Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 7, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 7, 2019

Replay of Kayla telling Gabi that Stefan is brain dead. Vivian in her Dr. Cramer disguise hears, is upset, leaves. Next Vivian is all dressed up, hat and all, coming to park area where Stefan was shot. She moans and groans, wails over why he did this. Along comes Eve (Earlier, we saw her packing her suitcase, intending to leave Salem behind her) Eve is pulling her suitcase, tho why she is in the park when intending to leave town is anyone's guess. She sees Viv wailing, stops to see if the woman is o.k. , Viv recognizes her, tells her the tale of woe. She berates Lani a lot, but praises her son trying to save her. They talk, go over it all, Eve talking of the pain of losing a child lessening over time, bringing up Paige. The pilot calls, either Viv gets there or he leaves. Eve suggests going with her, Viv thinks she should stay, get her revenge on Jennifer. If the cops were not ready to arrest her, that is what she would do to Lani. Finally, Viv leaves, first giving her little shopping bag to Eve, telling her to get rid of this for her. Eve looks inside, pulls out a credit card, drops it back in, and tells herself yes, that is what she will do, stay in town, and pay Jen back.

Kayla tries to explain to Gabi what happened, but Gabi won't listen. She is convinced Stefan will wake up, will be fine, he is breathing, etc. etc. Kayla tries to tell her no, he will not wake up, impossible, Gabi is enraged, tells her to get out, she is getting 2nd opinion, she did this, always hated Stefan, starts throwing things as Kayla leaves the room.

Jack tries to comfort a worried Jennifer, who has not heard from Hope or Eli, is worried about Julie, etc. He says he will call them, she says no, she will do do, asks him to go take a walk. She calls Hope, gets voice mail, figures it means Hope found Julie , let her know how all is going.

At Doug's place Hope & Eli want to take Julie to hospital, she is unconscious, tho they all think she is dead. Eli finds a pulse, they urge Doug to take Julie back to hospital. No, no, she did not want to die there, he promised her, he won't break that promise. Eli & Hope plead with him, finally Eli saying that Doug kept his promise, and now it is up to him & Hope, they are taking charge, it won't be on him. Doug finally agrees, Eli wheels Julie out, and all leave.

Lani is on phone with Abe, hangs up, is waiting. JJ arrives, she tells him all that happened, how Stefan appeared out of nowhere. JJ is sympathetic, not her fault, doing her job. (he has to be thinking of when he shot Theo, of course) Kayla comes along, tells them Stefan's condition, no hope, etc. Lani takes off, Jack & Jen arrive to tell JJ Hope & Eli found Doug & Julie, bringing her back to hospital. Kayla takes of for ER.

Lani goes to Stefan's room, tries to explain to Gabi how this all happened, accident, she is sorry. Gabi yells at her. She will never ever forgive her, chases her out, too.

Kayla has Julie back in her room, she has slipped into a coma. JJ tells Eli he doesn't know where Lani is, but she is hurting and needs you. Kayla informs everyone about Stefan being brain dead, and without saying so, the tiny glimmer of hope that perhaps Julie could get his heart.

Jack is trying to help Jen cope, gives her a bag he insists she open. She looks into it, becomes tearful as she pulls it out. Tis a small jade plant.......she says it is perfect. He says the phrase.....”contra mundum” (defying or opposing everyone else). She smiles, they embrace.

Doug sits alone with Julie, wanting her to squeeze his hand if she can hear him. He kisses her hand.

While Kayla is indicating that Stefan's heart might be available for Julie, Eli warns all that he was just there, Gabi is in no shape to be asked for it.

In Stefan's room, Gabi is talks of him planning their honeymoon, taking her any where she wanted to go. She knows he needs his rest, so rest now, my love. I will be right here when you wake up, and we begin to live the 1st day of the rest of our lives.
Personally I think it is appalling that Kayla would even talk to Julie's family about the possibility of the transplant without first checking with Gabi!! And seriously he's going to be a match too? Kate was a match and now I can only assume Stefan will be. What are the chances of that?!
One of the reasons Gabi refuses to believe Stefan is "gone" is because Kate was supposedly in the same situation, but woke up, is fine. She figures it will be the same with Stefan. Kayla says his brain went too long without oxygen, they "worked on him for 20 minutes", he lost so much blood! "

It does puzzle me that Kate was in an irreversible coma, could not breathe on her own. One little injection into her IV from! Now I don't remember them saying she was brain dead.........and in Stefan's case he can breathe, evidently, so Gabi is saying........but is now brain dead.

Did they really call in Med. expert to tell them they could do all this? (was in credits a couple weeks ago).
Who knows? Probably down the line, Gabi will find Stefan in some DiMera Franken-lab, recovering, and it'll turn out somehow Rolf saved him and managed to do a switcheroo and Julie will have received Dr. Shah's heart. :sarcasm:
Call Dr. Rolf: Instead of weeping over Zero and threatening lawsuits against Kayla and Lani, Gabi should be calling Xander to get Rolf's contact information. If the mad scientist can bring back the truly dead, the merely brain-dead Zero should be a slam dunk. (Rolf could probably revive King Tut even at this late date.)

Only in Salem: How can Vivian, a murder suspect, roam Salem at will, even taking time out for a cozy chat with Eve? Anywhere but Salem there would be an APB out on her and cops would be waiting right by the DiMera jet.

Silver lining: Ordinarily, Julie going into a coma would be bad news, but in Salem it's the sign of a certain happy ending. Comas are as frequent as the common cold in Salem, and those who slip into them are virtually guaranteed to recover with absolutely no after-effects. Just ask John Black.

Sue 'em: Gabi should forget suing Kayla and University Hospital. Based on the facts shown on screen, his case was hopeless from the moment he was shot in the throat. However, as I said in an earlier post, there's a good case against the City of Salem. Zero appeared to be directly in front of Lani when she fired meaning that she was arguably negligent when she shot Zero.

Shut up already: Whatever unfortunate attorney is tasked with defending the City of Salem in negligence lawsuits would have had a heart attack over Lani telling the enraged Gabi shat she's sorry, and trying to explain herself. If litigation is possible, Lani should be keeping her mouth firmly shut around potential plaintiff Gabi.
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Viv thinks she should stay
Wow, I didn't think Eve could sink any lower. Taking advice from this campy Vivian? What's next, love advice from Roman?
Comas are as frequent as the common cold in Salem, and those who slip into them are virtually guaranteed to recover with absolutely no after-effects. Just ask John Black.
That's how we know she'll recover. I don't recall Lexie getting a coma.

Marlena was brain dead.

How did Kate not lose brain blood when she literally was buried alive and had to dig herself out. Viv must be an awful shot.
Thanks, Poirot.

Dr Kayla needs to fire herself. She blabbed to Lani and JJ about Stefan being brain dead.
Then she told Hope, JJ, Jen and Jack that maybe Julie can have Stefan's heart.

Where, oh where, is Dr Rolf? He must have a magic serum to make the brain work again.

Why, oh why, did Eve have to see Vivian? Eve was going to leave town until Vivian said to
seek revenge. Will Eve wear the Vivian's hospital clothing for Halloween or for something else?

I realized today when Doug told Hope he and Julie discussed memories last week, it was on
Flashback Friday :)
He must have a magic serum to make the brain work again.
Of course he does! Any previously "dead" person he resurrected had to have had it. Vivian, Jack, Eeej. They all had to be brain dead.

I can't decide if I'll be happy if they explain why Stefan can't be saved or if I'll be genuinely insulted that they think we've got gnatlike attention spans.
So Stefan is brain dead and breathing on his own with a bloody dressing on his neck nowhere he was shot.....Julie is in a coma with a mask on AND the noise of a respirator.....

If police training is 2 hours of C.H.I.P.S then you'd think these writers could watch an hour or two of ANY medical TV show
Thanks for the summary!
I truly hated this whole episode - I can find nothing to say that is positive - so...

At Doug's place Hope & Eli want to take Julie to hospital, she is unconscious, tho they all think she is dead. Eli finds a pulse, they urge Doug to take Julie back to hospital. No, no, she did not want to die there, he promised her, he won't break that promise. Eli & Hope plead with him, finally Eli saying that Doug kept his promise, and now it is up to him & Hope, they are taking charge, it won't be on him. Doug finally agrees, Eli wheels Julie out, and all leave.
I must comment on this - my spouse and I have made our dying wishes clear AND I would be SOOOO very angry if my wishes were not granted. Lani and Hope had NO business interfering in Julie's wishes. I know - da plot, but ...:angry:
Part of me wishes Eve would drop dead so we could give her heart to anyone who needs it. She's not using it or her brain. When Vivian was telling her to scheme and get revenge, all I could think was every single thing that goes wrong in Eve's life has to do with a scheme or revenge. If she would just stop, she could have half the things she's lost.

Health privacy laws don't exist in Salem AT ALL! The amount of unethical and illegal information sharing is mind-blowing. I'm irritated enough with how Gabi's character is treated. They couldn't even do a test for compatibility (it's not just a blood type thing) without the family's permission. Literally, they went through this last week with Lucas, so how is it that they even know Stefan's compatible? I'm mad that they've killed Stefan. I was just getting used to him and getting invested in the storyline, then POOF, he's gone. And Gabi has every right to keep believing. Half of Salem has come back from the dead.