into something and cause Kate's claws to come out again. I like the idea of baby steps...taking Rafe out for short outings is a logical method to return him to life outside the hospital.

Nice to know it's so easy to break into Jennifer's house with what looked like a bank card. It's a shame that JJ had to find out about Jack and Kayla this way. I think JJ sees everything in black and white. Instead of understanding that Jack was not perfect, but flawed, like most of us, he is being judge/jury/executioner and ready to throw him away. I think it will only fan the flames when Daniel arrives on the scene. I know he is trying to help, but he should really stay out of it.
I didn’t watch but reading the recap talking about the golden couple isn’t worth a nanosecond of my time. None of the DiMera’s including Sami have ever paid for their crimes from egging a car to rape and murder, they just go on their merry way, but I’ll bet everything I have that Marge will end up in prison. But we are supposed to love this family and what they stand for, I know it’s a soap but I won’t compromise my beliefs, morals, or give ratings for a show that doesn’t respect viewers!

I think the playful banter between Jordan and Rafe is going to develop into something and cause Kate's claws to come out again. I like the idea of baby steps...taking Rafe out for short outings is a logical method to return him to life outside the hospital.


I can see this turning into something beautiful and a true love story if TPTB are willing to go there, but I have my doubts!
@lovin_safe, that's why I won't be so quick to get invested in Rafe/Jordan for fear of having it yanked from under me down the road. Some of their scenes have been very cute and you can definitely tell Rafe is starting to break through that wall she has up. Him needling her about calling him Mr. Hernandez and then promising her payback for the 2 years comment was a great change up from all business all the time Jordan.
I liked the buildup to the reveal for JJ. He was getting bits and pieces until he finally got a decent clue with the Lawrence Alamain trial. I think it's realistic for JJ to feel hurt and betrayed and lied to. He really did have idol worship of his dad, even overlooking the bad parts of Jack leaving so many times because he saw his dad as adventurous. JJ also wanted a kindred spirit in Jack, imagining that he felt the same way about being stuck in Salem that JJ does right now, of feeling stifled. Jack's rape of Kayla is not something that has any positive spin to it.

This storyline (the Jack/Kayla reveal specifically) has made me actually catch up on episodes and I even watched today's episode the same day it aired! It's consistency of character and storytelling, it's history of the show, it's finally moving the JJ plot to a real deeper level than just the Dan/Jenn merry-go-round.